Filed Date: Dec. 6, 2010
Closed Date: 2015
Clearinghouse coding complete
On December 6, 2010, the United States filed this lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. The DOJ filed under 42 U.S.C. 3601 of the Fair Housing Act against the owner of the Burgundy Gardens Apartments, LLC. The U.S. Department of Justice asked the Court to 1) declare that the defendant's conduct was a violation of the Fair Housing Act, 2) enjoin the defendant and its workers from continuing to discriminate on the basis of race or color in the rental of dwellings, 3) award monetary damages to persons harmed by Defendant's discriminatory practices, and 4) assess a civil penalty against the defendant.
Specifically, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant engaged in racially discriminatory housing practices at Burgundy Gardens Apartments by failing to inform African-American prospective tenants about available apartments, telling African Americans prospective tenants that the prices for rental apartments were higher than the prices quoted to similarly situated non-African-America persons, and failing to show African-American prospective tenants available apartments, while at the same time, showing similarly situated non-African American persons available apartments and negotiating for the rental of such apartments.
On April 4, 2012, the parties reached a settlement in which the defendant was enjoined from discriminating against any person in terms, conditions, or privileges of renting a dwelling because of race. The defendant also agreed to implement a Nondiscrimination Policy and to notify the public of its implementation. The defendant paid $150,000 to those harmed by its discriminatory practices. The defendant paid an additional $25,000 to the United States as a civil penalty.
On June 13, 2016, Judge Kenneth M. Karas ordered the defendant to distribute $65,055.20 of the settlement fund to Legal Aid Society of Rockland County and New York Legal Assistance Group.
Summary Authors
Asma Husain (1/31/2016)
Clearinghouse (1/31/2016)
For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:
Abrams, Robin E. (New York)
Adams, Andrew Caldwell (New York)
Allen, Robert Wood (New York)
Allen, Robert Wood (New York)
Alter, Regina Malka (New York)
Adams, Andrew Caldwell (New York)
Alter, Regina Malka (New York)
Amaditz, Kenneth Carl (New York)
Amanat, Farzin Franklin (New York)
Amanat, Farzin Franklin (New York)
America, United States (New York)
Applegate, Daniel Arthur (New York)
Apps, Antonia Marie (New York)
Arreola, Anna Elizabeth (New York)
Attorney, Noticing 2255 (New York)
Attorney, United States (New York)
Bain-Creed, Benjamin (New York)
Belgau, Andrea Elaine (New York)
Benavides, Rene Carlo (New York)
Blain, Jennifer Ellen (New York)
Blaskopf, Lawrence Paul (New York)
Blaskopf, Lawrence Paul (New York)
Booth, Patricia Hubert (New York)
Bracewell, Mary Elizabeth (New York)
Bretz, Emily Elizabeth (New York)
Bronson, Jennifer Elyse (New York)
Brown, Thomas Mackinnon (New York)
Brown, Richard O.I. (New York)
Bueno, Edgar Dennis (New York)
Callahan, Kristy Karen (New York)
Cardona, George Sargent (New York)
Carroll, Eric Vincent (New York)
Cassella, Stefan Dante (New York)
Cassella, Stefan Dante (New York)
Castillo, Daniel M. (New York)
Castillo, Daniel M. (New York)
Cha-Kim, Stephen Seungkun (New York)
Chan, Andrew Ken-Wei (New York)
Clarkson, John Thomas (New York)
Clayton, Lindsay Laurie (New York)
Clopper, John Dalton (New York)
Clopper, John Dalton (New York)
Coppolino, Anthony Joseph (New York)
Cordaro, Joseph Nicholas (New York)
Corwin, Neil Matthew (New York)
