AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendant Bob Williams of summons/complaint on 8/12/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/17/1994)
Aug. 16, 1994
Aug. 16, 1994
ORDER/NOTICE OF JOINT STATUS REPORT Joint Status Report due 10/31/94 (cc: counsel, Judge) (PL) (Entered: 08/17/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
ORDER re DISCOVERY & DEPOSITIONS by Judge Robert J. Bryan (cc: counsel, Judge) (PL) (Entered: 08/17/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendant Jean Soliz of summons/complaint on 8/12/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/17/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT [1-1] for Declaratory & Injunctive Relief by plaintiff (PL) (Entered: 08/18/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
MOTION by plaintiff to certify class action noted for 9/2/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/18/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion to certify class action [8-1] (PL) (Entered: 08/18/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
APPLICATION by plaintiff for David Lambert to participate pro hac vice; # 216505 (PL) (Entered: 08/22/1994)
Aug. 17, 1994
Aug. 17, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendant Sid Sidorowicz of summons/complaint on 8/15/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/18/1994)
Aug. 18, 1994
Aug. 18, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE by plaintiff of cmplt, mtn etc on 8/18/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/25/1994)
Aug. 20, 1994
Aug. 20, 1994
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defendants' is Richard A McCartan (PL) (Entered: 08/22/1994)
Aug. 22, 1994
Aug. 22, 1994
LETTER/NOTICE by plaintiff that the following is noted for 9/16/94 motion to certify class action (PL) (Entered: 08/25/1994)
Aug. 23, 1994
Aug. 23, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE by plaintiff of ntc of depo on D's on 8/23/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/25/1994)
Aug. 24, 1994
Aug. 24, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendant Brian Baker, Chehalis School Dist for Sid Sidorowicz of amended summons/complaint etc. on 8/22/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/31/1994)
Aug. 24, 1994
Aug. 24, 1994
ORDER by Janet S. Thornton GRANTING application [0-1] for David Lambert to participate pro hac vice for P's.(cc: counsel, Judge) (PL) (Entered: 08/31/1994)
Aug. 26, 1994
Aug. 26, 1994
LODGED ORDER: re: motion to certify class action [8-1] (PL) (Entered: 08/31/1994)
Aug. 29, 1994
Aug. 29, 1994
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE upon defendant Sid Sidorowicz for Chehalis School Dist, Dr Michael Boring of amended summons/complaint on 8/24/94 (PL) (Entered: 08/31/1994)
Aug. 29, 1994
Aug. 29, 1994
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for defendant Chehalis School Dist by Brian M Baker (PL) (Entered: 09/09/1994)
Sept. 2, 1994
Sept. 2, 1994
ANSWER to Amended complaint [7-1] by defendant Bob Williams, defendant Jean Soliz, defendant Sid Sidorowicz (PL) (Entered: 09/09/1994)
Sept. 7, 1994
Sept. 7, 1994
LODGED ORDER: by Stipulation re class certification (PL) (Entered: 09/29/1994)
Sept. 27, 1994
Sept. 27, 1994
MOTION by defendant Bob Williams, defendant Jean Soliz, defendant Sid Sidorowicz to partially dismiss clms under rule 12(b)(6) noted for 10/28/94 (PL) (Entered: 09/29/1994)
Sept. 27, 1994
Sept. 27, 1994
MEMORANDUM by defendant Bob Williams, defendant Jean Soliz, defendant Sid Sidorowicz in support of motion to partially dismiss clms under rule 12(b)(6) [20-1] (PL) (Entered: 09/29/1994)
Sept. 27, 1994
Sept. 27, 1994
STIPULATION and ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan : by Agreement that case be maintained as class action w/ class defined as all juveniles currently or in future incarcerated at Green Hill School. This order does not prejudice any defenses which D's may have on merits. [8-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (PL) (Entered: 09/30/1994)
Sept. 30, 1994
Sept. 30, 1994
RESPONSE by Pltfs'to Dfts' motion to partially dismiss clms under rule 12(b)(6) [20-1] (dktclk) (Entered: 10/26/1994)
Oct. 24, 1994
Oct. 24, 1994
REPLY BRIEF filed by Dfts Williams, Soliz, and Sidorowicz (CAR) (Entered: 10/28/1994)
Oct. 27, 1994
Oct. 27, 1994
LODGED ORDER re: motion to partially dismiss clms under rule 12(b) (6) [20-1] (CAR) (Entered: 10/28/1994)
Oct. 27, 1994
Oct. 27, 1994
MOTION by Pltfs for prelim inj re: pepper spray noted for 11/18/94 (CAR) (Entered: 10/31/1994)
Oct. 27, 1994
Oct. 27, 1994
MEMORANDUM by Pltfs in support of motion for prelim inj re: pepper spray [25-1] (CAR) (Entered: 10/31/1994)
Oct. 27, 1994
Oct. 27, 1994
EXHIBITS to memo in sup of mtn for PI re: pepper spray [26-1] (CAR) (Entered: 10/31/1994)
Oct. 27, 1994
Oct. 27, 1994
LETTER by cnsl for Pltfs' re: substitution of Original Declaration of Paul DeMuro for faxed copy in Memo in Support of Mtn for Preliminary Injunction (CAR) (Entered: 11/01/1994)
Oct. 28, 1994
Oct. 28, 1994
JOINT STATUS REPORT filed by all parties. Est. Trial Days: unknown at time of filing (CAR) (Entered: 11/02/1994)
Oct. 31, 1994
Oct. 31, 1994
NOTICE by Pltfs that the following is RENOTED to 11/25/94 the mtn for PI re: pepper spray (CAR) (Entered: 11/09/1994)
Nov. 5, 1994
Nov. 5, 1994
RESPONSE by Dfts Williams, Soliz, and Sidorowicz to motion for prelim inj re: pepper spray [25-1] (CAR) (Entered: 11/23/1994)
Nov. 21, 1994
Nov. 21, 1994
TRIAL NOTICE Discovery cutoff 8/31/95 Motion filing deadline 8/31/95; Disp Mtns Ntd 9/22/95 Pretrial order to be submitted by 11/13/95 Pretrial conference set for 11/17/95 Trial set for 9:30 11/27/95 Trial briefs to be submitted by 11/17/95 39.1 designation effective 8/31/95 (cc:all counsel) (JAB) (Entered: 11/28/1994)
Nov. 28, 1994
Nov. 28, 1994
LETTER by Attorney General's office re: substitution of page 5 of the memorandum; and adding add'l pages to Dr. Lipsey's resume at the end of Attachment 3 (CAR) (Entered: 12/01/1994)
Nov. 28, 1994
Nov. 28, 1994
REPLY by Pltfs TO RESPONSE to motion for prelim inj re: pepper spray [25-1] (CAR) (Entered: 12/01/1994)
Nov. 28, 1994
Nov. 28, 1994
DECLARATION of Joshua Howell re: reply to response to motion for preliminary injunction (CAR) (Entered: 12/01/1994)
Nov. 28, 1994
Nov. 28, 1994
MINUTE ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan - P' mtn for Prelim Inj is sched for ORAL ARG on 12/5/94 at 9:30 a.m. In-court hrg set for 9:30 12/5/94 (cc: counsel, Judge) (CAR) (Entered: 12/01/1994)
Dec. 1, 1994
Dec. 1, 1994
AMENDED MEMO/RESPONSE by dfts Soliz, Williams, and Sidorowicz to motion for prelim inj re: pepper spray [25-1] (CAR) (Entered: 12/01/1994)
Dec. 1, 1994
Dec. 1, 1994
MINUTES of Oral Argument on Preliminary Injunction: RJB; Dep Clerk: Jean Adamson; CR: Julaine V Ryen; In-court hrg held 9:30 12/5/94; Argument held; Exhibit 1 - incident reports (marked - returned to cnsl); Court to iss oral ruling 12/6/94 at 9:30 a.m. (CAR) (Entered: 12/05/1994)
Dec. 5, 1994
Dec. 5, 1994
MINUTES of Oral Ruling on Prelim Injunction: RJB; Dep Clerk: Jean Adamson; CR: Julaine V Ryen. For the reasons stated. P' mtn for Prelim Injunction is GRANTED in parand DENIED in part. The Court makes oral findings (CAR) (Entered: 12/06/1994)
Dec. 6, 1994
Dec. 6, 1994
EXHIBIT #1 admitted at preliminary injunction hearing (incident reports) (CAR) (Entered: 12/06/1994)
Dec. 6, 1994
Dec. 6, 1994
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan GRANTING IN PART and DENYING IN PART the motion for prelim inj re: pepper spray [25-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (CAR) (Entered: 12/06/1994)
Dec. 6, 1994
Dec. 6, 1994
TRANSCRIPT of motion for preliminary injunction for the following date(s): 12/5/94 (Re: ) CR initials: JR (MW) (Entered: 12/28/1994)
Dec. 27, 1994
Dec. 27, 1994
TRANSCRIPT of motion for preliminary injunction (Vol II) for the following date(s): 12/6/94 (Re: ) CR initials: JR (MW) (Entered: 12/28/1994)
Dec. 27, 1994
Dec. 27, 1994
LODGED STIP & PROTECTIVE ORDER permitting P' access to files (TW) (Entered: 01/31/1995)
Jan. 27, 1995
Jan. 27, 1995
STIPULATION and PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan permitting P' counsel & their experts access to the education files of class members (see order for details) (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 02/01/1995)
Jan. 31, 1995
Jan. 31, 1995
MOTION by plaintiffs to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms/ORA REQ noted for 5/5/95 (TW) Modified on 04/14/1995 (Entered: 04/14/1995)
April 13, 1995
April 13, 1995
DECLARATION of Patricia J. Arthur [46-1] (video tape exhibits 4, 5, & 6 sent to RJB, to be returned to atty after review by Judge) (TW) (Entered: 04/14/1995)
April 13, 1995
April 13, 1995
MOTION by plaintiff to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] noted for 4/18/95 (TW) (Entered: 04/14/1995)
April 13, 1995
April 13, 1995
MEMORANDUM by plaintiff in support of motion to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] [48-1] & of motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/14/1995)
April 13, 1995
April 13, 1995
LODGED ORDER: re: motion to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] [48-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/14/1995)
April 13, 1995
April 13, 1995
SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION of Patricia J. Arthur in support of P's motion to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] [48-1] & for motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms/ORA REQ [46-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/17/1995)
April 14, 1995
April 14, 1995
ERRATA by plaintiff to memorandum [49-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/17/1995)
April 14, 1995
April 14, 1995
LODGED ORDER: re: motion to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] [48-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/17/1995)
April 14, 1995
April 14, 1995
LODGED ORDER: re: motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms/ORA REQ [46-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/17/1995)
April 14, 1995
April 14, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE by plaintiffs (TW) (Entered: 04/17/1995)
April 14, 1995
April 14, 1995
DECLARATION of Michael D. Cohen MD [46-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/18/1995)
April 18, 1995
April 18, 1995
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan GRANTING P's motion to shorten time on motion to clarify prelim injunction & for expedited sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] [48-1] & renoting for consideration w/o oral argument to 4/21/95 P's motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms[46-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 04/19/1995)
April 19, 1995
April 19, 1995
RESPONSE/MEMORANDUM by defendants opposing P's mtn to shorten time & motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/19/1995)
April 19, 1995
April 19, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE of declaration of Michael Cohen MD [53-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/21/1995)
April 19, 1995
April 19, 1995
REPLY by plaintiff TO State Dfts' memo in opposition to motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms[46-1] (PL) (Entered: 04/21/1995)
April 20, 1995
April 20, 1995
PRAECIPE: re: motion reply [57-1] (TW) (Entered: 04/28/1995)
April 26, 1995
April 26, 1995
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan DENYING P' motion to clarify prel inj & for exped sched for trial on P's clms [46-1] (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 04/28/1995)
April 28, 1995
April 28, 1995
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for plaintiffs by Katrin E. Frank (TW) (Entered: 05/22/1995)
May 22, 1995
May 22, 1995
LODGED STIP & Protective Order re Personnel Records (TW) (Entered: 05/26/1995)
May 25, 1995
May 25, 1995
STIPULATION and Protective ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan : re Personnel Records (cc: counsel, Judge) (dktclk) (Entered: 05/30/1995)
May 26, 1995
May 26, 1995
LODGED ORDER: by Stipulation for Protective Order (PL) (Entered: 06/13/1995)
June 13, 1995
June 13, 1995
STIPULATION and PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan allowing P's counsel & experts to inspect & make copies of discoverable institutional & health files following conditions stated w/in the order (see order for details) (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 06/14/1995)
June 14, 1995
June 14, 1995
NOTICE by court reporter of transcript of depo (TW) (Entered: 07/11/1995)
July 10, 1995
July 10, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA of Bob Close on 7/6/95 (TW) (Entered: 07/13/1995)
July 11, 1995
July 11, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA of Harvey Billmaier on 7/6/95 (TW) (Entered: 07/13/1995)
July 11, 1995
July 11, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA of Heather Highmiller on 7/6/95 (TW) (Entered: 07/13/1995)
July 11, 1995
July 11, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA of John Spears on 7/6/95 (TW) (Entered: 07/13/1995)
July 11, 1995
July 11, 1995
AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF SUBPOENA of Dan Stewart on 7/6/95 (TW) (Entered: 07/13/1995)
July 11, 1995
July 11, 1995
RETURN of SERVICE of subp. on Dave Bagby 7/18/95 (dktclk) (Entered: 07/24/1995)
July 24, 1995
July 24, 1995
JOINT MOTION to reset trial date (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
