Case: ACLU of Michigan v. FBI

2:11-cv-13154 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

Filed Date: July 21, 2011

Closed Date: 2012

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On July 21, 2011, the ACLU of Michigan group filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The plaintiff asked the court for an injunction, claiming that the FBI was not timely in its response, and that information was improperly redacted from documents that were received. On July 27, 2010, the ACLU of Michigan submitted a FOIA request to the FBI requesting documents pertaining t…

On July 21, 2011, the ACLU of Michigan group filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The plaintiff asked the court for an injunction, claiming that the FBI was not timely in its response, and that information was improperly redacted from documents that were received.

On July 27, 2010, the ACLU of Michigan submitted a FOIA request to the FBI requesting documents pertaining to the use of race and ethnicity to conduct assessments and investigations. More than four months later on December 22, 2010, the FBI released the first batch of documents to the ACLU. The documents included duplicate pages that had been redacted and none were specific to Michigan or the Detroit Field Office. More documents were released on September 29, 2011 and October 31, 2011. The FBI claimed that the documents were released in a reasonable timeframe and that any information withheld was proper under exceptions to FOIA.

On September 30, 2012, the Court (Judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff) denied summary judgment for the ACLU and granted summary judgment for the FBI. The court found that the ACLU had not exhausted itsadministrative remedies and any information withheld by the FBI fell under the proper exceptions to FOIA.

On August 21, 2013, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld the lower court's ruling. American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan v. F.B.I., 734 F.3d 460.


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant

Adelstein, Jay David (Michigan)

Amdur, Spencer E. (Michigan)

Anderson, Caroline J. (Michigan)

Anderson, Linda (Michigan)

Aponte, Milton (Michigan)

Attorney for Defendant

Adelstein, Jay David (Michigan)

Amdur, Spencer E. (Michigan)

Anderson, Caroline J. (Michigan)

Anderson, Linda (Michigan)

Aponte, Milton (Michigan)

Aronoff, Peter Max (Michigan)

Attorney, Noticing INS (Michigan)

Auerbach, Gerald (Michigan)

AUSA, Christopher D (Michigan)

Baker, Wyn Dee (Michigan)

Barnard, Thomas H (Michigan)

Barnea, Jean-David (Michigan)

Beckerman, Laura (Michigan)

Bennett, James R. (Michigan)

Bennett, Jared C. (Michigan)

Bergman, Jacob Max (Michigan)

Berman, Marcia (Michigan)

Bernie, Andrew Marshall (Michigan)

Berwick, Benjamin (Michigan)

Bickford, James O. (Michigan)

Bloom, Karen S. (Michigan)

Bowen, Brigham J (Michigan)

Bowers, Kate (Michigan)

Brown, Jane Pansing (Michigan)

Brunner, Helen J (Michigan)

Bryan, Lonnie F (Michigan)

Burdette, Cathy Jo (Michigan)

Byars, Michael James (Michigan)

Cargo, Shane Patrick (Michigan)

Carlson, Lucy G (Michigan)

Cha-Kim, Stephen Seungkun (Michigan)

Chang, William S.W. (Michigan)

Chaudhury, Arastu Kabeer (Michigan)

Chicago, AUSA - (Michigan)

Chilakamarri, Varu (Michigan)

Cho, James R. (Michigan)

Christian, Lisa A (Michigan)

Clopper, John Dalton (Michigan)

Collette, Matthew M.

Coppolino, Anthony Joseph (Michigan)

Cox, James Cox (Michigan)

Crowley, Megan Anne (Michigan)

CV, U S (Michigan)

D'Alessandro, Mark Thomas (Michigan)

Daughtry, Emily Ewell (Michigan)

Davis, Elliott Marc (Michigan)

Deiss, Ila Casy (Michigan)

DeMott, Joseph J (Michigan)

DeVito, David Michael (Michigan)

Docherty, John (Michigan)

Dolinger, Samuel Hilliard (Michigan)

Dominguez, Silvia (Michigan)

Donohue, Brian G. (Michigan)

Dorsey, Catherine H.

Dunsky, Gregory Paul (Michigan)

Durkin, Timothy Michael (Michigan)

Dyck, Henry Parker (Michigan)

Ennis, Christine Wild (Michigan)

Enos, Brian William (Michigan)

Erickson-Pogorzelski, Anthony (Michigan)

Falk, Rebecca Ann (Michigan)

Farby, Lesley (Michigan)

Farel, Lily S. (Michigan)

FitzGerald, Ellen (Michigan)

Forti, Michael A. (Michigan)

Francis, Victoria L. (Michigan)

Frank, Gerald S (Michigan)

Freeborne, Paul Gerald (Michigan)

Frisch, Stuart (Michigan)

Frooman, Hilary W (Michigan)

Gacki, Andrea Marie (Michigan)

Garg, Arjun (Michigan)

Garrett, Jenigh J. (Michigan)

Gianola, John Fulton (Michigan)

Gilligan, James J. (Michigan)

Go, Samuel P. (Michigan)

Gomez, Abel (Michigan)

Gonzalez, Gregory (Michigan)

GOVT, Kate R. (Michigan)

Greene, Carlton (Michigan)

Griffiths, John Richard (Michigan)

Guzman, Gladys M. (Michigan)

Haas, Alexander Kenneth (Michigan)

Haroldson, Thomas E (Michigan)

Harvey, Judy B (Michigan)

Harvey, Judith B. (Michigan)

Heiman, Julia Alexandra (Michigan)

Henry, Terry M. (Michigan)

Herb, Kimberly Lynn (Michigan)

Herman, Vincent (Michigan)

Hernandez, J Cole (Michigan)

Himel, Yoshinori H. (Michigan)

Hoff, David H (Michigan)

Horn, Stephen M. (Michigan)

Howard, Roscoe Howard (Michigan)

Hsu, Shining J. (Michigan)

Hunt, Joseph H. (Michigan)

Ikari, Carolyn Aiko (Michigan)

Inactive, Cynthia M (Michigan)

Inactive, Michael A (Michigan)

James, Michael (Michigan)

Johnson, Lisa (Michigan)

Johnson, Mel S (Michigan)

Josephson, Matthew Allan (Michigan)

Jr, John David (Michigan)

Jude, Jennifer Ann (Michigan)

Kabrawala, Ameet B. (Michigan)

Kahrs, Laurie Kathleen (Michigan)

Keefe, Kerry Jane (Michigan)

Kelleher, Diane (Michigan)

Khorshid, Anoiel (Michigan)

Kipnis, Brian C (Michigan)

Kirschner, Adam D. (Michigan)

Klecka, Matthew (Michigan)

Kneedler, Jennie L. (Michigan)

Kolluri, Prashant (Michigan)

Konkoly, Antonia (Michigan)

Lantka, Peter Michael (Michigan)

Larsen, Christian R (Michigan)

Leary, Peter Decklin (Michigan)

Lee, Jonathan Unruh (Michigan)

Lee, Lynn Yuhee (Michigan)

Lee, Jason (Michigan)

Lesperance, Karen Folster (Michigan)

Lester, Robert Ira (Michigan)

Levy, Judith E. (Michigan)

Lewis, James A (Michigan)

Lieber, Sheila M. (Michigan)

Ling, Ernest Yi (Michigan)

Llewellyn, Nicholas P. (Michigan)

Lo, Michelle (Michigan)

London, Ellen (Michigan)

Long, Eric I (Michigan)

Luedke, Thomas G. (Michigan)

Luse, Susanne (Michigan)

Maher, Lidia (Michigan)

Maisels, Amanda L. (Michigan)

Majeed, Sameena (Michigan)

Marentette, Pamela (Michigan)

Martikan, Owen Peter (Michigan)

Matula, Michael L. (Michigan)

McArdle, Kevin William (Michigan)

McCord, Stacey Elise (Michigan)

McCotter, R. Trent (Michigan)

McElvain, Joel (Michigan)

Mei, Vesper (Michigan)

Mercado-Santana, Victor M. (Michigan)

Metzger, Emily B. (Michigan)

Moore, Tamra T. (Michigan)

Morrison, Ross Eric (Michigan)

Morte, Tara Marie (Michigan)

Nereim, Mardell (Michigan)

Nestler, Emily (Michigan)

Olds, Dara A (Michigan)

Parker, Katherine Lind (Michigan)

Patrick, Jack B (Michigan)

Patton, Rodney (Michigan)

Pelletier, Paul E (Michigan)

Perez-Daple, Brian (Michigan)

Phillips, Frederick S. (Michigan)

Porsia, Sara Christi (Michigan)

Powell, Amy Elizabeth (Michigan)

Prillaman, Debra Jean (Michigan)

Prose, Susan Begesse (Michigan)

Rachal, Doreen M. (Michigan)

Ray, Jeffrey P. (Michigan)

Rich, J. Eric (Michigan)

Risner, Scott (Michigan)

Robinson, Kimberly Anne (Michigan)

Rosenberg, Brad Prescott (Michigan)

Roth, Dena M. (Michigan)

Rund, Jane (Michigan)

Russ, John A. (Michigan)

Sandberg, Justin Michael (District of Columbia)

Scharf, James A. (Michigan)

Schools, Scott (Michigan)

Schraibman, Sandra M. (Michigan)

Schwartz, James J. (Michigan)

Scott, Olivia Hussey (Michigan)

Seifert, Karen (Michigan)

Serafyn, Jennifer A. (Michigan)

Shapiro, Elizabeth (Michigan)

Sheffield, Carlton Frederick (Michigan)

Sher, R Joseph (Michigan)

Sherman, Steve A (Michigan)

Shockey, Charles Ray (Michigan)

Singer, Samuel M. (Michigan)

Singer, Benjamin D. (Michigan)

Smart, Adam Ryan (Michigan)

Smith, Alexandra F. (Michigan)

Smith, Jeffrey Michael (Michigan)

Snead, Jacqueline E. (Michigan)

Sneed, Sekret Tamara (Michigan)

Soloveichik, Layaliza K. (Michigan)

Soloway, Alan M. (Michigan)

Soskin, Eric Joseph (Michigan)

Sowles, Marcia K. (Michigan)

Spooner, Sandra P (Michigan)

Stahman, Kayla (Michigan)

Stark, John J. (Michigan)

Stegeby, Erik Kenneth (Michigan)

Stellmach, William (Michigan)

Sus, Nikhel S. (Michigan)

Swanson-Haan, Karen E. (Michigan)

Swinton, Nathan Michael (Michigan)

Tannenbaum, Andrew Harris (Michigan)

Tayloe, Benjamin O (Michigan)

Theis, John Kenneth (Michigan)

Thomas, Derri T. (Michigan)

Thorp, Galen (Michigan)

Tinio, Rebecca Sol (Michigan)

Torrance, Benjamin Henry (Michigan)

Tseng, Neill Tai (Michigan)

Tulis, Elizabeth (Michigan)

Tuthill, William A. (Michigan)

Tyler, John Russell (Michigan)

Ulrich, Tamara (Michigan)

Vincent, Katherine W (Michigan)

Voss, Ana H (Michigan)

Walker, Juan Dion (Michigan)

Wall, Robin Michael (Michigan)

Walsh, Thomas P. (Michigan)

Wang, Jennifer S (Michigan)

Waterman, Brandon Matthew (Michigan)

Wayne, Seth (Michigan)

Wechsler, Peter T. (Michigan)

Weiss, Daniel Herman (Michigan)

Westwater, Gisela A (Michigan)

Whittlesey, Brent A (Michigan)

Wicks, L. Michael (Michigan)

Williams, Ed (Michigan)

Winn, Peter Angus (Michigan)

Wyer, Kathryn L (Michigan)

Yoo, Donald Wayne (Michigan)

Zee, M. Andrew (Michigan)

Zee, Michael Andrew (Michigan)

Zimmerman, Jonathan Eli (Michigan)


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Documents in the Clearinghouse




American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan v. Federal Bureau of Investigation et al

Oct. 15, 2013

Oct. 15, 2013



Complaint for Injunctive Relief


July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011





Sept. 30, 2012

Sept. 30, 2012



Opinion and Order


Sept. 30, 2012

Sept. 30, 2012


2012 WL 4513626



Order and Opinion

American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan v. FBI

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Aug. 21, 2013

Aug. 21, 2013


734 F.3d 460


See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Dec. 18, 2024, 3:43 a.m.

Docket sheet not available via the Clearinghouse.

Case Details

State / Territory: Michigan

Case Type(s):


Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: July 21, 2011

Closing Date: 2012

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Michigan ACLU, non-profit non-partisan organization

Plaintiff Type(s):

Non-profit NON-religious organization

Attorney Organizations:

ACLU of Michigan

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal

Defendant Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 5 U.S.C. § 552

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Defendant

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:

