Case: Humanists of Washington v. Lehman

3:97-cv-05499 | U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington

Filed Date: Aug. 7, 1997

Closed Date: 2004

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On August 7, 1997, the Humanists of Washington and the National Prison Project of the ACLU filed a § 1983 claim against the Washington Department of Corrections [DOC] in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, challenging restrictions on prison regulations regarding inmate mail. Plaintiffs sought declaratory and injunctive relief.Defendants moved to dismiss the complaint. That motion was denied by the District Court (Judge Franklin D. Burgess) on February 2, 1998.There…

On August 7, 1997, the Humanists of Washington and the National Prison Project of the ACLU filed a § 1983 claim against the Washington Department of Corrections [DOC] in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, challenging restrictions on prison regulations regarding inmate mail. Plaintiffs sought declaratory and injunctive relief.

Defendants moved to dismiss the complaint. That motion was denied by the District Court (Judge Franklin D. Burgess) on February 2, 1998.

Thereafter, the parties engaged in settlement negotiations and reached a resolution of the case. An Order Approving Stipulation for Approval of Settlement and Entry of Judgment was entered on October 22, 1999. The Settlement Agreement provided for changes to DOC regulations governing inmate mail, which included changes to the mail rejection process, handling of legal materials. The Agreement also incorporated the DOC policy changes that were addressed in the cases Miniken v. Walter, 978 F.Supp. 1356 (E.D.Wash. 1997) [PC-WA-11 of this collection] and Crofton V. Roe, 170 F.3d 957 (9th Cir. 1999). [PC-WA-5].

On June 14, 2004, the District Court entered a Stipulated Order to Terminate Relief Provisions of Release and Settlement Agreement of October 22, 1999, noting that no enforcement actions had been brought been either party. The case was then administratively closed. We have no further information on the matter.

Summary Authors

Dan Dalton (2/20/2007)

Related Cases

Crofton v. Roe, Eastern District of Washington (1995)

Miniken v. Walter, Eastern District of Washington (1996)



Arnold, J. Kelley (Washington)

Burgess, Franklin D. (Washington)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Bringman, Joseph E. (Washington)

Gendler, Michael W. (Washington)

Attorney for Defendant

Evans, Colleen B. (Washington)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket (PACER)

June 14, 2004

June 14, 2004



Setlement Agreement and Release

Oct. 1, 1999

Oct. 1, 1999

Settlement Agreement


Stipulation for Approval of Settlement and Entry of Judgment

Oct. 22, 1999

Oct. 22, 1999

Settlement Agreement


Stipulated Motion to Terminate Relief Provisions of Release and Settlement Agreement

June 10, 2004

June 10, 2004

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Stipulated Order to Terminate Relief Provisions of Release and Settlement Agreement

June 14, 2004

June 14, 2004



Last updated Feb. 14, 2025, 8:02 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF (Summons(es) issued) Receipt # 243198 (KM) (Entered: 08/12/1997)

Aug. 7, 1997

Aug. 7, 1997


AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendants of summons/complaint on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 08/18/1997)

Aug. 8, 1997

Aug. 8, 1997


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess Case referred to Magistrate Judge J. K. Arnold (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 08/14/1997)

Aug. 13, 1997

Aug. 13, 1997


ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defendants by Nancy J. Krier, Colleen B Evans, Eric A Mentzer (TW) (Entered: 08/18/1997)

Aug. 15, 1997

Aug. 15, 1997


MOTION by defendants to dismiss case NOTED FOR 10/3/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/10/1997)

Sept. 9, 1997

Sept. 9, 1997


MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of motion to dismiss case [5- 1] (TW) (Entered: 09/10/1997)

Sept. 9, 1997

Sept. 9, 1997

LODGED ORDER: re: motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/10/1997)

Sept. 9, 1997

Sept. 9, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Eldon Vail on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Tom Rolfs on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Joseph D Lehman on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Tana Wood on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Kay Walter on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Kenneth DuCharme on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Phil Stanley on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


ACCEPTANCE/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE of summons and complaint by defendant Robert Wright on 8/8/97 (TW) (Entered: 09/22/1997)

Sept. 19, 1997

Sept. 19, 1997


MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION/RESPONSE by plaintiffs to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Michael W Gendler by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Randy Tollefson by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Michael Peterson by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of William Robert Harris by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


RULE 56(f) DECLARATION of Joseph E Bringman by plaintiffs re motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Jerry Hawkins by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Paul Wright by plaintiffs in oppositio to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


DECLARATION of Julya Hampton by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 09/30/1997)

Sept. 29, 1997

Sept. 29, 1997


REPLY by defendants TO RESPONSE to motion to dismiss case [5-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/02/1997)

Oct. 2, 1997

Oct. 2, 1997


MOTION by defendant to stay discovery NOTED FOR 10/31/97 (TW) (Entered: 10/15/1997)

Oct. 10, 1997

Oct. 10, 1997


MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/15/1997)

Oct. 10, 1997

Oct. 10, 1997

LODGED ORDER: re: motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/15/1997)

Oct. 10, 1997

Oct. 10, 1997


MEMORANDUM IN OPPOSITION/RESPONSE by plaintiffs to motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 27, 1997

Oct. 27, 1997


DECLARATION of Joseph E Bringman by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 27, 1997

Oct. 27, 1997


DECLARATION of Michael W Gendler by plaintiffs in opposition to motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 10/29/1997)

Oct. 27, 1997

Oct. 27, 1997


REPLY by defendant TO RESPONSE to motion to stay discovery [25-1] (TW) (Entered: 11/03/1997)

Oct. 30, 1997

Oct. 30, 1997


ORDER by Magistrate Judge J. K. Arnold DENYING dfts' motion to stay discovery [25-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 11/04/1997)

Nov. 3, 1997

Nov. 3, 1997


REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION regarding GRANTING in PART & DENYING in PART dfts' motion to dismiss case [5-1] by Magistrate Judge J. K. Arnold NOTED FOR 11/21/97 (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 11/04/1997)

Nov. 3, 1997

Nov. 3, 1997

LODGED ORDER: re: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION regarding GRANTING in PART & DENYING in PART dfts' motion to dismiss case [5-1] [33-1] (TW) (Entered: 11/04/1997)

Nov. 3, 1997

Nov. 3, 1997


Objections to Report and Recommendation & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery by defendant NOTED FOR 12/5/97 (TW) (Entered: 11/18/1997)

Nov. 17, 1997

Nov. 17, 1997


REQUEST/MOTION by defendants for hearing on objection to R&R & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery NOTED FOR 12/5/97 (TW) (Entered: 11/18/1997)

Nov. 17, 1997

Nov. 17, 1997


Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss by plaintiff NOTED FOR 12/5/97 (TW) (Entered: 11/19/1997)

Nov. 18, 1997

Nov. 18, 1997


RESPONSE by defendants to Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss [36-1], Objections to Report and Recommendation & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery [34-1] (TW) (Entered: 11/28/1997)

Nov. 26, 1997

Nov. 26, 1997


RESPONSE by plaintiff to dft's Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss [36-1], and dft's Objections to Report and Recommendation & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery [34-1] (EC) (Entered: 12/02/1997)

Dec. 2, 1997

Dec. 2, 1997


DECLARATION of Joseph E. Bringman by plaintiff re dft's Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss [36-1], and dft's Objections to Report and Recommendation & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery [34-1] (EC) (Entered: 12/02/1997)

Dec. 2, 1997

Dec. 2, 1997


CITATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY by plaintiff re Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss [36-1] (EC) (Entered: 01/02/1998)

Jan. 2, 1998

Jan. 2, 1998


SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY by defendants (TW) (Entered: 01/20/1998)

Jan. 16, 1998

Jan. 16, 1998


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess that the R&R is approved in part and rejected in part; dfts' mtn to dismiss per FRCP 12(b)(1) is DENIED; dfts' mtn to dismiss per FRCP 12(b)(6) is DENIED; terming Objections to Report and Recommendation & dfts' mtn to dismiss [36-1], Objections to Report and Recommendation & order denying dfts' mtn to stay discovery [34-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 02/03/1998)

Feb. 2, 1998

Feb. 2, 1998


ORDER/NOTICE OF JOINT STATUS REPORT Joint Status Report due 3/11/98 (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 02/12/1998)

Feb. 11, 1998

Feb. 11, 1998


MOTION by defendants for reconsideration NOTED FOR 3/6/98 (TW) (Entered: 02/18/1998)

Feb. 17, 1998

Feb. 17, 1998


MEMORANDUM by defendants in support of motion for reconsideration [44-1] (TW) (Entered: 02/18/1998)

Feb. 17, 1998

Feb. 17, 1998

LODGED ORDER: re: motion for reconsideration [44-1] (TW) (Entered: 02/18/1998)

Feb. 17, 1998

Feb. 17, 1998


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess DENYING dfts' motion for reconsideration [44-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 03/10/1998)

March 9, 1998

March 9, 1998


JOINT STATUS REPORT filed by all parties. Est. Trial Days: 10 (TW) (Entered: 03/12/1998)

March 11, 1998

March 11, 1998


ANSWER to complaint [1-1] by defendants; jury demand (TW) (Entered: 03/24/1998)

March 23, 1998

March 23, 1998


NOTICE of WITHDRAWAL by defendants of atty Colleen B Evans (TW) (Entered: 05/21/1998)

May 20, 1998

May 20, 1998


AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE by dfts of Answers & Objections to Interrogs and Requests for Production (EC) (Entered: 10/23/1998)

Oct. 23, 1998

Oct. 23, 1998


NOTICE by dfts of ASSOCIATION OF ATTORNEY Kasey Kneip (EC) (Entered: 11/19/1998)

Nov. 19, 1998

Nov. 19, 1998


TRIAL NOTICE Discovery cutoff 5/7/99 Motion filing deadline 6/7/99 Pretrial order to be submitted by 8/12/99 Pretrial conference set for 9:30 8/20/99 Trial set for 9:00 9/13/99 Trial briefs to be submitted by 8/12/99 39.1 designation effective 5/20/99 (cc:all counsel) (KM) (Entered: 01/19/1999)

Jan. 19, 1999

Jan. 19, 1999


MOTION by defendant to amend scheduling order NOTED FOR 3/12/99 (EC) (Entered: 02/19/1999)

Feb. 19, 1999

Feb. 19, 1999


MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion to amend scheduling order [53-1] (EC) (Entered: 02/19/1999)

Feb. 19, 1999

Feb. 19, 1999

LODGED ORDER: re: motion to amend scheduling order [53-1] (EC) (Entered: 02/19/1999)

Feb. 19, 1999

Feb. 19, 1999


RESPONSE/MEMO IN OPPOSITION by plaintiff to dfts' motion to amend scheduling order [53-1] (EC) (Entered: 03/01/1999)

March 1, 1999

March 1, 1999


LETTER from Magistrate Judge David E. Wilson to counsel re: settlement conference scheduled for 5/6/99 at 9:00 AM (EC) (Entered: 03/15/1999)

March 15, 1999

March 15, 1999


MOTION by plaintiff to amend and supplement complaint NOTED FOR 4/9/99 (EC) (Entered: 03/25/1999)

March 25, 1999

March 25, 1999


MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (EC) (Entered: 03/25/1999)

March 25, 1999

March 25, 1999

LODGED ORDER: re: pls' motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (EC) (Entered: 03/25/1999)

March 25, 1999

March 25, 1999


SECOND MOTION by defendant to dismiss for failure to exhaust NOTED FOR 4/23/99 (EC) (Entered: 03/31/1999)

March 31, 1999

March 31, 1999


MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion to dismiss for failure to exhaust [59-1] (EC) (Entered: 03/31/1999)

March 31, 1999

March 31, 1999

LODGED ORDER: re: dfts' motion to dismiss for failure to exhaust [59- 1] (EC) (Entered: 03/31/1999)

March 31, 1999

March 31, 1999


SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL on behalf of Phil Stanley, Robert Wright, Kay Walter, Kenneth DuCharme, Tana Wood, Eldon Vail, Tom Rolfs, Joseph D Lehman Michael T. Mitchell terminating attorney Nancy J. Krier for Joseph D Lehman, attorney Eric A Mentzer for Joseph D Lehman, attorney Nancy J. Krier for Tom Rolfs, attorney Eric A Mentzer for Tom Rolfs, attorney Nancy J. Krier for Eldon Vail, attorney Eric A Mentzer for Eldon Vail (EC) (Entered: 04/05/1999)

April 5, 1999

April 5, 1999


RESPONSE by defendant to pls' motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/05/1999)

April 5, 1999

April 5, 1999


REPLY by plaintiff TO RESPONSE to pls' motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/08/1999)

April 8, 1999

April 8, 1999


DECLARATION of Joseph E. Bringman by plaintiff re pls' motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/08/1999)

April 8, 1999

April 8, 1999


ORDER by Magistrate Judge J. K. Arnold GRANTING pls' motion to amend and supplement complaint [57-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 04/12/1999)

April 12, 1999

April 12, 1999


RESPONSE/MEMO IN OPPOSITION by plaintiff to dfts' second motion to dismiss for failure to exhaust [59-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/19/1999)

April 19, 1999

April 19, 1999


DECLARATION of Joseph E. Bringman by plaintiff re dfts' second motion to dismiss for failure to exhaust [59-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/19/1999)

April 19, 1999

April 19, 1999


MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of motion for reconsideration of Magistrate Judge's order granting pl's motion to amend and supplement complaint [69-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/28/1999)

April 21, 1999

April 21, 1999


REPLY by plaintiff TO RESPONSE to pls' motion to amend scheduling order [53-1] (EC) (Entered: 04/26/1999)

April 26, 1999

April 26, 1999


MINUTE ORDER: by Magistrate Judge David E. Wilson , Settlement Conference rescheduled to 9:00 on 5/20/99 before DEW; briefs due 5/17/99; (cc: counsel, Judge) (PV) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 4, 1999

May 4, 1999


MOTION by defendant to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz NOTED FOR 5/28/99 (EC) (Entered: 05/10/1999)

May 10, 1999

May 10, 1999


MEMORANDUM by defendant in support of dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/10/1999)

May 10, 1999

May 10, 1999


AFFIDAVIT of Kasey C. Kneip regarding dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/10/1999)

May 10, 1999

May 10, 1999

LODGED ORDER: re: dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/10/1999)

May 10, 1999

May 10, 1999

PROPOSED First Amended and Supplemented Complaint (EC) (Entered: 05/12/1999)

May 12, 1999

May 12, 1999


LETTER by plaintiff re: dft's motion for reconsideration of Magistrate Judge's order granting pl's motion to amend and supplement complaint [69-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/12/1999)

May 12, 1999

May 12, 1999


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess DENYING dfts' motion for reconsideration of Magistrate Judge's order granting pl's motion to amend and supplement complaint [69-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 05/17/1999)

May 17, 1999

May 17, 1999


RESPONSE/MEMO IN OPPOSITION by plaintiff to dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/24/1999)

May 24, 1999

May 24, 1999


DECLARATION of Michael W. Gendler by plaintiff re dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/24/1999)

May 24, 1999

May 24, 1999

PLS' LODGED ORDER: re: dfts' motion to exclude rebuttal expert Daniel Linz [72-1] (EC) (Entered: 05/24/1999)

May 24, 1999

May 24, 1999


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following date(s): 5/25/99; CR initials: Laurene Kelly (MW) (Entered: 06/04/1999)

June 1, 1999

June 1, 1999


MINUTE ORDER: by Magistrate Judge J. K. Arnold; matter was referred to Magistrate Judge David E. Wilson who advised matter has settled; file is now returned to Judge Franklin D. Burgess for entry of dispositional documents (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 06/03/1999)

June 2, 1999

June 2, 1999


MTN by Pltfs to reconsider order of dismissal entered on 6/21/99 NOTED FOR 7/16/99 (CAR) (Entered: 07/02/1999)

July 1, 1999

July 1, 1999

LODGED ORDER re: motion to reconsider order of dismissal entered on 6/21/99 [82-1] (CAR) (Entered: 07/02/1999)

July 1, 1999

July 1, 1999

PROPOSED Stipulation and Order to Extend Time to Reopen Case (EC) (Entered: 09/13/1999)

Sept. 13, 1999

Sept. 13, 1999


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess RENOTED FOR 10/1/99 motion to reconsider order of dismissal entered on 6/21/99 [82-1]; dfts shall show cause why motion should not be granted (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 09/15/1999)

Sept. 15, 1999

Sept. 15, 1999


RESPONSE by defendant to pls' motion to reconsider order of dismissal entered on 6/21/99 [82-1] (EC) (Entered: 10/01/1999)

Oct. 1, 1999

Oct. 1, 1999


ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess GRANTING motion to reconsider order of dismissal entered on 6/21/99 [82-1] VACATING [81-2] order, all pending dates and ddls are STRICKEN, parties shall report on settlement negotiations by 11/12/99 (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 10/13/1999)

Oct. 12, 1999

Oct. 12, 1999

PROPOSED Stipulation for Approval of Settlement and entry of judgment (EC) (Entered: 10/22/1999)

Oct. 22, 1999

Oct. 22, 1999


STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Franklin D. Burgess for approval of settlement and entry of jgm **SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS** case termed. (cc: counsel, Judge) (CAR) (Entered: 10/25/1999)

Oct. 22, 1999

Oct. 22, 1999


JUDGMENT: by Judge Franklin D. Burgess; all of pl's claims other than their Fifth Claim as set forth in the First Amended and Supplemental Complaint are dismissed w/prejudice; the Fifth Claim as set forth in the First Amended and Supplemental Complaint is dismissed w/o prejudice CASE TERMED (cc: counsel, Judge, Jgm. Book) Entered on: 11/8/99 (EC) (Entered: 11/08/1999)

Nov. 8, 1999

Nov. 8, 1999


LETTER from Law Clerk M. O'Neill to Merle Royse re: copy work (EC) (Entered: 12/23/1999)

Dec. 23, 1999

Dec. 23, 1999


LETTER from Gene Anderson complaining that dfts are not complying with injunctions (EC) (Entered: 05/04/2000)

April 28, 2000

April 28, 2000


ORDER FORWARDING CORRESPONDENCE TO COUNSEL OF RECORD by Judge Franklin D. Burgess (cc: counsel, Judge) (EC) (Entered: 05/04/2000)

May 3, 2000

May 3, 2000

Case Details

State / Territory: Washington

Case Type(s):

Prison Conditions

Key Dates

Filing Date: Aug. 7, 1997

Closing Date: 2004

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Humanists of Washington, the National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc., and prison inmates

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Unknown

Class Action Outcome: Unknown


Washington Department of Corrections, State

Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

Constitutional Clause(s):

Freedom of speech/association

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Order Duration: 1999 - 2004
