Case: In re DNI/AG [702] Certification 2010-A

10-00002 | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Filed Date: 2010

Closed Date: 2010

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

In this matter, the FISA Court reviewed the government's July 15, 2010 certification and amended minimization procedures under FISA § 702(i). For an overview of FISA Court review under § 702(i), see [In re DNI/AG 702(i) Certification 2008]. The court documents in this Clearinghouse case record have not been declassified and released by the government; they are marked Secret and Top Secret. The Washington Post posted them on-line. The government submitted the 2010-A certification, covering surv…

In this matter, the FISA Court reviewed the government's July 15, 2010 certification and amended minimization procedures under FISA § 702(i). For an overview of FISA Court review under § 702(i), see [In re DNI/AG 702(i) Certification 2008]. The court documents in this Clearinghouse case record have not been declassified and released by the government; they are marked Secret and Top Secret. The Washington Post posted them on-line.

The government submitted the 2010-A certification, covering surveillance of foreign governments, factions, entities, and political organizations, on July 15, 2010. In support of the certification, the government filed affidavits from the NSA Director as well as a document listing foreign governments, factions, entities, and political organizations for statutory purposes. These documents are included in the case record; earlier versions in 2008 and 2009 are not available, so they contain new information. The government also filed affidavits from the Directors of the CIA and the FBI, but those documents are not available.

The government filed minimization procedures for the NSA, CIA, and FBI, amending the minimization procedures used in their certifications from 2008 and 2009. Those amended minimization procedures are also not available.

The FISA Court (Judge John D. Bates) issued an order approving the certification and the new minimization procedures on August 19, 2010. The Court found that the certification and the procedures met the statutory requirements of FISA(50 U.S.C. § 1881a(d)-(e)) and comported with the Fourth Amendment, as required by the statute.

Summary Authors

Edward Mroczkowski (4/13/2015)

Related Cases

In re: DNI/AG Certification 2008-A, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (2008)



Bates, John D. (District of Columbia)

Walton, Reggie B. (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Alexander, Keith B (District of Columbia)

Gompert, David C. (District of Columbia)

Holder, Eric H. Jr. (District of Columbia)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse


Memorandum Opinion and Order


Jan. 1, 2010

Jan. 1, 2010



Affidavit of General Keith B. Alexander, United States Army, Director, National Security Agency

In the Matter of Foreign Governments, Foreign Factions, Foreign Entities, and Foreign-Based Political Organizations

No Court

July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010



DNI/AG Certification 702(g) 2010-A

In the Matter of Foreign Governments, Foreign Factions, Foreign Entities, and Foreign-Based Political Organizations

No Court

July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Exhibit F: Foreign Entity List

In the Matter of Foreign Governments, Foreign Factions, Foreign Entities, and Foreign-Based Political Organizations

No Court

July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010




In re DNI/AG Certification 2010-A

Aug. 19, 2010

Aug. 19, 2010


Memorandum Opinion and Order


Aug. 30, 2013

Aug. 30, 2013



Last updated May 2, 2024, 3:05 a.m.

Docket sheet not available via the Clearinghouse.

Case Details

State / Territory: District of Columbia

Case Type(s):

National Security

Special Collection(s):

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act -- All Matters

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act—Foreign Targeting (702, 703, 704)

Key Dates

Filing Date: 2010

Closing Date: 2010

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

US Government

Plaintiff Type(s):

U.S. Dept of Justice plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought

Case Details

Causes of Action:

FISA Title VII targeting order (Sections 702, 703, 704), 50 U.S.C. 1881a, 1881b, 1881c

Available Documents:

Non-settlement Outcome


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Source of Relief:



