Case: Hamilton v. City of Wilmington

1:00-cv-00635 | U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware

Filed Date: July 7, 2000

Closed Date: July 29, 2003

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On July 7, 2000, temporary employees of the City of Wilmington filed this class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware. The plaintiffs sued the City of Wilmington under 42 U.S.C. § 1981, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and the Wilmington City Charter. The plaintiffs, represented by private counsel, asked the court for monetary relief and injunctive relief. Specifically, the plaintiffs alleged that the City denied city workers benefits including health care, pensions, life insu…

On July 7, 2000, temporary employees of the City of Wilmington filed this class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware. The plaintiffs sued the City of Wilmington under 42 U.S.C. § 1981, 42 U.S.C. § 1983, and the Wilmington City Charter. The plaintiffs, represented by private counsel, asked the court for monetary relief and injunctive relief.

Specifically, the plaintiffs alleged that the City denied city workers benefits including health care, pensions, life insurance, paid holidays, paid vacations, and paid sick days by replacing permanent city employees with temporary employees. The plaintiffs alleged that the City's decision violated the Constitution because the replacement had no rational basis beyond saving money.

On August 24, 2001, the parties notified Judge Gregory M. Sleet that a settlement had been reached. The settlement stated that the City of Wilmington would pay $210,000 in monetary relief to be distributed across all class members of the case. As the case moved forward the city had changed its temporary worker policy, negating the need for injunction relief.

On August 26, 2002, Judge Sleet found the proposed settlement fair and reasonable.

On September 4, 2002 a new plaintiff requested to participate in the settlement. On September 30, 2002 Judge Sleet ordered all individuals who filed claims forms on or before September 20, 2002 were eligible for participation in the plaintiffs’ case. 2002 WL 1998376. There has been no further activity, and the case now appears closed.

Summary Authors

Gabriela Hybel (10/10/2016)



Sleet, Gregory Moneta (Delaware)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Bartoshesky, Phillip B. (Delaware)

Battaglia, Victor F. (Delaware)

Attorney for Defendant

James-Roberts, Brenda (Delaware)

McDonough, Kathleen F. (Delaware)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

July 29, 2003

July 29, 2003


2002 WL 1998376


Last updated March 26, 2024, 3:11 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT filed; Mag consent notice to pltf. FILING FEE $ 150.00 RECEIPT # 128982 (kc) (Entered: 07/07/2000)

July 7, 2000

July 7, 2000

DEMAND for jury trial by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham (kc) Modified on 07/10/2000 (Entered: 07/07/2000)

July 7, 2000

July 7, 2000

No summons issued. (kc) (Entered: 07/07/2000)

July 7, 2000

July 7, 2000


CASE assigned to Judge Gregory M. Sleet . Notice to all parties. (ntl) (Entered: 07/12/2000)

July 12, 2000

July 12, 2000


ANSWER to Complaint by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees (Attorney Kathleen Furey McDonough, Wendy K. Voss, Diane C. Streett, Brenda James−Roberts), (gp) (Entered: 09/13/2000)

Sept. 5, 2000

Sept. 5, 2000

Deadline updated; set Telephone Conference for 10:30 10/23/00 (gp) (Entered: 10/06/2000)

Oct. 6, 2000

Oct. 6, 2000


NOTICE from Judge Sleet to counsel of initial 16.2a telecnf. scheduled for 10/23/00 10:30 a.m. (gp) (Entered: 10/06/2000)

Oct. 6, 2000

Oct. 6, 2000


Letter to the Honorable Gregory M. Sleet from Diane Clarke Streett RE request that teleconference scheduled for 10/23/00 be rescheduled (dab) (Entered: 10/25/2000)

Oct. 17, 2000

Oct. 17, 2000

Deadline updated; reset Telephone Conference for 9:30 10/30/00 (gp) (Entered: 10/19/2000)

Oct. 19, 2000

Oct. 19, 2000


Re−NOTICE from Judge Sleet of rescheduling telecnf. to 10/30/00 at 9:30 (gp) (Entered: 10/19/2000)