LODGED ORDER: re: motion to reset trial date [70-1] (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
JOINT MOTION for order approving ntc of sttlment of class action (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
LODGED ORDER: re: motion for order approving ntc of sttlment of class action [71-1] (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
DECLARATION of Patricia J Arthur (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
LODGED ORDER/NTC of proposed settlement of class action lawsuit (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
LODGED STIP/JGM resolving certain clms & continuing trial on the remaining ones (TW) (Entered: 08/01/1995)
July 26, 1995
July 26, 1995
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan GRANTING the joint motion to reset trial date [70-1]; trial & pretrial dates are stricken; clerk to schedule status conf 6 months from the date of entry of P's stip & jgm resolving certain clms & continuing trial date on remaining ones <date not set> (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 08/02/1995)
Aug. 1, 1995
Aug. 1, 1995
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan GRANTING the joint motion for order approving ntc of sttlment of class action [71-1] (see order for ntc distribution details) (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 08/02/1995)
Aug. 1, 1995
Aug. 1, 1995
ORDER/NOTICE of proposed settlement of class action lawsuit by Judge Robert J. Bryan (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 08/02/1995)
Aug. 1, 1995
Aug. 1, 1995
NOTICE by court reporter of deposition transcipt (TW) (Entered: 08/10/1995)
Aug. 10, 1995
Aug. 10, 1995
NOTICE by CR J. Kay Corbett of filing 8 depositions (no original signature) (PL) (Entered: 09/05/1995)
Aug. 31, 1995
Aug. 31, 1995
STIPULATION & JUDGMENT resolving certain clms & continuing trial on the remaining ones by Judge Robert J. Bryan (SEE JUDGMENT FOR DETAILS); the court shall set a status conf to be held 6 mons following the entry of this jgm to determine the need for a new trial date. (cc: counsel, Judge, Jgm. Book) Entered on: 9/12/95 (TW) (Entered: 09/12/1995)
Sept. 11, 1995
Sept. 11, 1995
MINUTE ORDER: by Judge Robert J. Bryan pursuant to stip & jgm (doc #78), a status conference is scheduled for 9:00 on 3/15/96 to determine the need for a new trial. (cc: counsel, Judge) (TW) (Entered: 09/12/1995)
Sept. 11, 1995
Sept. 11, 1995
MINUTES: RJB; Dep Clerk: J ADAMSON; CR: NONE PRESENT; Pltf requests a TD be set along with formal discovery; Parties estimate 5 days for trial. Trial Date set 12/16/96; clerk to issue shed order; Counsel is to submit, not later than 9/16/96, a statment of issues to be tried (JAB) (Entered: 03/15/1996)
March 15, 1996
March 15, 1996
TRIAL NOTICE Discovery cutoff 9/16/96 Motion filing deadline 9/19/96 Pretrial order to be submitted by 11/29/96 Pretrial conference set for 8:30 12/6/96 Trial set for 9:30 12/16/96 Trial briefs to be submitted by 12/6/96 39.1 designation effective 9/16/96 (cc:all counsel) (JAB) (Entered: 03/18/1996)
March 18, 1996
March 18, 1996
LETTER: Re Status of Stip. by Orlando L. Martinez (dktclk) (Entered: 03/27/1996)
March 25, 1996
March 25, 1996
SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL on behalf of Bob Williams, Jean Soliz, Sid Sidorowicz Edward J. Dee terminating attorney Richard Arthur McCartan for Sid Sidorowicz, Jean Soliz, Bob Williams (TW) (Entered: 04/30/1996)
April 29, 1996
April 29, 1996
LETTER by plaintiff re settlement of remaining clms (dktclk) (Entered: 08/20/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
STIPULATED MOTION for order approving ntc of settlement of class action NOTED FOR 8/23/96 (dktclk) (Entered: 08/20/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
DECLARATION of Patricia Arthur by plaintiff re motion for order approving ntc of settlement of class action [85-1] (dktclk) (Entered: 08/20/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
PROPOSED Ntc of Proposed Settlement re: motion for order approving ntc of settlement of class action [85-1] (dktclk) (Entered: 08/20/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
LODGED ORDER: re: motion for order approving ntc of settlement of class action [85-1] (dktclk) (Entered: 08/20/1996)
Aug. 16, 1996
Aug. 16, 1996
ORDER by Judge Robert J. Bryan approving ntc of settlement of class action [85-1]; See order for details (cc: counsel, Judge) (dktclk) (Entered: 08/28/1996)
Aug. 26, 1996
Aug. 26, 1996