Case: City of Sandy Springs v. Holder

1:10-cv-01502 | U.S. District Court for the District of District of Columbia

Filed Date: Sept. 7, 2010

Closed Date: Oct. 26, 2020

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

This is a case about the City of Sandy Springs, Georgia seeking an exemption (“bail out”) from the special remedial provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (the “Act”).  In relevant part, the Act provided that governmental entities and their political subdivisions identified as employing devices infringing on the right to vote would be subject to special provisions requiring preclearance before implementing new voting-related laws or devices.  By virtue of being located in the State of Geor…

This is a case about the City of Sandy Springs, Georgia seeking an exemption (“bail out”) from the special remedial provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (the “Act”).  In relevant part, the Act provided that governmental entities and their political subdivisions identified as employing devices infringing on the right to vote would be subject to special provisions requiring preclearance before implementing new voting-related laws or devices.  By virtue of being located in the State of Georgia, Sandy Springs was subject to the preclearance requirements.

On September 7, 2010, Sandy Springs filed a complaint for declaratory relief against the Attorney General and the Assistant Attorney General, seeking a declaration that Sandy Springs was exempted from coverage pursuant to the “bailout” provision in Section 4(a) of the Act.  The bailout provision allowed identified governmental entities to exempt themselves from the preclearance requirements upon a showing that the conditions set forth under Section 4(a) of the Act had been fulfilled over the prior ten years. 

On September 22, 2010, after appointment of a three-judge court, the parties jointly moved for approval of a consent judgment and decree.  In the joint motion, the Parties explained that the Attorney General had determined that Sandy Springs met all of the requirements of Section 4(a), and that the Attorney General would consent to a declaratory judgment granting bailout to the City under Section 4(a).  The court entered the consent judgment and decree on October 26, 2010, exempting Sandy Springs from the preclearance requirements, but retaining jurisdiction over the matter for an additional ten years.

This case is closed.

Summary Authors

Corey Nevers (10/24/2023)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:


Huvelle, Ellen Segal (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Chalmers, Douglas Chalmers (District of Columbia)

Torchinsky, Jason B. (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Defendant

Ahmad, Ali Ijaz (District of Columbia)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Complaint for Declaratory Relief Under the Voting Rights Act

City Of Sandy Springs V. Holder, Et Al

Sept. 7, 2010

Sept. 7, 2010



Joint Motion for Entry of Consent Judgment and Decree

City Of Sandy Springs V. Holder, Et Al

Sept. 22, 2010

Sept. 22, 2010

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Consent Judgment and Decree

City Of Sandy Springs V. Holder, Et Al

Oct. 26, 2010

Oct. 26, 2010



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Dec. 21, 2024, 7:39 a.m.

Docket sheet not available via the Clearinghouse.

Case Details

State / Territory: District of Columbia

Case Type(s):

Election/Voting Rights

Key Dates

Filing Date: Sept. 7, 2010

Closing Date: Oct. 26, 2020

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Political Subdivision of the State of Georgia

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


Attorney General of the United States (District of Columbia), Federal

Assistant Attorney General of the United States (District of Columbia), Federal

Case Details

Causes of Action:

Voting Rights Act, section 5, 52 U.S.C. § 10304 (previously 42 U.S.C. § 1973c)

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Declaratory Judgment

Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree



Voter registration rules

Voting: Physical/Effective Access