Cowart, Kerala Thie (New York)
Cowley, Jason Harris (New York)
Cowley, Jason Harris (New York)
Cucinella, Brooke Elizabeth (New York)
Cucinella, Brooke Elizabeth (New York)
Curteman, Thomas William (New York)
DePippo, Henry John (New York)
Diedrichs, Clayton R. (New York)
DiPietro, Michael A (New York)
DiPietro, Michael A (New York)
Division, Appellate (New York)
Donnellan, Michael Thomas (New York)
Dougherty, Burtis Marshall (New York)
Duane, J. Mackenzie (New York)
Ehrlich, Jeffrey Paul (New York)
Ehrlich, Jeffrey Paul (New York)
Erem, Haley Christine (New York)
Erickson-Pogorzelski, Anthony (New York)
Feinzig, Margery Beth (New York)
Feldman, Brian Marc (New York)
Ferguson, Edmund M. (New York)
Fernandez, Eloisa Delgado (New York)
Fornos, Carolina A. (New York)
Freel, Jennifer Sheffield (New York)
Frey, Christopher Douglas (New York)
Ghosh, Catherine Elaine (New York)
Giorno, Anthony Paul (New York)
Girvin, Ralph Elwood (New York)
Girvin, Ralph Elwood (New York)
Grubman, Scott Robert (New York)
Guerrero, Marco Kelly (New York)
Haas, Alexander Kenneth (New York)
Haas, Alexander Kenneth (New York)
Hambrick, Jonathan Holland (New York)
Harker, Laura Margaret (New York)
Harrell-James, Veronica Vanessa (New York)
Harwood, Christopher Blake (New York)
Hernandez, Jason Peter (New York)
Herskowitz, Michael Vale (New York)
Hinrichs, Fred Turner (New York)
Holder, Charmaine Michele (New York)
Hottle, Douglas Morgan (New York)
Hudson, Jean Barrett (New York)
Ingoglia, Eugene Edward (New York)
Jonas, Bonnie Brooks (New York)
Kay, Richard Charles (New York)
Kay, Richard Charles (New York)
Kennebrew, Delora L. (New York)
Kenney, Patricia Jean (New York)
Keveney, Sean Richard (New York)
Keveney, Sean Richard (New York)
Kobre, Elisha Jonathan (New York)
Kobre, Elisha Jonathan (New York)
Kovacev, Robert John (New York)
Krause, Andrew Edward (New York)
Krieger, Paul Matthew (New York)
Lacosta, Anthony W. (New York)
Leary, Peter Decklin (New York)
Lee, Casey Kyung-Se (New York)
Levin, Sharon Cohen (New York)
Levin, Sharon Cohen (New York)
Lillywhite, Jacob Thomas (New York)
Lim, Michael Shueyee (New York)
Lindsey, Marilynn Koonce (New York)
Lockard, Michael Dennis (New York)
LoCurto, John Joseph (New York)
London, Ellen Melissa (New York)
Lowry, Faith Johnson (New York)
MacWilliams, Philip Davis (New York)
Magdo, Christine Ingrid (New York)
Magdo, Christine Ingrid (New York)
Magnanini, Robert A. (New York)
Majeed, Sameena Shina (New York)
McCarthy, Andrew C. (New York)
McClellan, Jessica L. (New York)
McDonald, Elizabeth Erin (New York)
McEachin, Onjil Tianna (New York)
McIntosh, Robert P. (New York)
Michael, Philip Roy (New York)
Michael, Philip Roy (New York)
Minnis, Tarra DeShields (New York)
Miranda, Annika Marie (New York)
Monteleoni, Paul Michael (New York)
Mosteller, Daniel Paul (New York)
Mott, Joseph William (New York)
Mountcastle, Rick A. (New York)
Mundell, Melissa Stebbins (New York)
Murray, Juliana Newcomb (New York)
Naftalis, Joshua Arditi (New York)
Naftalis, Joshua Arditi (New York)
Nawaday, Jaimie Leeser (New York)
Normand, Sarah Sheive (New York)
O'Connell, Sean Bryan (New York)
Okula, Stanley John (New York)
Olivera, Jose Apolinar (New York)
Olivera, Jose Apolinar (New York)
Padmanabhan, Kartic (New York)
Paniszczyn, John F. (New York)
Pantoja, Joseph Anthony (New York)
Parnham, Thomas Arthur (New York)
Parr, Mary Elizabeth (New York)
Parr, Mary Elizabeth (New York)
Patrick, Bradford Collins (New York)
Patrick, Bradford Collins (New York)
Patton, Thomas Earl (New York)
Paul, Sarah Elizabeth (New York)
Phillips, Cristine Irvin (New York)
Polansky, Jessica Elyse (New York)
Powell, Jeffrey Kenneth (New York)
Price, Daniel Nikon (New York)
Putignano, Peter J. (New York)
Ramseyer, Steven Randall (New York)
Ramseyer, Steven Randall (New York)
Reddy, Kirti Vaidya (New York)
Reinhart, Katherine M (New York)
Richter, Zachary Carl (New York)
Robinson, Richard E (New York)
Rodriguez, Joseph Cuauhtemoc (New York)
Rosado, David Richard (New York)
Rosen, Lawrence Nathan (New York)
Rosenbaum, Steven H. (New York)
Rubin-Smith, Elina A. (New York)
Russo, Sarah Teresa (New York)
Russo, Sarah Teresa (New York)
Said, Nadia Elizabeth (New York)
Santos, Amelia Rebecca (New York)
Santos, Amelia Rebecca (New York)
Sassoon, Danielle Renee (New York)
Sassoon, Danielle Renee (New York)
Schild, Clarissa Pinheiro (New York)
Schoenberger, Carina Hyatt (New York)
Schwabauer, Barbara A (New York)
Schwabauer, Barbara A (New York)
Schwartz, Matthew Lane (New York)
Shandell, Alexandra L. (New York)
Shaw, Deborah Brittain (New York)
Simmons, Alicia Marie (New York)
Smeltzer, Joshua David (New York)
Smith, Curtis Cutler (New York)
Smith, Micah William (New York)
Sobelman, Robert Benjamin (New York)
Sowlati, Adam Sasan (New York)
Spaccarotella, John C. (New York)
Sponseller, Richard W. (New York)
Sponseller, Richard W. (New York)
Statkus, Shannon Heath (New York)
Statkus, Shannon Heath (New York)
Stier, Cynthia Lewis (New York)
Strawn, Susan Leslie (New York)
Strelka, Andrew Charles (New York)
Strickland, Arthur Patrick (New York)
Strickland, Arthur Patrick (New York)
Sun, Anthony Jan-Huan (New York)
Swauger, Melissa A. (New York)
Tarczynska, Dominika (New York)
Tarlow, Elinor Lynn (New York)
Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle (New York)
Taylor, Karen Ledbetter (New York)
Teleanu, Natasha Waglow (New York)
Thomas, Andrew Mark (New York)
Towt, Katharine Farrell (New York)
Tumlin-Bhattacharyya, Tracy Rupa (New York)
Underhill, R. Michael (New York)
Valadez, Mary Nelda (New York)
Vargas, Jeannette Anne (New York)
Velamoor, Niketh Varadaraj (New York)
Velamoor, Niketh Varadaraj (New York)
Walker, Krystal Dawn (New York)
Wasserstrom, Leigh Aaron (New York)
Wasserstrom, Leigh Aaron (New York)
Weidenbach, Mitchell L. (New York)
Weidman, Leon Warren (New York)
Weidman, Leon Warren (New York)
Weinkle, James Alan (New York)
Whitsett, Louis Clifford (New York)
Whittaker, Alexandra (New York)
Williamson, Christopher James (New York)
Wilson, Alexander Joshua (New York)
Yalen, Robert William (New York)
Yasuda, Marsha Michiko (New York)
See docket on RECAP:
Last updated Feb. 4, 2025, 11:02 p.m.
State / Territory: New York
Case Type(s):
Fair Housing/Lending/Insurance
Special Collection(s):
Key Dates
Filing Date: Dec. 6, 2010
Closing Date: 2015
Case Ongoing: No
Plaintiff Description:
United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
Plaintiff Type(s):
Attorney Organizations:
U.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division
Public Interest Lawyer: Yes
Filed Pro Se: No
Class Action Sought: No
Class Action Outcome: Not sought
Owner of Burgundy Gardens, LLC (Rockland), Private Entity/Person
Case Details
Causes of Action:
Fair Housing Act/Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 3601 et seq.
Available Documents:
Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief
Prevailing Party: Plaintiff
Nature of Relief:
Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement
Source of Relief:
Form of Settlement:
Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree
Amount Defendant Pays: $175,000
Order Duration: 2012 - 2015
Discrimination Area:
Discrimination Basis:
Affected Race(s):