Case: M.S.P.C. v. Johnson

1:14-cv-01437 | U.S. District Court for the District of District of Columbia

Filed Date: Aug. 22, 2014

Closed Date: 2015

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On August 22, 2014, mothers and children from El Salvador and Honduras, who were held in a detention center in Artesia, New Mexico, filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The plaintiffs brought their suit under the Immigration and Nationality Act and the United Nations Conventio…

On August 22, 2014, mothers and children from El Salvador and Honduras, who were held in a detention center in Artesia, New Mexico, filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The plaintiffs brought their suit under the Immigration and Nationality Act and the United Nations Convention Against Torture (CAT), implemented in the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998 (FARRA). The Plaintiffs allege that their rights to seek asylum and related relief, and to a fair hearing to present their claims, have been violated.

Specifically, plaintiffs allege that they have been subjected to a process in which they are provided virtually no notice of when critical proceedings are scheduled to occur; asylum officers and immigration judges rush them to answer questions regarding the violence, death threats, and sexual abuse they fear - all while their children are listening; their children are ordered removed without being individually screened to determine whether they have a separate basis for fearing persecution; and their claims are denied for failing to properly respond to questions about their asylum claims phrased in complicated legal terminology.

The plaintiffs, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Immigration Project and National Immigration Law Center, asked the court for: a declaratory judgment; a corrective action plan to be approved by the court; attorneys' fees; the return of deportees; and an injunctive order for the opportunity for plaintiffs to be given the opportunity to apply for asylum, withholding of removal, and CAT relief before any removal order is executed, including a new credible fear interview. They also requested, if relevant, a new immigration judge credible fear review hearing, with a reasonable amount of advance time to obtain and meet with counsel and prepare for each, as well as notice to Plaintiffs and their retained counsel as to the time of each such interview and/or hearing.

On January 30, 2015, Plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed all of their claims without prejudice. In their notice, Plaintiffs indicated that, as a result of the filing of the lawsuit, DHS had taken steps to remedy the failures at the Artesia facility. Furthermore, the individual Plaintiffs were able to secure representation from volunteer attorneys. In each Plaintiff's immigration case, the federal government revisited the negative decisions, vacated the expedited removal orders, and placed each Plaintiff in regular immigration proceedings. One Plaintiff had already secured asylum for herself and her children. The notice also stated that, on December 18, 2014, the federal government closed the Artesia detention facility.

Summary Authors

Tania Morris Diaz (10/23/2014)

Dan Whitman (2/22/2015)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff

Adams, Russell W. (District of Columbia)

Adelman, Roger M. (District of Columbia)

Ambinder, Lloyd Robert (District of Columbia)

Amunson, Jessica Ring (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Defendant

Adebonojo, Kenneth A. (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Adams, Russell W. (District of Columbia)

Adelman, Roger M. (District of Columbia)

Ambinder, Lloyd Robert (District of Columbia)

Amunson, Jessica Ring (District of Columbia)

Apfel, Carrie F (District of Columbia)

Apfel, Matthew S. (District of Columbia)

Bailey, Kenneth Camp (District of Columbia)

BARRETT, PATRICK (District of Columbia)

Barthelette, Gregory R. (District of Columbia)

Barton, Robert Joseph (District of Columbia)

Bell, David E. (District of Columbia)

Berman, Steve W. (District of Columbia)

Bernstein, Jules (District of Columbia)

Berry, Robert Stephen (District of Columbia)

Black, Charles Allen (District of Columbia)

Bond, Ferris Ridgely (District of Columbia)

Bonin, Adam C. (District of Columbia)

Borden, Bennett B. (District of Columbia)

Bowman, Theresa Brownell (District of Columbia)

BRADICK, NICOLE L. (District of Columbia)

Branch, David A. (District of Columbia)

Braun, Robert Abraham (District of Columbia)

Bravin, Mark Neil (District of Columbia)

BRODERICK, R. GEOFFREY (District of Columbia)

Brody, Michael T. (District of Columbia)

Bruskin, Robert Mark (District of Columbia)

Buchanan, Avis E. (District of Columbia)

Burbridge, Richard D. (District of Columbia)

CABRASER, ELIZABETH J. (District of Columbia)

Cambs, Peter J. (District of Columbia)

Carroll, Kelly A. (District of Columbia)

Celestin, Jenny (District of Columbia)

Cheek, Marney L. (District of Columbia)

Chew, Benjamin G. (District of Columbia)

Circelli, Vincent Paul (District of Columbia)

Claiborne, William Charles (District of Columbia)

Clarke, Kay M. (District of Columbia)

Cohen, Daniel Eric (District of Columbia)

Coleman, Llezlie Green (District of Columbia)

Collingsworth, Terry (District of Columbia)

Collingsworth, Terrence P. (District of Columbia)

Cook, David J. (District of Columbia)

CORBITT, CRAIG C. (District of Columbia)

COVINGTON, TROY R (District of Columbia)

Cowan, Robert W. (District of Columbia)

CRAWFORD, BRYAN L. (District of Columbia)

Creighton, Emily J. (District of Columbia)

Cross, Othello C. (District of Columbia)

Crow, Melissa E. (District of Columbia)

Cunningham, Lynn E. (District of Columbia)

Dalmat, Darin Matthew (District of Columbia)

Day, Charles Williamson (District of Columbia)

DeLange, Timothy Alan (District of Columbia)

Deso, Robert Edward (District of Columbia)

Desormeau, Katherine (District of Columbia)

Dessel, Lisa J. (District of Columbia)

Dickens, David J. (District of Columbia)

Dovalina, Jesus M. (District of Columbia)

Dowden, William Coleman (District of Columbia)

Drennan, Joseph Peter (District of Columbia)

Dugan, James R. (District of Columbia)

Dunlap, Thomas Mansfield (District of Columbia)

Dunn, Alvin Bertram (District of Columbia)

Egler, Thomas Edward (District of Columbia)

Emison, Brett A. (District of Columbia)

England-Albright, April (District of Columbia)

Espinet, Danielle M. (District of Columbia)

Espy, Alphonso Michael (District of Columbia)

ESQ., DAVID WOODWARD (District of Columbia)

ESQ., MATTHEW W. (District of Columbia)

ESQ., JENNIFER FOUNTAIN (District of Columbia)

Fallow, Katherine Amy (District of Columbia)

Fay, Caragh Glenn (District of Columbia)

Fay, Thomas Fortune (District of Columbia)

Feeney, Robert Peter (District of Columbia)

Fegan, Elizabeth A. (District of Columbia)

Fennell, Stephen A. (District of Columbia)

Fex, Cecilia Carina (District of Columbia)

Fierst, David U. (District of Columbia)

Fisher, Michele R (District of Columbia)

Fitch, Elaine Lynette (District of Columbia)

Fleming, Timothy B. (District of Columbia)

FONTAINE, DONALD F. (District of Columbia)

Fraas, Phillip L. (District of Columbia)

Francis, Gregorio (District of Columbia)

FRANK, ROBERT S. (District of Columbia)

Frantz, David Joseph (District of Columbia)

Frazier, Jeff L. (District of Columbia)

Friedman, Andrew N. (District of Columbia)

Frohman, Charles G (District of Columbia)

Fuentes, Gabriel A. (Illinois)

Garon, Lenore Cooper (District of Columbia)

Gaskill, Daniel W. (District of Columbia)

Gebhardt, Joseph D. (District of Columbia)

Gelernt, Lee (New York)

Gilman, Nicholas (District of Columbia)

Girardi, Thomas V. (District of Columbia)

Goel, Ankur Jayant (District of Columbia)

Goldstein, Jayne Arnold (District of Columbia)

Gonzalez, Joseph D. (District of Columbia)

Groen, John Maurice (District of Columbia)

Grossman, Joanne Barbara (District of Columbia)

Guest, Richard A. (District of Columbia)

Gustafson, Adam R.F. (District of Columbia)

Hafemann, John (District of Columbia)

Hager, Eric J. (District of Columbia)

Hall, Benjamin L. (District of Columbia)

Hanania, Maher Hanna (District of Columbia)

Handley, Matthew K. (District of Columbia)

Handmaker, Sally M. (District of Columbia)

Harding, Ryan K. (District of Columbia)

Harper, Keith M. (District of Columbia)

HARRIS, DANIEL B. (District of Columbia)

HARVEY, CHARLES (District of Columbia)

Hearne, Mark Fernlund (District of Columbia)

Heideman, Richard D. (District of Columbia)

HEINS, SAMUEL D. (District of Columbia)

Hill, Brian Andrew (District of Columbia)

Hilliard, Robert (District of Columbia)

Hirsch, Sam (District of Columbia)

Holloway, James P. (District of Columbia)

Holmes, W. Clifton (District of Columbia)

Howell, Richard L. (District of Columbia)

Huerta, Alvaro M. (California)

Hwang, Alice C. (District of Columbia)

