Case: West v. Manson

2:83-cv-00366 | U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut

Filed Date: May 9, 1983

Case Ongoing

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On May 9, 1983, female inmates, pretrial detainees, and the children of the inmates and pretrial detainees incarcerated at Niantic Correctional Institution in Niantic, Connecticut, brought a class action law suit against the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections, the Warden of the correctional facility, and the Commissioner of the Department of Children and Youth Services. The plaintiffs were represented by the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union and Greater Hartford Legal Aid. The part…

On May 9, 1983, female inmates, pretrial detainees, and the children of the inmates and pretrial detainees incarcerated at Niantic Correctional Institution in Niantic, Connecticut, brought a class action law suit against the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections, the Warden of the correctional facility, and the Commissioner of the Department of Children and Youth Services. The plaintiffs were represented by the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union and Greater Hartford Legal Aid. The parties challenged various conditions of confinement including conditions for women compared to men and visiting privileges.

The parties came to a settlement and broad injunctive relief was provided by Consent Judgment of the court, dated October 13 1988 and filed on January 9, 1989. The U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut (Judge Alan Nevas) found the plaintiffs "clearly prevailed" and awarded attorneys' fees for the settlement of the case. Even with court appointed monitors who receive all their fees and expenses paid by the state, the plaintiffs counsel continued extensive monitoring and enforcement efforts. The plaintiffs were awarded additional attorneys fees on December 3, 1993, for work resulting in a supplemental consent judgment. Also in 1993, the court (Judge Robert Zampano) awarded plaintiffs fees and costs for plaintiffs' counsel's monitoring activities.

In 1993, the court appointed Magistrate Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons to replace Sr. Judge Robert C. Zampano as the judge overseeing the settlement implementation phase of the case.

In 1996 the Niantic Correctional Institution and the York Correctional Institution were consolidated into one facility which was named the York Correctional Institution.

On September 29, 2000, the court (Magistrate Judge Fitzsimmons) denied the plaintiffs' motion for fees and costs without prejudice. On December 5, 2000 the plaintiffs filed a supplemental application asking for fees and costs for post-judgment monitoring. On July 12, 2001 the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut (Magistrate Judge Fitzsimmons) granted the plaintiffs' motion and awarded attorneys fees and costs for post-judgment monitoring. West v. Manson, 163 F.Supp. 2d 116 (D. Conn. 2001). The court found the plaintiffs to be prevailing parties and found the entries of the counsel to be sufficiently specific, to reflect sound billing practice, and found the work to be reasonably necessary and appropriate to the goal of ensuring the defendant's compliance with the consent decrees. The court found that while in the future the plaintiff's fee petitions should be brought annually, the long time lapse between 1993 and the 2000 application did not require the denial of the application. Because the plaintiffs waited up to seven years to file the fee petition, the court ordered the fees be paid at historic rates for post judgment monitoring, rather than current rates, except for the time period postdating the PLRA for which the fees would be paid at the PLRA maximum.

In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment, an Agreement Monitoring Panel (AMP), consisting of three court-appointed experts, monitored the implementation process and reported to the court bi-annually. Due to prisoner privacy issues, the court ordered that monitoring reports of the AMP were to be sealed. Monitoring has continued through 2007.

The PACER docket indicates that a Telephone Status Conference regarding the Consent Decree was held on March 14, 2007 before Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons.

In April 2007, the Associated Press reported on that the ACLU of Connecticut was considering taking additional action in the litigation based on the bi-annual monitoring reports, which purportedly noted a decline in the conditions at York Correctional Institution in Niantic, Connecticut. The exact nature of the alleged conditions was unknown to the public, as the monitoring reports remained sealed. As of the updating of this summary (April 24, 2007), the PACER docket did not reflect that a motion to enforce the Consent Decree, or similar pleadings, was pending before the court.

Summary Authors

Jaclyn Adams (2/13/2006)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:


Chatigny, Robert N. (Connecticut)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Allard, Linda (Connecticut)

Barrett, Dan (Connecticut)

Boggs, Erin (Connecticut)

Attorney for Defendant

Chapple, Margaret Quilter (Connecticut)


show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket (PACER)

March 4, 2008

March 4, 2008




May 9, 1983

May 9, 1983



Ruling on Application for Attorneys' Fees and Costs

July 12, 2001

July 12, 2001


163 F.Supp.2d 116



Referral to Magistrate Judge

April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017



Joint Motion for Final Approval of Settlement Agreement

July 31, 2017

July 31, 2017

Settlement Agreement


Ruling on Joint Motion for Final Approval of Settlement Agreement and Order

Sept. 7, 2017

Sept. 7, 2017


2017 WL 3913939



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 2, 2025, 3:59 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

Case closed (Johnson, D.)

June 1, 1987

June 1, 1987


MOTION by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton for Attorney Fees & costs (Brief Due 1/23/92 ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/06/1992)

Jan. 2, 1992

Jan. 2, 1992


MEMORANDUM by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton in support of [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/06/1992)

Jan. 2, 1992

Jan. 2, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Martha Stone Re: [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/06/1992)

Jan. 2, 1992

Jan. 2, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Shelley Geballe Re: [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/06/1992)

Jan. 2, 1992

Jan. 2, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of JoNel Newman Re: [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/06/1992)

Jan. 2, 1992

Jan. 2, 1992


ORDER re: atty fees. ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/16/1992)

Jan. 14, 1992

Jan. 14, 1992


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus to Extend Time w/i which dfts' response should be fld. (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 01/16/1992)

Jan. 14, 1992

Jan. 14, 1992


ENDORSEMENT granting [231-1] motion to Extend Time w/i which dfts' response should be fld until 2/21/92. ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (Johnson, D.)

Jan. 14, 1992

Jan. 14, 1992


Deadline updated; Brief Deadline set for 2/21/92 [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs (admin)

Jan. 14, 1992

Jan. 14, 1992


ORDER referring: [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs referred to Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano (signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (admin) (Entered: 01/27/1992)

Jan. 21, 1992

Jan. 21, 1992


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus to Extend Time until 3/20/92 to file resp in opp to pltfs mot for attorneys' fees and costs (Moore, P.) Modified on 02/24/1992 (Entered: 02/24/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus to Extend Time until 3/20/92 to file resp. (Moore, P.) (Entered: 02/25/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


ENDORSEMENT granting [234-1] motion to Extend Time until 3/20/92 to file resp., Brief Deadline set for 3/20/92 [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs ( signed by Magistrate Judge Joan G. Margolis ) (Moore, P.)

March 2, 1992

March 2, 1992


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus to Extend Time until 3/27/92 to resp to pltfs' mot for attorneys fees.. (Moore, P.) (Entered: 03/20/1992)

March 19, 1992

March 19, 1992


ENDORSEMENT granting [235-1] motion to Extend Time until 3/27/92 to resp to pltfs' mot for attorneys fees.., Brief Deadline set for 3/27/92 [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Moore, P.)

March 23, 1992

March 23, 1992


MEMORANDUM by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus in opposition to [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Villano, P.) (Entered: 03/31/1992)

March 27, 1992

March 27, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Edward Blanchette by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus Re [236-1] opposition memorandum by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson (Villano, P.) (Entered: 03/31/1992)

March 27, 1992

March 27, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn shall pay forthwith Richard S. Schottenfeld, M.D. the sum of $1,562.50 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 04/06/1992)

March 31, 1992

March 31, 1992


MOTION by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton for Leave to File Reply Brief (Brief Due 4/23/92 ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 04/03/1992)

April 2, 1992

April 2, 1992


ENDORSEMENT granting [238-1] motion for Leave to File Reply Brief ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (Johnson, D.)

April 2, 1992

April 2, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Jacqueline McMickens by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus Re [236-1] opposition memorandum by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson (Moore, P.) (Entered: 04/06/1992)

April 6, 1992

April 6, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Ellis C. MacDougall by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus Re [236-1] opposition memorandum by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson (Moore, P.) (Entered: 04/28/1992)

April 6, 1992

April 6, 1992


MEMO in Reply to [236-1] opposition memorandum by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 04/22/1992)

April 22, 1992

April 22, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Edward A. Blanchette, M.D. the sum of $2,687.50 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 04/29/1992)

April 28, 1992

April 28, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Ellis C. MacDougall the sum of 6,914.47 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 05/08/1992)

May 7, 1992

May 7, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn shall pay forthwith Gordon Kuster, M.D. the sum of $500.00 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 05/08/1992)

May 7, 1992

May 7, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Dr. Jerome M. Schnitt the sum of $6,133.87 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 05/20/1992)

May 19, 1992

May 19, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. pay forthwith Mahlon S. Hale, M.D. the sum of $600.00 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 06/09/1992)

June 4, 1992

June 4, 1992


ORDER re: The State of conn shall pay Mahlon . Hale the sum of $1,250.00 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 06/13/1992)

June 9, 1992

June 9, 1992


ORDER Judge Flanagan, State Trial Referee of the Superior /court has been appointed for settlement ( signed by Chief Judge Ellen Bree Burns ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 06/18/1992)

June 12, 1992

June 12, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Jacqueline McMickens the sum of $7,722.38. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 07/07/1992)

June 30, 1992

June 30, 1992


ORDER that State of Conn. shall pay Gordon I. Kuster, M>D> the sum of $625.00 for services rendered from 4/24/92 thru 7/19/92. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 07/29/1992)

July 29, 1992

July 29, 1992


MOTION by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton for Leave to File supplemental materials relating to pltfs' motion for attys' fees & costs (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 08/10/1992)

Aug. 10, 1992

Aug. 10, 1992


ORDER: Pursuant to the Consent Judgment, the State of CT shall pay the Court Appointed Monitoring Panel member, Howard Zonana, M.D. the sum of $562.50 for his services renderd on 7/16/92. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 08/18/1992)

Aug. 13, 1992

Aug. 13, 1992


MEMORANDUM by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus in opposition to [225-1] motion for Attorney Fees & costs by plaintiff (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 08/25/1992)

Aug. 24, 1992

Aug. 24, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay the sum of $5,752.98 to Child Advocate Office, and Gordon C. Kamka $2,818.86..... ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 09/21/1992)

Sept. 18, 1992

Sept. 18, 1992


ORDER re: the Order dated 6/12/92 appointing Judge Flanagan is hereby vacated & revoked ( signed by Chief Judge Jose A. Cabranes ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 10/26/1992)

Oct. 21, 1992

Oct. 21, 1992


ORDER re:The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Mr. Gordon Kamka the sum of $1,256.39 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 11/09/1992)

Nov. 3, 1992

Nov. 3, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Mr. Ellis MacDougall the sum of $5,221.27 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 11/09/1992)

Nov. 3, 1992

Nov. 3, 1992


AFFIDAVIT of Larry R. Meachum Re (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 11/10/1992)

Nov. 10, 1992

Nov. 10, 1992


ORDER, ent: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Jmet dated Jan. 9, 1989, it is hereby ordered that the State ofCT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Spec. Masters for fees for services rendered up to & including Sept. 20, 1992. The State of CT shall pay forthwith to Mr. Gordon Kamka the sum of $4,l80.00 ( signed by Judge Robert C. Zampano. ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 12/08/1992)

Dec. 2, 1992

Dec. 2, 1992


ORDER re: The State of Conn. shall pay Dr.Richard S. Schottenfeld the sum of $312.50 ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Johnson, D.) (Entered: 12/30/1992)

Dec. 23, 1992

Dec. 23, 1992


ORDER, ent: In accordance with the onitoring provisions o the Conent Jmt dated Jan. 9, 1989, it is hereby ordered that the St. of CT shall reimburse the court-appointed Spec. Master for fees for services rendered up to & including Dec. 1, 1992. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Dr. Mahlon Hale the sum of $625.00. SO ORDERED. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/04/1993)

Dec. 30, 1992

Dec. 30, 1992


ORDER : In accordance with the monitoring provisions of Consent Jmt dated 1//89, that St of CT shall reimburse court appointed special master Ellis C. MacDougall the Sum of $4,073.46. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 01/22/1993)

Jan. 20, 1993

Jan. 20, 1993


ORDER:It is Hereby Ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master in the above case for fees for services rendeered during 9/16,17,18/92. The state of CT shall pay forthwith Jacqueline McMickens the sum of $5,637.78. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 02/10/1993)

Feb. 8, 1993

Feb. 8, 1993


ORDER that the St of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master for fees for services rendered up to and including 1/22/93. The St of CT shall pay forthwith Dr. Richard S. Schottenfeld the sum of $875.00. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 02/18/1993)

Feb. 17, 1993

Feb. 17, 1993


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Jmt. dated 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the St of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master for fees for services rendered from 4/7/92 through 12/1/92 and 1/21/93 through 1/29/93. The St of CT shall pay forth with Dr. Jerome M. Schnitt the sum of $3,437.50. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 03/10/1993)