Oct. 19, 2000

Oct. 19, 2000


AMENDED COMPLAINT by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham , (Answer due 11/6/00 for Mary Dees, for James H. Sills, for City of Wilmington ) amending [1−1] complaint (gp) (Entered: 11/09/2000)

Oct. 27, 2000

Oct. 27, 2000

Tele−conference held (Rpt. Gaffigan) 16 conf. scheduled for 11/21/00 at 9:00 a.m. (gp) (Entered: 11/07/2000)

Oct. 30, 2000

Oct. 30, 2000

Deadline updated; set Tele−Scheduling Conference for 9:00 11/21/00 (gp) (Entered: 11/07/2000)

Oct. 30, 2000

Oct. 30, 2000


Steno Notes for 10/30/00 (rpt. Gaffigan) (gp) (Entered: 11/09/2000)

Nov. 2, 2000

Nov. 2, 2000

So Ordered granting [7−1] stipulation ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 11/09/2000)

Nov. 6, 2000

Nov. 6, 2000


NOTICE from Judge Sleet of 16 conf. scheduled for 11/21/00 at 9:00 a.m. (gp) (Entered: 11/13/2000)

Nov. 6, 2000

Nov. 6, 2000


STATUS REPORT by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones (gp) (Entered: 11/16/2000)

Nov. 14, 2000

Nov. 14, 2000


ANSWER by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees (Kathleen McDonough, Wendy Voss, Diane Clarke Street and Brenda James Roberts ) to amended complaint; jury demand (gp) (Entered: 11/28/2000)

Nov. 17, 2000

Nov. 17, 2000

Scheduling conference held (rpt. Dibbs) schedule Judge Sleet entered as follows: (120) days for discovery on certification issue; open brief on class issue 04/16/01; status cnf. for 6/15/01 12:00; discovery fact and expert by 07/02/01; disp. motion deadline 7/16/01; 00−635 and 00−855 consolidated for discovery purposes only; confer on sched. re: &expt.rpts; pto due 10/29/01; ptc 11/19/01 4:00 p.m. (7) day jury trial 12/03/01 matter referred to Magistrate for mediation (cnsl. to submit proposed order consistant w/above by 12/28/00) (gp) (Entered: 11/21/2000)

Nov. 21, 2000

Nov. 21, 2000

Deadline updated; set Scheduling Order Deadlines: Discovery deadline on 7/2/01 Deadline for filing dispositive motions by 7/16/01 Pretrial conference by 4:00 11/19/01 Trial Date Deadline 9:00 12/3/01 Proposed Pretrial Order due on or before 10/29/01 , set Status Conference for 12:00 6/15/01 (gp) (Entered: 11/21/2000)

Nov. 21, 2000

Nov. 21, 2000


Steno Notes for 11/21/00 (rpt. Dibbs) (gp) (Entered: 12/03/2000)

Nov. 22, 2000

Nov. 22, 2000


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of 1st set of interrog. to defts. (gp) Modified on 12/14/2000 (Entered: 12/14/2000)

Dec. 6, 2000

Dec. 6, 2000


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of request for production of documents (gp) (Entered: 12/14/2000)

Dec. 6, 2000

Dec. 6, 2000


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of 1st interrog. to deft. (gp) (Entered: 12/14/2000)

Dec. 12, 2000

Dec. 12, 2000


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of request for production of documents (gp) (Entered: 12/14/2000)

Dec. 12, 2000

Dec. 12, 2000


Proposed Scheduling Order filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones (gp) (Entered: 12/21/2000)

Dec. 15, 2000

Dec. 15, 2000

So Ordered granting [18−1] proposed Scheduling Order; see order for further details ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 12/21/2000)

Dec. 21, 2000

Dec. 21, 2000


STIPULATION extending time to and including 01/22/01 for defts. to respond to pltfs. 1st set of interrog and request for production of documents (gp) (Entered: 01/18/2001)

Jan. 16, 2001

Jan. 16, 2001

So Ordered granting [20−1] stipulation extending time to 01/22/01 for defts. to respond to pltf. 1st interrog. and request for production ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 01/25/2001)

Jan. 23, 2001

Jan. 23, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by James H. Sills, Mary Dees re: dfts responses to pltfs' request for production, dfts' response to plaintiffs' 1st set of interrogatories to defendant (rdb) (Entered: 01/26/2001)

Jan. 23, 2001

Jan. 23, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees re: dft's production and interrogatories (1st set) (rdb) (Entered: 01/26/2001)

Jan. 23, 2001

Jan. 23, 2001


ORDER, et Settlement Conference for 10:00 6/11/01 ( signed by Judge Mary P. Thynge ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 01/31/2001)

Jan. 30, 2001

Jan. 30, 2001


Proposed Stipulated Confidentiality Order filed (gp) Modified on 03/08/2001 (Entered: 02/15/2001)

Feb. 14, 2001

Feb. 14, 2001

So Ordered granting [25−1] Stipulated Confidentiality order ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 02/20/2001)

Feb. 20, 2001

Feb. 20, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees of 1st request for production of documents re: class certification issue (gp) (Entered: 03/02/2001)

March 1, 2001

March 1, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees of 1st set of interrog. re: class certificatino issue (gp) (Entered: 03/02/2001)

March 2, 2001

March 2, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of 2nd set of interrog. to defts. (gp) (Entered: 03/08/2001)

March 2, 2001

March 2, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees of responses to 2nd set of interrog. (gp) (Entered: 04/06/2001)

April 2, 2001

April 2, 2001


Opening Brief Filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones in Support of Thier Motion for Class Certification (gp) (Entered: 04/20/2001)

April 16, 2001

April 16, 2001


Appendix to Brief Filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones Appending [29−1] opening brief [Sealed] (gp) (Entered: 04/20/2001)

April 16, 2001

April 16, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of response to defts. 1st request for production (gp) (Entered: 04/25/2001)

April 19, 2001

April 19, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of response to deft. 1st set of interrog. (gp) (Entered: 04/25/2001)

April 19, 2001

April 19, 2001


Answer Brief in Opposition to pltfs. Motion for Class Certification Filed by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees (gp) (Entered: 05/02/2001)

May 1, 2001

May 1, 2001


Letter from counsel for deft. regarding answering brief in in opposition to motion for class cert. (gp) (Entered: 05/09/2001)

May 1, 2001

May 1, 2001


Reply Brief Filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones in Support of their Motion for Class Certification (gp) (Entered: 05/09/2001)

May 7, 2001

May 7, 2001


MOTION by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees for Summary Judgment Answer Brief due 6/22/01 re: [36−1] motion (gp) (Entered: 06/12/2001)

June 8, 2001

June 8, 2001


Proposed Stiuplated Order Staying Action and Amending Scheduling Order filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones (gp) (Entered: 06/25/2001)

June 20, 2001

June 20, 2001


Letter from counsel in support of proposed stipulated order staying action and amending scheduling order (gp) (Entered: 06/25/2001)

June 20, 2001

June 20, 2001

So Ordered granting [38−1] proposed order staying matter until 07/20/01; and Amending Scheduling order as follows:discovery cutoff 08/31/01; brief sched. on deft.motion for summary judgment plf. ans.brief 07/20/01 deft. rply. 08/10/01; briefing shall be completed by 09/06/01; see order for further details( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 06/26/2001)

June 26, 2001

June 26, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of 3rd interrog. to defts. (gp) (Entered: 07/13/2001)

July 12, 2001

July 12, 2001


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham of 2nd request for production of documents to defts. (gp) (Entered: 07/13/2001)

July 12, 2001

July 12, 2001


STIPULATION Amending Briefing Schedule on defts. motion for summary judgment filed 6/8/01 (gp) (Entered: 07/18/2001)

July 18, 2001

July 18, 2001


Letter from counsel for pltf. in support of stip. to amend briefing schdule (gp) (Entered: 07/18/2001)

July 18, 2001

July 18, 2001

So Ordered granting [42−1] stipulation amending the brief schedule on defts. motion for summary judgment as follows: pltf. answering brief 07/31/01; defts. reply due 08/17/01 ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) Notice to all parties. (gp) (Entered: 07/20/2001)

July 20, 2001

July 20, 2001

Deadline updated; reset Answer Brief Deadline to 7/31/01 re: [36−1] motion for Summary Judgment , reset Reply Brief Deadline to 8/17/01 re: [36−1] motion for Summary Judgment (gp) (Entered: 07/20/2001)

July 20, 2001

July 20, 2001


ORDER, that the continued reset Settlement Conference for 10:00 8/27/01 ( signed by Judge Mary P. Thynge ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 07/30/2001)

July 27, 2001

July 27, 2001


Answer Brief Filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham [36−1] motion for Summary Judgment − Reply Brief due 8/7/01 (gp) (Entered: 08/01/2001)

July 31, 2001

July 31, 2001


Appendix to Brief Filed by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham Appending [45−1] answer brief [Sealed] (gp) (Entered: 08/01/2001)

July 31, 2001

July 31, 2001


Reply Brief Filed by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees [36−1] motion for Summary Judgment (gp) (Entered: 08/20/2001)

Aug. 17, 2001

Aug. 17, 2001


Letter from cnsl. for defts. that parties have reached a agreement on the terms of settlement that parties will submit proposed class certificatino and settlement terms for approval (gp) (Entered: 08/24/2001)

Aug. 24, 2001

Aug. 24, 2001


Letter from counsel for pltf. that parties have reached a agreement to resolve mater (gp) (Entered: 09/26/2001)

Sept. 26, 2001

Sept. 26, 2001


JOINT MOTION by Sharon Hamilton, Jeannette Cunningham, City of Wilmington, James H. Sills, Mary Dees, Terry Lee White, Jennifer Dawn Ferranto, Cassandra Irvin, Vernon Dupree, Robert I Fields, David SM Koon, Reynolds C Abrams, Thomas Washington, Marshall Q Jones for Temporary Class Certification and Request Hearing on Proposed Settlement re: [50−1] motion (gp) (Entered: 10/30/2001)

Oct. 26, 2001

Oct. 26, 2001


Letter from counsel for pltfs. requesting hearing to determine settlement (gp) (Entered: 01/18/2002)

Jan. 15, 2002

Jan. 15, 2002

Deadline updated; Motion Hearing set for 10:00 3/26/02 for [50−1] motion for Temporary Class Certification and Request Hearing on Proposed Settlement (gp)

Jan. 31, 2002

Jan. 31, 2002


ORDER that defendant motion for summary judgment is dismissed w/out prejudice ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 03/22/2002)

March 22, 2002

March 22, 2002

Motion hearing re: [50−1] motion for Temporary Class Certification and Request Hearing on Proposed Settlement held (rpt. Gaffigan); order Judge Sleet granting request for temporary class certification (gp) (Entered: 03/26/2002)

March 26, 2002

March 26, 2002


ORDER granting [50−1] motion for Temporary Class Certification Proposed Settlement; directing that w/in 45 days of this order 05/13/02 class members may exlcude; directing that class members by 05/13/02 submit claim forms; that objectinos by class members to proposed settlement shall be filed w/the clerk on or before 6/18/02; settting hearing on 07/18/02 at 10:00; see order for further details ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. in open court (gp) (Entered: 03/26/2002)

March 26, 2002

March 26, 2002


Steno Notes for 03/26/02 (rpt. Gaffigan) (gp) (Entered: 03/28/2002)

March 27, 2002

March 27, 2002

Deadline updated; set Settlement Conference for Approval of Settlment for 10:00 7/18/02 (gp) (Entered: 04/16/2002)

April 16, 2002

April 16, 2002


Claim form by Barbara J. Potter (gp) (Entered: 04/24/2002)

April 22, 2002

April 22, 2002


Claim by Tracy L. Taylor (gp) (Entered: 05/02/2002)

April 30, 2002

April 30, 2002


Claim by Elwood Barrett, III (gp) (Entered: 05/17/2002)

May 14, 2002

May 14, 2002


Claim by Nichole M. Torrence (gp) (Entered: 05/17/2002)

May 15, 2002

May 15, 2002


Letter from counsel for deft. regarding courts order of 03/26/02 that defts. file affidavit setting forth those persons to whom notice of proposed class action settlement was mailed, that at present defts. have not be able to file required affidavit and that counsel for both parties are planning to meet and rsolve issue and they anticipate filing affidavit on or before 6/`7/01 (gp) (Entered: 06/07/2002)

