Case: Goodman v. City of New York

1:14-cv-05261 | U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York

Filed Date: July 15, 2014

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Case Summary

On July 15, 2014, the plaintiff, a New York City resident, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988. The plaintiff, represented by private counsel, alleges that the New York Police Department's ("NYPD") policy and practice of interfering with the right of individuals to film, photograph, videotape or record NYPD officers performing their official duties in public places violates the First Amendment. Furthermore, the plaint…

On July 15, 2014, the plaintiff, a New York City resident, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988. The plaintiff, represented by private counsel, alleges that the New York Police Department's ("NYPD") policy and practice of interfering with the right of individuals to film, photograph, videotape or record NYPD officers performing their official duties in public places violates the First Amendment. Furthermore, the plaintiff alleged that her detention violates her Fourth Amendment rights. Plaintiff sought monetary damages, a declaratory judgment that plaintiff's First and Fourth Amendment rights were violated, and a permanent injunction preventing the City of New York from retaliating against anyone who, without interfering with police activity, records police officers performing official duties in public. Plaintiff also alleged that the defendants used excessive force during arrest.

Plaintiff's claims arise out of a September 25, 2013 incident in which she was allegedly arrested by NYPD officers after filming NYPD and paramedics' interactions with an apparently homeless person. She alleges that after she began filming the incident, NYPD officers began filming her, at which point she informed them they had no right to film her. The NYPD officers arrested her subsequent to a "verbal exchange."

In support of the proposition that the NYPD maintains such a policy of interfering with the public recording them performing their official duties, the complaint cites numerous documented instances of such interference, letters of concern to the NYPD from major media outlets, and the allegation that the NYPD has failed to adequately respond to those incidents.

On February 18, 2015, plaintiff's claims for false arrest, malicious prosecution, and First Amendment retaliation were dismissed due to the defendant's qualified immunity. This left only the excessive force allegation for litigation. On March 11, 2015, the plaintiff filed an interlocutory appeal to the Second Circuit on these dismissed claims, but shortly after withdrew it because on April 20, 2015, a private settlement agreement was reached between the parties and the case was dismissed with prejudice.

Summary Authors

Brendan Brown (9/30/2014)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant

Adegbile, Debo Patrick (New York)

Anakhu, Joy Tolulope (New York)

Apostol, Barbara Jean (New York)

Aribakan, Suzanne Emily (New York)

Arko, Christopher Gregory (New York)

Attorney for Defendant

Adegbile, Debo Patrick (New York)

Anakhu, Joy Tolulope (New York)

Apostol, Barbara Jean (New York)

Aribakan, Suzanne Emily (New York)

Arko, Christopher Gregory (New York)

Bahrenburg, Richard (New York)

Balog, Aliza Jordana (New York)

Baskin, Stephen E. (New York)

Biberman, Dana Hope (New York)

Blank, Shira M. (New York)

Boice, William H. (New York)

Booth, Amatullah Khaliha (New York)

Braman, Leonard Matthew (New York)

Braun, Daniel Michael (New York)

Bridge, Matthew (New York)

Brocker, Peter William (New York)

Brousseau, Shawn F. (New York)

Bruno, Kyle C. (New York)

Brustein, Evan Craig (New York)

Burnett, Dennis (New York)

Byrns, Katherine Abigail (New York)

Canfield, Donna Anne (New York)

Carreras-Rovira, Jose E. (New York)

Carson, Maryanne (New York)

Cartwright, Rachel Anne (New York)

Chaney, William B. (New York)

Cirone, Thomas Joseph (New York)

Cockey, Robin R (New York)

Collier, Mark Louis (New York)

Connahan, Matthew Joseph (New York)

Connelly, Elizabeth Colette (New York)

Cooper, David Allen (New York)

Coyne, Christopher John (New York)

Daitz, Elizabeth M. (New York)

Deatley, Tavish Coryell (New York)

Decastro, Maria Fernanda (New York)

Degori, Elizabeth Carolyn (New York)

Depoian, Carolyn Kay (New York)

Devlin, Austa Starr (New York)

Downey, Michael P. (New York)

Downing, Don M. (New York)

Dvoretzky, Shay (New York)

Edmonds, Elizabeth (New York)

Faddis, Hannah Victoria (New York)

Farrar, Brian Jeremy (New York)

Felty, Bill K (New York)

Fihma, Allison Naomi (New York)

Finberg, James M. (New York)

Finestone, Emily Catherine (New York)

Fleming, Michael Friel (New York)

Fogarty, Peter John (New York)

Forti, Michael A. (New York)

Frank, Philip Sebastian (New York)

Friedman, Joshua Mathew (New York)

Friedrich, Krista Ann (New York)

Fudim, Elissa Paulette (New York)

Garcia, John L (New York)

Garman, Ashley Rebecca (New York)

Garrison, Gretchen (New York)

Gertzer, Michael Keith (New York)

Giambrone, Jessica (New York)

Giovanatti, Neil Anthony (New York)

Goykadosh, Brachah (New York)

Green, Benjamin H. (New York)

Grey, William Andrew (New York)

Gutmann, Joseph Aaron (New York)

Haber, Erica Michelle (New York)

Hall, Ronald R (New York)

Hall, Randolph Warren (New York)

Hay, Laura Evelyn (New York)

Hoffman, Beth Jenifer (New York)

Hughes, F Marion (New York)

Jacobs, Elissa Beth (New York)

Jaffe, Evan F. (New York)

Jenerette, Tonya (New York)

Johnson, Paul Hasan (New York)

Johnson, Gregory Charles (New York)

Johnson, Boyd Milo (New York)

Joyce, Kimberly (New York)

Jr, Martin John (New York)

Jr, John Wayne (New York)

Karpousis, John F. (New York)

Kelleher, Nannette R. (New York)

Kim, Grace Diane (New York)

Kim, Melissa (New York)

Kirk, James A. (New York)

Kitzinger, Stephen Edward (New York)

Koduru, Jennifer Lilly (New York)

Kosh, Joel Howard (New York)

Kramer, Liliya Perelman (New York)

Kurland, Sherrill M. (New York)

Kuruvilla, Ben Ninan (New York)

Larkin, Arthur Gabriel (New York)

Lax, Joshua Joseph (New York)

Lear, Lewis R. (New York)

Lee, Dana B. (New York)

Lerner, Richard E. (New York)

Leung, Christopher Kin (New York)

Lichterman, Ariel Shaun (New York)

Lipkin, Andrew Gary (New York)

Louis, Ramy (New York)

Lucas, Andrew Joseph (New York)

Lulich, Aimee Kara (New York)

Marcus, Natalie Sharon (New York)

Margulies, Arthur J. (New York)

Marrero, Oscar Edmund (New York)

Marrs, Richard David (New York)

Mbaye, Lesley Berson (New York)

McDoulett, Joe W (New York)

McIntosh, Kristen Monet (New York)

McQueen, Matthew William (New York)

Melissinos, Nicholas (New York)

Mettham, Suzanna Publicker (New York)

Miller, Evan (New York)

Mindrutiu, Linda Margareta (New York)

Minner, Matthew C. (New York)

Mishra, Anjan (New York)

Mitchell, Alison Sue (New York)

Modafferi, Matthew Joseph (New York)

Moore, James Anthony (New York)

Moy, Gary (New York)

Nacchio, Michael (New York)

Nemes, Raphael S. (New York)

Nereim, Mardell (New York)

Neufeld, Sheryl Rebecca (New York)

Nguyen, Diep (New York)

Nimick, Virginia Jackson (New York)

Nix, Jeff (New York)

Noble, Kevin R. (New York)

O'Brien, John Charles (New York)

O'Connor, Andrea Mary (New York)

Ogden, David William (New York)

Okoh, Okwede Niesha (New York)

Oleske, John P. (New York)

Oliner, Daniel Harrison (New York)

Ortiz, Julie Ann (New York)

Osmond, Mark Andrew (New York)

Pacholec, Tomasz (New York)

Parker, Johnny Clyde (New York)

Passeser, Daniel Louis (New York)

Pickle, David (New York)

Piercey, Evan Michael (New York)

Pierre, Lucienne (New York)

Pierre-Louis, Luc Christopher (New York)

Pikofsky, Sara (New York)

Pischl, Stephen Paul (New York)

Pogula, Monica Mongillo (New York)

Pollack, David Michael (New York)

Powell, Scott A. (New York)

Profeta, Lawrence John (New York)

Proshansky, Eric (New York)

Pullman, Sandra Elizabeth (New York)

Ramirez, Eddie Dee (New York)

Rapuano, Joanne (New York)

Renaghan, Sean Robert (New York)

Roberts, Thomas B. (New York)

Robinson, Amy (New York)

Rodriguez, Wilda Jacqueline (New York)

Roe, Richard (New York)

Rogers, Karlene J. (New York)

Rosenberg, Eric (New York)

Ryan, Erin Teresa (New York)

Saavedra, Daniel Guillermo (New York)

Sacher, Steven J. (New York)

Saint-Fort, Dominique F. (New York)

Sampale, Suvarna S. (New York)

Sanghvi, Saurabh (New York)

Sapp, Jason D. (New York)

Sarnoski, Stephen Richard (New York)

Sarpong, Nana Kwame (New York)

Schaerf, Carl J. (New York)

Scharfstein, Susan P. (New York)

Scheiner, Alan Howard (New York)

Scoville, William Beecher (New York)

Seacord, Christopher Aaron (New York)

Selmeci, Judy (New York)

Selvin, Karen Beth (New York)

Shaffer, Ryan Glenn (New York)

Shammas, Cheryl Leah (New York)

Shoffel, Amanda (New York)

Siddiqi, Omar Javed (New York)

Silverberg, Steven Mark (New York)

Siskind, Shira Rachel (New York)

Sivin, Joshua Michael (New York)

Slusarz, Frances Codd (New York)

Smith, Robert T. (New York)

Sohn, Liza Jin (New York)

Speight, Melanie Mary (New York)

Sr, Fred Everett (New York)

Stackhouse, Noreen M. (New York)

Stannard, Geoffrey Mcmillan (New York)

Stodola, Damion Kenneth (New York)

Strikowsky, Bruce (New York)

Stueve, Patrick J. (New York)

Swartz, Rhiana Lauren (New York)

Telfort, Pernell Michael (New York)

Thadani, Kavin Suresh (New York)

Thomas, Angelie (New York)

Tidrick, Steven Gregory (New York)

Toews, Mark Galen (New York)

Toson, Lilia Isobel (New York)

Vines, Brian M. (New York)

Wachs, Melissa (New York)

Wait, Charles V. (New York)

Wanner, Bradley Michael (New York)

Ward, Keith Allen (New York)

Weingarten, Richard Keith (New York)

Weinstein, Sheila (New York)

Weiss, Dara Lynn (New York)

Weng, Jenny Sue-Ya (New York)

Wilson, Angharad (New York)

Winslow, Lamar Devaughn (New York)

Wisniewski, Jessica (New York)

Wydler, Lourdes Espino (New York)

York, Andrew K. (New York)

Yost, William Howard (New York)

Zimmerman, Tobias Eli (New York)

Zuckerman, Mark (New York)

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Documents in the Clearinghouse




Goodman v. The City of New York

April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015




July 15, 2014

July 15, 2014



Order and Opinion

Goodman v. The City of New York

Feb. 18, 2015

Feb. 18, 2015



Stipulation and Order of Dismissal

Goodman v. The City of New York

April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 5, 2025, 1:07 p.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT against Police Officers John Doe, Steven Rodriguez, Richard Roe, The City Of New York,, other unidentified member of the New York City Police Department. (Filing Fee $ 350.00, Receipt Number 465401100149)Document filed by Debra Goodman.(moh) (Entered: 07/16/2014)

July 15, 2014

July 15, 2014


CIVIL COVER SHEET filed. (moh) (Entered: 07/16/2014)

July 15, 2014

July 15, 2014


NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Mark David Zuckerman on behalf of The City Of New York,. (Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 07/22/2014)

July 22, 2014

July 22, 2014


AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. The City Of New York, served on 7/18/2014, answer due 8/8/2014. Service was accepted by B. Yee - designated agent of the Law Dept of the City of New York. Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 08/04/2014)

Aug. 4, 2014

Aug. 4, 2014


AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE. Steven Rodriguez served on 7/24/2014, answer due 8/14/2014. Service was accepted by Brandi Clark, co-worker of defendant. Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 08/07/2014)

Aug. 7, 2014

Aug. 7, 2014


LETTER addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Norman Siegel, Herbert Teitelbaum, Earl Ward, Sharon Sprayregen, dated August 7, 2014 re: Exemption from the Section 1983 Plan. Document filed by Debra Goodman.(Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 08/07/2014)

Aug. 7, 2014

Aug. 7, 2014


MEMO ENDORSEMENT on re: 6 Letter filed by Debra Goodman. ENDORSEMENT: So Ordered. The City Of New York, answer due 10/6/2014. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 8/8 /2014) (ja) (Entered: 08/08/2014)

Aug. 8, 2014

Aug. 8, 2014


ANSWER to 1 Complaint, with JURY DEMAND. Document filed by Steven Rodriguez, The City Of New York,.(Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 10/03/2014)

Oct. 3, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014


MOTION for Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). Document filed by Steven Rodriguez.(Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 10/03/2014)

Oct. 3, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014


ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Sharon Sprayregen dated 10/16/2014 re: We write to confirm our understanding of Your Honor's rules regarding the motion schedule for summary judgment motions premised on qualified immunity. ENDORSEMENT: You have 30 days to take an EBT and 2 weeks thereafter to file your response. If it is so unclear why, in all these years, has no one ever felt the need to ask? (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 10/17/2014) (kgo) (Entered: 10/17/2014)

Oct. 17, 2014

Oct. 17, 2014


MOTION for Earl S. Ward to Withdraw as Attorney . Document filed by Debra Goodman.(Ward, Earl) (Entered: 10/17/2014)

Oct. 17, 2014

Oct. 17, 2014


AFFIRMATION of Earl S. Ward in Support re: 11 MOTION for Earl S. Ward to Withdraw as Attorney .. Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Ward, Earl) (Entered: 10/17/2014)

Oct. 17, 2014

Oct. 17, 2014


MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). Document filed by Steven Rodriguez.(Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 11/03/2014)

Nov. 3, 2014

Nov. 3, 2014


RULE 56.1 STATEMENT. Document filed by Steven Rodriguez. (Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 11/03/2014)

Nov. 3, 2014

Nov. 3, 2014


DECLARATION of Mark D. Zuckerman in Support re: 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity).. Document filed by Steven Rodriguez. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 11/03/2014)

1 Exhibit A

View on PACER

2 Exhibit B

View on PACER

Nov. 3, 2014

Nov. 3, 2014


MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). . Document filed by Steven Rodriguez. (Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 11/03/2014)

Nov. 3, 2014

Nov. 3, 2014


LETTER addressed to Judge Colleen McMahon from Earl S. Ward dated 11/4/14 re: motion to withdraw, dkt. 11. Document filed by Debra Goodman.(Ward, Earl) (Entered: 11/04/2014)

Nov. 4, 2014

Nov. 4, 2014


EXHIBIT B (in hard copy CD format) re: 15 to the Declaration of Mark D. Zuckerman. ***Accepted for filing by Judge McMahon on 11/5/2014.(tn) (Entered: 11/12/2014)

Nov. 4, 2014

Nov. 4, 2014


MEMO ENDORSEMENT granting 11 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. ENDORSEMENT: granted (***Attorney Earl S Ward terminated.) (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 11/5/2014) (kgo) (Entered: 11/05/2014)

Nov. 5, 2014

Nov. 5, 2014


DECLARATION of Herbert Teitelbaum in Opposition re: 9 MOTION for Summary Judgment (qualified immunity)., 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity).. Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit)(Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 11/17/2014)

1 Exhibit

View on PACER

2 Exhibit

View on PACER

3 Exhibit

View on PACER

4 Exhibit

View on PACER

5 Exhibit

View on PACER

Nov. 17, 2014

Nov. 17, 2014


RESPONSE to Motion re: 9 MOTION for Summary Judgment (qualified immunity)., 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). Response to Defendant's Rule 56.1 Sttement. Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 11/17/2014)

Nov. 17, 2014

Nov. 17, 2014


MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Opposition re: 9 MOTION for Summary Judgment (qualified immunity)., 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). . Document filed by Debra Goodman. (Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 11/18/2014)

Nov. 18, 2014

Nov. 18, 2014


REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW in Support re: 13 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment (qualified immunity). . Document filed by Steven Rodriguez. (Zuckerman, Mark) (Entered: 11/24/2014)

Nov. 24, 2014

Nov. 24, 2014


ORDER: For the foregoing reasons herein, plaintiff's claims for false arrest, malicious prosecution and First Amendment retaliation against defendant Police Officer Steven Rodriguez are dismissed because the officer defendant is shielded by qualified immunity. This leaves but one claim for further litigation: plaintiff's allegation that Rodriguez used excessive for on her in connection with this incident. The parties have until April 30, to complete discovery on this issue. Plaintiff must tum over any pertinent medical authorizations by February 25; otherwise she will be barred from offering proof of medical injury. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 2/18/2015) (kgo) (Entered: 02/18/2015)

Feb. 18, 2015

Feb. 18, 2015


ORDER granting 9 Motion for Summary Judgment; granting 13 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. On October 3, 2014 and November 3, 2014 individual defendant Steven Rodriguez filed motions for partial summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity with respect to all of Plaintiff's claims other than excessive force. (Docket ##9, 13.) On February 18, 2015, I issued an order granting those motions. (Docket #26.) The Clerk of the Court is therefore directed to remove Docket #9 and Docket #13 from the Court's list of pending motions. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 2/24/2015) (kgo) (Entered: 02/24/2015)

Feb. 24, 2015

Feb. 24, 2015


NOTICE OF INTERLOCUTORY APPEAL from 26 Order,,. Document filed by Debra Goodman. Filing fee $ 505.00, receipt number 0208-10688265. Form C and Form D are due within 14 days to the Court of Appeals, Second Circuit. (Sprayregen, Sharon) (Entered: 03/11/2015)

March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015


MANDATE of USCA (Certified Copy) as to 28 Notice of Interlocutory Appeal filed by Debra Goodman USCA Case Number 15-764....that the appeal is hereby WITHDRAWN pursuant to Rule 42 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. Catherine O'Hagan Wolfe, Clerk USCA for the Second Circuit. Issued As Mandate: 03/25/2015. (nd) (Entered: 03/26/2015)

March 25, 2015

March 25, 2015


STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the undersigned, that The above-referenced action is hereby dismissed with prejudice; Notwithstanding the dismissal of this action in accordance with this agreement, the District Court shall continue to maintain jurisdiction over this action for the purpose of enforcing the terms of the settlement agreement reached between the parties and set forth in the Stipulation of Settlement executed by the parties in this matter. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 4/20/2015) (ama) (Entered: 04/20/2015)

April 20, 2015

April 20, 2015


Case Details

State / Territory: New York

Case Type(s):


Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: July 15, 2014

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

A resident of New York City arrested after filming NYPD officers performing official duties

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


City of New York (New York City, New York), City

Defendant Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

State law

Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. § 2201

Constitutional Clause(s):

Unreasonable search and seizure

Freedom of speech/association

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)


Prevailing Party: Unknown

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Private Settlement Agreement



Failure to train

Pattern or Practice

Jails, Prisons, Detention Centers, and Other Institutions:

Over/Unlawful Detention (facilities)


Excessive force

False arrest