Resource: Richardson v. Trump

By: The Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project

November 6, 2020

Plaintiffs are individuals in TX, PA, NY and WI who applied for absentee ballots but did not receive them in the mail. Therefore they were either unable to vote in primay elections or were forced to risk exposure to coronavirus to do so. The compliant spends a good deal of time discussing Trump's opposition to mail in voting and asserts that DeJoy was hired to destroy the possibility that USPS could handle mail in voting. Plaintiffs detail changes to USPS policies under DeJoy which lead to their claims and which they seek to enjoin. They seek an injunction requring USPS to 1) restore sorting machines 2) restore overtime pay (3) lift the USPS hiring freeze (4) allow late deliveries instead of letting mail go undelivered and (5) restore 23 employees to their jobs at USPS. The complaint asserts three causes of action. 1) violation of the 14th amendment by depriving plaintiffs of the right to vote and because of disparate treatment 2) a civil conspiracy by Trump and DeJoy to violate plaintiffs' constitutional right to vote and 3) a violation of the APA section 706 as USPS's actions are arbitrary and capricious.