Jacob, John Robert (District of Columbia)

Jacob, Gregory Frederick (District of Columbia)

James, Juliene (District of Columbia)

James, Edgar N. (District of Columbia)

Jenkins, Floyd R. (District of Columbia)

Johnson, Oliver Thomas (District of Columbia)

Johnson, Nathaniel D. (District of Columbia)

JR., SAMUEL W. (District of Columbia)

JR., ROBERT NEAL (District of Columbia)

JR., FRANCIS J. (District of Columbia)

Kalik, Tracy Reichman (District of Columbia)

Kang, Stephen (District of Columbia)

Kaplan, Warren K. (District of Columbia)

Keaney, Melissa S. (California)

Kearney, Jesse L. (District of Columbia)

Khalil, Michael N. (District of Columbia)

Kirschner, Greg (District of Columbia)

Kisch, Lori B. (District of Columbia)

Klein, Suzanne Brooke (District of Columbia)

Knight, Jamie Elizabeth (District of Columbia)

KRISHER, LISA J (District of Columbia)

Kroeger, Leslie M. (District of Columbia)

Lack, Walter J. (District of Columbia)

LaSpada, Anthony J. (District of Columbia)

Lee, Susan C. (District of Columbia)

Leinbach, Brian J. (District of Columbia)

Leopold, Theodore J. (District of Columbia)

Levine, Aaron M. (District of Columbia)

Lewis, Wilma A. (District of Columbia)

LICHTEN, HAROLD L. (District of Columbia)

Lieberman, Michael Wyld (District of Columbia)

LISS-RIORDAN, SHANNON E. (District of Columbia)

Litzenburg, Timothy (District of Columbia)

Liu, Andy (District of Columbia)

LOTTO, LEAH (District of Columbia)

Ludwig, David (District of Columbia)

Lukas, Paul J (District of Columbia)

MacAllister, Edward B. (District of Columbia)

Madigan, Michael J. (District of Columbia)

MADIGAN, KRISTIN J. (District of Columbia)

MAIER, SHARON T. (District of Columbia)

Mairone, Gavriel (District of Columbia)

Malone, Patrick A. (District of Columbia)

Malson, Laurel Pyke (District of Columbia)

Malveaux, Suzette Marie (District of Columbia)

Marks, Andrew H. (District of Columbia)

Marks, Aaron Joseph (District of Columbia)

Martinez, Michael L. (District of Columbia)

Mason, Gary Edward (District of Columbia)

McBride, Kevin P. (District of Columbia)

McCoy, Melody L. (District of Columbia)

MCIVER, ROBERT G. (District of Columbia)

McKenzie, Jeremy S. (District of Columbia)

Mecit, Tuna (District of Columbia)

Meyer, J Andrew (District of Columbia)

Mikoni, Jeffrey Walter (District of Columbia)

Miller, Michael Joseph (District of Columbia)

MILLER, MARVIN A. (District of Columbia)

Moore, John Norton (District of Columbia)

Morrison, Alan B. (District of Columbia)

MORTON, DAWSON (District of Columbia)

Murphy, Justin P. (District of Columbia)

Murphy, James Emmet (District of Columbia)

MURRAY, PETER L. (District of Columbia)

Muse, Robert F. (District of Columbia)

Musolino, Philip M. (District of Columbia)

Myart, James W. (District of Columbia)

Nash, Lindsay (District of Columbia)

Newberger, Stuart H. (District of Columbia)

Newell, Jennifer Chang (California)

NEWMAN, THOMAS C. (District of Columbia)

Newquist, Brian J. (District of Columbia)

Nightingale, Zachary M. (California)

Norman, Jane Carol (District of Columbia)

Nudelman, Noel Jason (District of Columbia)

Nugent, Victoria S. (District of Columbia)

Onorato, Anthony A. (District of Columbia)

O'Toole, Timothy P. (District of Columbia)

Owens, Caragh Fay (District of Columbia)

Pagonis, Katrina A. (District of Columbia)

PALMER, ROBERT SCOTT (District of Columbia)

PEARSON, MATTHEW D. (District of Columbia)

Perles, Steven Robert (District of Columbia)

Pew, James S. (District of Columbia)

Phelan, Brian P. (District of Columbia)

Pires, Alexander John (District of Columbia)

PLAINTIFFS, ALL (District of Columbia)

Pogust, Harris L. (District of Columbia)

Postol, Lawrence P. (District of Columbia)

POTE, MARIA GRAESSER (District of Columbia)

Price, Matthew E. (District of Columbia)

PUMPIAN, RYAN TYLER (District of Columbia)

Rabinovitz, Judy (New York)

Rainey, Valencia R. (District of Columbia)

Razavi, Poorad (District of Columbia)

Read, Emily B. (District of Columbia)

Realmuto, Trina (Massachusetts)

Richardson, Abby Morrow (District of Columbia)

Romer-Friedman, Peter (District of Columbia)

Rosenthal, Daniel M. (District of Columbia)

Ross, Jim R. (District of Columbia)

Roth, Robert L. (District of Columbia)

Rothenberg, Allen Louis (District of Columbia)

Rubinstein, Reed D. (District of Columbia)

Rucker, Donna Williams (District of Columbia)

Sanchez, Maria Martinez (New Mexico)

Sanders, Henry (District of Columbia)

Sanders, Rose M. (District of Columbia)

Sanders, Kindaka J. (District of Columbia)

SAUL, LEWIS J. (District of Columbia)

Scherer, William R. (District of Columbia)

SCHLACHET, MARK (District of Columbia)

Schulcz, Arthur A. (District of Columbia)

SEAVER, TODD A. (District of Columbia)

Segroves, James F. (District of Columbia)

Segura, Andre (District of Columbia)

Sellers, Joseph M. (District of Columbia)

Shadowen, Steve D. (District of Columbia)

Shelley, Anthony F. (District of Columbia)

Sher, Neal M. (District of Columbia)

Silver, David C. (District of Columbia)

Sizemore, J. Paul (District of Columbia)

Skepnek, William J. (District of Columbia)

Slyne, Patrick K. (District of Columbia)

Smith, Alexandra Freedman (New Mexico)

Smith, David C. (District of Columbia)

Smith, James McCall (District of Columbia)

Smith, Paul March (District of Columbia)

SMOLIK, SARA (District of Columbia)

Sobol, Thomas Matthew (District of Columbia)

Solomon, Stephen D. (District of Columbia)

Spencer, Michael Champlin (District of Columbia)

Spitzer, Arthur (District of Columbia)

Strom, Joseph P. (District of Columbia)

Suttles, John T. (District of Columbia)

TABACCO, JOSEPH J. (District of Columbia)

Tabbara, Ivy Arai (District of Columbia)

Tenny, Daniel (District of Columbia)

Terrell, Stephen R. (District of Columbia)

Thompson, Richard Lloyd (District of Columbia)

Tompkins, Charles Edgar (District of Columbia)

Toups, Mitchell A. (District of Columbia)

Toure, Faya R. (District of Columbia)

Trachtenberg, Mark (District of Columbia)

Tsimpedes, Athan Theodore (District of Columbia)

Tumlin, Karen C. (California)

TWOMEY, S. MELISA (District of Columbia)

Vail, John (District of Columbia)

Varma, Anurag (District of Columbia)

Vladeck, David C. (District of Columbia)

Vockrodt, Jeff (District of Columbia)

Vogel, Sarah M. (District of Columbia)

Wang, Cecillia D (California)

Ware, Charles Jerome (District of Columbia)

Webber, Christine E. (District of Columbia)

Weeks, Ann B. (District of Columbia)

Weiner, Matthew (District of Columbia)

Weinstein, Scott William (District of Columbia)

Werlin, Beth (District of Columbia)

Whatley, Joe R. (District of Columbia)

WHITE, ANN D. (District of Columbia)

Wichmann, William J. (District of Columbia)

Williams, John Matthew (District of Columbia)

Wills, Amy D. (District of Columbia)

Wolfe, Molly Hoffman (District of Columbia)

Zephier, Tracey Ann (District of Columbia)

Zoeller, David C (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Defendant

Adebonojo, Kenneth A. (District of Columbia)

Bagenstos, Samuel Robert (District of Columbia)

Baldwin, Anna M. (District of Columbia)

Beckenhauer, Eric B. (District of Columbia)

Bell-Platts, Meredith E.B. (District of Columbia)

Belsan, Timothy Michael (District of Columbia)

Berkower, Risa (District of Columbia)

Berman, Julia A. (District of Columbia)

Berman, Marcia (District of Columbia)

Berry, Bradford Mann (District of Columbia)

Berry, Britney (District of Columbia)

Bingham, Lauren Crowell (District of Columbia)

Borson, Joseph Evan (District of Columbia)

Borum, Marian L. (District of Columbia)

Bosshardt, Stacey (District of Columbia)

Braswell, Marina Utgoff (District of Columbia)

Burch, Alan R. (District of Columbia)

Campbell, Rhonda Lisa (District of Columbia)

Cartier, Nicholas P. (District of Columbia)

CHERICO, COLIN MICHAEL (District of Columbia)

Clark, Denise M. (District of Columbia)

Cohen, Jason Todd (District of Columbia)

Colangelo, Matthew (District of Columbia)

Coleman, John R. (District of Columbia)

Crane-Hirsch, Daniel Kadane (District of Columbia)

DARROW, JOSEPH ANTON (District of Columbia)

Dawgert, Jessica (District of Columbia)

Dearinger, Bryan Scott (District of Columbia)

Dellheim, Richard Alan (District of Columbia)

Diederich, Bryan Russell (District of Columbia)

Dworkowitz, Gregory Peter (District of Columbia)

Edney, Marsha Stelson (District of Columbia)

Enzinna, Paul F. (District of Columbia)

Fabian, Sarah B. (District of Columbia)

FARBY, LESLEY (District of Columbia)

Field, Brian J. (District of Columbia)

Fields, Rhonda C. (District of Columbia)

Fisher, Spencer R. (District of Columbia)

FISHMAN, DILLON A (District of Columbia)

Forney, Geoffrey (District of Columbia)

Francis, Tricia Dianne (District of Columbia)

Freeman, Daniel J. (District of Columbia)

Fresco, Leon (District of Columbia)

Gavoor, Aram A. (District of Columbia)

Gear, Bruce I. (District of Columbia)

Gershengorn, Ian Heath (District of Columbia)

Gilligan, James J. (District of Columbia)

Girdharry, Glenn M. (District of Columbia)

GIVHAN, ANNETTA FOSTER (District of Columbia)

Goldsmith, Aaron S. (District of Columbia)

Gomez, Abel (District of Columbia)

Graham-Oliver, Heather D. (District of Columbia)

Gray, Kathryne Marie (District of Columbia)

Guzman, Javier M. (District of Columbia)

Hammond, Derek S. (District of Columbia)

Haque, Sobia (District of Columbia)

Harris, Julie Straus (District of Columbia)

Hartnett, Kathleen Roberta (District of Columbia)

Heard, Bradley E. (District of Columbia)

Heffernan, Brian F. (District of Columbia)

Heiman, Julia Alexandra (District of Columbia)

Hudak, Brian P. (District of Columbia)

Humphreys, Bradley P. (District of Columbia)

Interrante, John G. (District of Columbia)

Johnson, Timothy Andrew (District of Columbia)

Johnson, Wyneva (District of Columbia)

Jones, Luke Matthew (District of Columbia)

Kaiser, Sophie (District of Columbia)

Kell, Gerald Cooper (District of Columbia)

Kelly, Genevieve McCarthy (District of Columbia)

Kelly, Wynne Patrick (District of Columbia)

Kidwell, Judith A. (District of Columbia)

Kirschner, Adam D. (District of Columbia)

Kishore, Deepthy (District of Columbia)

Kolsky, Joshua M. (District of Columbia)

Kurlan, Elizabeth D (District of Columbia)

Lee, Jennifer Joy (District of Columbia)

Lo, Michelle (District of Columbia)

Lyons, Jane M. (District of Columbia)

Maier, Peter Rolf (District of Columbia)

Maranzano, Jennifer Lynn (District of Columbia)

McBride, Patricia K. (District of Columbia)

McDaniel, Oliver W. (District of Columbia)

McFarland, Ernest Alan (District of Columbia)

McLeod, Michelle Andrea (District of Columbia)

Mead, Joseph Wilfred (District of Columbia)

Meza, Catherine (District of Columbia)

Michel, Olimpia E. (District of Columbia)

Momeni, Mercedeh (District of Columbia)

Nebeker, William Mark (District of Columbia)

Nobile, Thornton Russell (District of Columbia)

Olson, Lisa Ann (District of Columbia)

Patton, Rodney (District of Columbia)

Peterson, Benton Gregory (District of Columbia)

Pfaffenroth, Peter C. (District of Columbia)

Popper, Robert D. (District of Columbia)

Posner, Michael Benjamin (District of Columbia)

Press, Joshua Samuel (District of Columbia)

REUVENI, EREZ (District of Columbia)

Riedel, Durwood Heinrich (District of Columbia)

RIESS, DANIEL (District of Columbia)

Russ, John Albert (District of Columbia)

Russell, Beverly Maria (District of Columbia)

Rybicki, David Cotter (District of Columbia)

Sanford, David W. (District of Columbia)

Schaefer, Daniel Patrick (District of Columbia)

Schwartz, James J. (District of Columbia)

Schwei, Daniel Stephen (District of Columbia)

Seabrook, April Denise (District of Columbia)

Sells, Bryan L. (District of Columbia)

Shapiro, Avner Michael (District of Columbia)

Shore, Elise S. (District of Columbia)

Sitton, Janie Allison (District of Columbia)

Slade, Jared Michael (District of Columbia)

Sokolower, Heather G. (District of Columbia)

Stevens, Elizabeth Joanne (District of Columbia)

Stratton, Mary Elizabeth (District of Columbia)

Swinton, Nathan Michael (District of Columbia)

Taaffe, Damon William (District of Columbia)

TAYLOR, ANNE B. (District of Columbia)

Tepe, Sean Michael (District of Columbia)

Theis, John Kenneth (District of Columbia)

Thorp, Galen Nicholas (District of Columbia)

Tosini, Stephen C. (District of Columbia)

Truong, John Cuong (District of Columbia)

Tyler, John Russell (District of Columbia)

VASSALLO, KRISTIN LYNN (District of Columbia)

Velandy, Erin Marie (District of Columbia)

Vuong, Sarah Lake (District of Columbia)

Walker, Johnny Hillary (District of Columbia)

WALL, SHEETUL S (District of Columbia)

Weinstein, Laurie J. (District of Columbia)

Weinstein-Tull, Justin S. (District of Columbia)

Westfall, Elizabeth Stewart (District of Columbia)

Whitman, James R. (District of Columbia)

Wilson, Sarah S. (District of Columbia)

Womack, Eric R. (District of Columbia)

Wright, Steven Howard (District of Columbia)

Wyer, Kathryn L. (District of Columbia)

Yee, Marsha Wellknown (District of Columbia)

ZACK, ADRIENNE (District of Columbia)

Zeff, Mitchell P. (District of Columbia)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

Sept. 15, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014



Complaint for Injunctive and Declaratory Relief

Aug. 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014



Plaintiffs' Notice of Voluntary Dismissal

Jan. 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015

Notice Letter



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 5, 2025, 1:31 p.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT against ERIC H. HOLDER, JR, JEH JOHNSON, R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE, LEON RODRIGUEZ, THOMAS WINKOWSKI, MARTIN ZELENKA ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0090-3816977) filed by P.O., G.L.V.A., M.S.P.C., E.O.Z., P.J.C.V., C.M.R., M.R.R., B.C.M., R.E.C.G., J.R.C.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Summons, # 3 Summons, # 4 Summons, # 5 Summons, # 6 Summons, # 7 Summons, # 8 Summons)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2014)

1 Civil Cover Sheet

View on PACER

2 Summons

View on PACER

3 Summons

View on PACER

4 Summons

View on PACER

5 Summons

View on PACER

6 Summons

View on PACER

7 Summons

View on PACER

8 Summons

View on PACER

Aug. 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014


SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2014)

Aug. 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014


MEMORANDUM re 2 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by G.L.V.A., E.O.Z., J.R.C.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., M.S.P.C., M.R.R., B.C.M., R.E.C.G., C.M.R. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G.. (Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/22/2014)

Aug. 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014


Unopposed MOTION to Expedite Consideration of 2 Unopposed Motion to Proceed Anonymously and to File Exhibits Under Seal re 2 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) (jf, ) (Entered: 08/22/2014)

Aug. 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014


SEALED ORDER granting re 2 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by G.L.V.A., E.O.Z., J.R.C.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., M.S.P.C., M.R.R., B.C.M., R.E.C.G., C.M.R..(This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.)Signed by Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts on 08/25/2014.(zjf, ) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 25, 2014

Aug. 25, 2014


SEALED DOCUMENT re 1 Complaint, filed by ALL PLAINTIFFS. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.)(zjf, ) (Entered: 09/02/2014)

Aug. 25, 2014

Aug. 25, 2014


ORDER granting re 4 MOTION to Expedite Consideration of Unopposed Motion to Proceed Anonymously and to File Exhibits Under Seal re 2 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P filed by G.L.V.A., E.O.Z., J.R.C.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., M.S.P.C., M.R.R., B.C.M., R.E.C.G., C.M.R.. Signed by Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts on 08/25/2014. (zjf, ) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 25, 2014

Aug. 25, 2014


NOTICE of Appearance by Arthur B. Spitzer on behalf of All Plaintiffs (Spitzer, Arthur) (Entered: 08/26/2014)

Aug. 26, 2014

Aug. 26, 2014


UNOPPOSED NUNC PRO TUNC MOTION REGARDING THE FILING OF THE COMPLAINT by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (rdj) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 26, 2014

Aug. 26, 2014



Aug. 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014


SUMMONS (7) Issued Electronically as to ERIC H. HOLDER, JR, JEH JOHNSON, R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE, LEON RODRIGUEZ, THOMAS WINKOWSKI, MARTIN ZELENKA, U.S. Attorney (Attachments: # 1 Summons 2nd, # 2 Summons 3rd, # 3 Summons 4th, # 4 Summons 5th, # 5 Summons 6th, # 6 Summons 7th, # 7 Notice of Consent, # 8 Consent Form) (md, ) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Judy Rabinovitz, :Firm- American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, :Address- 125 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004. Phone No. - (212) 549-2618. Fax No. - (212) 549-2654 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3821547. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declkaration of Judy Rabinovitz, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Spitzer, Arthur) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Jennifer Chang Newell, :Firm- American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, :Address- 39 Drumm Street, San Francisco, CA 94111. Phone No. - (415) 343-0774. Fax No. - (415) 395-0950 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3821548. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Jennifer Chang Newell, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Spitzer, Arthur) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Lee Gelernt, :Firm- american Civil Liberties Union Foundation, :Address- 125 Broad Street, New York, NY 10004. Phone No. - (212) 549-2616. Fax No. - (212) 549-2654 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3821553. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Lee Gelernt, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Spitzer, Arthur) (Entered: 08/27/2014)

Aug. 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Cecillia D. Wang, :Firm- american Civil Liberties Union Foundation, :Address- 39 Drumm Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 Drumm Street, San Francisco, CA 94111. Phone No. - (415) 343-0775. Fax No. - (415) 395-0950 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3822532. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Cecillia Wang, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Spitzer, Arthur) (Entered: 08/28/2014)

Aug. 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Maria Martinez Sanchez, :Firm- American Civil Liberties of New Mexico, :Address- American Civil Liberties of New Mexico, P.O. Box 566, Albuquerque, NM 87103. Phone No. - (505) 266-5915, ext. 1004. Fax No. - (505) 266-5916 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3822494. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Maria Martinez Sanchez, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/28/2014)

Aug. 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Zachary M. Nightingale, :Firm- Van Der Hout, Brigagliano & Nightingale LLP, :Address- 180 Sutter Street, Fifth Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104. Phone No. - (415) 821-8806. Fax No. - (415) 981-3003 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3822580. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Zachary M. Nightingale, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/28/2014)

Aug. 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Trina A. Realmuto, :Firm- National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild, :Address- 14 Beacon St., Suite 602,Boston, MA 02108. Phone No. - (617) 227-9727 ext.8. Fax No. - (617) 227-5495 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3822623. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Trina A. Realmuto, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/28/2014)

Aug. 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Gabriel A. Fuentes, :Firm- Jenner & Block LLP, :Address- 353 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654. Phone No. - (312) 923-2808. Fax No. - (312) 923-2908 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3822654. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Gabriel A. Fuentes, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/28/2014)

Aug. 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Alexandra Smith, :Firm- American Civil Liberties of New Mexico, :Address- American Civil Liberties of New Mexico, P.O. Box 566, Albuquerque, NM 87103. Phone No. - (505) 266-5915, ext. 1004. Fax No. - (505) 266-5916 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3823714. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Alexandra Smith, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/29/2014)

Aug. 29, 2014

Aug. 29, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Alvaro Huerta, :Firm- National Immigration Law Center, :Address- 3435 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Phone No. - (213) 639-3900, ext. 1006. Fax No. - (213) 639-3911 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3823731. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Alvaro Huerta, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/29/2014)

Aug. 29, 2014

Aug. 29, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Karen C. Tumlin, :Firm- National Immigration Law Center, :Address- 3435 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Phone No. - (213) 639-3900, ext. 1009. Fax No. - (213) 639-3911 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3823759. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Karen C. Tumlin, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/29/2014)

Aug. 29, 2014

Aug. 29, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice :Attorney Name- Melissa S. Keaney, :Firm- National Immigration Law Center, :Address- 3435 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2850, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Phone No. - (213) 639-3900, ext. 1015. Fax No. - (213) 639-3911 Filing fee $ 100, receipt number 0090-3823777. Fee Status: Fee Paid. by B.C.M., C.M.R., E.O.Z., G.L.V.A., J.R.C.C., M.R.R., M.S.P.C., P.J.C.V., P.O., R.E.C.G. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Melissa S. Keaney, # 2 Proposed Order)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 08/29/2014)

Aug. 29, 2014

Aug. 29, 2014


NOTICE of Appearance by Beth Jennifer Werlin on behalf of All Plaintiffs (Werlin, Beth) (Main Document 24 replaced on 9/3/2014) (znmw, ). (Entered: 09/02/2014)

Sept. 2, 2014

Sept. 2, 2014


NOTICE of Appearance by Melissa E. Crow on behalf of All Plaintiffs (Crow, Melissa) (Main Document 25 replaced on 9/3/2014) (znmw, ). (Entered: 09/02/2014)

Sept. 2, 2014

Sept. 2, 2014


NOTICE of Appearance by Sarah B. Fabian on behalf of All Defendants (Fabian, Sarah) (Main Document 26 replaced on 9/9/2014) (jf, ). (Entered: 09/08/2014)

Sept. 8, 2014

Sept. 8, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed on United States Attorney General. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney General 09/03/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed as to the United States Attorney. Date of Service Upon United States Attorney on 9/3/2014. Answer due for ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS by 11/2/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. MARTIN ZELENKA served on 9/2/2014 (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE served on 9/2/2014 (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. LEON RODRIGUEZ served on 9/4/2014 (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. THOMAS WINKOWSKI served on 9/2/2014 (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


RETURN OF SERVICE/AFFIDAVIT of Summons and Complaint Executed. JEH JOHNSON served on 9/2/2014 (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Price, Matthew) (Entered: 09/12/2014)

Sept. 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014


MOTION for Leave to Appear by ALL PLAINTIFFS (Creighton, Emily) (Entered: 09/15/2014)

Sept. 15, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014


ATTORNEY APPEARANCE. (td, ) (Entered: 09/15/2014)

Sept. 15, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014


NOTICE of Appearance by Trina Ann Realmuto on behalf of ALL PLAINTIFFS (Realmuto, Trina) (Entered: 09/15/2014)

Sept. 15, 2014

Sept. 15, 2014


WITHDRAWN PURSUANT TO NOTICE FILED 10/24/14.....Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 1 Complaint, by ERIC H. HOLDER, JR, JEH JOHNSON, R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE, LEON RODRIGUEZ, THOMAS WINKOWSKI, MARTIN ZELENKA (Fabian, Sarah) Modified on 10/24/2014 (jth). (Entered: 10/24/2014)

Oct. 24, 2014

Oct. 24, 2014


NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF MOTION by ERIC H. HOLDER, JR, JEH JOHNSON, R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE, LEON RODRIGUEZ, THOMAS WINKOWSKI, MARTIN ZELENKA re 37 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 1 Complaint, (Fabian, Sarah) (Entered: 10/24/2014)

Oct. 24, 2014

Oct. 24, 2014


Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer & Any Response by ALL PLAINTIFFS (Newell, Jennifer) (Entered: 10/24/2014)

Oct. 24, 2014

Oct. 24, 2014


MOTION to Dismiss by ERIC H. HOLDER, JR, JEH CHARLES JOHNSON, R. GIL KERLIKOWSKE, LEON RODRIGUEZ, THOMAS WINKOWSKI, MARTIN ZELENKA (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D)(Fabian, Sarah) (Entered: 12/18/2014)

1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order

View on PACER

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C

View on PACER

5 Exhibit D

View on RECAP

Dec. 18, 2014

Dec. 18, 2014


NOTICE of Voluntary Dismissal by ALL PLAINTIFFS (Newell, Jennifer) (Entered: 01/30/2015)

Jan. 30, 2015

Jan. 30, 2015


Case Details

State / Territory: District of Columbia

Case Type(s):

Immigration and/or the Border

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: Aug. 22, 2014

Closing Date: 2015

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Various Central American women and children fearing violence upon return to their respective countries seeking asylum in the United States.

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:

ACLU National (all projects)

National Immigration Law Center

ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


Department of Homeland Security, Federal

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal

Citizenship and Immigration Services, Federal

Customs and Border Protection, Federal

Defendant Type(s):


Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Non-settlement Outcome


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Voluntary Dismissal

Amount Defendant Pays: 0


Discrimination Basis:

Immigration status

Affected National Origin/Ethnicity(s):


Affected Sex/Gender(s):



Asylum - criteria

Asylum - procedure

Convention against Torture
