Case: United States v. Board of Education Consolidated High School District 230

1:88-cv-03113 | U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

Filed Date: April 12, 1988

Closed Date: Jan. 29, 1993

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

The United States filed a lawsuit under Title VII against the Board of Education of Consolidated High School District 230 of Palos Hills, Illinois in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The United States alleged that the school district engaged in sex discrimination against its pregnant teachers. Specifically, the United States contended that the school district's maternity leave and sick leave policies discriminated against pregnant teachers. The United States sough…

The United States filed a lawsuit under Title VII against the Board of Education of Consolidated High School District 230 of Palos Hills, Illinois in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The United States alleged that the school district engaged in sex discrimination against its pregnant teachers. Specifically, the United States contended that the school district's maternity leave and sick leave policies discriminated against pregnant teachers. The United States sought injunctive and remedial relief.

The United States challenged defendant's maternity leave policy, which prohibited pregnant teachers from taking paid sick leave in conjunction with unpaid maternity leave. It claimed this policy discriminated against pregnant teachers because teachers could take paid sick leave with other types of unpaid leave. The United States also alleged that the sick leave bank policy discriminated against pregnant teachers. The sick leave bank provided additional paid sick leave days for teachers who had exhausted their accumulated paid sick leave due to a "prolonged and extended catastrophic illness." However, a pregnant teacher was unable to receive these sick leave bank benefits since pregnancy was excluded from this leave bank provision.

On September 6, 1990, the district court (Judge Leinenweber) ruled that defendant's maternity leave policy did not violate Title VII but that the sick leave bank policy, by excluding pregnancy, discriminated against pregnant teachers. The court awarded monetary damages to two female teachers who had been denied the opportunity to use the sick leave bank while they were pregnant. The United States appealed the district court's ruling on defendant's maternity leave policy, while defendant cross-appealed the district court's ruling that the sick leave bank policy discriminated against pregnant teachers.

On January 7, 1993 United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit (Judge Daniel A. Manion) upheld the district court's decision that (1) defendant's maternity leave policy was not discriminatory and (2) defendant's sick leave policy was discriminatory in violation of Title VII. The docket ends on January 29, 1993 with the entry of a certified copy of the circuit court's decision.

We have no further information on this case.

Summary Authors

Dana Schwarz (11/20/2007)


Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant

Baron, Diane M. (Illinois)

Bourey, Jeanette Marie (Illinois)

Casey, Jane Clark (Illinois)

Condon, Susan (Illinois)

Ferrini, James T. (Illinois)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket (PACER)

US et al. v Board of Education District 230

Jan. 29, 1993

Jan. 29, 1993



Memorandum Opinion and Order

United States v. Board of Education District 230

June 27, 1990

June 27, 1990


761 F.Supp. 519


Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law

U.S. v Board of Education of the Consolidated School District 230

Sept. 6, 1990

Sept. 6, 1990


761 F.Supp. 524



U.S. v. Board of Education of the Consolidated High School District 230

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Jan. 7, 1993

Jan. 7, 1993


983 F.2d 790


Last updated Feb. 13, 2025, 8:07 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

MINUTE ORDER of 9/21/90 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : ; Status hearing held and continued to 11/02/90 at 9:00 a.m. Parties to file written report regarding the matter of individual relief. notice mailed (fce) (Entered: 09/24/1990)

Sept. 21, 1990

Sept. 21, 1990


MINUTE ORDER of 10/10/90 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : ; Status hearing set for 11/02/90 is reset to 11/01/90 at 9:00 am. Notice mailed (fce) (Entered: 10/11/1990)

Oct. 10, 1990

Oct. 10, 1990


MINUTE ORDER of 11/1/90 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : Status hearing held and continued to 12/04/90 at 9:00 am Notice not mailed (fce) (Entered: 11/02/1990)

Nov. 1, 1990

Nov. 1, 1990


MINUTE ORDER of 12/4/90 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : Status hearing held; Continued to 01/03/91 at 9:00 am. Notice not mailed. (fce) (Entered: 12/05/1990)

Dec. 4, 1990

Dec. 4, 1990


MOTION by USA for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law (Attachments) ; notice of motion. (fce) (Entered: 01/04/1991)

Jan. 3, 1991

Jan. 3, 1991


MEMORANDUM by USA in support of motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law (Attachments) [155- 1] (fce) (Entered: 01/04/1991)

Jan. 3, 1991

Jan. 3, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 1/3/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber :Defendants' response to plaintiff' motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law (Attachments) [155-1] to be filed by 01/24/91. Plaintiff's reply brief due by 01/31/91. The court will rule orally on 02/21/91 at 9:00 am. Status hearing held. Notice mailed 01/04/91. (fce) (Entered: 01/04/1991)

Jan. 3, 1991

Jan. 3, 1991


RESPONSE by Board Of Education C to motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law [155-1] (Exhibits); Notice of filing. (fce) (Entered: 01/22/1991)

Jan. 18, 1991

Jan. 18, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 1/25/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law (Attachments) [155-1] ruling set on 02/21/91 reset to 3/8/91 at 9:00 am. Notice mailed 01/28/91. (fce) (Entered: 01/28/1991)

Jan. 25, 1991

Jan. 25, 1991


RESPONSE by Consolidated High Sc to motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law [155-1]; Notice of filing. (fce) (Entered: 01/30/1991)

Jan. 29, 1991

Jan. 29, 1991


REPLY by USA to response to motion for relief pursuant to the court's findings of facts and conclusions of law [155-1] (Exhibits). (fce) (Entered: 01/31/1991)

Jan. 30, 1991

Jan. 30, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 3/8/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber :For the reasons stated in open court, the court declines to issue an injunction. The Court will award prejudgment interest at the rate available as of the date of this order. The United States' is directed to prepare a judgment order on behalf of Susan Hubbard and Lori Pedrigi. Notice mailed. (lal) (Entered: 03/11/1991)

March 8, 1991

March 8, 1991


LETTER from plaintiff to James W. Cheek dated 03/11/91. (fce) (Entered: 03/19/1991)

March 14, 1991

March 14, 1991


ORDER (fce) (Entered: 03/27/1991)

March 26, 1991

March 26, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 3/26/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : Judgment is entered as follows: Enter final judgment in favor of Susan Hubbard and against the School District in the total amount of $3,557.91. Final judgment is entered in favor of Lori Pedrigi and against the School District 230 in the total amount of $1,865.25. terminating case (For further detail seee order attached to the original minute order form.) Notice mailed 03/27/91. (fce) (Entered: 03/27/1991)

March 26, 1991

March 26, 1991


LETTER from plaintiff to Clerk dated 03/22/91 (Attachments). (fce) (Entered: 03/29/1991)

March 28, 1991

March 28, 1991


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following date(s): 03/08/91 Before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber (fce) (Entered: 05/22/1991)

May 21, 1991

May 21, 1991


STIPULATION to substitute copies of the United States' trial exhibits 9, 10, and 11 (Attachment) (fce) (Entered: 05/23/1991)

May 22, 1991

May 22, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 5/22/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : granting stipulation to substitute copies of the United States' trial exhibits 9, 10, and 11 [168-1] Notice mailed 05/23/91. (fce) (Entered: 05/23/1991)

May 22, 1991

May 22, 1991


NOTICE OF APPEAL by plaintiff USA from Scheduling order terminating case [165-1], from minute order [165-2], from order [164- 1], from minute order [162-1] ( NO FEE PAID USA) (pmp) (Entered: 05/24/1991)

May 24, 1991

May 24, 1991


Appellant's Circuit rule 3(c) lette, regarding Jurisdictional Statement. (pmp) (Entered: 05/24/1991)

May 24, 1991

May 24, 1991

TRANSMITTED 05/28/91: Short record on appeal to the USCA for the 7th Circuit consisting of transmittal letter, file stamped copy of notice of appeal, Circuit info sheet, copy of order appealed, (Items #162, #164 and #165) copy of docket entries incl, (pmp) (Entered: 05/24/1991)

May 24, 1991

May 24, 1991

MAILED 05/28/91: To all counsel of record copy of Notice of Appeal, Circuit Rule 10 letter, with copy of docket entries and 7th Circuit Transcripts Information Sheet to: Barbara E. Thawley.. (pmp) (Entered: 05/24/1991)

May 24, 1991

May 24, 1991

Forwarded 05/28/91: Copy of notice of appeal and letter regarding F.R.A.P. 3(d) to Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber . (pmp) (Entered: 05/24/1991)

May 24, 1991

May 24, 1991


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of receipt of short record on appeal USCA 91-2200 (Attachment) (fce) Modified on 06/07/1991 (Entered: 06/07/1991)

May 30, 1991

May 30, 1991



May 31, 1991

May 31, 1991


REQUEST by plaintiff to supplement the record on appeal to the seventh circuit. (fce) (Entered: 06/06/1991)

May 31, 1991

May 31, 1991


STIPULATION to substitute copies of the United States' trial exhibits 9, 10 and 11 (Exhibits) (fce) (Entered: 06/05/1991)

June 3, 1991

June 3, 1991


NOTICE of filing by plaintiff USA regarding stipulation [172-1] (fce) (Entered: 06/05/1991)

June 3, 1991

June 3, 1991


EXHIBIT (fce) (Entered: 06/05/1991)

