LODGED pro hac vice application for plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 01/21/1993)
Jan. 20, 1992
Jan. 20, 1992
COMPLAINT before Judge Edward J Garcia; referred to Magistrate Gregory G Hollows; Summons issued; fee status paid; Receipt # 141733; Notice re: Consent forms (old) (Entered: 11/12/1992)
Nov. 10, 1992
Nov. 10, 1992
ORDER setting scheduling conference for 10:30 2/26/93 before Judge Edward J Garcia (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 11/12/1992)
Nov. 10, 1992
Nov. 10, 1992
PROOF OF SERVICE by plaintiff of order [2-1], complaint [1-1] (old) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
Nov. 16, 1992
Nov. 16, 1992
EXHIBIT inadvertently omitted from the complaint (old) (Entered: 11/16/1992)
Nov. 16, 1992
Nov. 16, 1992
RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant INS on 11/10/92 (old) (Entered: 11/25/1992)
Nov. 25, 1992
Nov. 25, 1992
AMENDED COMPLAINT [1-1] by plaintiff Eva Espindola, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva (old) (Entered: 11/25/1992)
Nov. 25, 1992
Nov. 25, 1992
RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant INS on 11/25/92 (old) (Entered: 11/30/1992)
Nov. 30, 1992
Nov. 30, 1992
LODGED proposed pro hac vice application for plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 12/21/1992)
Dec. 21, 1992
Dec. 21, 1992
NOTICE of Appearance of Glyndell Williams, Francesco Isgro as counsel of defendant INS, defendant William P Barr, defendant Gene McNary (old) (Entered: 01/06/1993)
Jan. 6, 1993
Jan. 6, 1993
LODGED pro hac vice application for plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 01/22/1993)
Jan. 21, 1993
Jan. 21, 1993
RECEIPT of Pro Hac Vice #142749 in the amount of $15.00 (old) (Entered: 01/26/1993)
Jan. 21, 1993
Jan. 21, 1993
ANSWER by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS (old) (Entered: 01/25/1993)
Jan. 25, 1993
Jan. 25, 1993
ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia granting lodged [0-0] for attorney Lory D Rosenberg to appear pro hac vice for plaintiffs (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 01/26/1993)
Jan. 26, 1993
Jan. 26, 1993
ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia for attorney Robert H Gibbs to appear pro hac vice for plaintiffs (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 01/27/1993)
Jan. 27, 1993
Jan. 27, 1993
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola for summary judgment ; Motion set for 9:00 5/14/93 before EJG (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
MEMORANDUM of POINTS AND AUTHORITIES by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola in support of motion for summary judgment [13-1] (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
STATEMENT by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola of Uncontested Facts in support of motion for summary judgment [13-1]; Exhibits A-U (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
LODGED proposed order granting plaintiff's motion for summary judgment (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola to certify class action ; motion set for 9:00 5/14/93 before EJG (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
LODGED proposed order to grant motion for class certification (old) (Entered: 02/10/1993)
Feb. 10, 1993
Feb. 10, 1993
STATUS REPORT by plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 02/12/1993)
Feb. 12, 1993
Feb. 12, 1993
STATUS REPORT by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS (old) (Entered: 02/17/1993)
Feb. 16, 1993
Feb. 16, 1993
EX PARTE APPLICATION for an order resetting hearing on motions for summary judgment and class certification by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola; Memorandum and Exhibits in Support thereof (old) (Entered: 03/11/1993)
March 11, 1993
March 11, 1993
LODGED proposed order by plaintiffs ex parte application for an order resetting hearing on motions for summary judgment and class certification (old) (Entered: 03/11/1993)
March 11, 1993
March 11, 1993
DECLARATION of Nancy Martinez, Maria Flores (old) (Entered: 03/18/1993)
March 18, 1993
March 18, 1993
NOTICE of hearing ; Scheduling Conference reset to 5/14/93 at 10:30 ( cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 03/31/1993)
March 30, 1993
March 30, 1993
MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment [13-1] (old) (Entered: 04/30/1993)
April 28, 1993
April 28, 1993
RESPONSE by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to plaintiffs' motion to certify class action [16-1] (old) (Entered: 05/03/1993)
April 28, 1993
April 28, 1993
REPLY by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola to defendants' opposition to plaintiffs' motion to certify class action [16-1] (old) (Entered: 05/07/1993)
May 7, 1993
May 7, 1993
REPLY MEMORANDUM by plaintiff class in SUPPORT OF motion for summary judgment [13-1] (old) (Entered: 05/10/1993)
May 7, 1993
May 7, 1993
DECLARATION of Valdemar Sobrevilla Jr (old) (Entered: 05/12/1993)
May 12, 1993
May 12, 1993
MINUTES of Status/Motion Hearing before Judge Edward J Garcia GRANTING in part defendants' motion for summary judgment [13-1] ; Scheduling Conference continued to 9:30 on 6/11/93 ; Parties directed to meet and confer on notification to class by COB 5/19/93 C/R: James Vine (old) (Entered: 05/14/1993)
May 14, 1993
May 14, 1993
LODGED Document RE Class Certification of 2/10/93; Not to be signed; Court will prepare order (old) (Entered: 05/18/1993)
May 17, 1993
May 17, 1993
LODGED Document 2/10/93 RE proposed order granting plaintiff's motion for summary judgment; Not to be signed, court to prepare order (old) (Entered: 05/18/1993)
May 17, 1993
May 17, 1993
SERVICE by publication upon plaintiff's counsel on 5/13/93 (old) (Entered: 05/19/1993)
May 18, 1993
May 18, 1993
NOTICE of addition of attorney Lucas Guttentag as an additional attorney of record for plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 05/26/1993)
May 24, 1993
May 24, 1993
ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia DEFINING class action such as all persons who were issued an Alien Registration Receipt Card, Form I-151, or a predecessor document evidencing lawful permanent resident alien status, and who have applied or who will apply for a replacement card on or after June 26, 1992 solely in reliance upon INS' "green card" replacement program announced by Federal Register Notice of June 26, 1992 AND contrary to Plaintiff's assertions the court did not rule that the INS has no right to charge a fee under any circumstances for a replacement green card. Such a broad question is not presented by plaitiffs' lawsuit (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 06/02/1993)
June 2, 1993
June 2, 1993
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to amend or alter judgment ; motion to be heard 9:00 on 9/10/93 before EJG (old) (Entered: 06/03/1993)
June 2, 1993
June 2, 1993
MEMORANDUM of POINTS AND AUTHORITIES by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS in support of motion to amend or alter judgment [35-1] (old) (Entered: 06/03/1993)
June 2, 1993
June 2, 1993
STATUS REPORT; EXHIBIT by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola (old) (Entered: 06/07/1993)
June 4, 1993
June 4, 1993
TRANSCRIPT of 5/14/93 Motion for Summary Judgment. class certification (old) (Entered: 06/08/1993)
June 8, 1993
June 8, 1993
MINUTES of Status Conference before Judge Edward J Garcia ; Scheduling Conference continued to 9:00 on 9/10/93 ; Court directs parties to meet and confer re plan of refund or Government to file a formal motion for stay; plaintiffs have 2 weeks to respond and matter is submitted; Court will entertain parties' motions for earlier hearing dates C/R: n/a (old) (Entered: 06/11/1993)
June 11, 1993
June 11, 1993
LODGED stipulation re the stay of the court order of 5/17/93 and proposed order thereon (old) (Entered: 06/25/1993)
June 25, 1993
June 25, 1993
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia ORDERING that pending the court's ruling on defendants' motion to alter or amend the judgment, that aspect of the court's order requiring the IRS to refund the application fees held in abeyance (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 06/29/1993)
June 29, 1993
June 29, 1993
NOTICE of hearing setting hearing on motion to amend or alter judgment [35-1] 9:00 9/3/93 ; Scheduling Conference reset to 9:00 on 9/3/93 ( cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 07/01/1993)
June 29, 1993
June 29, 1993
SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION of Lawrence J Weinig (old) (Entered: 07/13/1993)
July 12, 1993
July 12, 1993
LODGED stipulation re extension of hearing date, briefing schedule and discovery (old) (Entered: 07/20/1993)
July 20, 1993
July 20, 1993
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia setting hearing on motion to amend or alter judgment [35-1] 1:30 9/20/93; plaintiffs shall serve response by 9/8/93; Replies filed by 9/13/93; Supplemental joint briefing on the IOAA issue will be filed by 9/8/93 (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 07/22/1993)
July 22, 1993
July 22, 1993
DEPOSITION of Kenneth W Rath taken on the following date(s): 8/23/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
DEPOSITION of Lawrence J Weinig taken on the following date(s): 8/23/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
DEPOSITION of Susan S Jacobs taken on the following date(s): 8/25/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
DEPOSITION of Barbara J Atherton taken on the following date(s): 8/25/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
DEPOSITION of Lawrence J Weinig taken on the following date(s): 8/26/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
DEPOSITION of Katherine P Ripley taken on the following date(s): 8/26/93 (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola in opposition to motion to amend or alter judgment [35-1] (old) (Entered: 09/10/1993)
Sept. 9, 1993
Sept. 9, 1993
REPLY by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to response to motion to amend or alter judgment [35-1] (old) (Entered: 09/14/1993)
Sept. 13, 1993
Sept. 13, 1993
DEPOSITION of Kenneth W Rath taken on the following date(s): 8/23/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
DEPOSITION of Lawrence J Weinig taken on the following date(s): 8/23/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
DEPOSITION of Barbara J Atherton taken on the following date(s): 8/25/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
DEPOSITION of Susan S Jacobs taken on the following date(s): 8/25/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
DEPOSITION of Katherine P Ripley taken on the following date(s): 8/26/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
DEPOSITION of Lawrence J Weinig taken on the following date(s): 8/26/93 (old) (Entered: 09/16/1993)
Sept. 16, 1993
Sept. 16, 1993
MINUTES of Motion to Amend Judgment before Judge Edward J Garcia: plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction is set for 11/5/93 at 9:00 am; court stays order for refund to 11/5/93 C/R: Lori Latz (old) (Entered: 09/20/1993)
Sept. 20, 1993
Sept. 20, 1993
ORDER AFTER HEARING by Honorable Lawrence K Karlton ORDERING: STAYING part of the court's 5/17/93 order requiring defendants to refund monies collected under the unlawful "7/92 Notice," pending amendment and resolution of plaintiffs' third cause of action ; plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction is scheduled for hearing 11/5/93 at 9am (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 09/24/1993)
Sept. 24, 1993
Sept. 24, 1993
MOTION by plaintiff for preliminary injunction relief ; set for 11/5/93 at 9am (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in support of motion for preliminary injunction relief [61-1] (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
Plaintiffs' EXHIBITS in support of moiton for preliminary injunctive relief [61-1] (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
LODGED Order granting plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunctive relief (proposed) (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
MOTION by plaintiff for modification of class ;se t for 11/5/93 at 9am (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
MEMORANDUM by plaintiffs in support of motion for modification of class [64-1] (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
LODGED proposed Ordere Modifying Class (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
DEPOSITION of Michael L Aytes taken on the following date(s): 8/24/93 (old) (Entered: 10/12/1993)
Oct. 8, 1993
Oct. 8, 1993
DECLARATION of Angelita Esparza and Concha Gonzalez (original signature pages) (old) (Entered: 10/14/1993)
Oct. 13, 1993
Oct. 13, 1993
ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia STRIKING amended complaint [67-1]; plaintiff is DIRECTED to obtain a stipulation from defendants pursuant to FRCP 15(a) or file a motion to amend and notice it for hearing (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 10/14/1993)
Oct. 14, 1993
Oct. 14, 1993
MOTION by plaintiff Ana Maria De La Riva, plaintiff Luis Carlos Mier, plaintiff Jose M Rodriguez, plaintiff Maria P Rodriguez, plaintiff Albertina Zamora, plaintiff Luis Arturo Salado-Ramirez, plaintiff Eva Espindola for leave to file second amended complaint ; set for 11/5/93 at 9:00am (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion for leave to file second amended complaint [70-1] (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
APPLICATION by plaintiffs for order shortening time on plaintiffs' moiton for leave to file amended complaint; set for 11/5/93 at 9:00am (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
LODGED order granting leave to file second amended complaint (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
LODGED order shortening time on plaintiffs' motion for leave to file amended complaint (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
LODGED Second Amended Complaint (old) (Entered: 10/21/1993)
Oct. 20, 1993
Oct. 20, 1993
RESPONSE by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to motion for modification of class [64-1] (old) (Entered: 10/25/1993)
Oct. 22, 1993
Oct. 22, 1993
MEMORANDUM by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS in opposition to motion for preliminary injunction relief [61-1] (old) (Entered: 10/25/1993)
Oct. 22, 1993
Oct. 22, 1993
LETTER to court from plaintiffs re lodged second amended complaint (old) (Entered: 10/25/1993)
Oct. 22, 1993
Oct. 22, 1993
TRANSCRIPT of 9/20/93 Motion to amend order (old) (Entered: 10/29/1993)
Oct. 27, 1993
Oct. 27, 1993
ORIGINAL EXHIBITS by government (old) (Entered: 11/01/1993)
Oct. 28, 1993
Oct. 28, 1993
REPLY by plaintiff to defendants' opposition to motion for preliminary injunction relief [61-1]; set for 11/5/93 at 9:00am (old) (Entered: 11/02/1993)
Oct. 29, 1993
Oct. 29, 1993
REPLY by plaintiff to defendants' response to motion for modification of class [64-1] (old) (Entered: 11/02/1993)
Oct. 29, 1993
Oct. 29, 1993
RESPONSE by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS to motion for leave to file second amended complaint [70-1] (old) (Entered: 11/04/1993)
Nov. 2, 1993
Nov. 2, 1993
MINUTES of Motion for Preliminary Injunction before Judge Edward J Garcia: DENYING plaintiff's motion for preliminary relief [61-1; plaintiff's motion for modification of class [64-1] is SUBMITTED (old) (Entered: 11/09/1993)
Nov. 5, 1993
Nov. 5, 1993
LODGED Stipulation to Modify Class Definition; Order (old) (Entered: 11/16/1993)
Nov. 15, 1993
Nov. 15, 1993
ORDER by Judge Edward J Garcia ORDERING: clerk of the court is directed to file Stipulation to Modify Class Definition; clerk is directed to direct parties tocomply with the local rules (cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
Nov. 18, 1993
Nov. 18, 1993
STIPULATION to Modify Class Definition (old) (Entered: 11/18/1993)
Nov. 18, 1993
Nov. 18, 1993
ANSWER by defendant Rudolph Valadez, defendant Gene McNary, defendant William P Barr, defendant INS (old) (Entered: 11/22/1993)
Nov. 19, 1993
Nov. 19, 1993
TRANSCRIPT of 11/5/93 on motions before Judge Edward J Garcia (old) (Entered: 11/29/1993)
Nov. 24, 1993
Nov. 24, 1993
NOTICE OF LETTER to Putative Class Member Re Ex Parte Communications With Court from plaintiffs (old) (Entered: 12/01/1993)
Nov. 30, 1993
Nov. 30, 1993
NOTICE by counsel, Robert Gibbs, for plaintiffs of change of address (old) (Entered: 02/10/1994)
Feb. 9, 1994
Feb. 9, 1994
NOTICE by counsel for plaintiffs of change of address (old) (Entered: 05/20/1994)
May 20, 1994
May 20, 1994
NOTICE of hearing status conference set for 9:00am on 10/21/94; supplemental status reports due 10/11/94 ; parties advised that this date is reserved for dispositional motions that may need to be filed ( cc: all counsel) (old) (Entered: 07/13/1994)
July 12, 1994
July 12, 1994
NOTICE by plaintiff of change of address to CA Rural Legal Assistance 621 Howard St, Suite 300 San Francisco CA 94105-3907 (old) (Entered: 09/01/1994)
Aug. 31, 1994
Aug. 31, 1994