ARREST of defendant Adel Daoud. (td, )
Sept. 14, 2012
Sept. 14, 2012
Sept. 14, 2012
Sept. 14, 2012
COMPLAINT signed by Honorable Arlander Keys as to defendant Adel Daoud. (td, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 15, 2012
Sept. 15, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Arlander Keys as to Adel Daoud: Initial appearance proceedings held. Defendant appears in response to arrest on 9/14/2012. The defendant is informed of his rights. Enter order appointing MiAngel Cody as counsel for defendant. Preliminary Examination and Detention hearing set for 9/17/2012 at 3:00 p.m. The defendant is ordered detained until further order of court. Mailed notice (td, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 15, 2012
Sept. 15, 2012
ORDER Appointing Counsel Signed by the Honorable Arlander Keys on 9/15/2012. (td, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 15, 2012
Sept. 15, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for defendant Adel Daoud by MiAngel C. Cody. (td, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 15, 2012
Sept. 15, 2012
FINANCIAL Affidavit filed by Adel Daoud (SEALED). (td, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 15, 2012
Sept. 15, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Arlander Keys as to Adel Daoud: Case called for Preliminary Examination and Detention hearing. MiAngel Cody is granted leave to withdraw her appearance as counsel for defendant and Thomas Durkin, Joshua G. Herman and Janis D. Roberts are granted leave to file their appearance as counsel for defendant. Pursuant to the request of defendant's counsel, Preliminary Examination and Detention hearing reset to 9/19/2012 at 3:00 p.m. The defendant is ordered detained until further order of court. Mailed notice (td, ) (Entered: 09/21/2012)
Sept. 17, 2012
Sept. 17, 2012
ATTORNEY Designation for USA of Bolling W Haxall (Haxall, Bolling) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 18, 2012
Sept. 18, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for USA byBarry Jonas (Jonas, Barry) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 18, 2012
Sept. 18, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for USA byWilliam Ridgway (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 18, 2012
Sept. 18, 2012
NOTICE of Intent To Use FISA Information by USA as to Adel Daoud (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 18, 2012
Sept. 18, 2012
PRETRIAL Bail Report as to Adel Daoud (SEALED) (ct, ) (Entered: 09/18/2012)
Sept. 18, 2012
Sept. 18, 2012
Judge update in case as to Adel Daoud. Judge Honorable Arlander Keys no longer assigned to case. (cft, )
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
add and terminate judges
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
case assigned
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for defendant Adel Daoud by Thomas Anthony Durkin (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 09/20/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for defendant Adel Daoud by Joshua G. Herman (Herman, Joshua) (Entered: 09/20/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
ATTORNEY Appearance for defendant Adel Daoud by Janis D. Roberts (Roberts, Janis) (Entered: 09/20/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER: Case as to Adel Daoud referred to Magistrate Judge Honorable Arlander Keys for bail/detention hearing(s). Mailed notice (td, ) (Entered: 09/20/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
Judge update in case as to Adel Daoud case assigned to the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman. Designated as Magistrate Judge the Honorable Arlander Keys. (td, )
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
INDICTMENT as to Adel Daoud (1) count(s) 1, 2. (td, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
DESIGNATION Sheet: FELONY (Category 3). (td, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Maria Valdez as to Adel Daoud: No bond set. Detained by Magistrate Judge. (td, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Arlander Keys as to Adel Daoud: Detention hearing held. The defendant is ordered detained for the reasons stated on the record. Mailed notice (td, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
Sept. 20, 2012
Sept. 20, 2012
NOTICE of Arraignment as to Adel Daoud before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 10/24/2012 at 10:30 AM in courtroom 1425. (td, ) (Entered: 09/24/2012)
Sept. 24, 2012
Sept. 24, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Arraignment set for 10/24/2012 is reset by the court to 10/11/2012 at 01:30 PM. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 09/25/2012)
Sept. 25, 2012
Sept. 25, 2012
MOTION by USAGovernment's Motion for Pretrial Conference Pursuant to the Classified Information Procedures Act and Memorandum of Law in Support Thereof as to Adel Daoud (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 10/10/2012)
Oct. 10, 2012
Oct. 10, 2012
MOTION by USAGovernment's Motion to Designate the Case Complex and Exclude Time Under the Speedy Trial Act as to Adel Daoud (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 10/10/2012)
Oct. 10, 2012
Oct. 10, 2012
RESPONSE by Adel Daoud regarding MOTION by USAGovernment's Motion to Designate the Case Complex and Exclude Time Under the Speedy Trial Act as to Adel Daoud 24 (Herman, Joshua) (Entered: 10/10/2012)
Oct. 10, 2012
Oct. 10, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud, Arraignment held. Defendant waives formal reading and enters plea of not guilty to counts 1 and 2 of the indictment. Government's motion for pretrial conference pursuant to CIPA 23 is granted. CIPA hearing set to 10/17/2012 at 10:30 a.m. Government's motion to designate the case complex and exclude time under the Speedy Trial Act 24 is granted. Time excluded to 10/17/2012 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(ii). Mailed notice (emd, ) (Entered: 10/15/2012)
Oct. 11, 2012
Oct. 11, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud, CIPA hearing held. Status hearing held and continued to 12/5/2012 at 10:00 a.m. Time excluded to 12/5/2012 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(ii). Mailed notice (emd, ) (Entered: 10/19/2012)
Oct. 17, 2012
Oct. 17, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud; Enter Protective Order. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 10/24/2012)
Oct. 19, 2012
Oct. 19, 2012
PROTECTIVE Order as to Adel Daoud Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 10/19/2012.Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 10/24/2012)
Oct. 19, 2012
Oct. 19, 2012
MOTION by USA to amend/correct as to Adel Daoud AGREED MOTION TO AMEND THE PROTECTIVE ORDER (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 11/16/2012)
Nov. 16, 2012
Nov. 16, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing set for 12/5/2012 is stricken and reset to 12/11/2012 at 09:45 AM. Time excluded to 12/11/2012 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/04/2012)
Dec. 4, 2012
Dec. 4, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); Government's agreed motion to amend protective order 30 is granted. Enter Agreed Amended Order. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/06/2012)
Dec. 6, 2012
Dec. 6, 2012
AGREED AMENDED ORDER as to Adel Daoud Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/6/2012.Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/06/2012)
Dec. 6, 2012
Dec. 6, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 12/11/2012. Status hearing set for 1/15/2013 at 09:45 AM. Time excluded to 1/15/2013 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/16/2012)
Dec. 11, 2012
Dec. 11, 2012
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 1/15/2013. Status hearing set for 2/15/2013 at 09:45 AM. Time excluded to 2/15/2013 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/16/2013)
Jan. 15, 2013
Jan. 15, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 2/15/2013. Status hearing set for 3/13/2013 at 09:45 AM. Time excluded to 3/13/2013 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 02/19/2013)
Feb. 15, 2013
Feb. 15, 2013
PETITION filed by Adel Daoud for Court Appointed Counsel (Unopposed) (Herman, Joshua) (Entered: 03/05/2013)
March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
NOTICE of Motion by Joshua G. Herman for presentment of before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 3/13/2013 at 09:45 AM. (Herman, Joshua) (Entered: 03/05/2013)
March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
Government's Ex Parte, In Camera Motion For Protective Order Pursuant to CIPA Section 4 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d)(1) by USA as to Adel Daoud (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 03/12/2013)
March 12, 2013
March 12, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 3/13/2013. Defendant's unopposed petition for court appointed counsel 37 is granted. The court appoints Thomas Durkin and Joshua Herman as counsel for defendant. Status hearing set for 4/17/2013 at 10:30 AM. Time excluded to 4/17/2013 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 03/18/2013)
March 13, 2013
March 13, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 4/17/2013. Status hearing set for 5/22/2013 at 10:00 AM. Time excluded to 5/22/2013 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(i). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 04/18/2013)
April 17, 2013
April 17, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 05/22/2013)
1 Exhibit A
View on PACER
2 Exhibit B
View on PACER
May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013
Brief by Adel Daoud regarding motion for miscellaneous relief 42 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Notice of FAA Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 05/22/2013)
1 Exhibit A
View on PACER
May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Status hearing held on 5/22/2013. Status hearing set for 8/27/2013 at 09:45 AM. Defendant's motion for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) to be filed by 5/22/2013. On said motion 42, response due by 6/12/2013. Reply due by 6/21/2013. Once fully briefed, the court will rule or set date for oral argument. Pretrial motions to be filed by 8/9/2013. Responses due by 8/20/2013. Replies due by 8/29/2013. On government's CIPA motion 39, response due by 6/12/2013. Reply due by 6/21/2013. If no response, the court will rule. Jury Trial set for 2/3/2014 at 10:00 AM. Additional dates to be set at the next hearing. Time excluded to 2/3/2014 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(I). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 05/24/2013)
May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013
MEMORANDUM by Adel Daoud in Opposition to miscellaneous other 39 Governments Ex Parte, In Camera Motion for Protective Order Pursuant to CIPA Section 4 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d)(1) (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 06/12/2013)
June 12, 2013
June 12, 2013
RESPONSE by USA as to Adel Daoud regarding MOTION by Adel Daoud for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 42 (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 06/12/2013)
June 12, 2013
June 12, 2013
REPLY by Adel Daoud to MOTION by Adel Daoud for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 42 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 06/21/2013)
1 Exhibit A
View on PACER
June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013
REPLY by USA to miscellaneous other 39, memorandum in opposition 45 Government's Reply in Support of Motion for a Protective Order Pursuant to CIPA Section 4 and Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d)(1) (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 06/21/2013)
June 21, 2013
June 21, 2013
SUR-REPLY by Plaintiff USA to motion for miscellaneous relief 42 (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 08/08/2013)
Aug. 8, 2013
Aug. 8, 2013
MOTION by USA for leave as to Adel Daoud to File Sur-Reply (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 08/08/2013)
Aug. 8, 2013
Aug. 8, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of FISA-Related Material and to Suppress the Fruits or Derivatives of Electronic Surveillance and Any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
Brief by Adel Daoud regarding motion for disclosure, 51 Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion for Disclosure of FISA-Related Material and to Suppress the Fruits or Derivatives of Electronic Surveillance and Any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for leave to file brief in excess of fifteen pages (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for discovery Regarding the Surveillance and Investigation of Defendant (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud to produce Rule 404(b) Material (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Any Written Santiago Proffer Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Expert Testimony Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud Motion For Early Return of Trial Subpoenas (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for extension of time Within Which to File Additional Pretrial Motions (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/09/2013)
Aug. 9, 2013
Aug. 9, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); Government's motion for leave to file sur-reply 50 is granted. Defendant's motion for leave to file brief in excess of 15 pages 53 is granted. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 08/15/2013)
Aug. 15, 2013
Aug. 15, 2013
ORDER as to Adel Daoud. (nf, ) (Entered: 08/16/2013)
Aug. 15, 2013
Aug. 15, 2013
MOTION by USA for extension of time as to Adel Daoud Government's Unopposed Motion for an Extension to Respond to Defendant's Pretrial Motions (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 08/20/2013)
Aug. 20, 2013
Aug. 20, 2013
RESPONSE by USA as to Adel Daoud regarding MOTION by Adel Daoud for extension of time Within Which to File Additional Pretrial Motions 59, MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Expert Testimony Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial 57, MOTION by Adel Daoud to produce Rule 404(b) Material 55, MOTION by Adel Daoud for discovery Regarding the Surveillance and Investigation of Defendant 54, MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Any Written Santiago Proffer Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial 56, MOTION by Adel Daoud Motion For Early Return of Trial Subpoenas 58 (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 08/26/2013)
Aug. 26, 2013
Aug. 26, 2013
ORDER as to Adel Daoud: Status hearing held. Defendant's unopposed Motion for leave to file a brief in excess of 15 pages in support of the motion for disclosure of FISA-related material 53 was previously granted. Government's motion for leave to file a sur-reply to defendant's motion for notice of FISA Amendments Act evidence pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 50 was previously granted. Government's unopposed motion for extension of time to respond to defendant's pretrial motions 62 is granted. The Government's response to defendant's motion for disclosure of FISA-related material to suppress the fruits or derivatives of electronic surveillance and any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering 51 is due 10/26/2013 and defendant's reply is due 11/25/2013. Government filed responses to defendant's motions [ 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 ] on 8/26/2013. Defendant's replies in support of motions [ 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 ] are due 9/6/2013. Defendant's motion for an extension of time to file additional pretrial motions 59 is granted with no objection. This Court reserves setting a final date until the pending motions are resolved. With respect to the government's CIPA 4 Motion 39, defendant is to submit an ex parte position statement for the Court to consider in conjunction with the government's motion by 9/26/2013. The Court will then take the matter under advisement. Defendant's motion for notice of FISA Amendments Act (FAA) evidence pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 42 is denied based on the representations made in the government's sur-reply 49 . The trial is tentatively reset for 2/3/2014 to 4/7/2014 however the parties are to telephone Chambers to confirm the date. Time is excluded to 4/1/2014 pursuant to 18:3161(h)(7)(B)(I). Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 8/27/2013. Mailed notice (ph, ) (Entered: 08/28/2013)
Aug. 27, 2013
Aug. 27, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud Motion to Vacate The Denial of His Motion for Notice of FISA Amendments Act (FAA) Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§1881e(a), 1806(c); and For Leave to File a Response to the Governments Sur-Reply to Defendants Motion for Notice of FAA Evidence (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B-1, # 3 Exhibit B-2)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/29/2013)
Aug. 29, 2013
Aug. 29, 2013
NOTICE of Motion by Thomas Anthony Durkin for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief, 65 before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 9/5/2013 at 09:30 AM. (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 08/29/2013)
Aug. 29, 2013
Aug. 29, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); On 8/29/2013, Defendant Adel Daoud filed a motion to vacate this Court's denial of his motion for Notice under the FISA Amendments Act 65 . At the hearing on 8/27/2013, the parties presented eight motions, discussed briefing schedules and additional discovery, and rescheduled the trial date. During discussion on the motion for FAA Notice, the defendant responded to the Court's query that he was not seeking to respond to the government's written statement that it does not intend to use FAA obtained or derived evidence. Upon review of the the discussion of this particular issue, the Court understood defendant to agree that further argument on the motion for FAA Notice was not necessary based on the Government's unequivocal statement that it does not intend to use evidence obtained or derived from surveillance conducted under the FAA and if its position changes it would provide the Notice required by the statute. However, this Court finds no prejudice in allowing further examination of this issue. As stated at the hearing, this Court will give serious consideration to all submissions on contested motions. Defendant's motion to vacate the denial of his motion for Notice under the FAA 65 is granted. The Court is available to hear the parties further on this issue or if more scheduling is required, on 9/5/2013 or by agreement of the parties upon consultation with the court deputy. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 09/01/2013)
Sept. 1, 2013
Sept. 1, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); Jury Trial set for 2/3/2014 is stricken and reset to 4/7/2014 at 10:00 AM. by agreement of the parties. Time excluded to 4/7/2014 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(I). Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 09/04/2013)
Sept. 4, 2013
Sept. 4, 2013
REPLY by Adel Daoud to MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Expert Testimony Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial 57, MOTION by Adel Daoud to produce Rule 404(b) Material 55, MOTION by Adel Daoud for discovery Regarding the Surveillance and Investigation of Defendant 54, MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of Any Written Santiago Proffer Sixty (60) Days Prior to Trial 56 (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 09/06/2013)
Sept. 6, 2013
Sept. 6, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for discovery in Support of Defendants Previously Filed Motion for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) (Dkt. #42) (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 09/18/2013)
1 Exhibit A
View on PACER
2 Exhibit B
View on PACER
Sept. 18, 2013
Sept. 18, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for extension of time to File His Ex Parte Position Paper with Regard to the Governments CIPA §4 Motion (Unopposed) (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 09/25/2013)
Sept. 25, 2013
Sept. 25, 2013
MOTION by USA for leave to file brief in excess of fifteen pages as to Adel Daoud (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 10/25/2013)
Oct. 25, 2013
Oct. 25, 2013
RESPONSE by USA as to Adel Daoud regarding MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of FISA-Related Material and to Suppress the Fruits or Derivatives of Electronic Surveillance and Any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering 51 (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Attorney General's Claim of Privilege)(Ridgway, William) (Entered: 10/25/2013)
1 Declaration Attorney General's Claim of Privilege
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Oct. 25, 2013
Oct. 25, 2013
REPLY by Adel Daoud to MOTION by Adel Daoud for disclosure of FISA-Related Material and to Suppress the Fruits or Derivatives of Electronic Surveillance and Any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering 51 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 11/25/2013)
Nov. 25, 2013
Nov. 25, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud for leave to file brief in excess of fifteen pages Unopposed (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 11/25/2013)
Nov. 25, 2013
Nov. 25, 2013
NOTICE of Motion by Thomas Anthony Durkin for presentment of motion for leave to file excess pages 75 before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/4/2013 at 09:45 AM. (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 11/25/2013)
Nov. 25, 2013
Nov. 25, 2013
SEALED EXHIBIT by Adel Daoud (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 11/26/2013)
Nov. 26, 2013
Nov. 26, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); Defendant's unopposed motion for leave to file brief in excess of 15 pages 75 is granted. No appearance required on 12/4/2013. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 11/26/2013)
Nov. 26, 2013
Nov. 26, 2013
MOTION by Adel Daoud to Reassign Case No. 13-cr-703 as Related to This Case (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 12/08/2013)
1 Exhibit A
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2 Exhibit B
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3 Exhibit C
View on PACER
Dec. 8, 2013
Dec. 8, 2013
NOTICE of Motion by Thomas Anthony Durkin for presentment of motion for miscellaneous relief 79 before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/11/2013 at 09:45 AM. (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 12/08/2013)
Dec. 8, 2013
Dec. 8, 2013
ORAL MOTION by Adel Daoud for interim payments. (ym, )
Dec. 11, 2013
Dec. 11, 2013
motion for miscellaneous relief
Dec. 11, 2013
Dec. 11, 2013
ORDER as to Adel Daoud: Status hearing held on 12/11/2013. Defendant's request for a psychiatric examination is granted. Enter Order under seal. Defendant's motion to reassign Case No. 13 CR 703 as related to this case 79 is granted. Oral argument set for 1/3/2014 at 01:30 PM. on defendant's motions for disclosure of FISA 51, for discovery Regarding the Surveillance and Investigation of Defendant 54 and for discovery in Support of Defendants Previously Filed Motion for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1881e(a), 1806(c) 70 . Defendant's oral motion for interim payments is granted. Time continues to be excluded to 4/7/2014 pursuant to 18:3161 (h)(7)(B)(I). Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/11/2013. (ym, ) (Entered: 12/16/2013)
Dec. 11, 2013
Dec. 11, 2013
ORDER as to Adel Daoud Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/11/2013(SEALED). (ym, ) (Entered: 12/16/2013)
Dec. 11, 2013
Dec. 11, 2013
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); Defendant's motion to produce 55 is denied, motion for disclosure 56 is denied, motion for disclosure 57 is granted, and motion for early return of trial subpoenas 58 is granted. Enter Order. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/20/2013)
Dec. 20, 2013
Dec. 20, 2013
ORDER as to Adel Daoud Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 12/20/2013.Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 12/20/2013)
Dec. 20, 2013
Dec. 20, 2013
Submission of Additional Authority by Adel Daoud for Purposes of Oral Argument (Attachments: # 1 Supplement Additional Authority)(Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 01/03/2014)
Jan. 3, 2014
Jan. 3, 2014
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud(#43222424); In court hearing held on 1/3/2014. Defendant's motions for disclosure of FISA-Related Material and to Suppress the Fruits or Derivatives of Electronic Surveillance and Any Other Means of Collection Conducted Pursuant to FISA or Other Foreign Intelligence Gathering 51, for discovery Regarding the Surveillance and Investigation of Defendant 54, and for discovery in Support of Defendants Previously Filed Motion for Notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 70 are taken under advisement. On Government's CIPA motion, Defendant's response due by 1/31/2014. Status hearing set for 2/6/2014 at 09:45 AM. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/03/2014)
Jan. 3, 2014
Jan. 3, 2014
as to Adel Daoud (1); On 1/3/2014 this Court heard oral argument on defendant Adel Daoud's motion for additional discovery regarding the government's surveillance and investigation of defendant 54 . This Court denies the motion without prejudice and notwithstanding the government's ongoing duty to supplement discovery disclosures as dictated by the Federal Rules of Evidence, the Jencks Act, Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), and Giglio v. United States, 405 U.S. 150 (1972). This Court also heard oral argument on defendant's motion for discovery in support of defendant's previously filed motion for notice of FISA Amendments Act Evidence ("FAA") pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §§ 1881e(a), 1806(c) 70 . The defendant having failed to provide any basis for issuing such an Order, the Court denies the motion without prejudice. Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 1/17/2014.Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/17/2014)
Jan. 17, 2014
Jan. 17, 2014
MOTION by Adel Daoud for extension of time to File His Ex Parte Position Paper with Regard to the Governments CIPA §4 Motion (UNOPPOSED) (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 01/27/2014)
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
NOTICE of Motion by Thomas Anthony Durkin for presentment of motion for extension of time 88 before Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 1/30/2014 at 08:45 AM. (Durkin, Thomas) (Entered: 01/27/2014)
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); Defendant's unopposed motion for extension of time to file his ex parte position paper with regard to the government's Classified Information Procedures Act ("CIPA") §4 Motion 88 is granted. No appearance required on 1/30/2014. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/28/2014)
Jan. 28, 2014
Jan. 28, 2014
MINUTE entry before the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman: as to Adel Daoud (1); For the reasons discussed below, defendant's motion for disclosure of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 ("FISA") related material and to suppress the fruits or derivatives of electronic surveillance and any other means of collection conducted pursuant to FISA or other foreign intelligence gathering 51 is granted in part and denied in part. Counsel for Daoud must present to the Court documentation of current valid security clearances at or before the next status hearing on February 6, 2014. Enter Memorandum Opinion and Order. Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/29/2014)
Jan. 29, 2014
Jan. 29, 2014
as to Adel Daoud; MEMORANDUM Opinion and Order Signed by the Honorable Sharon Johnson Coleman on 1/29/2014.Mailed notice (rth, ) (Entered: 01/29/2014)
Jan. 29, 2014
Jan. 29, 2014
MOTION by USA to stay as to Adel Daoud the Court's Order [Doc. #92] (Ridgway, William) (Entered: 02/05/2014)
Feb. 5, 2014
Feb. 5, 2014