This memorandum provides updated guidance for the management and processing of noncitizens who, without proper documents ("undocumented noncitizens"), present at land ports of entry (POEs) along our Southwest Border, including those who may be seeking humanitarian protection in the United States. This memorandum also rescinds and supersedes the November 27, 2019 memorandum from the fonner Commissioner, Prioritization-Based Queue Management; and CBP Office of Field Operations (OFO) April 27, 2018 and April 30, 2020 memoranda, Metering Guidance. Today, Secretary Mayorkas rescinded Secretary Nielsen's June 5, 2018 memorandum, Prioritization-Based Queue Management, upon my recommendation. Type(s):
Clearinghouse Links to External Resources
Institution: U.S. Customs and Border Patrol
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