

headshot of Margo Schlanger

Margo Schlanger

Clearinghouse Director; Wade H. and Dores M. McCree Collegiate Professor of Law

University of Michigan


A leading authority on injunctive civil rights litigation, Professor Schlanger is the Clearinghouse's founder and director. Much of her work examines how civil rights enforcement affects law enforcement institutions. She's also written about equal employment litigation and other civil rights topics. And she's published articles about the Clearinghouse's goals and approach. See The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse: Origins and Goals, KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies (2018); Using Court Records for Research, Teaching, and Policymaking: The Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, 75 U.M.K.C. L. Rev. 153 (2006) (Symposium: NARA Federal Civil Court Records: New Territory for Empirical, Historical, and Legal Research).


Tessa Bialek headshot

Tessa Bialek

Clearinghouse Managing Attorney

University of Michigan

Tessa Bialek joined the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse in August 2021. She comes to the Clearinghouse from the Juvenile Sentencing Project, in the Legal Clinic at Quinnipiac University School of Law, where she focused on litigation and legislative reform efforts to end long sentences for children. Previously, she served as the San Francisco Affirmative Litigation Fellow at Yale Law School, co-teaching a law school clinic that partners with the San Francisco City Attorney’s Office to conceive, develop, and litigate consumer protection and other public interest-focused lawsuits. Tessa holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a J.D. from Yale Law School. After law school, Tessa clerked for the Hon. Robert N. Chatigny on the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut and for the Hon. Susan L. Carney on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

Headshot of Jasmine Gump.

Jasmine Gump

Software Developer

University of Michigan

Jasmine Gump graduated from the University of Colorado in 2013 with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. Before joining the Clearinghouse, she worked at Cirrus Logic, Western Digital, and Zymo Research. Currently, she lives in Orange County, California with her husband and daughter, and she spends her free time as a serial crafter.

Advisory Committee

Headshot of Corene Kendrick.

Corene Kendrick

Deputy Director

ACLU National Prison Project


Corene Kendrick is the deputy director of the ACLU National Prison Project, where she directs class action litigation and policy advocacy on behalf of incarcerated people across the country. She also oversees and coordinates NPP’s docket of litigation against prisons and jails regarding the protection of incarcerated people from COVID-19. Prior to joining the ACLU, she was a staff attorney at the Prison Law Office in Berkeley, California, from 2011 to 2020, where she worked on multiple cases on behalf of people in prisons and jails in California and Arizona; and from 2005 to 2011 was a staff attorney at the Youth Law Center in San Francisco, where she engaged in policy advocacy, impact litigation, and public education on behalf of children in foster care and juvenile justice systems in jurisdictions across the country. Corene also was a Skadden Fellow at Children’s Rights in New York, where she worked on class action lawsuits to reform multiple state foster care systems. She has been on the board of directors of the Pacific Juvenile Defender Center since 2010.

Headshot of Marsha Levick.

Marsha Levick

Chief Legal Officer

Juvenile Law Center


Marsha Levick is an advocate for children’s and women’s rights and a nationally recognized expert in juvenile law. She is Chief Legal Officer and co-founder of the Juvenile Law Center and oversees the organization’s litigation and appellate docket. She has successfully litigated challenges to unlawful and harmful laws, policies and practices on behalf of children in both the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. She has written many scholarly articles on children and the law, and led the Juvenile Law Center’s work addressing the Luzerne County, Pennsylvania “kids for cash” judges’ scandal. Marsha co-authored the lead child advocates’ amicus briefs in key recent United States Supreme Court cases, including Roper v. Simmons; Graham v. Florida; J.D.B. v. North Carolina; and Miller v. Alabama. She also served as co-counsel in Montgomery v. Louisiana, in which the U.S. Supreme Court made retroactive its decision in Miller to end mandatory life sentences for juveniles convicted of homicide offenses.

Headshot of Alan Mills.

Alan Mills

Executive Director

Uptown People's Law Center


Alan Mills is the Executive Director of Uptown People’s Law Center (UPLC). Alan started volunteering at UPLC in 1979 while attending Northwestern University School of Law. He served as a staff attorney for two years, and became Legal Director in 1992. In 2014, Alan was appointed UPLC’s Executive Director. Under his leadership, UPLC has developed the largest docket in the state of Illinois of civil rights cases filed on behalf of Illinois prisoners. UPLC currently has five pending class action cases protecting Illinois prisoners’ civil rights. For over a decade, Alan has also been an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University's Pritzker School of Law, where he teaches a course on prisons and prisoner rights.

Headshot of Jamelia Morgan.

Jamelia Morgan

Professor of Law

Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law


Professor Jamelia Morgan, Professor of Law at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, is an award-winning and acclaimed scholar and teacher. Her work examines the development of disability as a legal category in American law, disability and policing, overcriminalization and the regulation of physical and social disorder, and the constitutional dimensions of the criminalization of status. Previously, she was a litigator at the Abolitionist Law Center, working to end the use of solitary confinement in Pennsylvania state prisons, and an Arthur Liman Fellow with the ACLU National Prison Project, where she focused on the impact of prisons on individuals with physical disabilities.

Headshot of David Muhammad.

David Muhammad

Executive Director

National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform


David Muhammad is the Executive Director of the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR) and is a leader in the fields of criminal justice, violence prevention, and youth development. His work includes providing training and consulting and helping develop reform plans for probation departments and youth justice systems. He was also the primary author of NICJR’s influential report, A Positive Youth Justice System. David has been a federal monitor in multiple matters, overseeing reforms related to juvenile justice and parole systems. Previously, David served as Chief Probation Officer of the Alameda County (California) Probation Department, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Probation in New York City, and Chief of Committed Services for Washington, DC’s Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services.

Headshot of Ronald D. Simpson-Bey.

Ronald D. Simpson-Bey

Executive Vice President



Ronald D. Simpson-Bey is a national leader in the movement to decarcerate America, currently working as Executive Vice President for JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA). He is also a 2015 Leading with Conviction (LwC) Fellow with JLUSA. Ronald is an LPI Trained Leadership Coach and is prominently featured in the book, Halfway Home: Race, Punishment, and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration, by Dr. Reuben Jonathan Miller. Ronald is also a contributing author to the book, Smart Decarceration: Achieving Criminal Justice Transformation in the 21st Century. Ronald serves as the Vice-Chair for the ABA Criminal Justice Section Victims Committee; he serves as a Special Advisor for the ABA Criminal Justice Section council; he serves as a board member for the National Legal Aid & Defender Association (NLADA); as a board member of the Michigan Center for Youth Justice (MCYJ); and as a steering team member of the Michigan Collaborative to End Mass Incarceration (MI-CEMI) and Nation Outside organizations. He is an engaged, thoughtful, and creative leader, founding many enrichment programs rooted in transformation, redemption, and self-accountability. Ronald attended Eastern Michigan University, Mott Community College, and Jackson Community College.

Headshot of Will Snowden.

William Snowden


Vera Institute of Justice, New Orleans


Will Snowden is the proud son of Billy Ray and Kay Snowden who were not only Milwaukee public school teachers, but also taught Will why speaking up and speaking out is important. Will plays the cello, really enjoys dancing but isn’t that good at it, and before his current work as the director of the Vera Institute of Justice in New Orleans, he was a New Orleans public defender for five years where he developed a passion and focus for all things related to jury service. Will started The Juror Project to increase diversity of jury panels and improve people’s perspective of jury duty.

Headshot of Homer Venters.

Homer Venters

Physician and Epidemiologist

Dr. Homer Venters is a physician and epidemiologist and a nationally recognized leader in health and human rights. He works as a court-appointed monitor of health care in prisons and serves as adjunct faculty at the NYU College of Global Public Health. He previously served as the Chief Medical Officer for the NYC Jail system. He is the author of Life and Death in Rikers Island.

Project Managers

2024 Clearinghouse Project Managers

Second- and third-year Michigan law students help manage the Clearinghouse. Pictured above (l to r) are: Micah Pollens-Dempsey, Stephanie Kim, Sarah Portwood, Avery Coombe, and Madilynn O'Hara.

