Case: Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles

2:07-cv-03072 | U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Filed Date: May 9, 2007

Closed Date: June 24, 2013

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On May 1, 2007, the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network (MIWON), along with several other organizations, held a march and rally in MacArthur Part in Los Angeles, CA. MIWON had obtained a permit for the demonstration and met with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) beforehand to work out the details of the rally. However, approximately four hours into the demonstration, without any dispersal order, the LAPD officers, dressing in riot gear, advanced on the peaceful protestors, …

On May 1, 2007, the Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network (MIWON), along with several other organizations, held a march and rally in MacArthur Part in Los Angeles, CA. MIWON had obtained a permit for the demonstration and met with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) beforehand to work out the details of the rally. However, approximately four hours into the demonstration, without any dispersal order, the LAPD officers, dressing in riot gear, advanced on the peaceful protestors, hitting protestors with batons and shooting foam batons and other “less lethal” munitions at people indiscriminately. Only after several minutes of this treatment did the LAPD issue a dispersal order, which was in English only and was not even audible most people in attendance. There was no probable cause or reasonable suspicion to justify such use of force by the LAPD.

On May 9, 2007, organizations and individuals present at the rally filed suit against the City of Los Angeles and the LAPD in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. The plaintiffs, represented by private counsel and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, included MIWON, the Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center, and numerous individuals. The plaintiffs alleged that the LAPD used excessive force in trying to disperse the rally, therefore violating the U.S. Constitution's 1st, 4th, and 14th amendments, the California Constitution, and California Civil Code § 52.1. The plaintiffs sought injunctive relief to prevent the LAPD from unlawfully dispersing permitted assemblies as well as damages.

Plaintiffs moved for class certification on September 6, 2007, and in his chamber minutes from December 14, 2007, Judge Howard Matz laid out his reasons for granting class certification. 246 F.R.D. 621. On January 8, 2008, the court certified a class for both structural relief and monetary relief for the reasons elaborated in the Court’s chamber minutes. The certification for structural relief included anyone who engaged or may engage in peaceful demonstrations in LA, and who at the time of the demonstration were or are: (1) one of the plaintiff organizations; (2) officers and representatives of the plaintiffs' organizations, including people who participate in the Plaintiffs' organizations' events; (3) other organizations who advocate and/or organize on behalf of individuals' right to free speech and assembly; and (4) people who participate in events put on by the organizations described in (3). The certification for monetary relief included any persons present at the May 1, 2007 rally between 5-7pm who did not engage in conduct justifying the LAPD's use of force, and who were subject to the force or other unlawful police activity.

The parties worked with Magistrate Judge Carla Woehile to negotiate a settlement agreement. On March 19, 2009, the court granted preliminary approval of a settlement agreement. The settlement created a class fund of $250,000 for unrepresented class members, and a represented individuals fund of $12,550,000 for the individual plaintiffs named in the suit. The agreement also stipulated an award of the class attorneys’ fees of $3,753,000. 2009 WL 9100391. Judge Matz granted final approval of the settlement agreement on June 23, 2009 and dismissed the suit with prejudice. 2009 WL 9112416.

The structural relief order, issued by Judge Matz on June 24, 2009, restricted the LAPD from interfering with individuals' right to free speech for any reasons other than protecting public safety or public health, and required LAPD officers to issue a Declaration of Unlawful Assembly before taking any action. The relief order also placed restrictions on the methods of disbursement the LAPD may use, including limiting the use of “less lethal” weapons, batons, motorcycles and low-flying helicopters that would interfere with the demonstrators' right to free speech. Aside from these restrictions on use of force, the order stipulated that LAPD officers undergo annual training on proper crowd control policies and techniques.

The district court retained jurisdiction over the case to enforce the agreed-upon relief for four years following the June 24, 2009 structural relief order. As those four years have passed, this case is now closed. 

Summary Authors

Sharon Brett (11/20/2009)

Sarah Portwood (4/12/2023)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff

Anderson-Barker, Cynthia M. (California)

Attorney for Defendant

Aguilera, Daniel P (California)

Albright, Clifton W (California)

Alexander, Elizabeth A (California)

Amerian, Michael R (California)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Anderson-Barker, Cynthia M. (California)

Arnett, Richard L. (California)

Bailey, Kenneth Camp (California)

Bailey, Floyd K. (California)

Campbell, Kristina Michelle (California)

Cardona, Ryan P (California)

Conners, Edward A. (California)

Cook, Donald W. (California)

DeSimone, Vincent James (California)

DeSimone, James (California)

De Simone, V James (California)

FD, David M. (California)

Fitapelli, Joseph A. (California)

Ford, Christopher Brandt (California)

Garcia, Adalila (California)

Gibbons, Elizabeth J (California)

Gonzalez, Jorge (California)

Gonzalves, Annabelle (California)

Goyette, Gary G (California)

Goyette, Paul Quentin (California)

Hart, Katherine Louise (California)

Hermansen, Kurt David (California)

Hernandez, Arturo (California)

Herrera, Luz (California)

Hoffman, Paul L. (California)

Koerner, Samantha (California)

Lee, C.K. (California)

Limon, Gladys (California)

Litt, Barrett S. (California)

M, Guillermo Suarez (California)

Mann, Robert Frederick (California)

Mazzaferro, Frank Joseph (California)

McFadden, Gerald T (California)

Miazad, Ossai (California)

Myers, Robert M (California)

Orange, Olu K (California)

Patton, Nicholas H. (California)

Perrin, Michael W. (California)

Petersen, Gregory G (California)

Ramirez, Nancy A. (California)

Rodriguez, Antonio (California)

Salas, Maureen Ann (California)

Schaffer, Brian Scott (California)

Schimmel, Miriam Leigh (California)

Schonbrun, Benjamin (California)

Shavitz, Gregg I. (California)

Smith, Evan Jason (California)

Stern, Keith M. (California)

Stevens, David Erik (California)

Suarez, Guillermo (California)

Sunshine, Naomi Briana (California)

Swartz, Justin Mitchell (California)

Sypulski, Jamie G. (California)

Thornton, Rebecca F (California)

Truelove, Justin Kurt (California)

Valenzuela, Cynthia Ann (California)

Wang, Adam (California)

Werman, Douglas M. (California)

Williams, Christopher J. (California)

Attorney for Defendant

Aguilera, Daniel P (California)

Albright, Clifton W (California)

Alexander, Elizabeth A (California)

Amerian, Michael R (California)

Andrues, Mary Carter (California)

Arce, Elizabeth Tom (California)

Arens, Edward Henry (California)

Arias, Richard M (California)

Balian, Saro H (California)

Barnett, Alexander E. (California)

Berman, Steve W (California)

Bershon, Nicole C (California)

Bina, Sahar (California)

Blau, Steven N (California)

Bojorquez, Christian R (California)

Botha, Wentzelee (California)

Breithaupt, Deborah J (California)

Brente, Cory M. (California)

Brocker, Peter William (California)

Brothers, Amy (California)

Brown, William Douglas (California)

Brown, Eric (California)

Brown, Peter Jay (California)

Burge, Jeri Lynn (California)

Burton, Mark Francis (California)

Byszewski, Elaine T (California)

Caldes, William G. (California)

Cardenas, Sharon Siedorf (California)

Carvalho, John A (California)

Chan, Lin Yee (California)

Chapman, Benjamin F (California)

Chon, Casey Taeyon (California)

Chopra, Kunoor (California)

Claessens, Michael J (California)

Clark, James Patrick (California)

Clark, Justin W (California)

Coleman, Howard David (California)

Coleman, Susan E (California)

Collins, Hasmik Jasmine (California)

Colwell, Kimberly E (California)

Corriea, Beth D (California)

Courtney, Colleen Mary (California)

Cramer, Robert (California)

Culver, Ian P (California)

Danesh, Nazila (California)

Davis, Douglas William (California)

Delgadillo, Rockard (California)

Dermer, Gabriel Seth (California)

Dragna, James J (California)

Drake, Kimberly M (California)

Dundas, Michael J (California)

Dveirin, Brant H (California)

Ehrlich, Marc S (California)

Emanuel, Kathy K (California)

Erickson, Kimberly Anne (California)

Esterkin, Jeremy B (California)

Fawls, Ellen Maureen (California)

Fellers, Denise G (California)

Ferguson, Peter J (California)

Feuer, Michael Nelson (California)

Finnerty, Kathleen E (California)

Fischer, Adam B. (California)

Fitzgerald, Elizabeth T (California)

Fong, Kenneth T (California)

Ford, Ty A (California)

Fox, Deborah J (California)

Frier, Jessica R (California)

Garman, Ashley Rebecca (California)

Genz, Wendy K (California)

Geuss, Gary George (California)

Gilbert, Kevin E (California)

Glaser, Patricia L. (California)

Goldman, Jeffrey M (California)

Gonzalez, Dora Alicia (California)

Goodman, Joshua Andrew (California)

Gordon, Lee M (California)

Greenwood, Elizabeth L (California)

Gridley, Bruce C (California)

Grimm, L Trevor (California)

Gross, Stuart George (California)

Guerra, Carlos De (California)

Hahn, James Kenneth (California)

Hamilton, Katherine Jean (California)

Hansberry, John C (California)

Hasegawa, Stephen S (California)

Havian, Eric R (California)

Hayward, Todd (California)

Hazam, Lexi J (California)

Hedgpeth, Tiffany R (California)

Helgeson, Richard Martin (California)

Hoang, Arlene Nancy (California)

Holzhaus, Dominic T (California)

Hopenstand, Adena Michelle (California)

Hotchkiss, S David (California)

Houston, Zna Portlock (California)

Inlow, Laura E (California)

Jimenez, Carlos (California)

Johnson, Denise C (California)

Johnston, Pamela Louise (California)

Jones, Heather Elayne (California)

Kades, Kelly N (California)

Katrinak, Raymond Paul (California)

Kerlin, Norma (California)

Kim, Ann C. (California)

Kitabayashi, Mark K (California)

Kleiman, Mark A (California)

Langton, Joseph Anthony (California)

Larkin, Arthur G (California)

Leung, Todd T (California)

Levine, Joshua Nicholas (California)

Liang, Aron K. (California)

Liberson, Howard S (California)

Liberson, Joel Keith (California)

Long, Thomas D (California)

Loperfido, Jeffrey (California)

Lyon, Douglas L (California)

Macasinag, Emil A (California)

Maddigan, Michael M (California)

Mantz, Juanita Estella (California)

Marcus, Scott D (California)

Marr, Cecil W (California)

Mattfeld, Kenneth F (California)

Mattis, Matthew Paul (California)

Mayer-Cantu, Jerome (California)

McGee, Claudia Ann (California)

McLaren, Joanne M. (California)

McLaughlin, Kevin P (California)

McOsker, Timothy B (California)

Merkin, Frederick N (California)

Miera, Anthony M (California)

Miller, Craig J (California)

Mills, Denise Christine (California)

Mitchell, Elizabeth Anne (California)

Monroe, Bruce (California)

Moore, Robert P (California)

Multer, Andrew Jay (California)

Murray, Amanda Dior (California)

Nishimura, Nanci E. (California)

Nourafchan, Poopak (California)

O'Connell, Dion J (California)

Orozco, Francisco L (California)

Peck, Robert S (California)

Persoff, Joseph S (California)

Pessis, Surekha A (California)

Peters, Thomas H (California)

Pilotin, Marc A (California)

Pitoun, Christopher (California)

Plowden, Geoffrey R (California)

Popoola, Tayo A (California)

Pucher, Jennifer S (California)

Raffish, Julie S (California)

Renne, Louise H (California)

Riggs, Jennifer Lauren (California)

Rittenberg, Laurie (California)

Rosner, Jennifer M (California)

Russell, Jessica Rae (California)

Ryan, Kevin T (California)

Safaei, Hengameh S (California)

Sato, Gerald M (California)

Saviss, Panteha Alyssa (California)

Sewell, Charles David (California)

Shahandeh, Rena M (California)

Shannon, Robert E (California)

Shapero, Wendy C (California)

Sheldon, Geoffrey S (California)

Shepherd, Surekha A (California)

Shook, Heather (California)

Siddiqui, Imtiaz A. (California)

Skaar, David W (California)

Smith, Colleen R (California)

Smith, Theodore J (California)

Song, Wayne H (California)

Spector, Eugene A. (California)

Spellberg, Geoffrey (California)

Sterrett, Daniel R. (California)

Subramanian, Arun Srinivas (California)

Tobkin, Jennifer Kathleen (California)

Touchstone, James R (California)

Trindle, G Ross (California)

Trutanich, Carmen A (California)

Tso, Kerrin I (California)

Ugaz, Sara (California)

Urban, David A (California)

Ursea, Agnes Patricia (California)

Vandenburg, Thomas F (California)

Vincent, Don W (California)

Vincent, Noreen S (California)

Wachs, Melissa (California)

Walshak, Jana Volante (California)

Walter, Brian P (California)

Wang, Wendy Yunya (California)

Wedner, Gregory A (California)

Weibley, Richard M (California)

Westhoff, Kim Rodgers (California)

Whitaker, Ronald S (California)

Williams, Jill (California)

Williams, Steven N. (California)

Winnemore, Paul Lee (California)

Wood, David F (California)

Woodard, G Daniel (California)

Woodward, David R. (California)

Yee, Theodore Oliver (California)

Yoo, Danny Young-In (California)

Zimbert, Tabitha C (California)

Zimmerman, Denise Christine (California)

Zuckerman, Mark David (California)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket (PACER)

June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009



Original Complaint

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007


2007 WL 1686092



Answer of Defendants to Complaint filed by Plaintiffs

June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007

Pleading / Motion / Brief

2007 WL 2777686



Defendants Cayler Carter and Louis Gray's Answer to 1st Amended Complaint

Aug. 10, 2007

Aug. 10, 2007

Pleading / Motion / Brief

2007 WL 2777685



Minutes of chamber meeting re: Class Certification

Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles

Dec. 14, 2007

Dec. 14, 2007


246 F.R.D. 621



Minutes from chamber meeting re: Class Certification

Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles

Jan. 8, 2008

Jan. 8, 2008



Preliminary Approval Order

Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles

March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009


2009 WL 1065072



Settlement Agreement

March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

Settlement Agreement

2009 WL 1043788



Structural Relief Order

June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009

Settlement Agreement


Final Order of Approval of Class Settlement and Consent Judgment

Multi-ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles

June 23, 2009

June 23, 2009

Settlement Agreement

2009 WL 9112416



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 4, 2025, 1:37 p.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

Summons Issued

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007


(TERMED) Fax Number

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007


COMPLAINT against Defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton(in their official), William Bratton(individual capacities), Cayler Carter(in their official), Cayler Carter(individual capacities), Louis Gray(in their official), Louis Gray(individual capacities), DOES 1 through 10. (Filing fee $ 350 PAID.) Jury Demanded., filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center.(et) (Entered: 05/22/2007)

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007


NOTICE of Interested Parties filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (et) (Entered: 05/22/2007)

May 9, 2007

May 9, 2007


NOTICE of Related Case(s) filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. Related Case(s): CV 01-6877 FMC (CWx), CV 01-7046 FMC (CWx), CV 00-11769 GAF (RCx) (rn) (Entered: 06/08/2007)

May 14, 2007

May 14, 2007


Remark - prepared Order re GO 19-03 (related case) transfer

May 23, 2007

May 23, 2007


Create Case Association

May 25, 2007

May 25, 2007


ORDER RE TRANSFER PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER 224 -Related Case- filed. Related Case No: CV 07-2966 AHM (FMOx). Case transfered from Judge Gary A. Feess and Jeffrey W. Johnson to Judge A. Howard Matz and Fernando M. Olguin for all further proceedings. The case number will now reflect the initials of the transferee Judge CV 07-3072 AHM (FMOx).Signed by Judge A. Howard Matz (rn, ) (Entered: 05/25/2007)

May 25, 2007

May 25, 2007


FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton(in their official), William Bratton(individual capacities), Cayler Carter(in their official), Cayler Carter(individual capacities), Louis Gray(in their official), Louis Gray(individual capacities), DOES 1 through 10 amending Complaint - (Discovery), Complaint - (Discovery), Complaint - (Discovery), Complaint - (Discovery) 1,filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center (yc) (Entered: 06/04/2007)

May 30, 2007

May 30, 2007


INITIAL ORDER FOLLOWING FILING OF COMPLAINT ASSIGNED TO JUDGE MATZ by Judge A. Howard Matz to secure a just, speedy and inexpensive determination.(ca ) (Entered: 06/01/2007)

May 31, 2007

May 31, 2007


Service of Summons and Complaint Returned Executed (21 days)

June 4, 2007

June 4, 2007


PROOF OF SERVICE Executed upon City of Los Angeles served on 6/1/2007, answer due 6/21/2007. The Summons and FIRST AMENDED Complaint were served by personally delivering copies service, by Federal statute, upon Maria Rico, City Clerk, by Maria Vazcarre. Due Dilligence declaration NOT attached. Original Summons NOT returned. (yc) (Entered: 06/13/2007)

June 4, 2007

June 4, 2007


NOTICE of serving initial order following filing of complaint assigned to Judge Matz filed by Plaintiffs. (ib) (Entered: 07/03/2007)

June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007


ANSWER to first Amended Complaint,,, 5 with JURY DEMAND filed by defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton(in their official).(yc) (Entered: 06/29/2007)

June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007


CERTIFICATE of Interested Parties filed by Defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton. (yc) (Entered: 06/29/2007)

June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007


ORDER RETURNING CASE FOR REASSIGNMENT UPON RECUSAL by Magistrate Judge Fernando M. Olguin. ORDER case returned to the Clerk for random reassignment discovery pursuant to General Order 224, Section 3.2. Case randomly reassigned from Judge Fernando M. Olguin to Judge Frederick F. Mumm for all further proceedings. The case number will now reflect the initials of the transferee Judge CV 07-3072-AHM(FFMx).(tami) (Entered: 06/26/2007)

June 26, 2007

June 26, 2007


CERTIFICATION of Interested Parties filed by Defendants Cayler Carter, Louis Gray. (yc) (Entered: 08/07/2007)

Aug. 3, 2007

Aug. 3, 2007


NOTICE OF DISCREPANCY AND ORDER: by Judge A. Howard Matz, ORDERING answer to complaint submitted by Defendants Cayler Carter, Louis Gray received on 8/3/2007 is not to be filed but instead rejected. Denial based on: amended complaint on docket.(yc) (Entered: 08/07/2007)

Aug. 6, 2007

Aug. 6, 2007


ANSWER to first Amended Complaint,,, 5 filed by defendants Cayler Carter(in their official).(yc) (Entered: 08/14/2007)

Aug. 10, 2007

Aug. 10, 2007


EX PARTE APPLICATION to Consolidate Class Certification Hearings in related cases CV07-3072 and CV07-3026 filed by plaintiffs Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. Lodged Proposed Order.(smo) (Entered: 08/30/2007)

Aug. 21, 2007

Aug. 21, 2007


STIPULATION TO SET FILING AND BRIEFING SCHEDULE ON PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION AND ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz : Motion for class certification shall be filed by 9/6/07; opposition to be filed by 9/20/07; reply brief to be filed by 10/4/07; and the hearing on the motion shall be on October 15, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. Because the Court denied the class certification motion filed by counsel for plaintiff in Baker v. Bratton, No. CV07-3026-AHM, the companion ex parte application filed in this case is moot, and is denied solely on that basis.(smo) (Entered: 08/22/2007)

Aug. 22, 2007

Aug. 22, 2007


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Class Certification filed by plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. Motion set for hearing on 10/15/2007 at 10:00 AM before Judge A. Howard Matz. Lodged Proposed Order. (jp) (Entered: 09/10/2007)

Sept. 6, 2007

Sept. 6, 2007


MEMORANDUM OF LAW, DECLARATIONS AND EXHIBITS in Support of MOTION for Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 09/10/2007)

Sept. 6, 2007

Sept. 6, 2007


DECLARATION of BARRETT S. LITT in support of MOTION for Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 09/10/2007)

Sept. 6, 2007

Sept. 6, 2007


STIPULATION FOR MODIFICATION OF BRIEFING SCHEDULE ON PLAINTIFF'S MOTOIN FOR CLASS CERTIFICATION; ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz that Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs MOTION for Class Certification 17 shall be filed and served by personal service on the Law Offices of Carol Sobel and Barrett S. Litt on 9/24/2007. (jp) (Entered: 09/19/2007)

Sept. 18, 2007

Sept. 18, 2007


PLAINTIFFS OPPOSITION to Defendants EXPARTE APPLICATION for Another Extension of Time to Oppose Plaintiff's Class Certification Motion 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 09/26/2007)

Sept. 21, 2007

Sept. 21, 2007


(TERMED) Ex Parte Application for Extension of Time to File Objection to R&R

Sept. 25, 2007

Sept. 25, 2007


DEFENDANT CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND WILLIAM BRATTON'S EXPARTE APPLICATION for Another Extension of Time to Oppose Plaintiff's Class Certification Motion; Declaration of Geoffrey Plowden; ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz: Good cause having been shown, defendants EXPARTE APPLICATION for additional Time to respond to Plaintiffs Class Certification Motion is GRANTED. Defendants Opposition is now due to be filed and hand served by 10/3/2007; Plaintiffs Reply, if any, shall be filed and served via regular service methods by 10/12/2007. The hearing on plaintiffs class certification 17 is CONTINUED from 10/15/2007 to 10/29/2007 (see document for further details). (jp) (Entered: 09/26/2007)

Sept. 25, 2007

Sept. 25, 2007


OPPOSITION to Plaintiffs Motion for Class Certification re: MOTION to Certify Class 17 filed by Defendant City of Los Angeles. (mb) (Entered: 10/05/2007)

Oct. 3, 2007

Oct. 3, 2007



Oct. 4, 2007

Oct. 4, 2007


REPLY to Defendants Opposition to Plaintiffs MOTION for Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs. (jp) (Entered: 10/15/2007)

Oct. 12, 2007

Oct. 12, 2007


DECLARATION OF COUNSEL AND REQUEST TO TAKE JUDICIAL NOTICE in support of Plaintiffs MOTION for Class Certification 17 filed by plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 10/16/2007)

Oct. 12, 2007

Oct. 12, 2007


(TERMED) Fax Number

Oct. 15, 2007

Oct. 15, 2007


NOTICE of Change of Counsel by Nancy A Ramirez attorney for Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center, changing address to Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 634 South Spring Street, 11th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90014. Filed by plaintiffs (ak) (Entered: 11/05/2007)

Oct. 15, 2007

Oct. 15, 2007


NOTICE of Appearance filed by attorney Gladys Limon on behalf of Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center (ak) (Entered: 11/05/2007)

Oct. 15, 2007

Oct. 15, 2007


NOTICE of Association of Counsel associating attorney Kristina Michelle Campbell on behalf of Plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network. Filed by plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network (bb) (Entered: 12/11/2007)

Oct. 15, 2007

Oct. 15, 2007


MINUTES OF Motion Hearing held before Judge A. Howard Matz : Court will allow plaintiffs to file supplemental materials by not later than November 5, 2007 and the defendants may respond by not later than November 9, 2007.Court would also find it helpful if defendants were to file a status report on the current status of the pending state court actions.Pending the submission of supplemental materials, the Court takes plaintiffs Motion for Class Certification UNDER SUBMISSION.Court Reporter: Cindy Nirenberg. (smo) (Entered: 11/02/2007)

Oct. 29, 2007

Oct. 29, 2007


SUPPLEMENTAL MEMORANDUM Regarding Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 11/09/2007)

Nov. 5, 2007

Nov. 5, 2007


DECLARATION of BARRETT S. LITT in support of Plaintiffs Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 11/09/2007)

Nov. 5, 2007

Nov. 5, 2007


DECLARATION of CAROL A. SOBEL in support of Plaintiffs Supplemental Memorandum Regarding Class Certification 17 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 11/09/2007)

Nov. 5, 2007

Nov. 5, 2007


PETITION to Withdraw Annabelle Gonzalvez as Counsel filed by plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (jp) (Entered: 11/13/2007)

Nov. 8, 2007

Nov. 8, 2007


PETITION to Withdraw Cynthia Valenzuela as Counsel filed by plaintiffs. (jp) (Entered: 11/13/2007)

Nov. 8, 2007

Nov. 8, 2007


STATUS REPORT Regarding Related Litigation; Declaration of Geoffrey Plowden filed by Defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton. (jp) (Entered: 11/13/2007)

Nov. 9, 2007

Nov. 9, 2007


RESPONSE to Plaintiffs Supplemental Memorandum 30 filed by Defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton. (jp) (Entered: 11/13/2007)

Nov. 9, 2007

Nov. 9, 2007


ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz GRANTING PETITION to Withdraw as counsel of record by Cynthia A. Valenzuela 34 . (jp) (Entered: 11/16/2007)

Nov. 15, 2007

Nov. 15, 2007


ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz GRANTING PETITION to Withdraw as counsel of record by Amabelle Gonzalvez 33 . Attorney Annabella Gonzalves terminated. (jp) (Entered: 11/16/2007)

Nov. 15, 2007

Nov. 15, 2007


NOTICE of Change of Attorney Information: changing e-mail to for attorney Kristina Campbell. Filed by plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network (cbr) (Entered: 01/16/2008)

Dec. 3, 2007

Dec. 3, 2007


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge A. Howard Matz : This is one of several civil rights actions arising from the Los Angeles Police Departments (LAPD) forceful dispersal of the May 1, 2007 immigration rally at MacArthur Park. In this order the Court will only rule on the Plaintiffs motion for class certification 17 . Court GRANTS that motion (see document for details.) (smo) (Entered: 12/14/2007)

Dec. 14, 2007

Dec. 14, 2007


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS before Judge A. Howard Matz: The Court, having considered the memoranda, delcarations and exhibits filed by Plaintiffs and Defendants in support of and in opposition to Plaintiffs Motion for Class Certifiation, and having heard oral argument by both parties on 10/29/2007, grants the motion for the reasons fully elaborated in the Court's Civil Minutes 40 is attached 1 and incorporated herein by this reference. This Order specifically makes the findings required by FRCP 23 (see document for further details). (jp) (Entered: 01/11/2008)

Jan. 8, 2008

Jan. 8, 2008


STATUS REPORT (UPDATED) filed by Defendant City of Los Angeles. (Plowden, Geoffrey) (Entered: 02/13/2008)

Feb. 13, 2008

Feb. 13, 2008


STATUS REPORT AND PROPOSED REQUEST FOR STATUS CONFERENCE filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 02/14/2008)

Feb. 14, 2008

Feb. 14, 2008


NOTICE TO FILER OF DEFICIENCIES in Electronically Filed Documents. The following deficiency was found: No proposed order submitted as separate attachment RE Status Report 44 (se) (Entered: 02/14/2008)

Feb. 14, 2008

Feb. 14, 2008


REQUEST for Order for Status Conference filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center.Request set for hearing on 3/3/2008 at 01:30 PM before Judge A. Howard Matz. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 02/14/2008)

Feb. 14, 2008

Feb. 14, 2008


ORDER SETTING STATUS CONFERENCE by Judge A. Howard Matz: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a joint status and scheduling conference be set for March 3, 2008 at 1:30 P.M., to coincide with the status conference already set in the case of Lopez v. City of Los Angeles, 07-cv-05555 AHM. See document for details. Rule 26 Meeting Report due by 2/25/2008.,Scheduling Conference set for 3/3/2008 01:30 PM before Judge A. Howard Matz. (smo) (Entered: 02/19/2008)

Feb. 19, 2008

Feb. 19, 2008


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER RE ELECTRONIC FILING by Judge A. Howard Matz: Effective January 1, 2008, electronic filing has been mandatory for all new and pending civil cases. All documents which are required to be filed in an electronic format pursuant to General Order No. 08-02 must be filed electronically no later than midnight on the date due, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Documents filed late may be stricken by the Court. The Court will not accept documents which were filed electronically. Courtesy Paper Copies. Unless otherwise ordered, courtesy paper copies of all electronically filed documents must be delivered to the courtesy box outside chambers no later than 12:00 noon the following business day. The courtesy paper copies must comply with Local Rule 11-3, i.e., blue backed, font size, page numbering, tabbed exhibits, etc., unless otherwise directed. The courtesy paper copy must be prominently labeled COURTESY COPY on the face page (see document for further details). (jp) (Entered: 02/22/2008)

Feb. 21, 2008

Feb. 21, 2008


NOTICE Rule 26 Status Report filed by plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network. (Sobel, Carol) (Entered: 02/25/2008)

Feb. 25, 2008

Feb. 25, 2008


NOTICE Rule 26 Report filed by plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network. Scanned Signature Page (Sobel, Carol) (Entered: 02/28/2008)

Feb. 28, 2008

Feb. 28, 2008


MINUTES OF Status Conference/Scheduling Conference held before Judge A. Howard Matz : Court and counsel confer on the status of the various actions and the proposed case management strategies. Court wants a universal stipulation and order regarding any stay in all cases.Court is also advised that the City of Los Angeles will be seeking outside counsel to take over these cases. Any new counsel will be obligated to honor any previously signed stipulations.Court Reporter: Cindy Nirenberg. (smo) (Entered: 03/10/2008)

March 3, 2008

March 3, 2008


MINUTES OF Status Conference re: Settlement: Settlement planning conference held. Court and counsel confer regarding procedure and scheduling of coordinated settlement process. A further planning conference is scheduled for May 14, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. Substantive settlement conferences are scheduled for July 22, July 24, August 15 and August 18, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 04/11/2008)

April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008


Joint STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton(in their official). (Attachments: # 1)(Plowden, Geoffrey) (Entered: 04/29/2008)

April 29, 2008

April 29, 2008


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge Frederick F. Mumm : re: Stipulation for Protective Order 53 ORDER RE STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF PROTECTIVE ORDER: Although the Court is willing to enter an appropriate protective order in accordance with the parties' stipulation, the proposed stipulated protective order is rejected for the following reasons: (see attached). (jm) (Entered: 05/07/2008)

May 7, 2008

May 7, 2008


STIPULATION for Protective Order filed by defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton(individual capacities). (Attachments: # 1)(Plowden, Geoffrey) (Entered: 05/12/2008)

May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008


Joint STIPULATION to Stay Case pending settlement discussions filed by plaintiff Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Declarations in Support of Joint Stipulation# 2 Proposed Order Proposed Order re Joint Stipulation)(Sobel, Carol) (Entered: 05/12/2008)

2 Declaration Declarations in Support of Joint Stipulation

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3 Proposed Order Proposed Order re Joint Stipulation

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May 12, 2008

May 12, 2008


ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz, re Joint Stipulation to Stay Discovery Pending Early Settlement Discussions 56 signed by all counsel in nine of the 11 cases presently pending in federal court, as well as declarations from Plaintiffs counsel in each of those cases, informing the Court that the requirement advisement to the plaintiffs has been made. The Court is also aware that the parties have been proceeding diligently and have met with Magistrate Judge Woerhle and set dates for mediation sessions in July and August, 2008. Accordingly, the Court finds good cause to approve the Joint Stipulation to Stay Discovery Pending Early Settlement Discussions. (jp) (Entered: 05/13/2008)

May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008



May 13, 2008

May 13, 2008


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS before Judge A. Howard Matz: The Court-approved "Joint Stipulation to Stay Discovery Pending Early Settlement 56, 57 Discussions" in Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network v. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-3072) (MIWON) also applies to the following cases: Aguilar v. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-4131), consolidated with Ajuria v. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-8433); Newton v. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-4455); Lopez v. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-5555); Gudiel v. City of Los Angeles (CV 08-1370); Reyes v. City of Los Angeles (CV 08-2225); Aguilar v. City of Los Angeles (CV 08-2301). The Court VACATES the Rule26(f) scheduling conferences for the last three casesin that list, Gudiel, Reyes, and Aguilar. The docket shall reflect that Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Networkv. City of Los Angeles (CV 07-3072) is the lead case. Although MIWON is the lead case, the Court reminds counsel that these cases are separate cases for filing purposes, other than Mr. Carrillos consolidated cases. Therefore, documents must be electronically filed in each case. (jp) Modified on 5/14/2008 (jp). (Entered: 05/14/2008)

May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Judge Carla Woehrle : Further settlement planning conference held. Court and counsel confer regarding schedule and related issues. A further telephonic planning conference is set for July 7, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. Counsel for plaintiffs will arrange the conference call. Substantive settlement conferences are now scheduled for July 22,July 24, August 18, and August 21, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 05/20/2008)

May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Telephonic planning conference held. Substantive settlement conferences are now scheduled for July 22, July 24, August 21, and August 27, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 07/08/2008)

July 7, 2008

July 7, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Continued conference is scheduled for July 24, 2008. (dt) (Entered: 08/11/2008)

July 22, 2008

July 22, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Continued conference is scheduled for August 21, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 08/11/2008)

July 24, 2008

July 24, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Continued conference is scheduled for August 27, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 08/22/2008)

Aug. 21, 2008

Aug. 21, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: A further confence with plaintiff's counsel is scheduled for October 6, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. A continued joint settlement conference is scheduled for October 31, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 08/28/2008)

Aug. 27, 2008

Aug. 27, 2008


REQUEST to Continue Plaintiffs' Conference from 10/06/2008 to 10/08/2008 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. Request set for hearing on 10/8/2008 at 01:30 PM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 09/23/2008)

Sept. 23, 2008

Sept. 23, 2008


NOTICE of Change of Attorney Information for attorney Todd Hayward counsel for Defendants City of Los Angeles, William Bratton. Adding TODD HAYWARD as attorney as counsel of record for CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND WILLIAM BRATTON for the reason indicated in the G-06 Notice. Filed by DEFENDANT DEFENDANT (Hayward, Todd) (Entered: 09/24/2008)

Sept. 24, 2008

Sept. 24, 2008


ORDER by Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle, GRANTING REQUEST to Continue Plaintiffs' Conference 66 . Settlement Conference set for 10/9/2008 at 9:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle. (ca) (Entered: 09/24/2008)

Sept. 24, 2008

Sept. 24, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: A continued joint settlement conference remains schduled for October 31, 2008, at 9:00 a.m. (dt) (Entered: 10/09/2008)

Oct. 9, 2008

Oct. 9, 2008


MINUTES OF Settlement Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Settlement conference held. Parties are to confer further. A telephonic conference regarding settlement status is set for November 21, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. Counsel for Plaintiffs to place conference call to the court. Court Smart: n/a. (pcl) (Entered: 11/03/2008)

Oct. 31, 2008

Oct. 31, 2008


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS AMENDED ORDER RE ELECTRONIC FILING before Judge A. Howard Matz: Effective January 1, 2008, electronic filing has been mandatory for most new and pending civil cases in the USDC, Central District of California. Self-represented litigants and attorneys who take appropriate steps to opt out of the system need not comply with the following requirements. All documents which are required to be filed in an electronic format pursuant to General Order No. 08-03 must be filed electronically no later than midnight on the date due, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Documents filed late may be stricken by the Court. The Court will not accept documents which were filed electronically, but which otherwise fail to comply with filing requirements. (See document for further details). Unles s otherwise ordered, chambers paper copies of all electronically filed documents must be delivered to the courtesy box outside chambers no later than 12:00 noon the following business day. The chambers paper copies must comply with Local Rule 11-3, i.e., blue backed, font size, page numbering, tabbed exhibits, etc., unless otherwise directed. IF A DOCUMENT CONTAINS EXHIBITS THAT ARE NOT TABBED, THE COURT MAY DECLINE TO READ THE EXHIBITS. The chambers paper copy must be prominently labeled"CHAMBERS COPY" on the face page. (jp) (Entered: 11/17/2008)

Nov. 15, 2008

Nov. 15, 2008


MINUTES OF Telephone Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Telephonic confrence held. Parties are to confer further. A continued telephonic conference regarding settlement status is set for Decmber 16, 2008 at 2:00 p.m. Counsel for Plaintiff to place conference call to the court. (dt) (Entered: 11/21/2008)

Nov. 21, 2008

Nov. 21, 2008


MINUTES OF Telephone Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Parties are to confer further. A continued conference regarding settlement status is set for January 8, 2009, at 2:00 p.m. (dt) (Entered: 12/29/2008)

Dec. 16, 2008

Dec. 16, 2008


MINUTES OF Telephone Conference held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Parties are to confer further. A continued telephonic conference regarding settlement status is set for January 20,2009, at 2:00 p.m. Counsel for Plaintiffs to place conference call to the court. (dt) (Entered: 01/09/2009)

Jan. 8, 2009

Jan. 8, 2009


MINUTES OF Telephone Conference re: Settlement Status held before Magistrate Judge Carla Woehrle: Telephonic conference held. Parties are to confer further. The Court will schedule further proceedings related to settlement as required. Tape #: n/a. (pcl) (Entered: 01/21/2009)

Jan. 20, 2009

Jan. 20, 2009


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge A. Howard Matz. At the parties request, the Court sets a status conference for February 13, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. The stipulation, along with its attachments, must be filed by not later than February 12, 2009 with courtesy copies delivered to chambers by noon. (kbr) (Entered: 01/26/2009)

Jan. 23, 2009

Jan. 23, 2009


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge A. Howard Matz re Minutes of In Chambers Order 76 : Status Conference set for 2/13/2009, and time advanced to 10:30 AM before Judge A. Howard Matz. (se) (Entered: 02/10/2009)

Feb. 10, 2009

Feb. 10, 2009


MINUTES IN CHAMBERS before Judge A. Howard Matz: At the parties' request, the Court the Status Conference from 2/13/2009 to 3/6/2009 at 4:00 PM. (jp) (Entered: 02/11/2009)

Feb. 11, 2009

Feb. 11, 2009


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge A. Howard Matz: Status Conference 78 continued to 3/16/2009 at 03:00 PM before Judge A. Howard Matz. (se) (Entered: 03/06/2009)

March 6, 2009

March 6, 2009


EX PARTE APPLICATION to Correct The Record re Settlement Agreement,, 80 Exhibits F, G and H filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit F, # 2 Exhibit G, # 3 Exhibit H, # 4 Declaration Litt Declaration re Ex Parte, # 5 Proposed Order Re Ex Parte)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 03/12/2009)

2 Exhibit F

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3 Exhibit G

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4 Exhibit H

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5 Declaration Litt Declaration re Ex Parte

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6 Proposed Order Re Ex Parte

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March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009


ORDER ON EX PARTE APPLICATION TO REMOVE ERRONEOUSLY FILED EXHIBITS F-H TO THE PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz. The Settlement Agreement filed on March 12, 2009 80 shall be SEALED. Plaintiffs shall file a Corrected Settlement Agreement (not under seal) with the corrected Exhibits F through H. (kbr) (Entered: 03/13/2009)

March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009


MINUTES OF Status Conference held before Judge A. Howard Matz: Status conference held. Also present is the Hon. Carla Woehrle, Magistrate Judge. Court and counsel confer over the proposed order for preliminary approval of class action settlement filed by the parties and the draft Class and Settlement Notice.Court Reporter: Cindy Nirenberg. (se) (Entered: 03/16/2009)

March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009


SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT With Corrected Exhibits F, G and H filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A to Settlement Agreement, # 2 Exhibit B to Settlement Agreement, # 3 Exhibit C to Settlement Agreement, # 4 Exhibit D to Settlement Agreement, # 5 Exhibit E to Settlement Agreement, # 6 Exhibit F (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement, # 7 Exhibit G (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement, # 8 Exhibit H (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 03/14/2009)

2 Exhibit A to Settlement Agreement

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3 Exhibit B to Settlement Agreement

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4 Exhibit C to Settlement Agreement

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5 Exhibit D to Settlement Agreement

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6 Exhibit E to Settlement Agreement

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7 Exhibit F (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement

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8 Exhibit G (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement

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9 Exhibit H (CORRECTED) to Settlement Agreement

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March 14, 2009

March 14, 2009


SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT As Amended filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Redlined Preliminary Approval, # 2 Exhibit Amended Settlement Agreement, # 3 Exhibit Redlined Settlement Agreement, # 4 Exhibit Amended Notice and Claim Form, # 5 Exhibit Redlined Notice and Claim Form, # 6 Exhibit Amended Final Approval, # 7 Exhibit Redlined Final Approval)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 03/16/2009)

2 Exhibit Redlined Preliminary Approval

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3 Exhibit Amended Settlement Agreement

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4 Exhibit Redlined Settlement Agreement

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5 Exhibit Amended Notice and Claim Form

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6 Exhibit Redlined Notice and Claim Form

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7 Exhibit Amended Final Approval

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8 Exhibit Redlined Final Approval

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March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009


PRELIMINARY APPROVAL ORDER by Judge A. Howard Matz (see document for further details). Publication of summary notice as provided in the Settlement Agreement (Exhibit A): to begin by the week of 3/30/2009; Filing of Plaintiffs Motion for Award of Attorneys Fees and Costs must be filed by 4/20/2009; Filing of class members' Objections to any aspect of the Settlement (including Plaintiffs' Motion for Approval of Settlement of Attorneys' Fees and Costs): Must be filed by 4/27/2009; Deadline to opt-out: Must be postmarked or received by 4/27/2009; Deadline for filing class claims: Must be postmarked or received by 5/27/2009; Opposition or Reply to Objections (including to objections to award of attorneys' fees and costs): Must be filed by 6/8/2009; Proposed Final Order of Approval of Settlement: Must be filed by 6/15/2009; and Fairness Hearing: 6/22/2009. (jp) (Entered: 03/20/2009)

March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009


MINUTES OF IN CHAMBERS ORDER held before Judge A. Howard Matz: On the Courts own motion, the Court sets a final approval of class actionsettlement hearing date of June 22, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. (se) (Entered: 04/09/2009)

April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009


MEMORANDUM in Support of Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Costs filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/20/2009)

April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009


NOTICE Notice of Motion for Attorneys' Fees filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/20/2009)

April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009


DECLARATION of Barrett Litt In Support Of EX PARTE APPLICATION to Correct The Record re Settlement Agreement,, 80 Exhibits F, G and H EX PARTE APPLICATION to Correct The Record re Settlement Agreement,, 80 Exhibits F, G and H EX PARTE APPLICATION to Correct The Record re Settlement Agreement,, 80 Exhibits F, G and H 81 This Declaration is in Support of the Memorandum re Attorneys' Fees and Costs. There was no option for the correct link. filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/20/2009)

2 Exhibit A

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3 Exhibit B

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4 Exhibit C

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5 Exhibit D

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6 Exhibit E

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7 Exhibit F

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8 Exhibit G

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9 Exhibit H

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April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009


NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION for Attorney Fees filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. Motion set for hearing on 6/22/2009 at 10:00 AM before Judge A. Howard Matz. (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/21/2009)

April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009


NOTICE OF ERRATA filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. correcting Memorandum in Support of Motion,, 88, Notice (Other), Notice (Other) 89 (Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/21/2009)

April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009


DECLARATION of Carol A. Sobel In Support Of MOTION for Attorney Fees 91 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/21/2009)

2 Exhibit 1

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3 Exhibit 2

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4 Exhibit 3

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5 Exhibit 4

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6 Exhibit 5

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7 Exhibit 6

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8 Exhibit 7

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9 Exhibit 8

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10 Exhibit 9

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April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009


DECLARATION of Barrett S. Litt In Support Of MOTION for Attorney Fees 91 filed by Plaintiffs Kevin Breslin, Mario Cuellar, David Gabriel Eng, Luis Galvez, Gerardo Gomez, Jorge Lopez, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles, Jaime Maldonado, Leopold Ortiz, Romuardo Pedro, Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Esther Navarrette Plata, Maria Ester Tejada, Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance, IDESPCA, Pilipino Workers Center, Garment Workers Center. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I)(Litt, Barrett) (Entered: 04/21/2009)

2 Exhibit A

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3 Exhibit B

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4 Exhibit C

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5 Exhibit D

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6 Exhibit E

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7 Exhibit F

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8 Exhibit G

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9 Exhibit H

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10 Exhibit I

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April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009


Case Details

State / Territory: California

Case Type(s):

Speech and Religious Freedom

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: May 9, 2007

Closing Date: June 24, 2013

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Individuals present at an immigration rally on May 5, 2007 in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, CA

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:


Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


City of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Los Angeles), City

Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

State law

Constitutional Clause(s):

Freedom of speech/association

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Monetary Relief

Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Amount Defendant Pays: $16,553,000

Order Duration: 2009 - 2013