COMPLAINT filed; Summons issued and Notice pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 636(c); FILING FEE $ 120 RECEIPT # 252080 (sc) (Entered: 12/14/1995)
Dec. 13, 1995
Dec. 13, 1995
CASE REFERRED TO Judge Ward (sc)
Dec. 13, 1995
Dec. 13, 1995
NOTICE OF MOTION by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. for class certification, Return date 1/4/96 (cd) (Entered: 12/20/1995)
Dec. 14, 1995
Dec. 14, 1995
MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in support of [2-1] motion for class certification (cd) (Entered: 12/20/1995)
Dec. 14, 1995
Dec. 14, 1995
Case accepted as related to 78 Cv 0957. Notice of assignment to follow. (sc)
Dec. 21, 1995
Dec. 21, 1995
Notice of asg _ to Judge Robert J. Ward Copy of notice and judge's rules mailed to Attorney(s) of record: Karen J. Freedman, Marcia Robinson Lowry . (sc) (Entered: 12/21/1995)
Dec. 21, 1995
Dec. 21, 1995
Case Information Statement Addendum and Case Designation to a Magistrate Judge filed. Purs. to statement, it is suggested that the case be classified as unknown. Case is designated to Magistrate Judge Grubin. (sc) (Entered: 12/26/1995)
Dec. 26, 1995
Dec. 26, 1995
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Dec. 26, 1995
Dec. 26, 1995
NOTICE OF MOTION by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, or, in the alternative declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law, Return date 2/12/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/05/1996)
Jan. 31, 1996
Jan. 31, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support of [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law (emil) (Entered: 02/05/1996)
Jan. 31, 1996
Jan. 31, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in opposition to class certification (emil) (Entered: 02/05/1996)
Jan. 31, 1996
Jan. 31, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by Rudolph W. Giuliani et al (city defts) for an order modifying the TRO of 1/19/96, Return date 1/26/96 (cd) (Entered: 02/06/1996)
Feb. 5, 1996
Feb. 5, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani etal (city defts) in support of [9-1] motion for an order modifying the TRO of 1/19/96 (cd) (Entered: 02/06/1996)
Feb. 5, 1996
Feb. 5, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in opposition to [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law. Fld in night deposit on 2/5/96 on 7:51 p.m. (emil) (Entered: 02/07/1996)
Feb. 5, 1996
Feb. 5, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in opposition to [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law (emil) (Entered: 02/09/1996)
Feb. 6, 1996
Feb. 6, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to dismiss the complaint in part, Return date 2/12/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 13, 1996
Feb. 13, 1996
MEMORANDUM by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing in support of [13-1] motion purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to dismiss the complaint in part (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 13, 1996
Feb. 13, 1996
MEMORANDUM by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing in opposition to [2-1] motion for class certification (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 13, 1996
Feb. 13, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, or, in the alternative for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety, Return date 3/4/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 14, 1996
Feb. 14, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support of [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 14, 1996
Feb. 14, 1996
AFFIRMATION of Grace Goodman by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support Re: [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for of Documents in its entirety (emil) (Entered: 02/15/1996)
Feb. 14, 1996
Feb. 14, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in opposition to [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety. Fld in night deposit on 2/20/96 at 10:47 p.m. (emil) (Entered: 02/22/1996)
Feb. 20, 1996
Feb. 20, 1996
REPLY MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in support re: [2-1] motion for class certification. Fld in night deposit on 2/20/96 at 10:48 p.m. (emil) (Entered: 02/22/1996)
Feb. 20, 1996
Feb. 20, 1996
AFFIDAVIT in support of Marcia Robinson Lowry by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. Re: [20-1] reply memorandum. Fld in night deposit on 2/20/96 at 10:48 p.m. (emil) (Entered: 02/22/1996)
Feb. 20, 1996
Feb. 20, 1996
AFFIDAVIT (corrected copy) in support of Marcia Robinson Lowry by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. Re: [20-1] reply memorandum. Fld in night deposit on 2/21/96 at 9:08 p.m. (emil) (Entered: 02/23/1996)