June 3, 1991

June 3, 1991


MINUTE ORDER of 6/4/91 before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber : Parties granted leave to substitute United States' exhibits 9, 10 and 11 for the missing originals. [172-1] Notice mailed 06/05/91. (fce) (Entered: 06/05/1991)

June 4, 1991

June 4, 1991


NOTICE OF APPEAL by defendant Board Of Education C from orders dated 09/06/90 and 03/26/91 ( $105.00 PAID) (NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL) (pmp) Modified on 06/07/1991 (Entered: 06/07/1991)

June 6, 1991

June 6, 1991


JURISDICTIONAL STATEMENT filed by appellant's attorney Imelda Terrazino. (pmp) (Entered: 06/07/1991)

June 6, 1991

June 6, 1991

TRANSMITTED 06/10/91: Short record on appeal to the USCA for the 7th Circuit consisting of transmittal letter, file stamped copy of notice of appeal, Circuit info sheet, copy of order appealed, (Items #149, #150, #164 and #165) also Original Jurisdictional Statement copy of docket entries incl, (pmp) (Entered: 06/07/1991)

June 7, 1991

June 7, 1991

MAILED 06/10/91: To all counsel of record copy of Notice of Appeal, Circuit rule 10 letter, with copy of docket entries and 7th Circuit Transcripts Information Sheet to: Imelda Terrazino. (pmp) (Entered: 06/07/1991)

June 7, 1991

June 7, 1991

Forwarded 06/10/91: Copy of notice of appeal and letter regarding F.R.A.P. 3(d) and copy of Jurisdictional Statement to Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber . (pmp) (Entered: 06/07/1991)

June 7, 1991

June 7, 1991



June 7, 1991

June 7, 1991


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of receipt of short record on appeal USCA 91-2315 (Attachment) (fce) (Entered: 06/13/1991)

June 12, 1991

June 12, 1991

TRANSMITTED 06/20/91 complete record on appeal to USCA for the 7th Circuit consisting of transmittal letter, certificate,,with Seven Volumes of Pleadings, Two Volumes of Transcripts of Proceedings (Item #92, #167) also Three Volumes of Loose Pleadings (Items #102-l and #102-2 and #107-1) also Two Volumes of Exhibits (Items #104-1,2 and #177 One Box), filed under separate certificates. (91-2315) (pmp) (Entered: 06/20/1991)

June 20, 1991

June 20, 1991

MAILED 06/20/91: To all counsel of record: copies of transmittal letter, list of documents and certificates. (pmp) (Entered: 06/20/1991)

June 20, 1991

June 20, 1991


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following date(s): 07/23/90, 07/24/90, 07/25/90, 07/26/90 and 08/31/90 Before Honorable Harry D. Leinenweber (Six volumes: 184-1 through 184-6). (fce) (Entered: 07/02/1991)

July 1, 1991

July 1, 1991

TRANSMITTED supplemental record on appeal consisting of six volumes of transcripts (184-1 through 184-6) (fce) (Entered: 07/08/1991)

July 8, 1991

July 8, 1991

MAILED to all counsel of record copies of transmittal letter and supplemental certificates (fce) (Entered: 07/08/1991)

July 8, 1991

July 8, 1991


LETTER from the USCA for the 7th Circuit Court returning the complete record on appeal, regarding appeals [170-1], [180-1] consisting of: 7 volumes of pleadings, 3 loose pleadings, 15 volumes of transcripts and 7 volumes of exhibits. (91-2200 & 91-2315) (fce) (Entered: 02/01/1993)

Jan. 29, 1993

Jan. 29, 1993


OPINION from the USCA for the 7th Circuit argued 05/22/92 ; decided 01/07/93. appeals [170-1], [180-1] (fce) (Entered: 02/01/1993)

Jan. 29, 1993

Jan. 29, 1993


CERTIFIED COPY of order from the USCA for the 7th Circuit entered 01/07/93: It is ordered and adjudged by this court that the judgments of the district court are affirmed, with costs, in accordance with the decision of this court entered this date. [170-1], [180-1] (91-2200 & 91- 2315) (fce) (Entered: 02/01/1993)

Jan. 29, 1993

Jan. 29, 1993

Case Details

State / Territory: Illinois

Case Type(s):

Equal Employment

Key Dates

Filing Date: April 12, 1988

Closing Date: Jan. 29, 1993

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

The United States on behalf of pregnant teachers

Plaintiff Type(s):

U.S. Dept of Justice plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:

U.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


Board of Education Consolidated High School District 230 (Chicago), School District

Defendant Type(s):

Elementary/Secondary School

Case Details

Causes of Action:

Title VII (including PDA), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Mixed

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Source of Relief:

