Case: Criswell v. Boudreaux

1:20-cv-01048 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California

Filed Date: July 29, 2020

Closed Date: April 13, 2022

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Case Summary

COVID-19 Summary: This constitutional action was filed on July 29, 2020 by inmates in Tulare County in California seeking improved safety and health conditions in light of COVID-19. The court granted part of the plaintiffs' temporary restraining order and provisional class certification on September 2, 2020. However, on December 23, 2020 the court denied class certification and entry of a preliminary injunction. On July 29, 2020, plaintiffs, four incarcerated individuals in custody of the Tula…

COVID-19 Summary: This constitutional action was filed on July 29, 2020 by inmates in Tulare County in California seeking improved safety and health conditions in light of COVID-19. The court granted part of the plaintiffs' temporary restraining order and provisional class certification on September 2, 2020. However, on December 23, 2020 the court denied class certification and entry of a preliminary injunction.

On July 29, 2020, plaintiffs, four incarcerated individuals in custody of the Tulare County Sheriff's Office and criminal defense advocacy nonprofit, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, filed this case against Sheriff Michael Boudreaux in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. The plaintiffs alleged that the Sheriff's Office violated the First, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution and California Civil Code § 52.1(b), known as the "Bane Act", in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The case was assigned to Judge Dale A. Drozd.

Specifically, under the Fourteenth Amendment, Plaintiffs alleged that Boudreaux violated their right to be free from punitive conditions of confinement by recklessly failing to mitigate the risk of COVID-19, with deliberate indifference toward inmates' health. Under the Eighth Amendment, Plaintiffs alleged that the conditions in the jail posed an unreasonable risk of serious damage to their health and that jail officials acted with deliberate indifference to these risks. Plaintiffs also alleged that Defendants' COVID-19 response violated their First Amendment Right to petition the government for redress of grievances, Fourteenth Amendment right to access courts, and Sixth Amendment right to assistance of counsel. Finally, under the Bane Act, Plaintiffs argued that Sheriff Boudreaux interfered or attempted to interfere, unlawfully, with the rights of the Plaintiffs to access courts and defense counsel.

Plaintiffs brought their action as a proposed class consisting of all people, at the time of the complaint and from then onward, incarcerated in Tulare County Jails. They divided the class into subclasses: (i) persons confined pre-trial, (ii) persons confined pursuant to a judgment of conviction, and (iii) Medically Vulnerable persons confined pre-trial and pursuant to a judgment of conviction. Plaintiffs claimed that the number of people in the proposed class (at least 1,900), the commonality of the issues of the sheriff's COVID-19 response, and the fact that the Plaintiffs' claims are typical of those of the rest of the class supported certification.

On August 12, Plaintiffs requested a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, and a permanent injunction or writ of habeas corpus. As part of the proposed injunctive relief, plaintiffs requested that Boudreaux take action to release "Medically Vulnerable" people that did not pose serious flight risk or danger to others. Plaintiffs also requested that an expert be appointed to make recommendations about which inmates should be released and to ensure that the remaining inmates were able to be housed safely under CDC guidelines. The plaintiffs also requested comprehensive COVID-19 testing and tracing, as well as access to remote counsel and court. To combat hygiene problems at the jail, plaintiffs requested access to hand soap and washing, face coverings, paper towels, toilet paper, running water, facial tissue, hand sanitizer, daily showers, temperature checks, and non-punitive quarantine settings. They also requested improved cleaning of surfaces, prompt medical attention for emergencies, and access to clean laundry.

On September 2, 2020, the court granted the plaintiffs' application for provisional class certification and part of their requested temporary restraining order. 2020 WL 5235675. The court found that the plaintiffs' proposed class was sufficiently numerous, that the conduct of the defendants alleged in the complaint was sufficiently common to all of the proposed class members, and that the representative plaintiffs' claims were sufficiently typical to the rest of the proposed class members. In granting part of the plaintiffs' requested temporary restraining order, the court found that the plaintiffs were likely to succeed on the merits of each of their constitutional claims, as well as their claim under the Bane Act. The court concluded that the plaintiffs showed a likelihood that they would suffer irreparable harm in the absence of injunctive relief and that the balance of the equities and public interest weighed in their interest against the defendant.

Although the court granted the plaintiffs' requested temporary restraining order, the injunctive relief did not include a requirement that all inmates and staff be immediately tested for COVID-19. Instead, the court required that the defendant develop written policies of COVID-19 related issues. These required policies included a plan to limit contact between incarcerated people in common areas, the provision and requirement of masks in the jails, and a report of COVID-19 testing to date. The injunctive relief also required that plaintiffs have the ability to promptly and confidentially communicate with counsel over video calls, that the legal visitation policy be revised, and that no retaliation happen against plaintiffs who speak with counsel at the jails.

On October 6, 2020, Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone ordered that the defendant file a responsive pleading within ten days.

On November 2, 2020, plaintiffs filed a motion for class certification, and on November 3, 2020, plaintiffs filed an unopposed motion for preliminary injunction to enforce necessary COVID precautions such as testing and appropriate social distancing. A hearing was held on December 2, 2020, to discuss the motion for preliminary injunction, and on December 23, 2020 both the motions for class certification and for preliminary injunction were denied.

On April 28, 2021, the court set a settlement conference for May 18, 2021. On August 10, the plaintiffs moved for preliminary approval of a class action settlement and conditional certification of a settlement class. The motion, which was unopposed, defined the settlement class as individuals currently incarcerated in Tulare County Jails or that would be incarcerated in Tulare County Jails at any point before the termination date of the settlement agreement. The proposed settlement included injunctive relief requiring the defendant to implement and maintain policies to guard against the spread of COVID-19 in Tulare County Jails; injunctive relief for monitoring the implementation of the settlement agreement, including visits to the jails by an independent expert and public reporting by the defendant; payment by the defendant of plaintiffs' attorneys' fees and expenses totaling $95,000; and requirements to ensure adequate notice of the proposed settlement agreement to class members.

On September 29, the court approved the plaintiffs' unopposed motion, granting conditional certification of the settlement class and preliminarily approving the class action settlement. Regarding the conditional certification request, the court noted that the parties' proposed settlement class was materially identical to the class the court conditionally certified for the purposes of the temporary restraining order that the court issued on September 2, 2020.

The court also preliminarily approved the plaintiffs' class action settlement. The court found that the settlement was a product of an arms-length negotiation, which included debate of approximately thirty-four separate substantive injunctive-relief terms. The court concluded that the proposed settlement was fair, reasonable, and adequate in light of the equitable treatment of the class members, each of whom would receive increased protection against the risk of COVID-19. The court also found that the defendant's agreement to pay $95,000 in attorneys' fees and costs to plaintiffs' counsel was reasonable under the circumstances of the case.

Pursuant to an agreement by the parties, the court ordered that the defendant post a notice of preliminary approval throughout the jail facilities, in both English and Spanish. In addition, copies of the settlement agreement would be available to all inmates at the facility. Despite an objection by the defendant, the court ordered that the notice should include the attorneys' fees terms of the settlement given Rule 23 (h) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure's requirement that notice of the attorneys' fees motion be served on all parties. The court set a hearing date of November 29, 2021, for the motion for final approval of the parties' settlement agreement.

On December 7, 2021, the court granted final approval of the class action settlement. The court retained jurisdiction to enforce the terms of the settlement, which was set to terminate on March 31, 2022. 

The plaintiffs filed a motion on March 4, 2022 seeking an extension of the settlement term, citing the ongoing threat of COVID-19 and the defendant's alleged non-compliance with the agreement. The court ultimately denied the motion, finding that the case should remain closed. 2022 WL 3646049. The court examined COVID-19 positivity rates, which were low,  and the CDC's community risk level for Tulare County, which at the time had been low risk for four consecutive weeks. Additionally, the court reviewed the efficacy of vaccines and the possibility of new strains or variants emerging, finding that although new variants could emerge, the mere possibility of reduced vaccine effectiveness against them was insufficient to extend the settlement term. Finally, the court reviewed an independent expert's reports,who found that the defendant was in substantial compliance with the terms. 

The court issued its ruling on April 13, 2022, and the case was closed.

Summary Authors

Nicholas Gillan (11/3/2020)

Tessa McEvoy (3/26/2021)

Simran Takhar (11/19/2023)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:


Boone, Stanley A. (California)

Drozd, Dale Alan (California)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Agarwal, Shilpi (California)

Decker, Anne Orelind (California)

Attorney for Defendant

Chaidez, Emily S. (California)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

Feb. 26, 2021

Feb. 26, 2021

1 & 1-1 to 1-4


Class Action Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief and Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020



Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and OSC RE: Preliminary Injunction; Memorandum of Points and Authorities

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Notice of Application and Ex Parte Application for Provisional Class Certification [Application for Provisional Class Certification]

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Order Granting Application for Provisional Class Certification and Granting Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order, in Part

Sept. 2, 2020

Sept. 2, 2020


2020 WL 5235675



Order Requiring Defendant to File Responsive Pleading

Oct. 6, 2020

Oct. 6, 2020



Notice of Motion and Motion for Class Certification

Nov. 2, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Injunction and Osc Re: Permanent Injunction

Nov. 3, 2020

Nov. 3, 2020

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Order Denying Plaintiffs' Motion for Provisional Class Certification and Motion for a Preliminary Injunction without Prejudice

Dec. 23, 2020

Dec. 23, 2020


2020 WL 7646405


See docket on RECAP:

Last updated May 6, 2024, 3:02 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT against Michael Boudreaux in his official capacity as Sheriff of Tulare County by Charles CRISWELL, Levi Johnson. Attorney Marquis, Estalyn Smyke added. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4)(Marquis, Estalyn) (Entered: 07/29/2020)

1 Exhibit 1

View on RECAP

2 Exhibit 2

View on RECAP

3 Exhibit 3

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4 Exhibit 4

View on RECAP

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


CIVIL COVER SHEET by Charles CRISWELL, Levi Johnson (Marquis, Estalyn) (Entered: 07/29/2020)

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


RECEIPT number 0972-9024161 for $400.00 for Civil Filing Fee from Estalyn Smyke Marquis. (Lundstrom, T)

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Michael Boudreaux* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. Attorney *Estalyn Smyke Marquis* *Munger Tolles & Olson* *350 South Grand Avenue, Floor 50* *Los Angeles, CA 90071*. (Jessen, A) (Entered: 07/29/2020)

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


CIVIL NEW CASE DOCUMENTS ISSUED: Initial Scheduling Conference set for 10/29/2020 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 9 (SAB) before Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone. (Attachments: # 1 Standing Order, # 2 Standing Order re Judicial Emergency, # 3 Consent Form, # 4 VDRP) (Jessen, A) (Entered: 07/29/2020)

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


CERTIFICATE of SERVICE by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 1 Complaint, 2 Civil Cover Sheet. (McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 07/30/2020)

July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020


CONSENT/DECLINE of U.S. Magistrate Judge Jurisdiction. Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 73(b)(1), this document is restricted to attorneys and court staff only. Judges do not have access to view this document and will be informed of a party's response only if all parties have consented to the referral. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 07/30/2020)

July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020


CERTIFICATE of SERVICE by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 3 Summons. (McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/03/2020)

Aug. 3, 2020

Aug. 3, 2020


CLERK'S NOTICE to Attorney Sara McDermott re 7 Certificate of Service: When filing a Proof of Service of Summons and Complaint, please use the event Summons Returned Executed under the category, Service of Process. Please re-file your document using the correct event. (Jessen, A) (Entered: 08/04/2020)

Aug. 4, 2020

Aug. 4, 2020


SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Michael Boudreaux served on 7/30/2020, answer due 8/20/2020. (McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/04/2020)

Aug. 4, 2020

Aug. 4, 2020


EX PARTE APPLICATION by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for Provisional Class Certification. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/12/2020)

1 Proposed Order

View on RECAP

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020


EX PARTE APPLICATION by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for Plaintiffs' Ex Parte Notice of Motion and Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and OSC Re Preliminary Inunction; Memorandum of Points and Authorities. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 McDermott Declaration, # 2 Exhibit 2 Goldenson Declaration, # 3 Exhibit 3 Meyer Declaration, # 4 Exhibit 4 Bundy Declaration, # 5 Exhibit 5 Guneratne Declaration, # 6 Exhibit 6 Gilbert Declaration, # 7 Exhibit 7 Verner-Crist Declaration, # 8 Exhibit 8 Davidian Declaration, # 9 Exhibit 9 Alford Declaration, # 10 Exhibit 10 Bradbury Declaration, # 11 Exhibit 11 Camposeco Declaration, # 12 Exhibit 12 Supp Camposeco Declaration, # 13 Exhibit 13 Criswell Declaration, # 14 Exhibit 14 Escobar Declaration, # 15 Exhibit 15 Hernandez Declaration, # 16 Exhibit 16 Ibarra Declaration, # 17 Exhibit 17 Johnson Declaration, # 18 Exhibit 18 Supp Johnson Declaration, # 19 Exhibit 19 Martinez Declaration, # 20 Exhibit 20 Nunes Declaration, # 21 Exhibit 21 Redmon Declaration, # 22 Exhibit 22 Robinson Declaration, # 23 Exhibit 23 Rodriguez Declaration, # 24 Exhibit 24 Ward Declaration, # 25 TRO Checklist, # 26 Proposed Order)(McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/12/2020)

1 Exhibit 1 McDermott Declaration

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2 Exhibit 2 Goldenson Declaration

View on PACER

3 Exhibit 3 Meyer Declaration

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4 Exhibit 4 Bundy Declaration

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5 Exhibit 5 Guneratne Declaration

View on PACER

6 Exhibit 6 Gilbert Declaration

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7 Exhibit 7 Verner-Crist Declaration

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8 Exhibit 8 Davidian Declaration

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9 Exhibit 9 Alford Declaration

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10 Exhibit 10 Bradbury Declaration

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11 Exhibit 11 Camposeco Declaration

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12 Exhibit 12 Supp Camposeco Declaration

View on PACER

13 Exhibit 13 Criswell Declaration

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14 Exhibit 14 Escobar Declaration

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15 Exhibit 15 Hernandez Declaration

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16 Exhibit 16 Ibarra Declaration

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17 Exhibit 17 Johnson Declaration

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18 Exhibit 18 Supp Johnson Declaration

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19 Exhibit 19 Martinez Declaration

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20 Exhibit 20 Nunes Declaration

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21 Exhibit 21 Redmon Declaration

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22 Exhibit 22 Robinson Declaration

View on PACER

23 Exhibit 23 Rodriguez Declaration

View on PACER

24 Exhibit 24 Ward Declaration

View on PACER

25 TRO Checklist

View on PACER

26 Proposed Order

View on PACER

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020


CERTIFICATE of SERVICE by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 11 Ex Parte Application,,,,, 10 Ex Parte Application. (McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/12/2020)

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020


DESIGNATION of COUNSEL FOR SERVICE. Added attorney Kathleen A. Taylor for Michael Boudreaux (Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 08/14/2020)

Aug. 14, 2020

Aug. 14, 2020


MINUTE ORDER: (TEXT ENTRY ONLY) signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 8/14/2020. On August 12, 2020, plaintiffs filed 10 an ex parte application for provisional class certification and 11 an ex parte application and motion for a Temporary Restraining Order. The court now sets a hearing on the pending applications and motion for August 26, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Parties will receive Zoom ID number and password for the hearing by email. All other interested parties who will not be speaking are to phone in telephonically by dialing 877-402-9757, access code 6966236 at the time of hearing. Defendant's oppositions to the pending applications and motion shall be filed by August 20, 2020, and plaintiffs' replies thereto shall be filed by August 24, 2020. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 08/14/2020)

Aug. 14, 2020

Aug. 14, 2020


RESPONSE by Michael Boudreaux to 11 Ex Parte Application,,,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Points and Authorities, # 2 Declaration Macias, # 3 Declaration Jones, # 4 Declaration Lehner, # 5 Declaration Silveira, # 6 Declaration Robles, # 7 Declaration Sigley, # 8 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 08/20/2020)

Aug. 20, 2020

Aug. 20, 2020


RESPONSE by Michael Boudreaux to 10 Ex Parte Application. (Attachments: # 1 Points and Authorities, # 2 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 08/20/2020)

Aug. 20, 2020

Aug. 20, 2020


REPLY by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 10 Ex Parte Application. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 08/24/2020)

Aug. 24, 2020

Aug. 24, 2020


REPLY by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 11 Ex Parte Application,,,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 25 Supplemental McDermott Declaration, # 2 Exhibit 26 Supplemental Verner-Crist Declaration)(McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/24/2020)

Aug. 24, 2020

Aug. 24, 2020


MINUTES (Text Only) for proceedings held via video conference before District Judge Dale A. Drozd: Motion Hearing held on 8/26/2020. 10 Ex Parte Application for Provisional Class Certification and 11 Ex Parte Application for Temporary Restraining Order argued, submitted and taken under submission. Written order to follow. Plaintiffs' Counsel Sara McDermott, Ariel Teshuva and Amy Gilbert (Zoom) present. Defendant's Counsel Kathleen Taylor (Zoom) present. Court Reporter/CD Number: Karen Hooven. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 08/26/2020)

Aug. 26, 2020

Aug. 26, 2020


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for proceedings held on August 26, 2020 before Judge Dale A. Drozd. Court Reporter Karen Hooven. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 08/26/2020)

Aug. 26, 2020

Aug. 26, 2020


TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 8-26-20, Motions Hearing before District Judge Dale A. Drozd, filed by Court Reporter Karen Hooven, Phone number 559-264-0584 E-mail Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction must be filed within 5 court days. Redaction Request due 9/17/2020. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/28/2020. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/27/2020. (Hooven, K) (Entered: 08/27/2020)

Aug. 27, 2020

Aug. 27, 2020


SUPPLEMENT by Michael Boudreaux re 15 Response,. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 08/27/2020)

Aug. 27, 2020

Aug. 27, 2020


OPPOSITION by Plaintiffs California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson to 22 Supplement. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 27 McDermott Declaration)(McDermott, Sara) (Entered: 08/28/2020)

Aug. 28, 2020

Aug. 28, 2020


CLERK'S NOTICE to Attorney Kathleen Taylor re 22 Supplement: Your filing is entitled Supplement, however, the actual document attached is a Motion to Supplement. Please re-file your document using the correct event Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. If you need assistance, please contact the CM/ECF help desk at 866-884-5444, or refer to the CM/ECF User's Manual on the court's website. (Rivera, O) (Entered: 08/28/2020)

Aug. 28, 2020

Aug. 28, 2020


MOTION Supplement to Def Opposition re 15 Response, by Michael Boudreaux. Motion Hearing set for 9/16/2021 at 08:30 AM in Courtroom 9 (SAB) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1. Overview of Testing, # 2 Exhibit 2. Duration of Isolation, # 3 Exhibit 3. When to Quarantine, # 4 Exhibit 4. Discontinuation of Transmission, # 5 Exhibit 5. Discontinuation of Isolation, # 6 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 08/31/2020)

Aug. 31, 2020

Aug. 31, 2020



Sept. 2, 2020

Sept. 2, 2020


STATEMENT of Compliance filed by Defendant Michael Boudreaux re 26 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Policy 716, # 2 Exhibit WellPath Screening Form, # 3 Exhibit Legal Visitation Information, # 4 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 09/08/2020)

Sept. 8, 2020

Sept. 8, 2020


AMENDED STATEMENT of Compliance filed by Defendant Michael Boudreaux re 26 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 09/09/2020)

Sept. 9, 2020

Sept. 9, 2020


SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT of Compliance filed by Defendant Michael Boudreaux re 26 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit D Report to Court, # 2 Exhibit E Supp Declaration of Kevin Silveira, # 3 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 09/14/2020)

Sept. 14, 2020

Sept. 14, 2020


ASSOCIATION of ATTORNEY: Added attorney Christopher M. Pisano for Michael Boudreaux. (Attachments: # 1 Proof of Service)(Taylor, Kathleen) (Entered: 09/28/2020)

Sept. 28, 2020

Sept. 28, 2020


RESPONSE by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson to 26 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Noureldin, Omar) (Entered: 09/28/2020)

Sept. 28, 2020

Sept. 28, 2020


MINUTE ORDER: (TEXT ONLY) signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 10/6/2020. On September 28, 2020, the parties submitted a 31 joint proposed briefing schedule for plaintiffs' anticipated motion for a preliminary injunction. Due to the court's availability, the court sets a hearing date of Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 10:00 AM for plaintiffs' anticipated motion for a preliminary injunction. All parties must appear via Zoom. Parties will receive Zoom ID number and password for the hearing by email. Plaintiffs' motion shall be filed no later than November 3, 2020. Defendant's opposition, if any, shall be filed no later than November 17, 2020, and plaintiffs' reply thereto shall be filed no later than November 24, 2020. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 10/06/2020)

Oct. 6, 2020

Oct. 6, 2020


ORDER REQUIRING DEFENDANT TO FILE RESPONSIVE PLEADING. TEN DAY DEADLINE. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 10/6/2020. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 10/06/2020)

Oct. 6, 2020

Oct. 6, 2020


STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER for Protective Order by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order For Protective Order)(Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 10/12/2020)

Oct. 12, 2020

Oct. 12, 2020


ORDER Re Stipulation for Protective Order, signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 10/13/2020. (Rivera, O) (Entered: 10/14/2020)

Oct. 14, 2020

Oct. 14, 2020


ANSWER TO PRISONER CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT by Michael Boudreaux. (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 10/16/2020)

Oct. 16, 2020

Oct. 16, 2020


JOINT STATEMENT of Joint Case Management Statement filed by Plaintiffs California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 10/22/2020)

Oct. 22, 2020

Oct. 22, 2020


MINUTES (Text Only) for proceedings held via video conference before Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone: SCHEDULING CONFERENCE held on 10/29/2020. The Court to issue Scheduling Conference Order. NOTE: "SAB Chambers Procedures" emailed to the parties. Plaintiffs Counsel Amy Gilbert, Sara McDermott, Ariel Teshuva via video. Defendants Counsel Christopher Pisano via video. Court Reporter/CD Number: off record - via video. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 10/30/2020)

Oct. 29, 2020

Oct. 29, 2020


NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Lauren M. Harding on behalf of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. Attorney Harding, Lauren M. added. (Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 10/30/2020)

Oct. 30, 2020

Oct. 30, 2020


STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER for Leave to File Briefing Exceeding Page Limitation by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 11/02/2020)

Nov. 2, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020


MINUTE ORDER: (TEXT ONLY) signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 11/2/2020. Pursuant to the 40 parties' stipulation and good cause appearing, the parties are granted leave to exceed the page limits set forth in this court's standing order as follows. Plaintiffs may file a 32-page memorandum of points and authorities in support of their anticipated motion for a preliminary injunction and an 18-page reply brief in support thereof. Defendant may file a 32-page brief in opposition thereto. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 11/02/2020)

Nov. 2, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020


SCHEDULING ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 10/30/2020: Discovery Deadlines:Non-Expert Discovery: March 26, 2021; Expert Disclosure: April 5, 2021; Supplemental Expert Disclosure: May 5, 2021; Expert Discovery: May 21, 2021; Dispositive Motion Deadlines: Filing: June 25, 2021; Hearing: Pursuant to Local Rules Pre-Trial Conference: November 15, 2021 at 1:30 pm Courtroom 5; Trial: No Trial Set. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 11/02/2020)

Nov. 2, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020


MOTION to CERTIFY CLASS by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 11/02/2020)

Nov. 2, 2020

Nov. 2, 2020


MOTION for PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. Motion Hearing set for 12/2/2020 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 5 (DAD) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Omar Noureldin ISO Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # 2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 6 Exhibit E to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 7 Exhibit F to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 8 Exhibit G to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 9 Exhibit H to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 10 Exhibit I to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 11 Exhibit J to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 12 Exhibit K to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 13 Exhibit L to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 14 Exhibit M to Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 15 Exhibit 2 - Declaration of Dylan Verner-Crist, # 16 Exhibit A-C to Declaration of Dylan Verner-Crist, # 17 Exhibit 3 - Declaration of Dr. Jaimie Meyer, # 18 Exhibit 4 - Declaration of Nina T. Harawa, # 19 Exhibit 5 - Declaration of Dr. Craig W. Haney, Ph.D., # 20 Exhibit 6-10, # 21 Exhibit 11-15, # 22 Exhibit 16-20, # 23 Exhibit 21-25, # 24 Exhibit 26-30, # 25 Exhibit 31-35, # 26 Proposed Order)(Noureldin, Omar) (Entered: 11/03/2020)

1 Exhibit 1 - Declaration of Omar Noureldin ISO Motion for Preliminary Injunction

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2 Exhibit A to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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5 Exhibit D to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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6 Exhibit E to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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7 Exhibit F to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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8 Exhibit G to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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9 Exhibit H to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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10 Exhibit I to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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11 Exhibit J to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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12 Exhibit K to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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13 Exhibit L to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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14 Exhibit M to Declaration of Omar Noureldin

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15 Exhibit 2 - Declaration of Dylan Verner-Crist

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16 Exhibit A-C to Declaration of Dylan Verner-Crist

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17 Exhibit 3 - Declaration of Dr. Jaimie Meyer

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18 Exhibit 4 - Declaration of Nina T. Harawa

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19 Exhibit 5 - Declaration of Dr. Craig W. Haney, Ph.D.

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20 Exhibit 6-10

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21 Exhibit 11-15

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22 Exhibit 16-20

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23 Exhibit 21-25

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24 Exhibit 26-30

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25 Exhibit 31-35

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26 Proposed Order

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Nov. 3, 2020

Nov. 3, 2020


OPPOSITION by Michael Boudreaux to 44 Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum of Points And Authorities in Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction, # 2 Declaration of Michael K. Brady in Support of, # 3 Declaration of Benjamin Mitchell in Support of, # 4 Declaration of Kevin Silveira in Support of, # 5 Declaration of Jonathan Brown in Support of, # 6 Declaration of Corey Jones in Support of, # 7 Declaration of Gabriel Macias in Support of, # 8 Declaration of David Winters in Support of, # 9 Declaration of Cyrena Robles in Support of, # 10 Declaration of Cheri Lehner in Support of, # 11 Declaration of Julie Stamper in Support of, # 12 Declaration of Russell Murphey in Support of, # 13 Declaration of Andy Garcia in Support of, # 14 Declaration of Jerry Neves in Support of, # 15 Declaration of Dr. Karen Haught in Support of, # 16 Declaration of Dr. Sharon Minnick in Support of, # 17 Declaration of Philip Keiser in Support of)(Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 11/17/2020)

Nov. 17, 2020

Nov. 17, 2020


REPLY by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 44 Motion for Preliminary Injunction,,,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Ex. 1 Teshuva Declaration, # 2 Ex. A Haught Depo Subpoena, # 3 Ex. B Emails re Haught Depo Subpoena, # 4 Ex. C Objection to Haught Depo Subpoena, # 5 Ex. D Defendant Initial Disclosures, # 6 Ex. E TUL0008740, # 7 Ex. F TUL0000595, # 8 Ex. G CDC Guidelines re MVPs, # 9 Ex. H Silveria Dep Excerpts, # 10 Ex. I Liberstein Dep Excerpts, # 11 Ex. J Wellpath Log reason for test with Labcorp-c1-c102, # 12 Ex. 2 Second Supplemental Meyer Declaration, # 13 Ex. 3 Supplemental Verner-Crist Declaration, # 14 Ex. A Ibarra Grievance, # 15 Ex. B Benavidez Grievance, # 16 Ex. C Lehne Grievance, # 17 Ex. 4 Gilbert Declaration, # 18 Ex. A Gilbert email re Rigoberto Benavidez video working)(Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 11/24/2020)

Nov. 24, 2020

Nov. 24, 2020


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT of Lodged Thumb Drive of Video Exhibits R, S, T, U, Y, Z and O as to 45, dated 11/17/2020 from Christopher Pisano. (Text only entry) (Martin-Gill, S)

Nov. 24, 2020

Nov. 24, 2020


NOTICE of ERRATA by Michael Boudreaux re 45 Opposition to Motion,,,,.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1)(Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 12/02/2020)

Dec. 2, 2020

Dec. 2, 2020


MINUTES (Text Only) for proceedings held via video conference before District Judge Dale A. Drozd: Motion Hearing held on 12/2/2020. 44 Motion for Preliminary Injunction argued, submitted and taken under submission. Written order to follow. Plaintiffs' Counsel Omar Noureldin, Lauren Harding, and Kathleen Guneratne (Zoom) present. Defendant's Counsel Christopher Pisano (Zoom) present. Court Reporter/CD Number: Karen Hooven. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 12/02/2020)

Dec. 2, 2020

Dec. 2, 2020


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Michael Boudreaux for proceedings held on 12/02/2020 before Judge Dale A. Drozd. Court Reporter Karen Hooven. (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 12/03/2020)

Dec. 3, 2020

Dec. 3, 2020


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for proceedings held on 12/02/2020 before Judge Judge Dale A. Drozd. Court Reporter Karen Hooven. (Noureldin, Omar) (Entered: 12/03/2020)

Dec. 3, 2020

Dec. 3, 2020


TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 12-2-20, Preliminary Injunction Hearing before District Judge Dale A. Drozd, filed by Court Reporter Karen Hooven, Phone number 559-264-0584 E-mail Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction must be filed within 5 court days. Redaction Request due 1/7/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/19/2021. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/18/2021. (Hooven, K) (Entered: 12/16/2020)

Dec. 16, 2020

Dec. 16, 2020


EX PARTE APPLICATION by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for Leave to Supplement the Record of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 Declaration of Omar Noureldin, # 2 Exhibit A Email re request for testing data, # 3 Exhibit B BSCC Tulare County Jails COVID-19 data 2020-12-06 to 2020-12-12, # 4 Exhibit C Email re outbreak in Tulare County Jails, # 5 Exhibit 2 Declaration of Antonio Estrada, # 6 Exhibit 3 Declaration of Dylan Verner-Crist, # 7 Proposed Order)(Noureldin, Omar) (Entered: 12/21/2020)

Dec. 21, 2020

Dec. 21, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Michael Boudreaux. (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 12/21/2020)

Dec. 21, 2020

Dec. 21, 2020


OPPOSITION by Michael Boudreaux to 52 Ex Parte Application,,. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration David Winters Declaration, # 2 Declaration Kevin Silveira Declaration)(Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 12/22/2020)

Dec. 22, 2020

Dec. 22, 2020


ORDER DENYING 43 Motion to Certify Class and DENYING 44 Motion for Preliminary Injunction without prejudice signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 12/22/2020. (Lundstrom, T) (Entered: 12/23/2020)

Dec. 23, 2020

Dec. 23, 2020


STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER for [Proposed] Stipulated Protective Order re: Discovery of Electronically Stored Information by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 01/14/2021)

1 Proposed Order

View on PACER

Jan. 14, 2021

Jan. 14, 2021


ORDER entering PROTECTIVE ORDER 56 signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 1/14/2021. (Lundstrom, T) (Entered: 01/15/2021)

Jan. 15, 2021

Jan. 15, 2021


NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Anne Orelind Decker on behalf of California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. Attorney Decker, Anne Orelind added. (Decker, Anne) (Entered: 01/19/2021)

Jan. 19, 2021

Jan. 19, 2021


MOTION to File Supplemental Pleading Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 15 re 1 Complaint, by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. Motion Hearing set for 4/6/2021 at 09:30 AM in Courtroom 5 (DAD) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - [Proposed] Supplemental Complaint, # 2 Declaration of Lauren M. Harding ISO Rule 15 Motion Regarding Meet and Confer Efforts, # 3 Proposed Order)(Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 02/25/2021)

Feb. 25, 2021

Feb. 25, 2021


MINUTE ORDER signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 2/26/2021: (Text Only Entry) The parties are advised that pursuant to General Order No. 617, addressing the public health emergency posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, all civil motions set for hearing before District Judge Dale A. Drozd will be decided on the papers. The parties should not contact Judge Drozd's chambers to inquire about whether a hearing on a pending motion will be held. If the court determines that a hearing is necessary, the court will issue an order to specially set the motion for hearing by telephone or video conference. In accordance with Judge Drozd's Standing Order in Light of Judicial Emergency in the Eastern District of California, the hearing date selected by the movant will continue to govern the deadlines for opposition and reply briefs pursuant to Local Rule 230(c). (Thorp, J) (Entered: 02/26/2021)

Feb. 26, 2021

Feb. 26, 2021


ORDER GRANTING 59 Plaintiff's Motion to File a Supplemental Pleading signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 3/24/2021. Supplemental Pleading due within three (3) days. (Jessen, A)

March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021


ORDER SETTING SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 4/28/2021. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a settlement conference is set for May 18, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 8 before United States Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe, who will issue a subsequent order setting forth her requirements prior to the scheduled settlement conference. (Gonzales, V)

April 28, 2021

April 28, 2021


ORDER REGARDING Settlement Conference signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 4/28/2021. (Sant Agata, S)

April 29, 2021

April 29, 2021


ORDER RE STIPULATION TO EXTEND EXPERT DISCOVERY DEADLINE. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the November 2, 2020 scheduling order (ECF No. 42) is amended as follows: Expert Discovery Deadline: June 18, 2021; and All other dates and aspects of the November 2, 2020 scheduling order shall remain in effect. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 5/18/2021(Hernandez, M)

May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021


ORDER MODIFYING SCHEDULING ORDER. Signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 6/3/2021(Hernandez, M)

June 3, 2021

June 3, 2021


STATEMENT of NON-OPPOSITION by Michael Boudreaux to 82 Motion to Certify Class,,. (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 08/24/2021)

Aug. 24, 2021

Aug. 24, 2021


NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL OF LAUREN M. HARDING by All Plaintiffs. (Harding, Lauren) (Entered: 09/17/2021)

Sept. 17, 2021

Sept. 17, 2021


ORDER Granting Withdrawal of Lauren M. Harding as Attorney for Plaintiffs and Directing Clerk of Court to Terminate Lauren M. Harding as Attorney of Record signed by Magistrate Judge Stanley A. Boone on 09/20/2021.(Flores, E) (Entered: 09/21/2021)

Sept. 21, 2021

Sept. 21, 2021


MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ONLY): Plaintiffs filed a Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement on August 10, 2021 (Doc. 82 ). Defendant filed a Statement of Non-opposition on August 24, 2021 (Doc. 84 ). The motion is currently pending before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. Plaintiff requested a status conference. If the parties wish to have a status conference in this case, counsel shall contact Courtroom Deputy Esther Valdez at 559-499-5788 or, to place the matter on calendar before Magistrate Judge Barbara McAuliffe. Minute order signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 9/24/2021. (Valdez, E) (Entered: 09/24/2021)

Sept. 24, 2021

Sept. 24, 2021


Minute Order

Sept. 24, 2021

Sept. 24, 2021


ORDER GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT AND CONDITIONAL CLASS CERTIFICATION (Doc. No. 82) The hearing for final approval of the proposed settlement is set for November 29, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. before the undersigned in Courtroom 5, with the motion for final approval of class action settlement to be filed at least 28 days in advance of the final approval hearing, in accordance with Local Rule 230(b). Signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 9/29/2021. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 09/29/2021)

Sept. 29, 2021

Sept. 29, 2021


OBJECTIONS to the Proposed Class Action Settlement by Dominic Joe Anaya-Casarez. (Flores, E) (Entered: 10/25/2021)

Oct. 21, 2021

Oct. 21, 2021


OBJECTIONS by Plaintiff Samuel Camposeco to 88 Order on Motion to Certify Class. (Flores, E) (Entered: 10/25/2021)

Oct. 21, 2021

Oct. 21, 2021


OPPOSITION to 88 Order on Motion to Certify Class by Pedro Sanchez. (Flores, E) (Entered: 10/25/2021)

Oct. 22, 2021

Oct. 22, 2021


NOTICE re Settlement by Jorge Rivera. (Attachments: # 1 Notice)(Flores, E) (Entered: 11/03/2021)

Oct. 29, 2021

Oct. 29, 2021


MOTION to CERTIFY CLASS Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Settlement by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. Motion Hearing set for 11/29/2021 at 01:30 PM in Courtroom 5 (DAD) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Teshuva Declaration, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit Exhibit M, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit N, # 16 Exhibit Exhibit O, # 17 Exhibit Exhibit P, # 18 Exhibit Exhibit Q, # 19 Exhibit Exhibit R, # 20 Exhibit Exhibit 2, # 21 Exhibit Exhibit 3, # 22 Exhibit Exhibit 4, # 23 Exhibit Exhibit 5, # 24 Exhibit Exhibit 6, # 25 Exhibit Exhibit 7, # 26 Exhibit Exhibit 8, # 27 Exhibit Exhibit 9, # 28 Exhibit Exhibit 10, # 29 Exhibit Exhibit 11)(Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 11/01/2021)

Nov. 1, 2021

Nov. 1, 2021


REQUEST for Leave to File Oversized Brief by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson re 92 MOTION to CERTIFY CLASS Notice of Motion and Motion for Final Approval of Class Settlement filed by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson, Charles Criswell, Samuel Camposeco. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order [PROPOSED] Order)(Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 11/01/2021)

Nov. 1, 2021

Nov. 1, 2021


NOTICE of Request to Seal Document(s) pursuant to L.R. 141 by Michael Boudreaux. (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 11/15/2021)

Nov. 15, 2021

Nov. 15, 2021


RESPONSE by Michael Boudreaux to 92 Motion to Certify Class,,,,. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration In Support of Response, # 2 Declaration In Support of Response, # 3 Declaration In Support of Response, # 4 Declaration In Support of Response, # 5 Declaration In Support of Response, # 6 Declaration In Support of Response)(Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 11/15/2021)

Nov. 15, 2021

Nov. 15, 2021


NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Emily S. Chaidez on behalf of Michael Boudreaux. (Chaidez, Emily) (Entered: 11/17/2021)

Nov. 17, 2021

Nov. 17, 2021


ORDER DENYING 95 Defendant's Request to Seal, signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 11/19/2021. (Maldonado, C) (Entered: 11/22/2021)

Nov. 22, 2021

Nov. 22, 2021


REPLY by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson to RESPONSE to 92 Motion to Certify Class,,,,. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 11/22/2021)

Nov. 22, 2021

Nov. 22, 2021


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for proceedings held on 11/29/2021 before Judge Hon. Dale A. Drozd. Court Reporter Karen Hooven. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 11/29/2021)

Nov. 29, 2021

Nov. 29, 2021


MINUTES (Text Only) for proceedings held via video conference before District Judge Dale A. Drozd: FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT held on 11/29/2021. The parties address the motion. The Court sets a further hearing for 12/7/2021 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 5 (DAD) before District Judge Dale A. Drozd. The parties will be provided with a new Zoom Meeting ID and passcode for the hearing. Plaintiffs Counsel Ariel Teshuva, Emilou MacLean, Ryann McMurry present. Defendants Counsel Christopher Pisano, Emily Chaidez present. Mark Gist - Sheriff office. Court Reporter/CD Number: Karen Hooven. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 11/30/2021)

Nov. 29, 2021

Nov. 29, 2021


~Util - 1 Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings AND Motion Hearing

Nov. 30, 2021

Nov. 30, 2021


TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 11-29-21, Final Approval of Class Action Settlement before District Judge Dale A. Drozd, filed by Court Reporter Karen Hooven, Phone number 559-264-0584 E-mail Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction must be filed within 5 court days. Redaction Request due 12/27/2021. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/6/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/7/2022. (Hooven, Karen) (Entered: 12/05/2021)

Dec. 5, 2021

Dec. 5, 2021


ORDER GRANTING FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION. Signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 12/7/2021(Hernandez, M) (Entered: 12/07/2021)

Dec. 7, 2021

Dec. 7, 2021


MINUTES (Text Only) for proceedings held via video conference before District Judge Dale A. Drozd: FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT held on 12/7/2021. The Court to issue a written order. Plaintiffs Counsel Ariel Teshuva, Emilou MacLean and Ryann McMurry present. Defendants Counsel Christopher Pisano and Emily Chaidez present. Court Reporter/CD Number: R Lundy. (Hernandez, M) (Entered: 12/08/2021)

Dec. 7, 2021

Dec. 7, 2021


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson for proceedings held on December 7, 2021 before Judge Dale A. Drozd. Court Reporter Rachael Lundy. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 12/08/2021)

Dec. 8, 2021

Dec. 8, 2021


Motion Hearing

Dec. 8, 2021

Dec. 8, 2021


STIPULATION Regarding Section 3.7 of the Settlement Agreement by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 12/10/2021)

Dec. 10, 2021

Dec. 10, 2021


TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings held on 12-7-2021, before District Judge Dale A. Drozd, filed by Court Reporter Rachael Lundy, Phone number 559-207-1072 E-mail Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction must be filed within 5 court days. Redaction Request due 1/27/2022. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/4/2022. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/4/2022. (Lundy, R) (Entered: 01/04/2022)

Jan. 4, 2022

Jan. 4, 2022


OBJECTIONS by Dale Ray Davidson to 103 Order. (Lundstrom, T) (Entered: 01/05/2022)

Jan. 5, 2022

Jan. 5, 2022


OBJECTIONS by Dale Davidson. (Lundstrom, T) (Entered: 01/05/2022)

Jan. 5, 2022

Jan. 5, 2022


OBJECTIONS by Dale Ray Davidson. (Jessen, A) (Entered: 02/08/2022)

Feb. 7, 2022

Feb. 7, 2022


TRANSCRIPT REQUEST by Michael Boudreaux for proceedings held on 11/29/21 and 12/7/21 before Judge Dale A. Drodz. MULTIPLE REPORTERS REQUESTED (Pisano, Christopher) (Entered: 02/14/2022)

Feb. 14, 2022

Feb. 14, 2022


STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER for Plaintiffs' Forthcoming Motion to Extend Term of Settlement Agreement by California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Samuel Camposeco, Charles Criswell, Adam Ibarra, Levi Johnson. (Teshuva, Ariel) (Entered: 02/28/2022)

Feb. 28, 2022

Feb. 28, 2022


MINUTE ORDER signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 2/28/2022: (Text Only Entry) On February 28, 2022, the parties filed a 112 stipulation regarding a briefing schedule and hearing date for plaintiffs' anticipated motion for an extension of the term of the parties' final settlement agreement. Therein, the parties also stipulate and agree that "to provide the Court with sufficient time to decide the motion before jurisdiction expires" on March 31, 2022, "the court's jurisdiction to decide the motion shall extend no later than April 15, 2022, absent any further action by this Court." (See Doc. No. 112 at 2.) Good cause appearing, and pursuant to the parties' 112 stipulation, plaintiffs shall file their anticipated motion to extend the term of the settlement on or before March 4, 2022, and notice that motion for a hearing on April 5, 2022. Defendant shall file his opposition, or statement of non-opposition, on or before March 18, 2022. Plaintiffs shall file any reply on or before March 23, 2022. The court's jurisdiction to decide the motion shall extend no later than April 15, 2022, absent any further action by this court.(Hernandez, M) (Entered: 02/28/2022)

Feb. 28, 2022

Feb. 28, 2022


Case Details

State / Territory: California

Case Type(s):

Jail Conditions

Special Collection(s):

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: July 29, 2020

Closing Date: April 13, 2022

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Plaintiffs are the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice three incarcerated individuals in the custody of the Tulare County Sheriff's Office, acting on behalf of a class of similarly situated incarcerated individuals

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Non-profit NON-religious organization

Attorney Organizations:

ACLU of Northern California

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Sheriff of Tulare County (Visalia, Tulare), State

Defendant Type(s):



Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

State law

Constitutional Clause(s):

Due Process: Substantive Due Process

Free Exercise Clause

Equal Protection

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Attorneys fees

Preliminary injunction / Temp. restraining order

Source of Relief:



Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Content of Injunction:

Preliminary relief granted

Retaliation Prohibition

Amount Defendant Pays: $95,000

Order Duration: 2021 - 2022



Conditions of confinement

Sanitation / living conditions


COVID reporting ordered

Mitigation Granted

Mitigation Requested

Non-retaliation ordered

Out-of-cell time regulated

PPE-ordered provided to prisoners for free

Jails, Prisons, Detention Centers, and Other Institutions:

Crowding (General)