Case: Williams v. County of Los Angeles

2:97-cv-03826 | U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Filed Date: May 22, 1997

Closed Date: 2003

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On May 22, 1997, ten individuals who were allegedly over-detained in the Los Angeles County jail brought a class action lawsuit in the Los Angeles County Superior Court against the County, the Sheriff and various individual supervisors charged with jail management. As the lawsuit alleged both federal and state law violations, the defendants removed the case to the federal court - the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Plaintiffs alleged that pursuant to jail policy, …

On May 22, 1997, ten individuals who were allegedly over-detained in the Los Angeles County jail brought a class action lawsuit in the Los Angeles County Superior Court against the County, the Sheriff and various individual supervisors charged with jail management. As the lawsuit alleged both federal and state law violations, the defendants removed the case to the federal court - the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. Plaintiffs alleged that pursuant to jail policy, they were kept in custody anywhere from 36 hours to as long as five days after they had been ordered released. Plaintiffs sought damages, injunctive relief and class certification for a class of persons routinely over-detained in the Los Angeles County jail.

This case, styled Williams v. Block, was one of a group of cases filed in federal and state courts in California beginning in 1997 that challenged various alleged policies and/or practices of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the operation of its jail, which included: 1) "overdetentions" (i.e., persons not released from custody from the Los Angeles County jails within a reasonable period of time after they became entitled to release); 2) strip and/or visual body cavity searches of persons who had been returned to jail from court to be processed for release; and 3) wrong warrant arrests and detentions (persons arrested on a warrant that, in fact, was for another person, and held for an unreasonable period of time before being released).

The alleged "overdetentions" in Williams v. Block stemmed from the LASD's use of the Automated Justice Information System ("AJIS"), a computerized law enforcement database used to confirm that the prisoner had no outstanding warrants. It was LASD policy that, before it would run a computer check on AJIS, all of the wants and holds that arrived on the day a prisoner was scheduled for release first had to be put into the database. Due to the high volume of wants and holds received daily, the computer inputting process took days to complete, resulting in an administrative backlog that caused prisoners to be overdetained. The Williams plaintiffs alleged that this policy caused a deprivation of liberty without due process of law, in violation of the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and California state law.

In addition to Williams, other cases that were pending in the Central District of California, alleging some form of overdetention included: Streit v.County of Los Angeles, C.D. Cal. No. CV 98-9575WJR (proposed class of those overdetained under the County's unconstitutional detention policy and practice); Canizales v. Block, C.D. Cal. No. CV 98-2475 WJR (proposed class of those ordered released on their own recognizance, but over-detained under the County's unconstitutional detention policy and practice); Shields v. County of Los Angeles, C.D. Cal. No. 98-9695 WJR (proposed class of those acquitted at trial, but over-detained under the County's unconstitutional detention policy and practice; Fairley v. Block, C.D. Cal. No. CV 98-3187 CAS (people ordered released because they are the wrong person); Patchen v. County of Los Angeles, C.D. Cal. No. CV-98-9574 WJR (people detained after the District Attorney's Office rejected filing criminal charges against them); Cleaves v. County of Los Angeles, C. D. Cal. No. 98-9573 WJR (people sentenced to time served and not released); and Gladney v. County of Los Angeles, C.D. Cal. No. CV 99-00586 WJR (court dismisses charges).

In the Williams case, defendants responded to plaintiffs' complaint and subsequent amended complaints by moving to dismiss the case on various grounds. The District Court (Judge William J. Rea) granted in part and denied in part the defendants' motion to dismiss on October 14, 1997. Judge Rea denied plaintiffs' motion for class certification on December 5, 1997. Plaintiffs appealed.

While plaintiffs' appeal was pending on the class certification issue, the parties engaged in extensive discovery, which generated various discovery disputes. Defendants made offers of judgment to the named plaintiffs, many of which were accepted in April 1998. The terms of the offers were not apparent from the PACER docket.

Defendants moved for summary judgment on the claims of the remaining plaintiffs. The Court granted summary judgment to defendants on one of plaintiffs' state law claims and as to plaintiffs' Thirteenth Amendment claim (that inmates were subjected to involuntary servitude by way of forced labor). In all other respects, defendants' motion was denied. Williams v. Block, 1999 WL 33542996 (C.D.Cal. Aug 11, 1999). Defendants appealed, but the Ninth Circuit affirmed in a consolidated appeal. See Streit v. County of Los Angeles, 236 F.3d 552 (9th Cir. 2001).

On May 03, 2000, the Ninth Circuit reversed Judge Rea's denial of plaintiffs' motion for class certification and remanded the case so that the Court could revisit the issue. Williams v. Block, 217 F.3d 848 (9th Cir. 2000). On remand, plaintiffs refiled their motion for class certification. The Court began an evidentiary hearing on class certification on October 30, 2000, but the hearing was continued for additional testimony. The parties requested a series of further continuances while they pursued settlement negotiations.

The case was transferred to Magistrate Judge Carla M. Woehrle for further proceedings. Judge Woehrle consolidated the Williams case with other similar cases pending before the Court. Eventually, a global settlement was brokered that resolved some 14 pending cases, involving three classes of plaintiffs: 1) overdetentions; 2) strip and/or visual body cavity searches; and 3) wrong warrant arrests by the LASD. The settlement consisted of injunctive relief and a substantial monetary payment. The injunctive component was resolved and approved in the state court case, Riley v. the County of Los Angeles. [See JC-CA-56].

The monetary component was approved by Judge Woehrle on 11/27/2002, following a fairness hearing. Defendants agreed to pay an aggregate amount of $27 million. Of that sum, $13,444,809.93 was distributed to class members, after submission of claims, based on a point system whereby each strip search received 3 points (1-5 points depending on length of over-detention and 2 points for wrongful warrant detention). Each point was worth $142.07, or $426.21 for each strip search. The maximum award, regardless of the number of strip searches or the length of over-detention, was $5,000. Men and women shared the settlement equally. A total incentive bonus of $745,750 was shared by 66 named plaintiffs (each received an amount ranging from $2,000 to $31,000).

Total fees, costs and expenses amounted to 39.12% of the $27 million settlement. That amount consisted of attorneys' fees in the amount of $9.684 million, $5.5 million of which was paid for work on the injunctive relief portion. $34,743 was allocated for litigation costs and $845,380.07 for claims administration.

Of the 400,000 potential class members, 36,626 claims were approved, which constituted a participation rate of 9.15%.

Summary Authors

Dan Dalton (1/20/2008)

Related Cases

Streit v. County of Los Angeles, Central District of California (1998)

Riley v. Los Angeles County, California state trial court (2000)

Musso v. County of Los Angeles, California state trial court (2001)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant

Acquisto, Stephen (California)

Adams, Peter M (California)

Adli, Dariush G (California)

Aguilar, Lou V. (California)


Ackerson-Brazille, Karen (California)

Attorney for Defendant

Acquisto, Stephen (California)

Adams, Peter M (California)

Adli, Dariush G (California)

Aguilar, Lou V. (California)

Altagen, Robert S (California)

Altman, Jonathan E (California)

Ault, Julie Ann (California)

Beach, Paul B (California)

Becks, Harold G (California)

Bentz, Tamany Vinson (California)

Boyajian, Nina D (California)

Brawley, James L. (California)

Brazile, Kevin C. (California)

Brennan, Robert Francis (California)

Brenner, Jonathan M (California)

Burgee, John Gerard (California)

Caron, Scott E (California)

Caslin, Brent L (California)

Chevalier, Alisa M (California)

Choi, Jin S (California)

Cislo, Daniel Miles (California)

Clare, Andrew Steven (California)

Colvin, Roger Allen (California)

Cook, Lisa A. (California)

Cotti, John C (California)

Disenhouse, Bruce Emery (California)

Does, Does (California)

Duncan, Amy E (California)

Emanuel, Sacha V (California)

Epstein, Mark Howard (California)

Fair, Whitney (California)

Fanning, Robert L. (California)

Finson, Lowell Wayne (California)

Fiura, Andrew D (California)

Fleming, Kyle Bradford (California)

Frontera, Nicholas E (California)

Fukumura, Koji F (California)

Ghaltchi, Michelle B (California)

Gonzalez, Jason P (California)

Gregorio, Sherry M (California)

Guerrero, Gaillard D (California)

Haney, Steven H (California)

Hardy, Samantha D (California)

Hewitt, Shanan L. (California)

Hilts, Todd J (California)

Hirschhorn, Russell Laurence (California)

Holcomb, John W (California)

Hollenbeck, Linda Tracey (California)

Holmes, Michelle Marie (California)

Holmes, Laura L (California)

Holmgren-Ganz, Laura L (California)

Hurevitz, Linda B (California)

Hurley, Gregory F (California)

Hyde, Kevin E (California)

Inlow, Laura E (California)

Jay, Kevin Simon (California)

Jr, Tony R (California)

Jung, Michael Y (California)

Kaminski, David J (California)

Karlsgodt, Paul G. (California)

Keville, Jordan Brian (California)

Kim, Princeton H (California)

Kowalchyk, Dean Clinton (California)

Lagarias, Peter Clark (California)

Lallas, Tom Peter (California)

Lape, Gary M (California)

Lawless, Mark Joseph (California)

Lawrence, David D. (California)

Lee, Kenneth K (California)

Lusich, Sandra L (California)

Macias, Sean E (California)

MacLatchie, Scott D. (California)

Mahmood, Ghaith (California)

Manier, John J. (California)

Marquart, Jaime W (California)

Martinelli, Lisa Ann (California)

Mathew, Abraham P (California)

McCawley, Sigrid Stone (California)

McDonald, Mark R (California)

Miller, Patricia (California)

Millman, Robert F (California)

Monday, Kathy L (California)

Morrow, Donald L (California)

Mounedji, Selim (California)

Mullen, Martin J (California)

Ostroff, Peter I (California)

Paegel, Nelle Schruben (California)

Palmer, Pamela S (California)

Paul, Jonathan B. (California)

Pellman, Lloyd W. (California)

Pinta, Christine M (California)

Poe, Mark W (California)

Ramirez, Eugene P (California)

Rawcliffe, Andrew C (California)

Raygor, Kent R (California)

Rice, Steven P (California)

Riley , Martha (California)

Rivera, Jesse M. (California)

Rothken, Ira Perry (California)

Rumeld, Myron D. (California)

Russell, Howard Darryl (California)

Scarola, John (California)

Scott, Sylvia M (California)

Self, Henry L (California)

Shapiro, Howard (California)

Sheehan, Cristin E. (California)

Shelton, Billy R. (California)

Skelton, Timothy L (California)

Smith, Mark L (California)

Sobelsohn, Daniel E (California)

Spencer, Chandra G. (California)

Spieker, Meghan O'Ryan (California)

Stockley, Jeffery E (California)

Stone, Michael B (California)

Sullivan, James I. (California)

Tilly, Darcie Allison (California)

Traber, Theresa M (California)

Tracy, Teresa R (California)

Tran, John D (California)

Trope, Konrad Lytell (California)

Tsoi, Jeanny (California)

Vandale, Leslie F (California)

Wang, Songfong Tommy (California)

Wickham, Douglas A (California)

Wilens, Jeffrey N (California)

Winston, Lynette Gridiron (California)

Winter, Douglas D (California)

Woolf, Chaim Jacob (California)

Youngerman, Stephen G (California)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [related case] (PACER)

Tchakmakjian v. Los Angeles County

April 9, 2003

April 9, 2003



Docket [PACER]

Williams v. Block

Nov. 24, 2003

Nov. 24, 2003



Order Denying in Part and Granting in Part Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment

Williams v. Block

Aug. 11, 1999

Aug. 11, 1999


1999 WL 33542996




Williams v. Block

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

May 3, 2000

May 3, 2000


217 F.3d 848










Streit v. County of Los Angeles

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Jan. 12, 2001

Jan. 12, 2001


236 F.3d 552


Class Action Injunctive Relief Agreement

[Williams v. Los Angeles/Riley v. Los Angeles and others]

Sept. 1, 2001

Sept. 1, 2001

Settlement Agreement


Stipulation and Order Re: Settlement of Class Action Cases

Williams v. Block

May 9, 2002

May 9, 2002

Settlement Agreement


Order Re Objections to Settlement

Nov. 27, 2002

Nov. 27, 2002



Order Re: Settlement, Release and Dismissal of Claims in Class Action

Nov. 27, 2002

Nov. 27, 2002

Settlement Agreement


Order Awarding Class Counsel Attorneys' Fees and Costs

Nov. 27, 2002

Nov. 27, 2002



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 3, 2025, 9:58 p.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

NOTICE OF REMOVAL by defendant Los Angeles County from Supr Crt LA( Case Number: BC 169770) with copy summons and complaint referred to Discovery Virginia A. Phillips . (bg) Modified on 02/01/1999 (Entered: 05/27/1997)

May 22, 1997

May 22, 1997


NOTICE by defendant Los Angeles County of related case(s) CV97-1705 WJR (Ex), CV97-2098 WJR (Ex) (jc) (Entered: 05/30/1997)

May 22, 1997

May 22, 1997


Proof of service of S/C and related docs executed upon Susan Porreca, Operations Asst for defendant Sherman NMI Block and for defendant Jerry Harper, and for defendant Michael Graham, and executed upon Sgt Craigo for defendant Barry King on 5/28/97 via personal delivery. (sv) (Entered: 05/30/1997)

May 29, 1997

May 29, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Los Angeles County to dismiss, for more definite statement, & to strike ; motion hearing set for 9:30 7/7/97 (pj) (Entered: 06/03/1997)

May 30, 1997

May 30, 1997


DEMAND for jury trial by plaintiffs (pj) (Entered: 06/05/1997)

June 4, 1997

June 4, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiffs to remand 7th cause of actn ; motion hearing set for 9:30 7/14/97 (pj) (Entered: 06/12/1997)

June 9, 1997

June 9, 1997


ORDER RE TRANSF PURS TO GO 224 (REL CSE) by Judge Audrey B. Collins Case reassigned to Judge William J. Rea for all further proceedings, Case referred to Discovery Charles F. Eick [L/N CV97-1705 WJR (Ex)] (cc: ptys) (jc) (Entered: 06/10/1997)

June 10, 1997

June 10, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff to remand 7th cause of actn ; motion hearing set for 10:00 7/7/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 06/16/1997)

June 13, 1997

June 13, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Sherman NMI Block, defendant Jerry Harper, defendant Michael Graham, defendant Barry King to dismiss, for more definite statement, to strike ; motion hearing set for 10:00 7/28/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 06/18/1997)

June 17, 1997

June 17, 1997


MEMORANDUM by defendant in opposition to motion to remand 7th cause of actn [8-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 06/24/1997)

June 23, 1997

June 23, 1997


Reply by plaintiffs to opp to motion to remand 7th cause of actn [8-1] (dhl) (Entered: 07/03/1997)

July 1, 1997

July 1, 1997


Position by plaintiff re to motion to dismiss [9-1], motion for more definite statement [9-2], motion to strike [9-3], motion to dismiss [4-1], motion for more definite statement [4-2], motion to strike [4-3] (dmjr) (Entered: 07/08/1997)

July 2, 1997

July 2, 1997


FIRST AMENDED Class Actn COMPLAINT; adding Eric Mitchell, Diane Ramirez, Joseph Whitner, Heather Yousif, Yolanda Corbert, Cassondra McNair, Margo V Borrup, Ronald J Borrup; jury demand. Summons not issued (el) (Entered: 07/16/1997)

July 14, 1997

July 14, 1997


NOTICE OF DISMISSAL by plaintiff pursuant to FRCP 41a(1)as to plaintiff Cassondra McNair Ent : 7/22/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 07/22/1997)

July 21, 1997

July 21, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea vacating [9-1] motion to dismiss, vacating [9-2] motion for more definite statement, vacating [9-3] motion to strike, vacating [8-1] motion to remand 7th cause of actn, vacating [7-1] motion to remand 7th cause of actn, vacating [4-1] motion to dismiss, vacating [4-2] motion for more definite statement, vacating [4-3] motion to strike; said motions are now moot in that they are addressed to plfs' original cmp & pla has fld a 1st A/C. (dhl) (Entered: 07/23/1997)

July 23, 1997

July 23, 1997


NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL by defendants of their motions to dism currently sched for 7/28/97 (dhl) (Entered: 07/24/1997)

July 23, 1997

July 23, 1997


NOTICE by plaintiff of association of Miguel Garcia as cnsl (dmjr) (Entered: 08/19/1997)

Aug. 18, 1997

Aug. 18, 1997


2nd AMENDED COMPLAINT [13-1] by plaintiff Munique Williams, plaintiff Michael E White, plaintiff April Marie Courie, plaintiff Johnny Ray Tolbert, plaintiff Kevin Baxter, plaintiff Eric Mitchell, plaintiff Diane Ramirez, plaintiff Joseph Whitner, plaintiff Heather Yousif, plaintiff Yolanda Corbert, plaintiff Cassondra McNair, plaintiff Margo V Borrup, plaintiff Ronald J Borrup; adding Quinton Cooper, Kirk Douglass, Julian Valdez, Frank Lopez, Joe Sanchez Jr, Moises Carranza, Hamid Shahian, Ruby Sellars, Herman Wyche, Duc Huu Pham, Regina Lanell Reed, Roy Lee Wimberly, Gregory White, Edward Allen Palmer; jury demand. Summons not issued (dmjr) (Entered: 08/27/1997)

Aug. 25, 1997

Aug. 25, 1997


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea 2nd A/C fi forthwith, resp to complt w/in 30 days of date of crt ord, class cert DCO 9/25/97, mot for class cert by 10/15/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 06/15/1998)

Aug. 25, 1997

Aug. 25, 1997


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea the depo of pltf Joseph Whitner be allowed to proceed (dmjr) (Entered: 06/15/1998)

Sept. 6, 1997

Sept. 6, 1997


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea the depo of pltf Herman Wyche be allowed to proceed (dmjr) (Entered: 06/15/1998)

Sept. 9, 1997

Sept. 9, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Sherman NMI Block, defendant Los Angeles County, defendant Jerry Harper, defendant Michael Graham, defendant Barry King to dismiss, and for more definite statement ; motion hearing set for 10:00 10/6/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 09/16/1997)

Sept. 15, 1997

Sept. 15, 1997


EX PARTE APPLICATION filed by plaintiff to continue hrg on mot to dism 1 week (dmjr) (Entered: 09/23/1997)

Sept. 22, 1997

Sept. 22, 1997


OBJECTIONS by defendant to [20-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 09/25/1997)

Sept. 24, 1997

Sept. 24, 1997


OPPOSITION by plaintiff motion to dismiss [19-1], motion for more definite statement [19-2] (dmjr) (Entered: 10/02/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


Corrected OPPOSITION by plaintiff motion to dismiss [19-1], motion for more definite statement [19-2] (dmjr) (Entered: 10/02/1997)

Sept. 30, 1997

Sept. 30, 1997


ERRATA by plaintiff to [22-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 10/02/1997)

Sept. 30, 1997

Sept. 30, 1997


DECLARATION of Donald W Cook by plaintiff re [23-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 10/02/1997)

Sept. 30, 1997

Sept. 30, 1997


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea ext ti tofi class cert to 10/22/97 (dmjr) (Entered: 10/07/1997)

Oct. 2, 1997

Oct. 2, 1997


REQUEST by plaintiff for permission for late filing of opp to mot to dism, decl (dmjr) (Entered: 10/07/1997)

Oct. 2, 1997

Oct. 2, 1997


STIPULATION dismissing party Gregory White, party Edward Allen Palmer (ENT 10/7/97) (dmjr) (Entered: 10/07/1997)

Oct. 3, 1997

Oct. 3, 1997


REPLY by defendant to response to motion to dismiss [19-1], motion for more definite statement [19-2] (dmjr) (Entered: 10/08/1997)

Oct. 3, 1997

Oct. 3, 1997


MINUTES: GRANT in part DENY in part motion to dismiss [19-1] Pltf s/fi 3rd A/C nlt 10/22/97 by Judge William J. Rea CR: W Ledge (dmjr) (Entered: 10/23/1997)

Oct. 6, 1997

Oct. 6, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea GRANT in part DENY in part motion to dismiss [19-1] GRANTED as to the 2nd cause of actn under the 4th amd; GRANTED as to the 3rd cause of actn under the 8th amd w/leave to allow plfs to plead wh/c ptys were allegedly deprived of 8th amd rights foll conviction; DENIED as to the 4th cause of actn under the 13th amd, but plfs are Ord to amd the clm to enumerate the specific plfs "compelled" to work during alleged overdetention; GRANTED as to 5th cause of actn under Cal Civil Code sec 51.7 w/lv to amd but denied as to the clm under CA Civil Code sec 52.1; Dfts dfns of discretionary immu as it relates to the 5th cause of actn for wrongful deten & the 7th caue of actn for negligence is rejected & the mot to dism those causes is denied; Crt refrains frm addressing mot to dism class allegations until after the mot for class cert is fld on or bfr 10/22/97; and Plfs shl fi & srv a 3rd A/C on or bfr 10/22/97. (ENT 10/14/97) mld cpy & ntc (el) (Entered: 10/16/1997)