March 9, 1993

March 9, 1993


ORDER: The state of Conn. shall pay forthwith Dr. Gordon I. Kuster the sum of $500.00 for services rendered on 3/9/93. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 03/19/1993)

March 18, 1993

March 18, 1993


Letter MOTION by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton to substitute panel member (Brief Due 4/27/93 ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 04/07/1993)

April 6, 1993

April 6, 1993


ORDER: The state of Conn. shall pay forthwith Dr. Edward A. Blanchette the Sum of $,687.50. To reimburse the court-appointed Special Master. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 04/13/1993)

April 12, 1993

April 12, 1993


ORDER: The state of CT shall pay the Court appointed Monitoring Panel member Howard Zonana, MD the sum of $562.50 for his services rendered on 3/9/93. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 04/19/1993)

April 16, 1993

April 16, 1993


ORDER: It is herebyordered that the state of Ct shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special master for fees for services rendered from 4/12/93 through 4/14/93. The State of Ct shall pay forthwith Gordon Kamka the sum of $3,207.97. ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 05/10/1993)

May 7, 1993

May 7, 1993


ORDER: It is hereby ordered that the St of Ct shall reimburse the Court appointed Special Master for services rendered from 3/25/93 through 3/27/93. The St of Ct shall pay forthwith Ellis C. MacDougall the sum of $4,753.12. ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 05/10/1993)

May 7, 1993

May 7, 1993


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Jmt. The State of Conn shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master for services rendered on 4/21/93. The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Richard S. Schottenfeld, MD, the sum of $187.50. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 06/09/1993)

June 3, 1993

June 3, 1993


ORDER The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Special Master Jacqueline McMickens, the Sum of $6,028.50. For service rendered from 3/24/93 through 4/13/93. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 06/28/1993)

June 25, 1993

June 25, 1993


ORDER: The State of Conn. shall pay forthwith Special Master Mahlon Hale MD, the sumof $750.00. For service rendered on 3/9/93 and 5/14/93. ( signed by Clerk ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 06/28/1993)

June 25, 1993

June 25, 1993


ORDER: The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Monitoring Panel Member, Howard Zonana, MD the sum of $687.50, for services rendered on 5/5/93. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 06/28/1993)

June 25, 1993

June 25, 1993


ORDER. The State of CT shall pay the Court appointed mointoring panel member, Dr. Mahlon Hale, M.D. the sum of $500.00 for his services rendered on 5/5/93. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 07/27/1993)

July 27, 1993

July 27, 1993


ORDER of Transfer ( signed by Judge Alan H. Nevas ) to Chief Judge Jose A. Cabranes (Lopez, B.) (Entered: 08/05/1993)

Aug. 5, 1993

Aug. 5, 1993


RULING denying [268-1] motion to substitute panel member ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (see ruling for details) (Torday, B.) (Entered: 08/09/1993)

Aug. 5, 1993

Aug. 5, 1993


Consolidated Member Case. Lead Case Number: 2cv80-506(JAC). (Smith, S.)

Aug. 5, 1993

Aug. 5, 1993


ENDORSEMENT RULING denying w/o prejudice to renewal or simple reinstatement [252-1] motion for Leave to File supplemental materials relating to pltfs' motion for attys' fees & costs, denying as moot [233-1] motion to Extend Time until 3/20/92 to file resp in opp to pltfs mot for attorneys' fees and costs ( signed by Chief Judge Jose A. Cabranes ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 09/23/1993)

Sept. 22, 1993

Sept. 22, 1993


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus for Appointment of Successor Settlement Judge (Brief Due 10/15/93 ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 09/27/1993)

Sept. 24, 1993

Sept. 24, 1993


ENDORSEMENT granting [281-1] motion for Appointment of Successor Settlement Judge. The court hereby appoints Magistrate Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons to replace Sr. Judge Robert C. Zampano as the settlement Judge in this action. ( signed by Chief Judge Jose A. Cabranes ) (Former Employee)

Oct. 7, 1993

Oct. 7, 1993


ORDER. It is hereby ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master in the above-captioned case for fees for services rendered on 10/5/93 in the amount of $968.75. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Richard S. Schottenfeld, the sum of $968.75. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 11/04/1993)

Oct. 29, 1993

Oct. 29, 1993


ORDER. It is hereby ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master in the above-captioned case for fees for services rendered on 9/30/93 in the amount of $419.23 and 10/3/93 thru 10/5/93 in the amount of $4,564.93. The state of CT shall pay forthwith Ellis C. MacDougall, the sum of $4,984.16. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 11/04/1993)

Oct. 29, 1993

Oct. 29, 1993


ORDER. In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the mental Health Decree dtd 6/1/87, it is hereby ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Special Master in teh above-captioned case for fees for services rendered on 6/22/93, 6/23/93 and 8/5/93. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Mahlon Hale, M.D., the sum of $812.50. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 11/04/1993)

Nov. 3, 1993

Nov. 3, 1993


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/88, and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court appointed Special Master in this case for fees for services rendered on 10/4 and 5.1993 in the amount of $4,079.48. SO ORDERED ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 11/08/1993)

Nov. 8, 1993

Nov. 8, 1993


ORDER. Pursuant to the provisions of the Consent Judgment for the Mental Health Panel, the State of CT shall pay the Court appointed Monitoring Panel member, Edward A. Blanchette, M.D. the sum of $4,343.75 for his services rendered from 1/8/93 through 110/6/93. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 11/19/1993)

Nov. 18, 1993

Nov. 18, 1993


RULING granting [225-1] Supplemental motion for Attorney Fees & costs. Lodestar to be paid the amount of $33,402.75 by the dfts; no enhancements is warranted. Costs in the amount of $1,103.10, to be paid by the dfts. ( signed by Senior Judge Robert C. Zampano ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 12/03/1993)

Dec. 3, 1993

Dec. 3, 1993


ORDER REFERRING CASE to Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ( for the purpose of deciding the pltfs' request to replace Mr Gordon Kamka as a member on the mediation panel, or so-called corrections panel. signed by Chief Judge Jose A. Cabranes ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 12/08/1993)

Dec. 7, 1993

Dec. 7, 1993


SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT JUDGMENT for Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker. The consent judgment entered on 1/9/89, is hereby amended and pltfs are awarded attys' fees in the amount of $33,402.75 and costs in the amount of $1,103.10. (signed by Clerk ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 12/08/1993)

Dec. 8, 1993

Dec. 8, 1993


ORDER. In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the consent Judgment dtd 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the state of CT shall reimburse the court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in the above-captioned case for fees for services rendered on 12/15/93 - 12/17/93, in the amount of $3,071.76. The state of Ct shall pay Gorden C. Kamka, the sum of $3,071.76. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/06/1994)

Jan. 5, 1994

Jan. 5, 1994


ORDER. It is hereby ordered that the state of CT shall reimburse the court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member for fees for services rendered on 10/4/93, 10/5/93 and 12/17/93, in the amount of $4,932.58. The state of CT shall pay Jacqueline McMickens, the sum of $4,932.58. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/06/1994)

Jan. 5, 1994

Jan. 5, 1994


ORDER. It is hereby ordered that the state of CT shall reimburse the court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member for fees for services rendered on 11/9/93 and 11/10/93 in the amount of $937.50. The State of CT shall pay Mahlon Hale, M.D. the sum of $937.50. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/06/1994)

Jan. 5, 1994

Jan. 5, 1994


ORDER. It is ordered that the state of CT reimburse the Court-appointed Mointoring Panel Member for fees for services rendered on 5/5/93, 6/22/93, 7/23/93 and 11/9/93 in the amount of $2,468.75. The state of CT shall pay Gordon I. Kuster M.D. the sum of $2,468.75. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/06/1994)

Jan. 5, 1994

Jan. 5, 1994


ORDER. It is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Mointoring Panel Member in the above captioned case for fees for services rendered 10/4/93, 10/5/93 and 12/17/93 in the amount of $4,857.78. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Jacqueline McKickens the sum of $4,857.78. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 01/28/1994)

Jan. 26, 1994

Jan. 26, 1994


ORDER. The State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed mointoring panel member for fees for services rendered on 1/27/94 in the amount of $437.50. RE: Gorden I. Kuster, M.D. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 02/08/1994)

Feb. 7, 1994

Feb. 7, 1994


ORDER. The State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel member for fees for services rendered on 11/9/93 and 1/27/94, in the amount of $1,593.75. The State of CT shall pay Howard Zonana M.D. the sum of $1,593.75. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 02/24/1994)

Feb. 23, 1994

Feb. 23, 1994


ORDER re; Scheduling for Monitoring Panels' March Visit to Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic; The Monitoring Panel will next inspect the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic March 21,22,23,1994. The Medical/Drug and Alchohol Monitoring Panel will visit the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic on 3/21/94. The Mental Health Monitoring Panel will visit the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic on 3/23/94. See document for further details ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 02/28/1994)

Feb. 23, 1994

Feb. 23, 1994


ORDER. In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the consent Judgment dtd 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is herby ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Cout-appointed Monitoring Panel member for fees for services rendered on 1/27/94 in the amount of $375.00. The State of CT shall pay Mahlon Hale, the sum of $375.00. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 04/04/1994)

March 28, 1994

March 28, 1994


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated October 13, 1988 and filed January 9, 1989, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in the above-captioned case for fess for services rendered from March 19, 1994 through March 23, 1994 in the amount of $4,743.19. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Gordon Kamka the sum of $4,743.19. So Ordered. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 04/06/1994)

April 4, 1994

April 4, 1994


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in this case for fees for services rendered from 3/20/94 through 3/23/94 in the amount of $6,852.01. SO ORDERED. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 04/07/1994)

April 7, 1994

April 7, 1994


ORDER: Pursuant to the provisions of the Consent Judgment for the Mental Health Panel at the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic filed January 9, 1989, the State of Connecticut shall pay the Court Appointed Monitoring Panel member, Edward A. Blanchette, M.D., the sum of $8,345.75 for his services rendered from January 5, 1994 through March 23, 1994. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Dr. Edward A. Blanchette the sum of $8,345.85. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 04/11/1994)

April 7, 1994

April 7, 1994


ORDER: Pursuant to the provisions of the Consent Judgment for the Mental Health Panel at the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic filed January 9, 1989, the State of Connecticut shall pay the Court Appointed Monitoring Panel member, Ellis MacDougall, M.D., the sum of $3,915.79 for his services rendered from December 15, 1993 through December 17, 1993. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Dr. Ellis MacDougall the sum of $3,915.74. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 04/11/1994)

April 7, 1994

April 7, 1994


ORDER: The Consent Judgment for the Mental Health Panel shall pay the Court Appointed Monitoring Panel member, Richard S. Schottenfeld, M.D. the sum of $750.00 ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Grady, B.) (Entered: 04/14/1994)

April 11, 1994

April 11, 1994


ORDER; Pursuant to the provisions of the Consent Judgment for the mental health panel at the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic the State of Connecticut shall pay the Court appoint monitoring panel member Richard S. Schottenfeld the sum of $1,000.00 ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 05/26/1994)

May 24, 1994

May 24, 1994


ORDER: Pursuant to the provisions of the Consent Judgment for the Mental Health Panel at the connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic of 1/9/89, the State of Connecticut shall pay the Court appointed Monitoring Panel Member, Edward A. Blanchette the sum of $1,937.50 ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 05/26/1994)

May 24, 1994

May 24, 1994


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment of 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring panel member in this case for fees and services from 3/21/94 to 3/23/94 in the amount of $4,125.02. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Jacqueline McMickens the sum of $4,125.02. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) Modified on 05/26/1994 (Entered: 05/26/1994)

May 25, 1994

May 25, 1994


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/98 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring panel Member in the above-captioned case for fees for services rendered from 3/22/94 through 3/23/94 in the amount of $690.00. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Mahlon Hale, M.D. the sum of $690.00. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 06/16/1994)

June 15, 1994

June 15, 1994


ORDER: In accordance w/ the monitoring provisions of the Consent Jgmt dated 10/13/88 & filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of CT. shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in the above-captioned case for fees for services rendered on 3/23/94 in the amount of $1,000. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Howard Zonana, M.D. the sum onf $1,000. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Lopez, B.) (Entered: 08/24/1994)

Aug. 24, 1994

Aug. 24, 1994


ORDER:In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in this case for services rendered on 3/23/94 and August 30,1994 in the amount of $1,562.50. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Gordon Kuster, M.D. the sum of $1,562.50. SO ORDERED. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 09/15/1994)

Sept. 14, 1994

Sept. 14, 1994


ORDER on Scheduling: The Monitoring Panel will next inspect the Connecticut Correctional Institution at Niantic on 11/14 and 11/15, 1994. By November 1, 1994, Counsel for the parties shall provide to each member of the Monitoring Panel a written list of issues which, in counsel's view, should be addressed during the panel's inspection or visit, and written comments concerning compliance or noncompliance with the consent judgment/ Courtesy copies of these lists should be provided to other counsel of record and to the settlement judge. By November 7, 1994, Jacqueline McMickens, as chair of the Monitoring Panel shall provide the Warden with an agenda for the panel's inspections and visits. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 10/17/1994)