Law Students

current and past (graduation year)

Deirdre Aaron (2010)

Michael Abrams (2019)

Sophia Acker (2025)

Nicci Adams (2007)

Dina Akhmetshina (2023)

Tina Al-Khersan (2022)

Nadji Allan (2017)

Sylvia Al-Mateen

Juliet Alpert

Molly Alpert (2012)

Josh Altman (2008)

Ashlyn Angell (2019)

Zach Antin (2024)

Lori Arakaki (2016)

Joshua Arocho (2014)

Kayla Arslanian (2014)

Julie Aust (2019)

Alanna Autler (2023)

Kavitha Babu (2025)

Emilee Baker (2008)

Anjali Baliga (2023)

Brillian Bao (2024)

Emma Bao (2015)

Rachel Barr (2018)

Hannah Basalone (2021)

Nora Baty (2022)

Alex Bean (2009)

Erica Becker (2021)

Anna Belkin (2020)

Sarah Bender (2023)

Stephanie Benjamini (2019)

Justin Benson (2012)

Brittany Berckes (2014)

Dani Bernstein (2021)

Ryan Berry (2017)

Anjali Biala (2014)

Andrew Bialek (2025)

Isobel Blakeway-Phillips

Nili Blanck (2018)

Marcy Blattner (2015)

Rebecca Bloch (2006)

Cade Boland (2020)

Christina Bonanni (2016)

Laura Boniface (2021)

Mary Book (2021)

Patrick Branson (2017)

Kat Brausch (2017)

Sharon Brett (2012)

Nicole Brigstock (2026)

Hope Brinn (2020)

Anna Brito (2021)

Jennifer Bronson (2013)

Taylor Brook (2020)

Megan Brown (2019)

Brendan Brown (2015)

Sophia Bucci (2024)

Madeline Buday (2023)

William Burns (2009)

Claire Butler (2024)

Isabel Bysiewicz

Isabel Bysiewicz

Nina Cahill (2020)

Elizabeth Campbell (2011)

Katie Campos (2008)

Mario Campos (2025)

Richard Cantoral (2024)

Robert Carnes (2020)

Rachel Carpman (2021)

Stella Cernak (2014)

Soojin Cha (2018)

Katie Chan (2020)

Erin Chapman (2015)

Nina Charap (2023)

Xin Chen (2011)

Jason Chester (2009)

Elizabeth Chilcoat (2008)

Stephanie Chin (2024)

David Cho (2017)

Susie Choi (2017)

Erica Christianson (2019)

Tiffany Chung (2022)

Cara Claflin (2025)

Benjamin Clark (2014)

Charles Clark (2025)

Eli Cohen (2016)

Alex Colbert-Taylor (2015)

Eric Cole (2017)

Lauren Cole (2022)

Elise Coletta (2021)

Avery Coombe (2026)

Kaitlin Corkran (2008)

Luise Cornelli (2023)

Kate Craddock (2018)

Michael Cronin (2023)

Edward Cullen (2021)

Lauren Cutson (2007)

Rachel Czwartacky (2021)

Casey D'Alesandro (2021)

Elizabeth Daligga (2013)

Nichollas Dawson (2020)

Kevin Decker (2022)

Abigail DeHart (2019)

Andrea De Jesus Colon (2027)

Kathryn DeLong (2017)

Andrew Del Vecchio (2024)

Daniele de Oliveira Nunes (2019)

Tania Morris Diaz (2017)

Alex DiLalla (2024)

Anna Dimon (2016)

Megan Dolan (2015)

Megan Donnelly (2023)

Alison Doyle (2018)

Brian Dressel (2017)

Sean Drohan (2023)

Kristin D'Souza (2018)

Sarah Du (2020)

Ashton Dubey (2022)

John Duffield (2022)

Dawn Dziuba (2009)

Louisa Eberle (2016)

Kelly Ehrenreich (2019)

Rebecca Eisenbrey (2015)

Rita Elfarissi (2024)

Misha Emanoil (2024)