Oct. 14, 1997

Oct. 14, 1997


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff for certification of class action ; motion hearing set for 10:00 11/17/97 (twdb) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 22, 1997

Oct. 22, 1997


MEMORANDUM of PA by plaintiff in support of motion for certification of class action [32-1] (twdb) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 22, 1997

Oct. 22, 1997


DECLARATION of Timothy J. Midgley by plaintiff in suppt of plfs mot for cert of class actn [32-1] (twdb) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 23, 1997

Oct. 23, 1997


OBJECTIONS by defendant to evid subm in suppt of mot for certification of class actn (dmjr) (Entered: 11/05/1997)

Nov. 3, 1997

Nov. 3, 1997


MEMORANDUM by defendant in opposition to motion for certification of class action [32-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 11/05/1997)

Nov. 3, 1997

Nov. 3, 1997


RESPONSE by plaintiff to obj to evid subm in suppt of mot for class certification (dmjr) (Entered: 11/12/1997)

Nov. 10, 1997

Nov. 10, 1997


REPLY by plaintiff to response to motion for certification of class action [32-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 11/13/1997)

Nov. 10, 1997

Nov. 10, 1997


MINUTES: denying motion for certification of class action [32-1] by Judge William J. Rea CR: C E Lee (dmjr) (Entered: 11/20/1997)

Nov. 17, 1997

Nov. 17, 1997


THIRD AMENDED CLASS ACTN COMPLAINT [18-1] by plaintiffs; jury demand. Summons not issued (el) (Entered: 12/03/1997)

Dec. 2, 1997

Dec. 2, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea denying plf's motion for certification of class action [32-1]. Plfs are unable to satisfy the typicality requirement of FRCP, Rule 23(a). (ENT 12/11/97) mld cpy & ntc. (el) (Entered: 12/11/1997)

Dec. 5, 1997

Dec. 5, 1997


EX PARTE APPLICATION filed by plaintiff for order certing for appeal ord denying class certification (dmjr) (Entered: 12/10/1997)

Dec. 8, 1997

Dec. 8, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea crt ord made on 11/17/97 denying pltfs mot for class certification, is hereby certified for interlocutory appeal purs to 28 USC 1292(b) (dmjr) (Entered: 12/19/1997)

Dec. 9, 1997

Dec. 9, 1997


OBJECTIONS by defendant to [41-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 12/16/1997)

Dec. 15, 1997

Dec. 15, 1997


ANSWER filed by defendant Barry King to complaint [40-1]; jury demand (dmjr) (Entered: 12/29/1997)

Dec. 24, 1997

Dec. 24, 1997


ANSWER filed by defendant Los Angeles County to complaint [40-1]; jury demand (dmjr) (Entered: 12/29/1997)

Dec. 24, 1997

Dec. 24, 1997


ANSWER filed by defendant Jerry Harper to complaint [40-1]; jury demand (dmjr) (Entered: 12/29/1997)

Dec. 24, 1997

Dec. 24, 1997


ANSWER filed by defendant Sherman NMI Block to complaint [40-1]; jury demand (dmjr) (Entered: 12/29/1997)

Dec. 24, 1997

Dec. 24, 1997


ANSWER filed by defendant Michael Graham to complaint [40-1]; jury demand (dmjr) (Entered: 12/29/1997)

Dec. 24, 1997

Dec. 24, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea ; mandatory status conference set on 10:00 3/2/98 (dmjr) (Entered: 12/31/1997)

Dec. 30, 1997

Dec. 30, 1997


ORDER by Judge William J. Rea assigning all discov matters to Mag Eick (dmjr) (Entered: 12/31/1997)

Dec. 30, 1997

Dec. 30, 1997


EX PARTE APPLICATION filed by plaintiff for ameneded order deny mot for class certification decl (dmjr) (Entered: 01/12/1998)

Jan. 7, 1998

Jan. 7, 1998


Amded ORDER by Judge William J. Rea denying plfs' motion for certification of class action [32-1] (Ent 1/16/98), Mld cpy to plf only. (lori) (Entered: 01/16/1998)

Jan. 12, 1998

Jan. 12, 1998


JOINT REPORT OF EARLY MEETING OF COUNSEL filed. Estimated length of trial 25 days (dmjr) (Entered: 02/10/1998)

Feb. 5, 1998

Feb. 5, 1998


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff to compel responses to interrogs & req for production ; motion hearing set for 9:00 3/6/98 (dmjr) (Entered: 02/24/1998)

Feb. 19, 1998

Feb. 19, 1998


STIPULATION re [55-1], decl (dmjr) (Entered: 02/24/1998)

Feb. 19, 1998

Feb. 19, 1998


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant to bifurcate, and to stay discov ; motion hearing set for 10:00 3/16/98 (dmjr) (Entered: 02/24/1998)

Feb. 20, 1998

Feb. 20, 1998


OPPOSITION by defendant to motion to compel responses to interrogs & req for production [55-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 03/04/1998)

March 2, 1998

March 2, 1998


MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT by plaintiff of motion to compel responses to interrogs & req for production [55-1] (dmjr) (Entered: 03/06/1998)

March 2, 1998

March 2, 1998


OPPOSITION by plaintiff to motion to bifurcate [57-1], motion to stay discov [57-2] (dmjr) (Entered: 03/06/1998)

March 2, 1998

March 2, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff of dates set by crt at MSC (dmjr) (Entered: 03/06/1998)

March 2, 1998

March 2, 1998


MINUTES: ; pretrial conference on 10:00 10/26/98 ; settlement conference 4:00 10/7/98 ; jury trial set on 9:30 12/1/98 DCO 8/31/98, MCO 10/31/8 by Judge William J. Rea CR: C E Lee (dmjr) (Entered: 03/06/1998)

March 2, 1998

March 2, 1998


MINUTES: except as expressly stated, denying motion to compel responses to interrogs & req for production [55-1] (see doc for discov ordered) by Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick CR: n/a (dmjr) (Entered: 03/11/1998)

March 6, 1998

March 6, 1998


MINUTES: mot to compel further responses & requests is tkn under subm by Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick CR: tape 98-19 & 98-20 (dmjr) (Entered: 03/12/1998)

March 6, 1998

March 6, 1998


REPLY by defendant to response to motion to bifurcate [57-1], motion to stay discov [57-2] (dmjr) (Entered: 03/11/1998)

March 9, 1998

March 9, 1998


MINUTES: denying motion to bifurcate [57-1], crt adopts tentative ruling by Judge William J. Rea CR: C E Lee (dmjr) (Entered: 03/23/1998)

March 16, 1998

March 16, 1998


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendants for review of Mag Judge's ord to compel discov ; motion hearing set for 10:00 4/27/98; Mem of PA; decl of Chandra Gehri Spencer (el) (Entered: 03/25/1998)

March 24, 1998

March 24, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff atty of change of firm name (dmjr) (Entered: 03/27/1998)

March 26, 1998

March 26, 1998


9th CCA Court Order: The petition for perm to app under 28 U.S.C. 1292(b) is granted. Petitioner shll perfect its app pursuant to FRAP 5(d). (pjap) Modified on 04/07/1998 (Entered: 04/07/1998)

April 3, 1998

April 3, 1998


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea dismissing party Moises Carranza w/prej (ENT 4/9/98) cc: counsel (dmjr) (Entered: 04/09/1998)

April 8, 1998

April 8, 1998


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea resetting hearing on motion for review of Mag Judge's ord to compel discov [67-1] 10:00 5/4/98 (dmjr) (Entered: 04/17/1998)

April 16, 1998

April 16, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Julian Valdez of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Munique Williams of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Hamid Shahian of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Frank Lopez of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Duc Huu Pham of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Johnny Ray Tolbert of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Joseph Whitner of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Kevin Baxter of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Herman Wyche of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Margo V Borrup of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Yolanda Corbert of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Joe Sanchez Jr of acceptance of offer of jgmt (dmjr) (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


COPY of Appellate Court Order: The app is dism w/prej as Moises Carranza only. The app shll continue as to the remaining ptys. A cert cpy of this ord sent to the dist crt shll act as and for the mandate of this crt as to the above named pty. Applnts are requested to indicate the correct app No. 98-55609, on all fur filings for this app. (dlu) Modified on 05/19/1998 (Entered: 05/19/1998)

April 23, 1998

April 23, 1998


NOTICE by defendant of lodging trnscrpt of crt hrg for hrg on mot for review (dmjr) (Entered: 04/29/1998)

April 28, 1998

April 28, 1998


TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION and ordering form for dates: None requessted (dlu) (Entered: 05/01/1998)

May 1, 1998

May 1, 1998


TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATION and ordering form for dates: none requested (app) (Entered: 05/06/1998)

May 1, 1998

May 1, 1998


OPPOSITION by plaintiff to Dfts' motion for review of Mag Judge's ord to compel discov [67-1] (pj) (Entered: 05/06/1998)

May 4, 1998

May 4, 1998


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge William J. Rea resetting hearing on motion for review of Mag Judge's ord to compel discov [67-1] 10:00 5/18/98 (lc) (Entered: 05/11/1998)

May 6, 1998

May 6, 1998


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by defendant Los Angeles County, defendant Barry King, defendant Michael Graham, defendant Jerry Harper, defendant Sherman NMI Block to dismiss Roy Lee Wimberly, or alt to compel attend at depo, and for sanctions ; motion hearing set for 9:00 5/22/98 (lc) (Entered: 05/11/1998)

May 6, 1998

May 6, 1998


REPLY by dfts Los Angeles County, Sherman NMI Block, Michael Graham, Barry King to plf's opp to motion for review of Mag Judge's ord to compel discov [67-1]; Decl of Chandra Gehri Spencer (kh) (Entered: 05/12/1998)

May 11, 1998

May 11, 1998


MINUTES: vacating hearing re dfts' motion to dismiss Roy Lee Wimberly [89-1], motion to compel attend at depo [89-2], hearing re motion for sanctions [89-3]; any pty may fi a suppl memo on or bfr 5/18/98; at that ti crt will take themtn under submission w/o oral argument. by Magistrate Judge Charles F. Eick CR: N/A (el) (Entered: 05/13/1998)

May 12, 1998

May 12, 1998


CERTIFICATE of Record Transmitted to USCA (cc: all parties) (ghap) (Entered: 05/13/1998)

May 13, 1998

May 13, 1998


MINUTES RE DFT'S MOT FOR REV OF MAG JUDGE'S ORD [67-1]: Dft's mot to reconsider the Mag Judge's ord is denied. Crt ords dft to produce a 1 line account for each booking number for a period of 20 months of the 57,000 inmates. Dft shall have 30 days to comply w/ the ord by Judge William J. Rea CR: Rosa Treibach (kh) (Entered: 05/28/1998)

May 18, 1998

May 18, 1998


MINUTES: motion to dismiss Roy Lee Wimberly [89-1], motion to compel attend at depo [89-2], motion for sanctions [89-3] tkn und subm w/o oral argmt; w/i 45 days of date of this ord, upon nlt 10 days ntc, plf roy Lee wimberly shl appr for depo at place and time of defts choosing; w/i 30 days of date of this ord plf Roy Lee Wimberly shl pay to defts total sum of $1,372.50 as sanctions; if plf fails to comply w/this ord, and defts file mot fr dism sanct, the mot shl be ntc fr hrg br dist Jude rather than Mag Judge; except as expressly state mot is deniedby Discovery Charles F. Eick CR: none (lc) (Entered: 06/03/1998)

May 19, 1998

May 19, 1998


CERTIFIED COPY of 9thcca Order ptn for permission to appeal pursuant to 28 USC 1292 is gr. W/i 10 dys of ord, ptnr shll perfect app pursuant to FRAP (5(d). (fvap) (Entered: 06/01/1998)

June 1, 1998

June 1, 1998


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff to compel further responses to req for prod; req for sanctions ; motion hearing set for 9:00 7/10/98 (mco) (Entered: 06/19/1998)

June 17, 1998

June 17, 1998


Case Details

State / Territory: California

Case Type(s):

Jail Conditions

Key Dates

Filing Date: May 22, 1997

Closing Date: 2003

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Persons who: were not released from L.A. County Jail within a reasonable amount of time; and/or were unlawfully strip searched at the jail; and/or were held unlawfully on someone else's warrant.

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Los Angeles County Sheriff's Dept. (Los Angeles), County

Los Angeles County (Los Angeles), County

Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

State law

Constitutional Clause(s):

Due Process

Unreasonable search and seizure

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree


Affected Sex/Gender(s):



Jails, Prisons, Detention Centers, and Other Institutions:

Grievance procedures

Over/Unlawful Detention (facilities)