MOTION by plaintiff Bomani A Tyehimba to file amended complaint ( no pgs: 3) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 12/13/2000)
Dec. 13, 2000
Dec. 13, 2000
NOTATION ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion to file amended complaint [12-1] (cc: all counsel) (km)
Dec. 18, 2000
Dec. 18, 2000
Dec. 18, 2000
Dec. 18, 2000
MOTION by plaintiff to consolidate cases ( no pgs: 4) (km) (kl). (Entered: 01/08/2001)
Jan. 5, 2001
Jan. 5, 2001
MOTION by plaintiff to extend discovery until motion to consolidate has been decided ( no pgs: 3) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 01/18/2001)
Jan. 17, 2001
Jan. 17, 2001
NOTATION ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion to extend discovery until motion to consolidate has been decided [14-1] (cc: all counsel) (vp)
Jan. 19, 2001
Jan. 19, 2001
Jan. 19, 2001
Jan. 19, 2001
MOTION by Cincinnati Metro Housing Authority to extend time to 2/7/01 in which to file memopp to pltfs motion to consolidate ( no pgs: 2) (km) (kl). (Entered: 01/25/2001)
Jan. 25, 2001
Jan. 25, 2001
NOTATION ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion by Cincinnati Metro Housing Authority to extend time to 2/7/01 in which to file memopp to pltfs motion to consolidate [15-1] (cc: all counsel) (km)
Jan. 26, 2001
Jan. 26, 2001
Jan. 26, 2001
Jan. 26, 2001
MOTION by defendant City of Cincinnati to extend time until 2/7/01 in which to file response to motion to consolidate ( no pgs: 2) (km) (kl). (Entered: 01/31/2001)
Jan. 30, 2001
Jan. 30, 2001
RESPONSE by Cincinnati Metro Housing Authority to motion to consolidate cases [13-1] ( no pgs: 19) (km) (kl). (Entered: 02/07/2001)
Feb. 7, 2001
Feb. 7, 2001
MEMORANDUM by defendant City of Cincinnati in opposition to pltfs motion to consolidate [13-1] ( no pgs: 10) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 02/09/2001)
Feb. 7, 2001
Feb. 7, 2001
NOTATION ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion to extend time until 2/7/01 in which to file response to motion to consolidate [16-1] (cc: all counsel) (vp)
Feb. 9, 2001
Feb. 9, 2001
Feb. 9, 2001
Feb. 9, 2001
MOTION by plaintiff Bomani A Tyehimba to extend time until March to file reply to defts memopp to motion to consolidate ( no pgs: 3) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 02/22/2001)
Feb. 16, 2001
Feb. 16, 2001
NOTATION ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion to extend time until March to file reply to defts memopp to motion to consolidate [19-1] (cc: all counsel) (vp)
Feb. 23, 2001
Feb. 23, 2001
Feb. 23, 2001
Feb. 23, 2001
MOTION by plaintiff to amend complaint ( no pgs: 24) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 03/14/2001)
March 14, 2001
March 14, 2001
NOTICE/Proposed joint litigation plant and reqeust for status conference by plaintiff ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 03/14/2001)
March 14, 2001
March 14, 2001
MOTION by plaintiff to certify class action ( no pgs: 14) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 03/14/2001)
March 14, 2001
March 14, 2001
MOTION by plaintiff for preliminary injunction ( no pgs: 28) (vp) (Entered: 03/14/2001)
March 14, 2001
March 14, 2001
NOTICE of hearing ; Status conference set for 10:00 3/21/01 before J Dlott (cc: all counsel) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 03/15/2001)
March 15, 2001
March 15, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott that discovery and motion practice be stayed until further notice ; Status conference set 5:00 4/11/01 ; trial date of 7/1/01 for 99-227 is vacated (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 03/22/2001)
March 22, 2001
March 22, 2001
ORDER APPOINTING SPECIAL MASTER RE COLLABORATIVE PROCEDURE by Judge Susan J. Dlott; the court hereby provisionally appoints Jay Rothman, President, ARIA Group, Yellow Springs, OH as a Special Master; the powers of Special Master shall be limited only to those necessary to carry out the duties imposed on him as the mgr of the collaborative process as set out in paragraphs 1-7 of the proposed order establishing collaborative procedure; parties shall present the proposed order establishing collaborative procedure to the court for entry NLT 5/3/01 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (km) (kl). (Entered: 04/26/2001)
April 26, 2001
April 26, 2001
ORDER ESTABLISHING COLLABORATIVE PROCEDURE by Judge Susan J. Dlott; (1) the court hereby orders a pretrial collaborative of the social conflicts alleged in pltfs proposed amended complaint; (2) the court shall retain the svcs of Jay Rothman and the ARIA Group Inc to manage the collaborative procedure; the collaborative shall proceed in accordance with guidelines set forth in this order; parties shall, with the approval of the court develop a protocol for the collaborative operation of an expert panel of police experts by 5/25/01; pursuant to orders of this court the pltf and proposed pltfs and the City shall pay the fees and expenses of the ARIA Group, the expert panel and any other substantial expenses incurred in the collaborative; an escrow acct shall be established at Firstar Bank w/approval of court for that purpose; no costs in excess of $200,000 will be approved until further order of court; the ARIA Group will submit a progress rpt to the court and parties on 5/25/01 and every 30 days thereafter; all litigation in this case and the following cases are tolled until further order of court: C-1-99-1063*; C-1-99-1064*; C-1-99-494; C-1-00-267; C-1-00-434; C-1-99-227; C-1-01-233; and Lash Simpson v Thomas Streicher (re force on 4/14/01; to be refiled federal court) (*C-1-99-1063 and C-1-99-1064 are tolled subject to agreement by CMHA counsel); concurrent with the collaborative procedure and subject to a protocol that will permit limited discovery necessary to the individual claims the parties agree to make a good faith efford to confidentially mediate the disputes in these cases; all settlements achieved shall be avail to the public; if settlement is not achieved the parties may move to return the case to the litigation docket (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 8) (km) (Entered: 05/03/2001)
May 3, 2001
May 3, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott re Collaborative Escrow Fund: until further order of the court it is ordered that: (1) all monies rcvd fm the parties under the collaborative order in the above action shall be promptly deposited in the collaborative escrow fund; (2) pursuant to the terms of the collaborative order the pltfs shall deposit $100,000.00 and the City of Cinti shall deposit $100,000.00 NLT 5/25/01 into the collaborative escrow fund; all addtl monies that may be paid to cover fees and expenses shall be deposited first into the collaborative escrow fund and disbursed as directed by the court; (3) all monies rcvd by Firstar Bank as escrow agent shall as soon as possible be invested at current market rates in certificates of deposit money market funds or U S Treasury bills and Firstar Bank shall collect and reinvest interested; (4) aside fm the collection of its fees no funds shall be released fm the escrow acct except upon order of the court (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 3) (km) (kl). (Entered: 05/07/2001)
May 7, 2001
May 7, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of Special Master from the escrow acct on 6/15/01 in the amount of $30,892.61 for expenses incurred plus an additional $27,500 to cover the rest of the projected expenses for the month of June; special master to file on 6/25/01 and serve to parties an acct disbursements of sums as measured against the budget approved for collaborative; (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 06/12/2001)
June 12, 2001
June 12, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott approving budget for collaborative; Jay Rothman to report to Court by 6/22/01 the progress of fundraising efforts (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 06/12/2001)
June 12, 2001
June 12, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott of police practices and model programs research group protocol(cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 4+) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 06/22/2001)
June 22, 2001
June 22, 2001
STATEMENT/REPORT by parties re fundraising for the collarborative at courts request ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (kl). (Entered: 06/25/2001)
June 22, 2001
June 22, 2001
ORDER AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SPECIAL MASTER by Judge Susan J. Dlott: the Special Master may draw $67,000 fm the Firstar escrow acct on 7/1/01 to cover project expenses for the month of July; on 7/25/01 the Special Master shall file with the court and serve on the parties an accounting of disbursements of these sums measured against the budget approved for the collaborative (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (km) (kl). (Entered: 07/06/2001)
July 6, 2001
July 6, 2001
MOTION by Cinti Metropolitan Housing of intent not to mediate and for order to set aside orderr re collaborative procedure and to issue scheduling order pertaining to discovery and dispositive motion ddls in Shaw and Johnson cases ( no pgs: 3+) (vp) (Entered: 07/10/2001)
July 9, 2001
July 9, 2001
STATEMENT/REPORT by parties on fundraising for collaborative 7/11/01 per court order ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 07/12/2001)
July 11, 2001
July 11, 2001
NOTICE by plaintiff of change of address of ACLU ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 07/20/2001)
July 19, 2001
July 19, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 07/26/2001)
July 26, 2001
July 26, 2001
MOTION by defendant City of Cincinnati to enforce the 5/3/01 order establishing collaborative procedures ( no pgs: 8+) (vp) (Entered: 08/02/2001)
Aug. 1, 2001
Aug. 1, 2001
NOTICE by defendant City of Cincinnati of withdrawal of motion to enforce the 5/3/01 order establishing collaborative procedures [38-1] ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 08/16/2001)
Aug. 16, 2001
Aug. 16, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master; special master permittted to w/draw $20,000 from escrow acct on 9/1/01 to cover expenses for month of September; on 9/25/01 the special master shall file with the court and serve on parties an accounting of disbursements of sums measured against the budget approved for the collaborative (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 3) (vp) (Entered: 08/28/2001)
Aug. 28, 2001
Aug. 28, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment for Special Master to be paid through escrow acct (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 10/01/2001)
Oct. 1, 2001
Oct. 1, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master; special master may w/draw $73,000 from escrow acct on 10/29/01; special master to file with court and serve on parties an accounting of disbursements of sums as measured against the approved budget for collaborative (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 10/30/2001)
Oct. 30, 2001
Oct. 30, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master; special master shall file with court and serve on parties an acct of disbursements of sums measured against the budget approved for the collaborative (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 11/28/2001)
Nov. 28, 2001
Nov. 28, 2001
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master; special master may w/draw $30,000 from escrow acct on 1/1/02; on 1/25/02 special master shall file with court an acct disbursemtns of sums measured against approved budget for the collaborative (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 01/02/2002)
Jan. 2, 2002
Jan. 2, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master in the amount of $8500 from escrow acct; special master to file with court on 2/25/02 an accounting of disbursements of sums measured against the budget (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 02/05/2002)
Feb. 5, 2002
Feb. 5, 2002
SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott re negotiations pursuant to Order Establishing Collaborative Procedure [27-1]; the following schedule is established to accommodate all of the interests of the parties while ensuring that the collaborative process will either be concluded in a timely fashion or terminated so that the parties can return to a litigation schedule: (1) by 2/19/02 parties will conclude initial negotiations on the First Collaborative Goal; the special master will report to the court at that time whether there is sufficient progress to proceed further; (2) by 2/27/02 the attys will conclude initial discussions on the structure of the agreement (Mutual Accountability Plan (MAP)); the special master will report to the court at that time whether there is sufficient progress to proceed further (3) comprehensive negotiations are set for 3/13 3/14 and 3/15/02; negotiations among the attys will conclude by 3/18/02 and if possible they will present a draft for approval to respective parties; if no draft is achieved by 3/18/02 the special master shall so report to the court and may recommend a return of the case to the litigation calendar; (4) by 4/5/02 the attys will secure approval or rejection of the agreement from the parties; if addtl time is needed the parties can apply to the court for extension of deadline; by 4/5/02 if the parties approve the agreement the parties shall file a joint motion for approval of resolution; thereafter the court shall set a schedule for court approval of the agreement (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 4) (km) Modified on 02/11/2002 (Entered: 02/11/2002)
Feb. 8, 2002
Feb. 8, 2002
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott that this order shall govern the parties during negotiations under the order establishing collaborataive procedure (Doc. 27); all drafts of settlement including correspondence shall be deemed confidential; the term parties shall include Bomani Tyehimba and the leadership of CBUF; ACLU; City of Cincinnati and Police Dept and the FOP; any dispute re matters of Proto shall be resolved by USDC; the term counsel is to include attys of record; attys for parites who are actively engaged in conduct of litigation and shall include Jay Rothman and employees of Aria Group; order shall be efrective nunc pro tunch to 1/31/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 3) (vp) (Entered: 02/19/2002)
Feb. 19, 2002
Feb. 19, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott ; Status conference set for 2:00 2/25/02 re issue of settlement negotiations (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 02/22/2002)
Feb. 22, 2002
Feb. 22, 2002
ORDER/STATUS REPORT by Judge Susan J. Dlott ; Status conference held 2:00 2/25/02 ; parties are in agreement to continue settlement negotiatios and follow the scheduling order of 2/8/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 4) (vp) (Entered: 02/26/2002)
Feb. 25, 2002
Feb. 25, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing payment of special master in the amount of $20,000 from the escrow acct of 3/1/01; on 3/25/02 the Special Master shall file with the Court and serve on parties an acct of disbursements of sums measured against budget (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 02/28/2002)
Feb. 28, 2002
Feb. 28, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott Case referred to Mag. Judge Michael Merz as special master for purposes of completing negotiations by orders 27 and 46 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) Modified on 03/25/2002 (Entered: 03/25/2002)
March 25, 2002
March 25, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott on joint oral motion of parties that the protective order of 2/19/02 (Doc. 47) shall not apply to final draft of Collaborative Agreement, the text of which has been agreed upon by the negotiators for the parties which may be made public at but not before 2:00 PM on 4/3/02; ddls for attys to secure approval or rejection of Collaborative Agreement from parties set by 2/8/02 order (Doc 46) is extended to and including 4/9/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 04/03/2002)
April 3, 2002
April 3, 2002
JOINT MOTION by parties to provisionally certify settlement class; approve collaborative agreement and authorize class ntc no pgs: 3+) (vp) (Entered: 04/22/2002)
April 19, 2002
April 19, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting motion to provisionally certify settlement class; approve collaborative agreement and authorize class ntc [53-1] the City of Cincinnati is ordered to publish the class ntc in the Cincinnati Enquirer; the Cincinnati Post and the Cincinnati Herald for three consecutive weeks, once each week beginning 4/22/02; ntc is to include the folloowing schedule; objections to proposed settlement filed ddl 5/24/02; response to objections ddl 5/31/02 and In-court Fairness hearing set 10:00 6/6/02 ; any class may appear in person or be counsel to be heard in support of or in opposition to fairness of settlement provided that such class member has by 5/31/02 filed with the Clerk of Court a ntc of his or her intention to appear together with a stmt indicating the basis for position on the fairness of the settlement and served copies either in person or by mail of that stmt and any related documentation filed with the clerk upon all counsel in this case; the court grants motion to amend complaint filed 3/14/01; svc of amended complaint is waived by defts; matters filed in this action shall be captioned In Re Cincinnati Policing; Urban League of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Chapter of the NAACP are permitted to join as class reps no later than 5/13/02; Scott Greenwood; Kenneth Lawson and Alphone Gerhardstein are appointed as class counsel (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 7) (vp) (Entered: 04/22/2002)
April 19, 2002
April 19, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott approving Special Master to w/draw $35,000.70 from the escrow acct on 4/22/02; no further disbursements are expected (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 04/29/2002)
April 29, 2002
April 29, 2002
NOTICE of hearing ; Status conference set for 2:00 5/28/02 before J Dlott (cc: all counsel) (vp) (Entered: 05/20/2002)
May 20, 2002
May 20, 2002
LETTER to court from Executive Board of Salvation Army supporting Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/28/2002)
May 24, 2002
May 24, 2002
LETTER to court from Executive Board of United church of C hrist Assembly of Greater C incinnati Norhter KY supporting Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/28/2002)
May 24, 2002
May 24, 2002
LETTER to court from Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/28/2002)
May 28, 2002
May 28, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott authorizing ARIA Group Inc to w/draw all emaining funds in collaborative escrow acct (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/28/2002)
May 28, 2002
May 28, 2002
LETTER to court from Vicki Mihiou President of Unitarian Universalist Council of Greater Cincinnati in support of the Collaborative Process ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/29/2002)
May 29, 2002
May 29, 2002
LETTER to court from Cincinnati Quakers concerned for peace and society supporting Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/29/2002)
May 29, 2002
May 29, 2002
LETTER to court from Sister Marie C Tarpy; Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur supporting the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/29/2002)
May 29, 2002
May 29, 2002
LETTER to court from The Rev C Roland Marcus Moderator of Miami Baptist Association in support of the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/29/2002)
May 29, 2002
May 29, 2002
LETTER to court from Rev Eugene Godhigh Vice President of Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance supporting the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/30/2002)
May 30, 2002
May 30, 2002
LETTER to court from Alana Roush Moderator Presbytery of Cincinnati supporting the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/30/2002)
May 30, 2002
May 30, 2002
LETTER to court from Rev Dr Taylor T Thompson Faith Community Alliance of Greater Cincinnati supporting the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 05/30/2002)
May 30, 2002
May 30, 2002
LETTER to court from Rev Eugene Godhigh VP of Interdemonaational Ministerial Alliance in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to courtfrom Sr Joan Krimm President of Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cininnati in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to court from Sister Elizabeth Bowyer Province Administrator of Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to court from Dr Calvin Harper President of Baptist ministers Conf of Cincinnati and Vicinity in support of collaborative agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to court from Rt Rev Herbert Thompson Jr Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Souther Ohio in support of the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to court from Rev Gregory D Stover Superintendent of Cincinnati District West Ohio Conference of United Methodist Church in support of the Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
LETTER to court from Pastor Thomas E Barnes Moderator of Tri-State Disciples The Christian Church in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
NOTICE to Court by Nathaniel Livingston Jr of intent to appear at Fairness Hearing ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
May 31, 2002
May 31, 2002
NOTICE to Court from Monica R Wiliams; Coalition for Just Cincinnati; of intent to appear ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
June 2, 2002
June 2, 2002
LETTER to court from Ilyas Nashid Resident Imam of Cincinnati Islamic Center in support of Collabortive Agreemenet ( no pgs: 2) (vp) (Entered: 06/03/2002)
June 3, 2002
June 3, 2002
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings filed by Court Reporters Julie A Wolfer and Mary Ann Ranz Official Court Reporters and Barbara Moss on fairness hearing held before J Dlott on 6/6/02; 351 pages (vp) Modified on 06/07/2002 (Entered: 06/07/2002)
June 6, 2002
June 6, 2002
CIVIL MINUTES: Proceeding before Judge Susan J. Dlott ; In-court hearing on class certification and fairness held 10:00 6/6/02 ; argument of counsel; testimony presented by parties; matter taken under submission; Julie Wolfer and Mary Ann Ranz Official Court Reporters and Barbara Moss State Court Reporter (counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/07/2002)
June 6, 2002
June 6, 2002
LETTER to court from Monica R Williams with the Coalition for a Just Cincinnati re Fairness Hearing on Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 6) (vp) (Entered: 06/07/2002)
June 6, 2002
June 6, 2002
Fairness Hearing BRIEF of Coalition for Just Cincinnati re concerns and proposed modification for City-DOJ agreement and for Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 8) (vp) (Entered: 06/07/2002)
June 6, 2002
June 6, 2002
LETTER to court from Michael Fisher and Harry Whipple Presidend and Chairman of Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce in support of Collaborative Agreement ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 06/13/2002)
June 12, 2002
June 12, 2002
NOTICE of hearing ; In-court/Fairness hearing set for 1:00 7/18/02 before J Dlott in Room 842 (cc: all counsel) (vp) (Entered: 06/17/2002)
June 14, 2002
June 14, 2002
JOINT STATUS REPORT filed by parties re status of the issue of legal fees for class counsel; the parties understand that $375,000 in private funds and pledges will be deposited into an escrow acct that has been established for this purpose at U.S. Bank on or about 8/1/02; pltfs counsel will acknowledge constructive receipt of the $375,000 when that sum is deposited; as addtl monies become available they shall be directed to the escrow acct and shall be disbursed to pltfs counsel; the parties confirm that the fees and expenses sought by pltfs counsel is $600,000; the parties agree to report to the court by 2/3/02 as to the status of the fee issue ( no pgs: 3) (km) (Entered: 07/16/2002)
July 16, 2002
July 16, 2002
NOTICE of hearing ; In-court/fairness hearing set for 7/18/02 at 1:00 before J Dlott is vacated (cc: all counsel) (vp) (Entered: 07/16/2002)
July 16, 2002
July 16, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott that the faiarness hrg that began on 6/6/02 is concluded; the court takes under submission the joint motion by parties for class certification and approval of their settlement of class claims [53-1] (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 07/18/2002)
July 18, 2002
July 18, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott ; Status/Scheduling conference held 3:30 7/18/02 ; granting in part and denying in part motion to consolidate cases [13-1] Case consolidated lead case 1:99-cv-3170 with member cases 1:99-cv-317 for pretrial purposes only; denying motion for preliminary injunction [23-1] as moot, denying motion for order to set aside order re collaborative procedure and to issue scheduling order pertaining to discovery and dispositive motion ddls Shaw and Johnson cases [34-1] as moot (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 5) (km) (Entered: 07/24/2002)
July 24, 2002
July 24, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott granting joint motion to certify class action [22-1] and approving the Collaborative Agreement as settlement of the class claims asserted in this lawsuit (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 16) (km) (Entered: 08/05/2002)
Aug. 5, 2002
Aug. 5, 2002
ORDER OF REFERENCE by Judge Susan J. Dlott: Case referred to Mag. Judge Michael Merz to serve as special master in this case with the title "Conciliator" as provided in the Collaborative Agreement (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (km) (Entered: 08/23/2002)
Aug. 23, 2002
Aug. 23, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott extending ddl for selecting Monitor until 9/27/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 09/12/2002)
Sept. 12, 2002
Sept. 12, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott: extending the deadline for parties to select a Monitor pursuant to the terms of the Collaborative Agreement until 10/11/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (km) (Entered: 09/27/2002)
Sept. 27, 2002
Sept. 27, 2002
NOTICE of hearing ; Status conference set for 10:00 10/10/02 beforfe J Dlott in Room 829 (cc: all counsel) (vp) (Entered: 10/07/2002)
Oct. 4, 2002
Oct. 4, 2002
AGREED ORDER INTERPRETING COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT by Judge Susan J. Dlott: the parties agree that the date for "court approval" and date of "fairness hearing" shall be 8/5/02, which is the date that the court approved the Collaborative Agreement (doc. 91); all deadlines in the Collaborative Agreement that are based on the date of the "court approval" or the date of the "fairness hearing" shall run from the date of 8/5/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (km) (Entered: 10/04/2002)
Oct. 4, 2002
Oct. 4, 2002
NOTICE of hearing ; In-Court Press Conference set for 10:30 10/10/02 Room 917 before J Dlott ; Cameras and recording devices will be permitted (cc: all counsel) (km) (Entered: 10/09/2002)
Oct. 9, 2002
Oct. 9, 2002
ATTORNEY APPEARANCE for class plaintiffs by Jennifer Lynn Branch ( no pgs: 2) (km) (Entered: 10/24/2002)
Oct. 23, 2002
Oct. 23, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott (ENTERED NUNC PRO TUNC AS OF 10/10/02): the Court hereby orders that Alan Kalmanoff Ph D of the Institute of Law and Policy Planning be appointed the Monitor of the Collaborative Agreement and the Memorandum of Agreement (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 2) (km) (Entered: 10/25/2002)
Oct. 25, 2002
Oct. 25, 2002
ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott to furnish Magistrate Judge with copies; each party filing a document with the clerk shall send a copy to MJ Merz; Clerk shall promplty furnish the MJ with a copy of each order filed in case (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (vp) (Entered: 11/13/2002)
Nov. 13, 2002
Nov. 13, 2002
Stipulation and ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott in re: collaborative escrow fund : (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 3) (wam) (Entered: 12/18/2002)
Dec. 17, 2002
Dec. 17, 2002
PROTECTIVE ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott that the parties are to comply with conditions set forth in the collaborative agreement regarding confidentiality of agreement : (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (wam) (Entered: 12/18/2002)
Dec. 17, 2002
Dec. 17, 2002
AGREED ORDER by Judge Susan J. Dlott appointing Saul Green as monitor for the collaborative agreement;the monitor is to comply with the guidelines set forth 6/10/02 (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 4) (wam) (Entered: 12/18/2002)
Dec. 17, 2002
Dec. 17, 2002
ORDER REGARDING MASTERS by Judge Susan J. Dlott: pursuant to this Court's Order Appointing Monitor entered 12/17/02 and FRCP 53 the following individuals are appointed as Special Masters for the purpose of assisting the Court and the parties in this action: Saul Green; Richard Jerome; Joseph Brann; Robert Wassermann; Rana Sampson; Nancy McPherson; Tim Boyle; Michael Berkow; David McDonald; John Williams; Kristina Maritczek (cc: all counsel) ( no pgs: 1) (km) (Entered: 12/27/2002)
Dec. 27, 2002
Dec. 27, 2002