Feb. 21, 1996
Feb. 21, 1996
REPLY MEMORANDUM by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing in support re: [13-1] motion purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to the complaint in part (emil) (Entered: 02/23/1996)
Feb. 21, 1996
Feb. 21, 1996
REPLY MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support re: [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law (emil) (Entered: 02/23/1996)
Feb. 22, 1996
Feb. 22, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating pltff's Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety, Return date 3/4/96. Affirmation in support attached. (emil) (Entered: 02/26/1996)
Feb. 23, 1996
Feb. 23, 1996
NOTICE OF REDESIGNATION OF A CIVIL CASE TO ANOTHER MAGISTRATE JUDGE. The above entitled action has been redesignated to Magistrate Judge Eaton. Please note that this is the reassignment of the designation only. Copy of notice mailed to Attorney(s) of record: Karen J. Freedman, Marcia Robinson Lowry . (sc) (Entered: 02/26/1996)
Feb. 26, 1996
Feb. 26, 1996
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE; Show Cause Hearing set for 10:00 2/28/96 purs. to Rule 24 of the FRCP, for an order granting Court TV leave to intervene in this case for the limited purposes of (a) seeking to persuade this Court that Court TV may televise the 3/4/96 oral argument on pltffs' motion for class certification and defts' pretrial motions to dismiss and (b) obtaining the Court's written permission purs. to General Rule 7 of the Local Rules of this Court to televise the oral arguments scheduled for 3/4/96 ( signed by Judge John E. Sprizzo, Part I ); Copies mailed. (emil) (Entered: 02/26/1996)
Feb. 26, 1996
Feb. 26, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Court TV in support of [27-1] motion purs. to Rule 24 of the FRCP, for an order granting Court TV leave to intervene in this case for the limited purposes of (a) seeking to persuade this Court that Court TV may televise the 3/4/96 oral argument on pltffs' motion for class certification and defts' pretrial motions to dismiss and (b) obtaining the Court's written permission purs. to General Rule 7 of the Local Rules of this Court to televise the oral arguments scheduled for 3/4/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/26/1996)
Feb. 26, 1996
Feb. 26, 1996
Affidavit of Service of Order to Show Cause and supporting papers upon the following: NYC Law Dept. by Grace Goodman, Esq. 2/23/96; Office of NYS Atty. Gen., by Ronald Younkins on 2/23/96; Lawyers for Children, Inc. by Karen Freedman on 2/23/96; Children's Rights, Inc. by Robinson on 2/23/96. (emil) Modified on 02/27/1996 (Entered: 02/27/1996)
Feb. 26, 1996
Feb. 26, 1996
Affidavit of Service of Order to Show Cause and Letter of Jonathan Sherman dated 2/26/96 upon the following: Office of the Atty. Gen. by Ronald Younkins on 2/26/96; Lawyers for Children, Inc. by Karen Freedman on 2/26/96; Corp. Counsel of the City of NY by Grace Goodman on 2/26/96; Children's Rights, Inc. by Marcia Robinson Lowry on 2/26/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/28/1996)
Feb. 27, 1996
Feb. 27, 1996
Motion hearing held re: [27-1] motion purs. to Rule 24 of the FRCP, for an order granting Court TV leave to intervene in this case for the limited purposes of (a) seeking to persuade this Court that Court TV may televise the 3/4/96 oral argument on pltffs' motion for class certification and defts' pretrial motions to dismiss and (b) obtaining the Court's written permission purs. to General Rule 7 of the Local Rules of this Court to televise the oral arguments scheduled for 3/4/96; decision reserved. (emil)
Feb. 28, 1996
Feb. 28, 1996
Reply affirmation of Grace Goodman by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support of [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety (emil) (Entered: 02/29/1996)
Feb. 28, 1996
Feb. 28, 1996
REPLY MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft in support re: [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for of Documents in its entirety (emil) (Entered: 02/29/1996)
Feb. 28, 1996
Feb. 28, 1996
SUR-REPLY by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., H., Stephen I. Re: in opposition to defts' motions to bifurcate this action and to stay class-wide discovery. (emil) (Entered: 03/04/1996)
Feb. 29, 1996
Feb. 29, 1996
DECLARATION of Lorna Bade Goodman in opposition by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft [27-1] motion purs. to Rule 24 of the FRCP, for an order granting Court TV leave intervene in this case for the limited purposes of (a) seeking to persuade this Court that Court TV may televise the 3/4/96 oral argument on pltffs' motion for class certification and defts' pretrial motions to dismiss and obtaining the Court's written permission purs. to General Rule 7 of the Local Rules of this Court to televise the arguments scheduled for 3/4/96 (emil) (Entered: 03/01/1996)
March 1, 1996
March 1, 1996
MEMORANDUM & ORDER granting in part, mooting in part [27-1] motion purs. to Rule 24 of the FRCP, for an order granting Court leave to intervene in this case for the limited purposes of (a) seeking to persuade this Court that Court TV may televise the 3/4/96 oral argument on pltffs' motion for class certification and defts' pretrial motions to dismiss and (b) obtaining the Court's written permission purs. to General Rule 7 of the Local Rules of this Court to televise the oral arguments scheduled for 3/4/96, Inasmuch as the Court heard counsel for the Proposed Intervenor on 2/28/96, the portion of the motion seeking to intervene is moot. For the reasons stated in this Order, the portion of the motion seeking to televise the March 4 Argument is granted ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 03/04/1996)
March 1, 1996
March 1, 1996
Memo endorsed on Order to Show Cause, doc. #27; motion disposed of in accordance w/ memorandum and order filed herewith ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
March 1, 1996
March 1, 1996
NOTICE of attorney appearance (as co-counsel) for Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. by Thomas F. (emil) (Entered: 03/04/1996)
March 1, 1996
March 1, 1996
Motion hearing re: [26-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [26-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating pltff's Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety, [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety, [13-1] motion purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to dismiss the complaint in part, [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law, [2-1] motion for class certification (emil)
March 4, 1996
March 4, 1996
AFFIRMATION of Grace Goodman by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Kathryn Croft Re: to suggest on the record the death of pltff "Lawrence B." (emil) (Entered: 03/06/1996)
March 5, 1996
March 5, 1996
Order that case be referred to the Clerk of Court for assignment to a Magistrate Judge for Discovery Disputes only when Dist. Judge is unavailable ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ) Referred to Magistrate Judge Douglas F. Eaton (emil) (Entered: 03/08/1996)
March 7, 1996
March 7, 1996
ORDER, Nicholas Scoppetta, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the New York City Administration for Children's Services, is substituted as a deft for Kathryn Croft. The NYC Child Welfare Administration having been renamed the NYC Administration for Children's Services, effective 2/12/96, all references in the parties' submissions to either the Child Welfare Administration or the Administration for Children's Services shall be considered inclusive ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 03/12/1996)
March 12, 1996
March 12, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
March 21, 1996
March 21, 1996
Letter filed dated 4/9/96 re change of address of Children's Rights, Inc., counsel for pltffs. (emil) Modified on 04/11/1996 (Entered: 04/11/1996)
April 10, 1996
April 10, 1996
Letter filed by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. dated 4/29/96 re new telephone number for Children's Rights, Inc., counsel for pltff. (emil) (Entered: 05/03/1996)
May 1, 1996
May 1, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 3/21/96 (emil) (Entered: 05/09/1996)
May 8, 1996
May 8, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 2/28/96 (emil) (Entered: 05/09/1996)
May 8, 1996
May 8, 1996
PROTECTIVE ORDER, regarding procedures that will govern the handling of individually-identifying information (as detailed in this order) ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 05/15/1996)
May 14, 1996
May 14, 1996
MEMORANDUM OPINION #76777 denying [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases; denying [13-1] motion purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to dismiss the complaint in part; denying [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted; granting [2-1] motion for class certification, defts' motions to dismiss are denied to the extent that (1) custodial pltffs may pursue their substantive due process claims based on alleged violations of their right to be free from harm and all pltffs may pursue their procedural due process claims based on alleged violations of various provision of New York's Child Protective Services laws, codified at Title 6 of Article 6 of the New York Social Services Law; (2) pltffs may pursue their federal statutory claims based on the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, including the provision herein referred to as the Multiethnic Placement Act, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, the Americans w/ Disabilities Act, and the Rehabilitation Act; and (3) pltffs may pursue their state law claims ( Signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil) (Entered: 06/19/1996)
June 18, 1996
June 18, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; denying [6-1] motion purs. to FRCP 12(b)(6), to dismiss portions of the First Cause of Action and the Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint in their entirety for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, denying [6-2] motion declining to exercise pendant jurisdiction over, or abstaining from deciding, the Seventh and Eighth Causes of Action in the complaint, which are based on alleged violations of state law ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
June 18, 1996
June 18, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; denying [16-1] motion purs. to FRCP 42(b), to bifurcate the discovery and trial of this action into two phases, denying [16-2] motion for a protective order purs. to FRCP 26(c) vacating Pltffs' Second Request for Production of Documents in its entirety ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
June 18, 1996
June 18, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; denying [13-1] motion purs. to Rule 12(b)(6) of the FRCP, to dismiss the complaint in part ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
June 18, 1996
June 18, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; granting [2-1] motion for class certification ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
June 18, 1996
June 18, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
July 3, 1996
July 3, 1996
ORDER, regarding resolution of the following motions: City and State defts' motions to dismiss, that the court decline to exercise its supplemental jurisdiction, that pltff's state law claims be deemed nonjusticiable, and that the court abstain; City defts' motion to bifurcate the proceedings; and pltffs' motion for class certification ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 07/05/1996)
July 3, 1996
July 3, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 3/4/96 (emil) (Entered: 07/11/1996)
July 9, 1996
July 9, 1996
MEMORANDUM & ORDER, the City defts' application purs. to 28 USC 1292(b) for certification for interlocutory appeal of this Court's order certifying this case as a class action is granted ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 07/26/1996)
July 26, 1996
July 26, 1996
STIPULATION, extending time for City and State defts to Answer to the complaint is extended to 8/16/96, reset answer due for 8/16/96 for Nicholas Scoppetta, for Brian J. Wing, for George E. Pataki, for Marva Livingston Hammons, for Rudolph W. Giuliani ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (kg) (Entered: 08/02/1996)
Aug. 2, 1996
Aug. 2, 1996
STIPULATION and ORDER, the parties to this action agree that the State Defts are deemed to have joined in the City Defts' application to certify the Court's Order, dated 7/3/96, for immediate appeal purs. to 28 USC 1292(b); and the State Defts shall have leave, along w/ the City Defts, to pursue said interlocutory appeal, under the terms of the Court's Order, dated 7/26/96, granting the City Defts' application. The State Defts participation in that Order shall be nunc pro tunc, and no deadline established by the Court's 7/26/96 Order shall be extended by virtue of this Stip ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (emil) (Entered: 08/08/1996)
Aug. 7, 1996
Aug. 7, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Aug. 8, 1996
Aug. 8, 1996
MEMORANDUM & ORDER, defts' application purs. to 28 USC 1292(b) for certification for interlocutory appeal of this Court's order certifying this case as a class action is granted. Upon their consent, defts are directed to file their petition for permission to appeal w/ the clerk of the court of appeals within three business days from the date of this order ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 08/12/1996)
Aug. 12, 1996
Aug. 12, 1996
ANSWER to Complaint by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons, Nicholas Scoppetta (Attorney Grace Goodman) (emil) (Entered: 08/19/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
NOTICE by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. to take deposition of NYC Administration for Children's Services on 9/9/96; subpoena(s) issued. (emil) (Entered: 08/21/1996)
Aug. 20, 1996
Aug. 20, 1996
NOTICE by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. to take deposition of Dept. of Social Services of the State of NY on 9/5/96; subpoena(s) issued. (emil) (Entered: 08/21/1996)
Aug. 20, 1996
Aug. 20, 1996
ANSWER to Complaint by George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing (Attorney Michael S. Popkin) (emil) (Entered: 08/23/1996)
Aug. 20, 1996
Aug. 20, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons purs. to FRCP 62 and 26(c), for a stay of classwide discovery pending determination of the appeal of this Court's order granting certification of a class, Return date 9/24/96. Declaration in support attached. (emil) (Entered: 09/10/1996)
Sept. 9, 1996
Sept. 9, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons in support of [56-1] motion purs. to FRCP 62 and 26(c), for a stay of classwide discovery pending determination of the appeal of this Court's order granting certification of a class (emil) (Entered: 09/10/1996)
Sept. 9, 1996
Sept. 9, 1996
True Copy of Order from the USCA as to George E. Pataki, Brian J. Wing RE: Motion for leave to appeal under 28 U.S.C. 1292 (b): It is hereby ordered that the motion be and it hereby is granted. (96-9134). GEORGE LANGE III, Clerk, U.S.C.A. (Construed as a Notice of Appeal. Fee paid $105.00 on 9/11/96, Receipt # E270377). (em) Modified on 09/12/1996 (Entered: 09/12/1996)
Sept. 11, 1996
Sept. 11, 1996
True Copy of Order from the USCA as to Nicholas Scoppetta RE: Motion for permission to appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1292(b). It is hereby ordered that the motion be and it hereby is granted. (96-9132 and 96-8036). (Construed as a Notice of Appeal). GEORGE LANGE III, Clerk, U.S.C.A. (em) (Entered: 09/24/1996)
Sept. 24, 1996
Sept. 24, 1996
MEMORANDUM by Marisol A., Lawrence B., Thomas C., Shauna D., Ozzie E., Darren F., David F., Bill G., Victoria G., Brandon H., Stephen I. in opposition to [56-1] motion purs. to FRCP 62 and 26(c), for a stay of classwide discovery pending determination of the appeal of this Court's order granting certification of a class (emil) (Entered: 10/04/1996)
Oct. 2, 1996
Oct. 2, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 8/8/96 (emil) (Entered: 10/08/1996)
Oct. 7, 1996
Oct. 7, 1996
NOTICE OF MOTION by The New York City Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers for an order allowing The NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Workers to appear as an amicus curiae in this action, Return date 11/1/96 (emil) (Entered: 10/09/1996)
Oct. 8, 1996
Oct. 8, 1996
MEMORANDUM by NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Workers in support of [62-1] motion for an order allowing The NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Workers to appear as an amicus curiae in this action (emil) (Entered: 10/09/1996)
Oct. 8, 1996
Oct. 8, 1996
DECLARATION of Deborah K. Shepherd on behalf of NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Worker in support [62-1] motion for an order allowing The NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Workers to appear as an amicus curiae in this action (emil) (Entered: 10/09/1996)
Oct. 8, 1996
Oct. 8, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Oct. 9, 1996
Oct. 9, 1996
REPLY MEMORANDUM by Rudolph W. Giuliani, Marva Livingston Hammons in support re: [56-1] motion purs. to FRCP 62 and 26(c), for stay of classwide discovery pending determination of the appeal of this Court's order granting certification of a class. (Received in unit for docketing on 10/16/96 from 500 Pearl St.) (emil) (Entered: 10/16/1996)
Oct. 9, 1996
Oct. 9, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; denying [56-1] motion purs. to FRCP 62 and 26(c), for a stay of classwide discovery pending determination of the appeal of this Court's order granting certification of a class, discovery shall proceed in accordance w/ the oral direction of the Court as set forth in open court ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
Oct. 10, 1996
Oct. 10, 1996
Letter filed addressed to Judge Ward from Terrence J. Galligan, dated 10/11/96 re withdrawal of NYC NASW's motion and supporting memorandum filed on 10/8/96 (emil) Modified on 10/16/1996 (Entered: 10/16/1996)
Oct. 16, 1996
Oct. 16, 1996
Letter filed addressed to Judge Ward from Craig Levine dated 10/15/96 re request that the Court enter a stip & order regarding letters to be added to the record (emil) (Entered: 10/16/1996)
Oct. 16, 1996
Oct. 16, 1996
Letter filed addressed to Judge Ward from Grace Goodman, dated 4/5/96 re: response to pltff's letter dated 4/2/96, concerning the deceased pltff Lawrence B (emil) (Entered: 10/17/1996)
Oct. 16, 1996
Oct. 16, 1996
Memo endorsed on motion; withdrawing [62-1] motion for an order allowing The NYC Chapter of the Nat'l Association of Social Workers to appear as an amicus curiae in this action ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. (emil)
Oct. 16, 1996
Oct. 16, 1996
Notice that the original record on appeal has been certified and transmitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals (emil) (Entered: 10/30/1996)
Oct. 28, 1996
Oct. 28, 1996
Copy of Letter addressed to Judge Ward from Steven M. Conolly, dated 2/13/96. (Docketed as Stip & Order of Judge Ward) (emil) (Entered: 11/12/1996)
Nov. 8, 1996
Nov. 8, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Nov. 22, 1996
Nov. 22, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 10/9/96 (emil) (Entered: 12/02/1996)
Dec. 2, 1996
Dec. 2, 1996
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Dec. 16, 1996
Dec. 16, 1996
Transcript of record of proceedings before Judge Ward filed for dates of 11/22/96 (ls) (Entered: 01/02/1997)
Jan. 2, 1997
Jan. 2, 1997
Filed Memo-Endorsement on letter to USMJ, Francis from dated 12/26/96, In Re: extending time....pltff shall answer by 1/31/97 and defts may reply by 2/14/97. Pltff shall send copies of all correspondence to defts' counsel ( signed by Magistrate Judge James C. Francis IV ) (kg) (Entered: 01/06/1997)
Jan. 3, 1997
Jan. 3, 1997
STIPULATION and ORDER, extending time to 1/31/97 for defts to respond to pltffs' Second Requests for Admissions ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (emil) (Entered: 01/17/1997)
Jan. 17, 1997
Jan. 17, 1997
STIPULATION and ORDER, a jointly selected Case Review Team, agreed upon by the parties, is appointed by the Court to conduct a case record review. The Case Review Team consists of the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the United Way of New York City, and a designee of the NYS Dept. of Social Services who shall act w/ absolute neutrality in the conduct of this case record review and not as a representative of the state defts ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (emil) (Entered: 01/29/1997)
Jan. 29, 1997
Jan. 29, 1997
Transcript of record of proceedings filed for dates of 12/16/96 (emil) (Entered: 02/10/1997)
Feb. 7, 1997
Feb. 7, 1997
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
Feb. 11, 1997
Feb. 11, 1997
STIPULATION and ORDER, inadvertent production of any documents that would be subject to a claim of privilege will not be deemed a waiver of that privilege, and the party receiving such a document shall return it promptly upon its identification as privileged, without making a copy ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (emil) (Entered: 02/25/1997)
Feb. 24, 1997
Feb. 24, 1997
Pre-trial conference held (emil)
March 7, 1997
March 7, 1997
SCHEDULING ORDER: Discovery cutoff 10/1/97; Joint Pretrial Order or motion(s) for summary judgment to be submitted on or before 10/31/97; in the event any pltff fails to comply w/ the Court's direction, or to seek an extension by timely application, the Court on its own motion will dismiss pltff's claim for lack of prosecution. In the event that any deft fails to comply w/ this or any subsequent scheduling order or to seek an extension by timely application, the deft's answer will be stricken, and the Court shall enter appropriate injunctive relief in favor of pltffs and against such deft upon a default judgment ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed (emil) (Entered: 03/11/1997)
March 10, 1997
March 10, 1997
ORDER, the Clerk of the Court is to accept the funds (for case record review) for deposit and subsequently transfer them to the CRIS, interest bearing account in the name of "Marisol v. Giuliani Case Record Review". The Clerk of the Court shall deduct from the income on the investment a fee not exceeding the fee authorized by the Judicial Conference of the U.S. and set by the Director of the Administrative Office equal to 10% of the income earned for deduction in the investment so held without further order of the Court. Withdrawal of the funds may only be effected by further order of this Court ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ); Copies mailed. Sent to Cashier's Office on 3/11/97. (emil) (Entered: 03/11/1997)
March 10, 1997
March 10, 1997
STIPULATION and ORDER, regarding the integrity of records included in the joint case record review. ( signed by Judge Robert J. Ward ). (kg) (Entered: 03/14/1997)
March 14, 1997
March 14, 1997