Document: Joint Motion of Plaintiffs and Defendant CHA for an Order Approving an Agreement of the Parties Respecting Payment of Plaintiffs' Attorneys Fees; draft Agreed Order; Notice of Motion (Oct. 25, 2007)

Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois)

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Open PDF

State / Territory: Illinois

Document Type: Pleading / Motion / Brief

Docket Number(s):


ECF Number: 265

Party Type(s):



Source: BPI (Gautreaux plaintiffs' counsel)

Public Note:

This document is part of the Gautreaux archive; for the full archive click here

File name: 2007-10-25_JointMotionOfPlaintiffsAndDefendantCHAForAnOrderAp_66-cv-1459_DCt_(Tab_83_1)