June 6, 2002

June 6, 2002


Claim form from Carolos A. Diaz (gp) (Entered: 06/12/2002)

June 10, 2002

June 10, 2002


NOTICE of lodging of Affidavit of Kathleen McDonough by City of Wilmington, James H. Sills (gp) (Entered: 06/20/2002)

June 17, 2002

June 17, 2002


Letter from counsel for pltf. regarding claims received after the 05/13/02 deadline requesting court's permission to waive filing deadline (gp) (Entered: 07/03/2002)

June 28, 2002

June 28, 2002


Letter from counsel for defts. that they do not obj. to pltfs. request to waive filing deadline (gp) (Entered: 07/11/2002)

July 9, 2002

July 9, 2002


ORDER that the 05/13/02 filing deadline is extended up to and including 06/29/02 ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 07/11/2002)

July 10, 2002

July 10, 2002

Hearing held before Judge Sleet (rpt. Gaffigan) to determine whether the proposed settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate for the Ceritified Class; reserved Judge Sleet (gp) (Entered: 07/18/2002)

July 18, 2002

July 18, 2002


Steno Notes for 07/18/02 (rpt. Gaffigan) (gp) (Entered: 07/18/2002)

July 18, 2002

July 18, 2002


TRANSCRIPT filed for dates of 07/18/02 (gp) (Entered: 07/19/2002)

July 19, 2002

July 19, 2002


Proposed Order and Final Judgment filed (gp) (Entered: 08/21/2002)

Aug. 19, 2002

Aug. 19, 2002


MEMORANDUM AND ORDER that parties proposed settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate; the court directs that settlement funds be distributed in the manner suggested in the parties order submitted 7/18/02; see order for further details (signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 08/26/2002)

Aug. 26, 2002

Aug. 26, 2002

Case closed (gp) (Entered: 08/29/2002)

Aug. 26, 2002

Aug. 26, 2002


Letter from counsel for pltf. re: Darry Wilson/climant late claim, and request to participate in settlement (gp) (Entered: 09/10/2002)

Sept. 4, 2002

Sept. 4, 2002


Letter response from cnsl. for deft. to pltf. letter of 09/04/02 re: late claim (gp) (Entered: 09/10/2002)

Sept. 6, 2002

Sept. 6, 2002


Letter from counsel for pltfs. w/follow up as to application by Daryl Wilson to be permitted to file a claim out of time, that parties agree that Daryl Wilson should be treated as other members of the class (gp) (Entered: 09/25/2002)

Sept. 24, 2002

Sept. 24, 2002


Letter from counsel for defts. in response to pltf. letter of 09/24/02 regarding late filing by Daryl Wilson requesting permission to participate in class; defts. do not oppose Mr. Wilson's inclusion in class and have attached a proposed order with modifications and stip. to by pltfs. for approval (gp) (Entered: 09/26/2002)

Sept. 25, 2002

Sept. 25, 2002


ORDER that those individuals who filed calims forms on or before 09/20/02 are otherwise eligible for participation in the plaintiff class; no claims received after 09/20/02 will be considered as eligible for participation in the class; see order for further details ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 09/30/2002)

Sept. 30, 2002

Sept. 30, 2002


ORDER advising that case will be forwarded to FARC after 6 months and directing that sealed documents be returned to filing parties; see order for further details ( signed by Judge Gregory M. Sleet ) copies to: cnsl. (gp) (Entered: 07/10/2003)

July 1, 2003

July 1, 2003


Return Acknowledgment from cnsl. of receipt of sealed DI nos. 30, and 46 (gp) (Entered: 07/30/2003)

July 29, 2003

July 29, 2003

Case Details

State / Territory: Delaware

Case Type(s):

Equal Employment

Key Dates

Filing Date: July 7, 2000

Closing Date: July 29, 2003

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

City of Wilmington employees who were excluded from benefits such as health care, pensions, paid sick days, paid vacation, and life insurance.

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


City of Wilmington (New Castle), City

Defendant Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

42 U.S.C. § 1981

State law

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Attorneys fees


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Amount Defendant Pays: $210,000