Oct. 13, 1994

Oct. 13, 1994


ORDER: In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/88 and filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ordered that the State of Connecticut shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in this case for travelling expenses, in the amount of $164.00.. The State of Connecticut shall pay forthwith Gordon Kamka, the sum of 164.00. ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.) (Entered: 10/19/1994)

Oct. 18, 1994

Oct. 18, 1994


ORDER: In accordance w/ the monitoring provisions of the Consent Judgment dated 10/13/88 & filed 1/9/89, it is hereby ORDERED that the State of Conn. shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member in the above captioned case for fees for services rendered on Sept. 16, 1994, & Aug. 16, 1994 in the amount of $375.00. The State of Conn shall pay forthwith Richard Schottenfeld, M.D. the sum of $375.00 ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Lopez, B.) (Entered: 11/01/1994)

Nov. 1, 1994

Nov. 1, 1994


MOTION by John R. Manson, Marie Cerino, Mark Marcus to Extend Time until Noc. 10, 1994 in which to respond to the portion of the Court's Order that calls for the filing by the parties of a "written list of issues...& written comments concerning compliance or noncompliance w/ the Consent (Lopez, B.) (Entered: 11/01/1994)

Nov. 1, 1994

Nov. 1, 1994


OBJECTIONS by Valerie West, Passion Rayne West, Victoria Bellavita, Joann Parker, Donnielle Parker, Linda Shelton to [313-1] motion to Extend Time until Noc. 10, 1994 in which to respond to the portion of the Court's Order that calls for the filing by the parties of a "written list of issues...& written comments concerning compliance or noncompliance w/ the Consent by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson, [313-1] motion to Continue or extend the inspection of the Niantic Inst. by the Correctionsl Monitoring Panel on or after Dec. 1, 1994 by Mark Marcus, Marie Cerino, John R. Manson (Depino, F.) (Entered: 11/02/1994)

Nov. 2, 1994

Nov. 2, 1994


ENDORSEMENT denying [313-1] motion to Extend Time until Noc. 10, 1994 in which to respond to the portion of the Court's Order that calls for the filing by the parties of a "written list of issues...& written comments concerning compliance or noncompliance w/ the Consent, denying [313-1] motion to Continue or extend the inspection of the Niantic Inst. by the Correctionsl Monitoring Panel on or after Dec. 1, 1994 Defendants shall provide to each member of the monitoring panel a written list of issues which, in counsel's view, should be addressed during the panel's inspection or visit, and written comments concerning compliance or non-compliance with the Consent Judgment ( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Depino, F.)

Nov. 4, 1994

Nov. 4, 1994


ORDER, filed. In accordance with the monitoring provisions of the Consent Jmt dated Oct. 13, 1988 & filed . Jan. 9, 1989, it is hereby ordered that the State of CT shall reimburse the Court-appointed Monitoring Panel Member for fees for services rendered on Nov. 12, 1994 through Nov. 15, 1994, in the amt of $4,030.82. The State of CT shall pay forthwith Gordon C. Kamka the sum of $4,030.82.( signed by Mag. Judge Holly B. Fitzsimmons ) (Former Employee) (Entered: 11/28/1994)

Nov. 28, 1994

Nov. 28, 1994


Case Details

State / Territory: Connecticut

Case Type(s):

Prison Conditions

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: May 9, 1983

Case Ongoing: Yes


Plaintiff Description:

sue on behalf of all persons who are or All women who are or will be confined in Niantic, whether in pretrial or sentenced status.

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: Unknown

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Connecticut Department of Corrections, State

York Correctional Institution, State

Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

Constitutional Clause(s):

Due Process

Equal Protection

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Order Duration: 1987 - 0



Access to lawyers or judicial system



Sanitation / living conditions

Staff (number, training, qualifications, wages)

Totality of conditions

Discrimination Basis:

Sex discrimination

Affected Sex/Gender(s):


Jails, Prisons, Detention Centers, and Other Institutions:

Crowding (General)

Restraints (physical)

Suicide prevention (facilities)


Medical/Mental Health Care:

Medical care, general

Mental health care, general

Suicide prevention