Case: Gamez v. Ryan

2:10-cv-02070 | U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona

Filed Date: Sept. 27, 2010

Closed Date: 2012

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On September 27, 2010, an Arizona prisoner, Robert Gamez, brought this suit in the U.S. District Court of the District of Arizona against the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADOC), under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The plaintiff, filing pro se, asked for both declaratory and injunctive relief, alleging that the ADOC violated his Fourteenth and Eighth Amendment rights by failing to provide adequate mental health services or sufficiently trained staff to deal with prisoners with mental health issues.The…

On September 27, 2010, an Arizona prisoner, Robert Gamez, brought this suit in the U.S. District Court of the District of Arizona against the Arizona Department of Corrections (ADOC), under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The plaintiff, filing pro se, asked for both declaratory and injunctive relief, alleging that the ADOC violated his Fourteenth and Eighth Amendment rights by failing to provide adequate mental health services or sufficiently trained staff to deal with prisoners with mental health issues.

The District Court (Judge Frederick Martone) dismissed the original complaint with leave to amend for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Each of the first two amended complaints were also dismissed with leave to amend for the same reason.

On March 6, 2012, eighteen months after the original complaint was filed, Gamez filed a third amended complaint. The plaintiff, now represented by the ACLU National Prison Project, expanded the suit to include a class. New allegations included that the prison deprived prisoners of general health care, that prisoners did not receive adequate treatment even when they could receive care and that the defendants subjected prisoners in isolation to unconstitutional conditions.

However, in a ruling on March 21, 2012, Judge Martone dismissed the suit. He found that the sudden expansion of the case to include thirteen new plaintiffs and seeking class treatment was not "within the contemplation of the court" when it allowed for a third amended complaint. This, along with the 18-month complaint phase, led him to dismiss the case without prejudice.

On March 22, 2012, a team of lawyers from the ACLU, the Prison Law Office and private practice filed a lawsuit alleging similar claims against the ADOC. The case was filed as Parsons v. Ryan, with docket number CV12-0601-PHX-NVW. See related cases for more information.

Summary Authors

Jonathan Forman (7/7/2013)

Related Cases

Parsons v. Ryan, District of Arizona (2012)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff

Abela, Maya S. (Arizona)

Ahlers, James A (Arizona)

Alewelt, Jennifer (Arizona)

Attorney for Defendant

Acedo, Nicholas Daniel (Arizona)


Ackerman, Justin Michael (Arizona)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Abela, Maya S. (Arizona)

Ahlers, James A (Arizona)

Alewelt, Jennifer (Arizona)

Amiri, Amir Q. (Arizona)

Amron, Brett Michael (Arizona)

Arellano, Casey (Arizona)

Barr, Daniel C. (Arizona)

Beall, Lauren K (Arizona)

Bold, Fredric J. (Arizona)

Boughton, Kathryn E (Arizona)

Brantley, Kevin (Arizona)

Brizgys, Molly Patricia (Arizona)

Brody, Kathleen E. (Arizona)

Calderon, Sophia Helena (Arizona)

Celler, Richard Bernard (Arizona)

Chandler, John A. (Arizona)

Cho, Eunice (Arizona)

Colby, Mikaela Nicole (Arizona)

Daly-Rooney, Rose Ann (Arizona)

Dietrich, Asim (Arizona)

Dooley, Cathleen Marie (Arizona)

Dropkin, Drew David (Arizona)

Du Mee, Matthew B (Arizona)

Durkin, Brenna Lynne (Arizona)

Eidenbach, Kristin T (Arizona)

Epps, Kevin E. (Arizona)

Fathi, David Cyrus (District of Columbia)

Fettig, Amy (District of Columbia)

Freeman, Taylor (Arizona)

George, Warren E (Arizona)

Gerlicher, Amelia Morrow (Arizona)

Gosch, D. Jeffrey (Arizona)

Gray, John H (Arizona)

Hardy, Alison (California)

Hart, Sophie Jedeikin (Arizona)

Herman, Alisha D (Arizona)

Hoipkemier, Adam (Arizona)

Hosseini, Ilham A (Arizona)

Kader, Sarah Eve (Arizona)

Keenan, Jared G (Arizona)

Kendall, Ryan Matthew (Arizona)

Kendrick, Corene Thaedra (California)

Kiernan, David C (Arizona)

Korch, Jeremy Simons (Arizona)