Gail Engmann (2019)

Andrew Eslich (2025)

Katrina Fahey (2016)

Oliver Farnum

Matthew Feng (2023)

Katrina Fetsch (2018)

Victoria Fiengo (2020)

Ariana Fink (2013)

Rebecca Fisher (2023)

Jane Fisher (2022)

Rachel Fishman (2024)

Kate Fitzgerald (2015)

Nathaniel Flack (2021)

Julia Florey (2021)

Danica Fong

Wyatt Fore (2015)

Jonathan Forman (2015)

Bryce Freeman (2020)

Colton French

Dayna Frenkel (2010)

Tony Friedman (2009)

Sarah Fries (2016)

Daniel Fryer (2018)

Haruno Fukatsu

Evan Gamza (2022)

Sunita Ganesh (2025)

Lautaro Garcia Alonso

Stevin George (2017)

Nina Gerdes (2023)

Megan Giles (2019)

Alexandra Gilewicz (2020)

Nani Gilkerson (2013)

Nicholas Gillan (2023)

Nathan Gimpel (2013)

Olivia Gingold (2025)

Jennifer Gitter (2015)

Elizabeth Glassman (2008)

Emily Goldman (2013)

Zoe Goldstein (2022)

Herman Gonzalez (2026)

Lakshmi Gopal (2018)

Shira Gordon (2014)

Kimberly Goshey (2019)

Kenneth Gray (2015)

Hannah Greenhouse (2021)

Laura Greer (2027)

Elizabeth Greiter (2019)

Tucker Gribble

Amanda Grill (2017)

Eric Gripp (2023)

Ashley Grolig (2017)

Sally Gu (2018)

Aaron Gurley (2022)

Jacquelynn Gutierrez

Ashley Hamilton (2026)

David Hamstra (2015)

Gloria Han (2018)

Kaley Hanenkrat (2019)

Peter Harding (2022)

Victoria Harp (2020)

Rachel Harrington (2023)

Chandler Hart-McGonigle (2022)

Venesa Haska (2024)

Caitlin Hatakeyama (2021)

Ethan Haughie (2024)

Nicholas Hazen (2019)

John He (2018)

Jacob Hebda (2024)

Ben Hefter (2027)

Elizabeth Heise (2019)

Elizabeth Helpling (2020)

Elana Herbst (2025)

James Herr (2015)

Isabel Hershey (2025)

Megan Hess

Abigail Hester (2022)

Angela Heverling (2007)

Abe Hiatt (2014)

Allison Hight (2018)

Justin Hill (2022)

Emma Himes (2022)

Meg Hlousek (2020)

Cedar Hobbs (2022)

Dan Hofman (2017)

Reese Hoggans (2022)

Emma Holcomb (2021)

Frances Hollander (2017)

Matthew Holmquist (2027)

Elizabeth Homan (2014)

Taylor Hopkins (2024)

Samantha Houghton (2025)

Terry Howard (2024)

Caitlin Howitt (2013)

Amelia Huckins (2018)

Jonah Hudson-Erdman (2023)

Kathryn Hurley (2022)

Carlos Hurtado-Esteve (2025)

Asma Husain (2018)

Jennifer Huseby (2021)

Gabriela Hybel (2020)

Greg in den Berken (2015)

Lori Interlicchio (2018)

Laura Irei (2023)

Caroline James (2025)

Alex Jarecki (2026)

Eilidh Jenness (2023)

Stacey Jensen (2008)

Maxwell Jensen (2018)

Aanvi Jhaveri

Elizabeth Johnson (2021)

Johnathan Johnson (2026)

Christiana Johnson (2022)

Lionel Joiner (2008)

Richard Jolly (2014)

Mallory Jones (2016)

Anna Jones (2018)

Saeeda Joseph-Charles (2017)

John Juenemann (2022)

Hannah Juge (2024)

Rachel June-Graber (2018)

Andrew Junker (2015)

Nick Kabat (2016)

Jack Kanarek (2023)

Justin Kanter (2010)

Sarah Kanter (2011)

Karma Karira

Jordan Katz (2022)

Priyah Kaul (2015)

Blase Kearney (2011)

Eoghan Keenan (2007)

Ben Kelly (2007)

Emily Kempa (2021)

Brian Kempfer (2016)

Amanda Kenner (2019)

Jamie Kessler (2019)

Saba Khan (2023)

Renita Khanduja (2013)

Caitlin Kierum (2022)

Calvin Kim (2024)

Stephanie Kim (2025)

Jessica Kincaid (2016)

Samantha Kirby (2015)

Spencer Klein (2017)

Keethan Kleiner (2027)

MJ Koo (2019)

Nicole Kornblum (2016)

Rachel Kreager (2022)

Spoorthi Krishnaraj (2026)

Zhandos Kuderin (2016)

Sam Kulhanek (2020)

Michelle Kung (2025)

Koki Kurosaki (2023)

Beth Kurtz (2013)

Joanna Kuzdra (2018)

Christianna Kyriacou (2016)

Robert Lake (2015)

Claire Lally (2017)

Jerry Lan (2024)

Lia Landor (2023)

Michelle Landry (2024)

Connor Lang (2023)

Lauren Latterell Powell (2018)

Emma Lawton (2015)

Timothy Leake (2021)

Ginny Lee (2018)

Elizabeth Lee (2015)

Averyn Lee (2021)

Hyun Lee (2020)

Nina Leeds (2024)

Anna Lennon (2024)

Cianan Lesley (2020)

Alex Levin (2024)

Lauren Lewis

Elizabeth Lewis (2024)

Audrey Li (2026)

Erin Lichtenstein

Erica Lignell (2019)

Bogyung Lim (2023)

Lisa Limb (2019)

Courtney Liss (2021)

Emily Liu (2023)

Alice Liu (2014)

Keri Livingston (2009)

Hetali Lodaya (2019)

Kathleen Lok (2024)

Marisa London

Kevin Longhany (2022)

Dawn Lui (2018)

Chris MacColl (2016)

Tom Madison (2007)

John Maksymonko (2007)

Elena Malik (2020)

Rabeya Mallick (2024)

Salvatore Mancina (2019)

Daisy Manning (2009)

Sarah Marble (2022)

Greg Margolis (2017)

Thomas Mark (2007)

Michele Marxkors (2009)

Kady Matsuzaki (2023)

Will McCartney (2020)

Stacey McClurkin (2012)

Sarah McDonald (2020)

Tessa McEvoy (2023)

Maddie McFee (2022)

Lenneal McKudu (2026)

Lacie Melasi

David Mellem (2011)

Emma Mertens (2024)

Elena Meth (2023)

Grayson Metzger (2024)

Darren Miller (2014)

Chris Miller (2023)

Hank Minor (2023)

Michael Mirdamadi (2014)

Perry Miska (2014)

Maddie Mitzner

Ted Molina (2025)

Logan Moore (2026)

Ava Morgenstern (2018)

Edward Mroczkowski (2015)

Sean Mulloy (2020)

Connor Mulvena

Alaa Mustafa

Elayna Napoli (2022)

Ruby Napora

Andrew Nash (2008)

Jenn Nelson (2017)

Elisabeth Ng (2022)

Chiaki Nojiri (2019)

Kevin Nomura (2017)

Kyle O'Hara (2025)

Madilynn O'Hara (2026)

Chris Opila (2020)

Francis O'Rourke (2021)

Nina Orteza (2021)

Meredith Osborne (2016)

Dan Osher (2015)

Erin Pamukcu (2018)

Abhi Parekh (2023)

Dustin Parmley (2011)

Bansri Patel (2025)

Zofia Peach (2023)

Michael Perry (2010)

Robin Peterson (2024)

Ellen Peterson (2015)

Jordan Peterson (2010)

Joel Pettit (2008)

Andrew Pierce (2022)

Gordon Pignato (2025)

Gregory Pitt (2013)

Jeanette Pitts (2015)

Andrew Plague (2020)

Priyanka Podugu (2025)

Chris Pollack (2019)

Claire Pollard (2027)

Micah Pollens-Dempsey (2025)

Samuel Poortenga (2023)

Veronica Portillo Heap (2021)

Sarah Portwood (2025)

David Postel (2016)

Carter Powers Beggs (2022)

Sarah Precup (2017)

David Priddy (2013)

Achutha Raman (2024)

Matt Ramirez (2018)

Apurva Prem Rathee (2024)

Megan Raynor (2007)

Vidhya Reddy (2008)

Stephen Rees (2019)

Katherine Reineck (2017)

Joe Reiter (2013)

Brian Remlinger (2021)

Maria Ricaurte (2018)

Alec Richards (2022)

Megan Richardson (2015)

Chelsea Rinnig (2019)

Noel Ripberger (2017)

Becca Rogers (2022)

Jordan Rossen (2014)

Robert Routh (2012)

Hannah Rubashkin (2020)

Courtney Rygalski (2020)

Kristen Sagar (2007)

Yusuf Salloum (2016)

Ian Sander (2019)

Nathan Santoscoy (2021)

Seif-Eldeen Saqallah (2020)

Jessica Savoie (2017)

Lily Sawyer-Kaplan (2022)

Christopher Schad (2013)

Alyssa Schams (2025)

Justin Schenck (2011)

Matthew Schoenthal (2025)

Jordane Schooley (2024)

Jordan Schuler (2024)

Jesse Schupack (2021)

Mark Scoville (2013)

Laine Sennett (2019)

Deeva Shah (2017)

Afrore Shaipi (2025)

Rhea Sharma (2024)

Lila Shelley (2023)

Betsy Sheppard (2024)

Alaael-Deen Shilleh (2017)

Hannah Shilling (2023)

Timothy Shoffner (2013)

Mary Kate Sickel (2020)

Gabrielle Simeck (2023)

Julie Singer (2017)

Emma Siskin (2022)

David Smellie (2019)

Brittany Smith (2021)

Jordan Smith

Jillian Snyman

Theresa Spaulding (2007)

Andrew Steiger (2016)

Amanda Stephens (2021)

Rasheed Stewart (2019)

Matthew Stiles (2007)

Benjamin St. Pierre (2017)

Rebecca Strauss (2020)

Craig Streit (2018)

Jesse Stricklan (2015)

Chris Sullivan (2007)

Rebekah Henn Sullivan (2007)

Brendan Sullivan (2024)

Sandy Sulzer (2023)

Hannah Swanson (2015)

Kowa Takata (2015)

Simran Takhar (2024)

Andrea Taylor (2015)

Adam Teitelbaum (2012)

Micah Telegen (2019)

Brian Tengel (2015)

Kaoru Terauchi

David Terry (2007)

Neil Tiwari (2019)

Thomas Topping (2017)

Carlos Torres (2012)

Dan Toubman (2022)

Hafsa Tout (2022)

Natalie Treacy (2021)

AJ Tsang (2025)

Maddie Turk

Heather Turner (2014)

Laura Uberti (2008)

Meredith Ulle

Zoe Van Dyke (2023)

Christina Van Wagenen (2023)

Carolina Velarde (2019)

Greg Venker (2008)

Tony Verticchio (2008)

Olivia Vigiletti (2022)

Jason Vilaysanh (2020)

Esther Vinarov (2021)

Shankar Viswanathan (2010)

Steve Vnuk (2017)

Margaret Vogel (2020)

Renuka Wagh (2025)

Sherrie Waldrup (2007)

Kennon Wales (2023)

Carasusana Wall (2012)

Haley Waller (2012)

Alexander Walling (2019)

Mackenzie Walz (2020)

Muiz Wani (2024)

Nelius Wanjohi (2022)

Silke Watson (2015)

Sophia Weaver (2023)

Virginia Weeks (2019)

Aaron Weismann (2009)

Carolyn Weltman (2018)

Eric Wendorf (2020)

Nate West (2014)

Alex Wharton (2015)

Olivia Wheeling (2020)

Dan Whitman (2017)

Daria Wick

Tallulah Wick (2024)

Kevin Wilemon (2009)

Cody Wiles (2021)

Ian Williams (2018)

Carlyn Williams (2014)

Brent Winslow (2018)

Michelle Wolk (2024)

Esteban Woo Kee (2023)

Rebecca Wyss (2018)

Anna Yaldo (2020)

Takeshi Yamamoto (2023)

Keren Yi

Sowon Yoon (2025)

Maurice Youkanna (2016)

Lauren Yu (2023)

Lauren Yun (2025)

Kim Zhang (2015)

Kunyi Zhang (2011)

Sihang Zhang (2017)

Kat Zhao (2020)

Yin Zheng (2009)

Undergraduate Students

current and past (graduation year)

Sahar Adora (2014)

Matthew Aibel (2009)

Emily Baehl (2007)

Leila Bagenstos (2022)

Abraham Bingham (2025)

Jamil Birdling (2008)

Allie Blair (2018)

Felipe Bohnet-Gomez (2007)

Isabel Boyer (2021)

Shaun Broeker (2007)

Brandon Brown (2008)

Alexander Bryan (2008)

Adam Buehler (2006)

Vivian Carper

Michaela Castle (2025)

Jenna Chai (2013)

Miles Chan (2009)

Joseph Chatham (2015)

Carol Chen (2020)

Sarah Chung (2007)

Caitlyn Clarke (2010)

Brittany Coleman (2008)

Ruchita Coomar (2023)

Alison Curran (2008)

Lena Dreves (2019)

Alexjandria Edwards (2017)

Zayd Elkahlah (2019)

Daniel Elkus (2014)

Michael Fakhoury (2016)

Matt Fenn (2007)

Henry Fishkin (2016)

Matthew Fleischman (2007)

James Floyd (2009)

Erin Forman (2008)

Matt Freedman (2007)

Scott Friedman (2008)

Paulina Garcia

Rachna Goel (2008)

Katie Goodenberger (2008)

Ryan Goulet (2016)

Lara Griffith (2007)

Tanya Hammoud (2023)

Jennifer Hau (2008)

Mike Hughes (2005)

Yuna Hwang

Stephen Imm (2008)

Janani Iyengar (2010)

Brandon Janes (2007)

Chene Karega (2015)

Nour Kazbour (2022)

Noor Khan (2023)

Hyung Kim (2007)

Stacy Kim (2013)

Andrew Kline (2009)

Valentina Korkes (2012)

Nathaniel Koslof (2009)

Tamra Koza (2017)

Emily Kuznick (2009)

Maila Labadie (2007)

Remy Lapidus (2007)

Benjamin Leavitt (2024)

Kim Liao (2007)

Lilliana Lin (2014)

Nick Loyal (2007)

David Margulis (2017)

Amber Massey (2020)

Margaret Michalowski (2022)

David Miller (2011)

Lauren Miller (2007)

Daniel Milstein (2008)

Heidi Morris (2009)

Saveri Nandigama (2021)

Nichole Nguyen (2018)

Nick Niles (2007)

Chelsea Nolan (2007)

Julianne Nowicki (2010)

Eun Young Park (2018)

Kali Pehrson (2009)

Shadi Peterman (2008)

Brian Ponton (2007)

Ian Quinlan (2014)

Michelle Reed (2007)

Lauren Resig (2007)

Jibran Riaz (2008)

Joseph Riesterer (2020)

Sydney Riske (2024)

Julie Rosenfeld (2009)

Erika Ross (2014)

Mike Samarel (2006)

Dana Schwarz (2008)

Lauren Shepard (2017)

Kraig Sims (2021)

David Skillman (2007)

Cadigan Smith (2023)

Erin Smith (2007)

Jennifer Solomon (2008)

Garrett Stephens (2014)

Mary Claire Sullivan (2014)

Krista Swip (2008)

Gwen Tatara (2025)

Jonathan To (2007)

Colin White (2007)

Erica Woodruff (2009)

Grace Worwa (2022)

Jane Wu (2007)

Hyun Jeong Yang (2009)

Samantha Yassine (2014)

John Yim (2015)