Lawrence, Blake M (Arizona)

Lee, Benjamin (Arizona)

Levinson, Dara (Arizona)

Lieberman, Martin (Arizona)

Lomio, Rita Katherine (Arizona)

Longley, Joseph (Arizona)

Lopez, Victoria (Arizona)

Luzon, Rosemary F (Arizona)

Lyall, James Duff (Arizona)

Mamedova, Kamilla (Arizona)

Mauriello, Thomas D (Arizona)

Medsker, R Scott (Arizona)

Mee, Matthew Du (Arizona)

Mendelsohn, Brian (Arizona)

Messina, Jennifer K (Arizona)

Mitchell, Caroline N. (California)

Morgan, Jamelia Natasha (Arizona)

Morris, Maria V (Arizona)

Mullenbach, Linda H. (Arizona)

Norman, Sara Linda (California)

O'Connor, Maura Eileen (Arizona)

Peters, Jerica Lyn (Arizona)

Pochoda, Daniel Joseph (Arizona)

Polletta, Leonard Donald (Arizona)

Quereshi, Ajmel Ahsen (Arizona)

Ramachandrappa, Naveen (Arizona)

Rauh, Sarah (Arizona)

Rich, Joseph D. (Arizona)

Rico, Jose De Jesus (Arizona)

Ripke, Jill L (Arizona)

Roberts, Douglas (California)

Rosenwasser, Steven J. (Arizona)

Ross, Jessica Pari (Arizona)

Ryerson, Thomas D (Arizona)

Shah, James C (Arizona)

Shavitz, Gregg I. (Arizona)

Smith, Ivan D. (Arizona)

Smith, Jeremy (Arizona)

Soldati, Kelly Lynn (Arizona)

Specter, Donald H. (California)

Suh, Eun Ae (Arizona)

Szanto, Ruth (Arizona)

Terry, Michael B. (Arizona)

Werner, Michael L. (Arizona)

Wilkes, John Laurens (Arizona)

Worsham, Karl Joeseph (Arizona)

Yost, Austin Clark (Arizona)

Attorney for Defendant

Acedo, Nicholas Daniel (Arizona)

Anderson, Jon George (Arizona)

Bair, Ty (Arizona)

Baker, Scott M (Arizona)

Bansal, Jessica Karp (Arizona)

Barnes, Brian W (Arizona)

Barnes, Sarah Lynn (Arizona)

Baron, Lisa Blue (Arizona)

Bass, Jonathan William (Arizona)

Bayles, Donald Hamilton (Arizona)

Bendor, Joshua David (Arizona)

Bennett, Erin Davies (Arizona)

Binford, Matthew H (Arizona)

Blackburne, Laura D (Arizona)

Bojanowski, Timothy James (Arizona)

Bolick, Clint Daniel (Arizona)

Brachtl, Mark Carl (Arizona)

Bracken, Mark Allen (Arizona)

Bradshaw, Lynn (Arizona)

Cardozo, Nathan D (Arizona)

Carter, Paul Edward (Arizona)

Castillo, Jorge Martin (Arizona)

Cattani, Kent E (Arizona)

Chiasson, Laura Patrice (Arizona)

Choi, Connie (Arizona)

Cohen, Eden Gabrielle (Arizona)

Cott, Courtney Christine (Arizona)

Cox, Tiffany L (Arizona)

Cox, Justin B (Arizona)

Davis, Luci Danielle (Arizona)

Done, Julie Ann (Arizona)

Dynar, Aditya (Arizona)

Easter, Suzanne Marie (Arizona)

Espiritu, Nicholas David (Arizona)

Etcubanez, Marita Cecilia (Arizona)

Flood, Kelly Joyce (Arizona)

Gard, Lacey Stover (Arizona)

Gioconda, Joseph C (Arizona)

Glynn, Courtney Rachel (Arizona)

Gottfried, Michael Evan (Arizona)

Grube, Charles Arnold (Arizona)

Guttentag, Lucas (Arizona)

Guzman, Jamie Dennise (Arizona)

Hanger, Kevin Richard (Arizona)

Hazard, Gregory Michael (Arizona)

Hesman, Ashlee B (Arizona)

Honig, Gregory (Arizona)

Huerta, Alvaro M (Arizona)

Hughes, John S. (Arizona)

Inactive, Matthew H (Arizona)

Jadwat, Omar C (Arizona)

Joaquin, Linton (Arizona)

Kaeske, Michael Kaeske (Arizona)

Keaney, Melissa S (Arizona)

Kelly, Christopher M. (Arizona)

Kirk, Michael W (Arizona)

Kronenberger, Karl S (Arizona)

Kung, Lisa (Arizona)

Langerman, Amy G (Arizona)

Lanum, Jacinda Ann (Arizona)

Lazarus, Paul F (Arizona)

Lee, Jacob Brady (Arizona)

Leiderman, Aaron G (Arizona)

Love, Rachel (Arizona)

Luse, Brian Patrick (Arizona)

Manchin, Eric (Arizona)

Maraschino, Margaret Grace (Arizona)

Maro, Benjamin J (Arizona)

McNeff, Michael E (Arizona)

Medzhibovsky, Leon Medzhibovsky (Arizona)

Miyake, Lika Cynthia (Arizona)

Moskowitz, Aaron Jay (Arizona)

Newman, Chris (Arizona)

Nockels, Jonathan (Arizona)

OCampo, Carmina (Arizona)

Opsahl, Kurt (Arizona)

Orcutt, Anne Marie (Arizona)

Ortega, Daniel R (Arizona)

Park, Yungsuhn (Arizona)

Party, Unknown (Arizona)

Perales, Nina (Arizona)

Phillips, Bradley S (Arizona)

Polansky, Jessica (Arizona)

Preciado, Nora A (Arizona)

Rademaekers, Iwana (Arizona)

Rand, Lucy Marie (Arizona)

Ray, Timothy Michael (Arizona)

Reeves, Harold S (Arizona)

Rosenfeld, Jeffrey M (Arizona)

Rudolph, Maureen E (Arizona)

Saenz, Thomas Andrew (Arizona)

Sandefur, Christina Maria (Arizona)

Sanderson, Virginia A (Arizona)

Simon, William Scott (Arizona)

Skinner, Oramel Horace (Arizona)

Soltman, Nicholas (Arizona)

Sparks, Jeffrey Lee (Arizona)

Sterling, P Andrew (Arizona)

Stoltz, Mitchell Leff (Arizona)

Struck, Daniel Patrick (Arizona)

Sun, Christine Patricia (Arizona)

Ticen, Paul David (Arizona)

Todd, John Pressley (Arizona)

Troester, Robert J (Arizona)

Tumlin, Karen Cassandra (Arizona)

Valenti, Richard Michael (Arizona)

Viramontes, Victor (Arizona)

Vondran, Steven Charles (Arizona)

Wallace, Mona Lisa (Arizona)

Walter, Michele L (Arizona)

Wang, Cecillia D (Arizona)

Warner, Daniel Robert (Arizona)

Watanabe, Katherine Emiko (Arizona)

Watford, Paul J (Arizona)

Weisbard, Jonathan F (Arizona)

White, Steven Matthew (Arizona)

Wieneke, Kathleen L (Arizona)

Wooten, Philip R (Arizona)

Ybarra, Joseph J (Arizona)

Zick, Jeffrey Alan (Arizona)

Zuerlein, Ashley Brook (Arizona)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse




March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012



Civil Rights Complaint by a Prisoner

Sept. 27, 2010

Sept. 27, 2010



Order [Dismissing Complaint and Granting Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis]

Jan. 26, 2011

Jan. 26, 2011



Civil Rights Complaint by a Prisoner [First Amended Complaint]

March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011



Civil Rights Complaint by a Prisoner [Second Amended Complaint]

July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011



Order [Dismissing Second Amended Complaint]

Feb. 29, 2012

Feb. 29, 2012



Third Amended Class Action Complaint for Injunctive and Declartatory Relief

March 6, 2012

March 6, 2012



Order [Reassigning Case]

March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012



Order [Dismissing Case]

March 21, 2012

March 21, 2012



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Dec. 18, 2024, 6:26 p.m.

Docket sheet not available via the Clearinghouse.

Case Details

State / Territory: Arizona

Case Type(s):

Prison Conditions

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: Sept. 27, 2010

Closing Date: 2012

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Arizona prisoner alleging that the Arizona Department of Corrections did not provide an appropriate number of staff to treat the mentally ill

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:

ACLU National Prison Project

Perkins Coie

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: Yes

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Denied


Arizona Department of Corrections, State

Defendant Type(s):


Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

Constitutional Clause(s):

Due Process

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Non-settlement Outcome

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Defendant

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:

