Case: Grutter v. Bollinger

2:97-cv-75928 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

Filed Date: Dec. 3, 1997

Closed Date: 2004

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On Dec. 3, 1997, an applicant to the University of Michigan Law School brought this class action in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the University of Michigan Law School. The plaintiff, represented by private counsel, claimed that, in denying her admission, the school discriminated against her on the basis of her race, and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. She claimed that the school used the race of its appli…

On Dec. 3, 1997, an applicant to the University of Michigan Law School brought this class action in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the University of Michigan Law School. The plaintiff, represented by private counsel, claimed that, in denying her admission, the school discriminated against her on the basis of her race, and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. She claimed that the school used the race of its applicants not merely as a plus factor in determining admission, but as one of the predominant factors. Moreover, she claimed, the school had no compelling interest to justify their use of race in the admissions process, nor did they ever employ any race-neutral alternatives. She sought declaratory and injunctive relief. On Jan. 7, 1999, the Court (Judge Bernard A. Friedman) certified the class.

In March 2001, after a bench trial, Judge Friedman ruled for Grutter and determined that the law school's admissions policy was unconstitutional. By using race to ensure the enrollment of a certain minimum percentage of underrepresented minorities, the court held, the law school had "made the current admissions policy practically indistinguishable from a[n unconstitutional] quota system." 137 F. Supp. 2d 821. The district court also concluded that the achievement of racial diversity is not a compelling state interest.

The law school appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, which heard the appeal en banc. On May 14, 2002, the court (Chief Judge Boyce F. Martin, Jr. wrote the majority opinion) reversed the district court. The court held (1) that the Supreme Court had established in Bakke that achieving a diverse student body was a compelling interest, and (2) that the school's policy was narrowly tailored to achieve that interest. 288 F.3d 732.

Grutter petitioned for a writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court, which granted it in December 2002. On June 23, 2003, the Court affirmed the 6th Circuit decision, and held that the law school's desire to obtain a "critical mass" of underrepresented minority students counted as a narrowly tailored use of race in its admissions process. Moreover, the Court held, the school's use of race furthered its compelling interest in "obtaining the educational benefits that flow from a diverse student body." Because the law school engaged in a highly individualized, holistic review of each applicant, giving serious consideration to all the ways the applicant might contribute to a diverse educational environment, it ensured that all factors that could contribute to diversity were meaningfully considered alongside race. Its admissions process was not unconstitutional.

The majority opinion (written by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and joined by Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer) did note that affirmative action should not be allowed to exist forever, but, rather, that at some future date (the opinion mentions 25 years hence), only colorblind policies should be allowed.

Justice Thomas issued an opinion concurring only with the majority opinion's implication of a 25-year window of affirmative-action legitimacy. He dissented from the rest of the opinion, stating that the law school had no compelling interest in maintaining an elite, but racially diverse, campus. If the school wanted to achieve greater diversity, he wrote, it could relax its test score and GPA requirements.

On March 17, 2004, Judge Friedman ordered the case closed.

Summary Authors

Andrew Junker (11/13/2014)

Related Cases

Gratz v. Bollinger, Eastern District of Michigan (1997)

Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, District of Massachusetts (2014)

Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina, Middle District of North Carolina (2014)



Breyer, Stephen Gerald (District of Columbia)

Cole, Ransey Guy Jr. (Ohio)

Daughtrey, Martha Craig (Tennessee)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Bader, Hans F. (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Defendant

Delery, Stuart F. (District of Columbia)


show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 2:97−cv−75928−BAF

March 17, 2004

March 17, 2004




Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997



Opinion and Order Denying Defendants' Motion for an Order Designating Actions as Companion Cases

Aug. 17, 1998

Aug. 17, 1998


16 F.Supp.2d 797



U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Aug. 10, 1999

Aug. 10, 1999


188 F.3d 394



Opinion and Order Denying Defendants' Motion for Relief from Order Regarding Class Certification and Bifurcation in Light of Subsequent Authority

April 19, 2000

April 19, 2000



Order Requiring the Production of Student Files

April 19, 2000

April 19, 2000



Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment

Oct. 10, 2000

Oct. 10, 2000

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Brief of the Attorney General as Amicus Curiae

Nov. 29, 2000

Nov. 29, 2000

Pleading / Motion / Brief



Dec. 28, 2000

Dec. 28, 2000




March 27, 2001

March 27, 2001


137 F.Supp.2d 821



Last updated March 25, 2024, 3:02 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT − Receipt # 353648 − Date Fee Received: 12/3/97 (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


SUMMONS returned executed by personal service on 12/3/97 − answer due 12/23/97 for Lee Bollinger (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


SUMMONS returned executed by personal service on 12/3/97 − answer due 12/23/97 for Dennis Shields (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


SUMMONS returned executed by personal service on 12/3/97 − answer due 12/23/97 for Univ MI (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


SUMMONS returned executed by personal service on 12/3/97 − answer due 12/23/97 for Univ MI Law School (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


SUMMONS returned executed by personal service on 12/3/97 − answer due 12/23/97 for Jeffrey Lehman (db) (Entered: 12/05/1997)

Dec. 3, 1997

Dec. 3, 1997


APPEARANCE for defendants of attorney John A. Payton and Jane Sherburne with proof of mailing (ew) (Entered: 12/11/1997)

Dec. 9, 1997

Dec. 9, 1997


ANSWER by defendants to complaint [1−1] with proof of mailing (lh) (Entered: 12/30/1997)

Dec. 22, 1997

Dec. 22, 1997


AFFIRMATIVE defenses by defendants with proof of mailing (lh) (Entered: 12/30/1997)

Dec. 22, 1997

Dec. 22, 1997


DEMAND by plaintiff Barbara Grutter for jury trial with proof of mailing (ls) (Entered: 01/09/1998)

Jan. 8, 1998

Jan. 8, 1998

SCHEDULE: by Judge Bernard A. Friedman scheduling conference set for 10:00 2/19/98 (cd) (Entered: 02/04/1998)

Feb. 4, 1998

Feb. 4, 1998


NOTICE by the court of scheduling conference (ls) (Entered: 02/05/1998)

Feb. 4, 1998

Feb. 4, 1998

SCHEDULING conference held − Judge Bernard A. Friedman (cd) (Entered: 02/20/1998)

Feb. 19, 1998

Feb. 19, 1998


MOTION by Kimberly James to file brief in excess of 20 pages with brief (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 03/30/1998)

March 27, 1998

March 27, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman granting motion to file brief in excess of 20 pages by Kimberly James [11−1], with proof of mailing (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 03/30/1998)

March 27, 1998

March 27, 1998


MOTION by Kimberly James to intervene as party defendant with brief, exhibits, notice of hearing and proof of mailing(PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 03/30/1998)

March 27, 1998

March 27, 1998


PRETRIAL scheduling order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman − deadline for witness list set for 10/1/98 , deadline for discovery set for 12/15/98 , deadline for filing motions set for 2/26/98 , final pretrial conference set for 2:00 6/16/99 , civil jury trial set for 9:00 6/22/99 (lh) (Entered: 04/10/1998)

April 9, 1998

April 9, 1998

SCHEDULING conference held − Judge Bernard A. Friedman (cd) (Entered: 04/14/1998)

April 9, 1998

April 9, 1998


RESPONSE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter to motion to intervene as party defendant [13−1] (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/23/1998)

April 22, 1998

April 22, 1998


RESPONSE by Dennis Shields, Jeffrey Lehman and Lee Bollinger to motion to intervene as party defendant [13−1] with proof of mailing (lt) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/27/1998)

April 23, 1998

April 23, 1998


PROOF of mailing of response to motion [16−1] (lt) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/27/1998)

April 24, 1998

April 24, 1998


NOTICE of substitution of attorney Kerry L. Morgan in place of attorney Patrick J. Wright for Barbara Grutter (lt) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/30/1998)

April 29, 1998

April 29, 1998


EXPARTE motion by movants to file a reply brief in excess of (5) pages with brief (ld) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 05/06/1998)

May 4, 1998

May 4, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman granting motion to file a reply brief in excess of (5) pages by movants [20−1] (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 05/19/1998)

May 18, 1998

May 18, 1998


REPLY by movants to response to motion to intervene as party defendant [13−1] with proof of mailing (pd) (Entered: 05/27/1999)

May 18, 1998

May 18, 1998


PROTECTIVE order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman with stipulation regarding confidentiality (ls) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 05/29/1998)

May 28, 1998

May 28, 1998


MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman denying motion to intervene as party defendants by Kimberly James [13−1] (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 07/07/1998)

July 6, 1998

July 6, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Erica Munzel 6/1/98 @ 9:00 am with proof of mailing (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 07/13/1998)

July 10, 1998

July 10, 1998


MOTION by Lee Bollinger, James J Duderstadt, Jeffrey Lehman, Dennis Shields and Regents of the Univ MI for reassignment or alternatively for designating actions as companion cases with brief and proof of mailing (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 07/15/1998)

July 15, 1998

July 15, 1998


MOTION by Kimberly James for reconsideration of order [24−1] with brief and proof of mailing (ld) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 07/21/1998)

July 20, 1998

July 20, 1998


NOTICE by defendants of taking deposition of Jean Wong on 7/21/98 at 9:00am with proof of mailing (ld) (Entered: 07/21/1998)

July 20, 1998

July 20, 1998


ORDER by Judge Anna Diggs Taylor assigning motion for reassignment [26−1] to Judges John Feikens and Julian Able Cook, Jr. with proof of mailing (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 07/28/1998)

July 23, 1998

July 23, 1998


RESPONSE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter to motion for reassignment [26−1] and for designating actions as companion cases [26−2] with affidavit and attachments (pd) (Entered: 05/27/1999)

July 23, 1998

July 23, 1998

REPLY by defendants Univ MI, Univ MI College Lit and James T. Duderstadt to response to motion for reassignment [26−1] and for designating actions as companion cases [26−2] with proof of mailing (pd) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 05/27/1999)

July 29, 1998

July 29, 1998


MOTION by plaintiff to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials with brief, affidavit and proof of mailing (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/04/1998)

July 31, 1998

July 31, 1998


TRANSCRIPT taken on 7/31/98 of motion hearing (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/04/1998)

Aug. 4, 1998

Aug. 4, 1998


NOTICE scheduling hearing on motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials by Barbara Grutter [31−1] and requiring the filing of a response (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/05/1998)

Aug. 4, 1998

Aug. 4, 1998

SCHEDULE: by Judge Bernard A. Friedman hearing on motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials by Barbara Grutter [31−1] set for 2:00 9/24/98 (cd) (Entered: 08/07/1998)

Aug. 4, 1998

Aug. 4, 1998


LETTER by counsel for plaintiff regarding submission of a formal legal brief in response to intervenors' motion for reconsideration of order [27−1] (ew) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/06/1998)

Aug. 6, 1998

Aug. 6, 1998


MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judges John Feikens and Julian Abele Cook, Jr. concluding that Grutter and Gratz are COMPANION cases under provisions of 83.11(b)(7) [26−1] with proof of mailing (STRIKEN FROM THE DOCKET 8/17/98 − SEE DOCUMENT [42−1] (ew) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/07/1998)

Aug. 6, 1998

Aug. 6, 1998


MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman denying motion for reconsideration of order [27−1] (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/10/1998)

Aug. 7, 1998

Aug. 7, 1998


LETTER by Kirk O. Kolbo to Judge Friedman regarding reassignment of cases (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/10/1998)

Aug. 10, 1998

Aug. 10, 1998


NOTICE of taking deposition of Don Herzog on August 28,1998 at 9:00 a.m. (ls) (Entered: 08/17/1998)

Aug. 14, 1998

Aug. 14, 1998


NOTICE of taking deposition of Don Regan on August 27, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. (ls) (Entered: 08/17/1998)

Aug. 14, 1998

Aug. 14, 1998


NOTICE of taking deposition of Thomas Kauper on August 28, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. (ls) (Entered: 08/17/1998)

Aug. 14, 1998

Aug. 14, 1998


PROOF of mailing of notices of taking deposition (ls) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/17/1998)

Aug. 14, 1998

Aug. 14, 1998


MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman striking from the docket the 8/8/98 opinion by Judges Feikens and Cook [35−1] denying motion for designating as companion cases by Univ MI, Dennis Shields, Jeffrey Lehman, Lee Bollinger [26−2] with proof of mailing (ls) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 08/19/1998)

Aug. 17, 1998

Aug. 17, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff of taking deposition of Mr. Thomas Kauper 9:00 on 9/3/98 with proof of mailing (ew) (Entered: 08/24/1998)

Aug. 21, 1998

Aug. 21, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman with stipulation, amending hearing date on motion for class certification and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials by Barbara Grutter [33−1] (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/01/1998)

Aug. 31, 1998

Aug. 31, 1998


APPEAL by intervening defendants of order [36−1] to USCA − FEE: PAID − Receipt #: 367214 (do) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/04/1998)

Aug. 31, 1998

Aug. 31, 1998


PROOF of mailing of notice of appeal to USCA, Kerry Morgan, John Payton, Leonard Niehoff, Jane Sherburne, Miranda Massie and Mary Vozniak (do) (Entered: 09/04/1998)

Sept. 4, 1998

Sept. 4, 1998


EXPARTE motion by defendants Univ MI Law School, Univ MI, Dennis Shields, Jeffrey Lehman and Lee Bollinger to file brief in excess of 20 pages with brief (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/14/1998)

Sept. 10, 1998

Sept. 10, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff of taking deposition of Law School Admission Council, Inc 10/6/98 at 9:00 a.m. with exhibit A, and proof of mailing. (PP) (Entered: 09/14/1998)

Sept. 11, 1998

Sept. 11, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman granting motion to file brief in excess of 20 pages by Lee Bollinger, Jeffrey Lehman, Dennis Shields, Univ MI and Univ MI Law School [48−1] (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/16/1998)

Sept. 15, 1998

Sept. 15, 1998


RESPONSE by defendants to motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials [31−1] with exhibits A−F (pd) (Entered: 05/27/1999)

Sept. 15, 1998

Sept. 15, 1998


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from USCA of receipt of appeal notice and docket [47−1][45−1] − appeal case # 98−2009 (DT) (Entered: 09/22/1998)

Sept. 21, 1998

Sept. 21, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman with stipulation amending briefing schedule (DT) (Entered: 09/23/1998)

Sept. 22, 1998

Sept. 22, 1998


RECORD of appeal notice by intervening defendants [45−1] consisting of: 2 volumes of pleadings; 1 transcript and 0 depositions transmitted to USCA − appeal case # 98−2009 (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/24/1998)

Sept. 24, 1998

Sept. 24, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman and exparte motion for leave to file a reply in excess of 5 pages (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/30/1998)

Sept. 28, 1998

Sept. 28, 1998


REPLY by plaintiff Barbara Grutter to defendants response to motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials [31−1] with exhibits and proof of mailing (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 09/30/1998)

Sept. 28, 1998

Sept. 28, 1998


WITNESS list by plaintiff Barbara Grutter (lh) (Entered: 10/02/1998)

Oct. 1, 1998

Oct. 1, 1998


TRANSCRIPT order form filed by counsel for intervenor defendants regarding appeal [45−1] requesting transcript: (no hearings) − appeal case # 98−2009 (lh) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/02/1998)

Oct. 1, 1998

Oct. 1, 1998


REQUEST by plaintiff and defendants for modification of scheduling order (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/05/1998)

Oct. 1, 1998

Oct. 1, 1998


WITNESS list by defendants with proof of mailing (ew) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/06/1998)

Oct. 2, 1998

Oct. 2, 1998


PROOF of mailing of [60−1] (ew) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/06/1998)

Oct. 5, 1998

Oct. 5, 1998


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT from USCA of receipt of appeal notice by intervening defendants [45−1] − appeal case # 98−2009 (ls) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/14/1998)

Oct. 9, 1998

Oct. 9, 1998


PRETRIAL scheduling order (amended) by Judge Bernard A. Friedman − deadline for witness list set for 12/15/98 , deadline for discovery set for 2/15/99 , deadline for filing motions set for 4/1/99 , final pretrial conference set for 2:00 on 6/16/99 , civil jury trial set for 9:00 on 6/22/99 (ls) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/19/1998)

Oct. 14, 1998

Oct. 14, 1998

MOTION hearing held on motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability and damage trials by Barbara Grutter [31−1] − disposition: taken under advisement − Judge Bernard A. Friedman − Court Reporter: Joan Morgan (cd) (Entered: 10/23/1998)

Oct. 22, 1998

Oct. 22, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of the Regents of the Univ of MI and the Unive of MI Law School on 10/29/98 at 1:00 pm with attachments (DT) (Entered: 10/27/1998)

Oct. 26, 1998

Oct. 26, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Allan Stillwagon on 11/6/98 (DT) (Entered: 10/27/1998)

Oct. 26, 1998

Oct. 26, 1998


PROOF of mailing by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of notices of taking depositions (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/27/1998)

Oct. 26, 1998

Oct. 26, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Alissa Leonard on 11/2/98 at 10:30 am (DT) (Entered: 10/30/1998)

Oct. 29, 1998

Oct. 29, 1998


PROOF of mailing by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of subpoena duces tecum (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 10/30/1998)

Oct. 29, 1998

Oct. 29, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff of taking deposition of Richard O. Lempert 11/5/98 at 10:00 a.m. with proof of mailing. (PP) (Entered: 11/10/1998)

Nov. 9, 1998

Nov. 9, 1998


SUPPLEMENTAL brief by defendants to motion response [51−1], with attachments A−C and proof of mailing (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 11/12/1998)

Nov. 12, 1998

Nov. 12, 1998


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman and exparte motion for leave to file supplemental memorandum (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 12/04/1998)

Dec. 3, 1998

Dec. 3, 1998


SUPPLEMENTAL brief on class certification by plaintiff (PP) (Entered: 12/04/1998)

Dec. 3, 1998

Dec. 3, 1998


NOTICE by defendants of taking deposition of Dennis Shields 12/7/98 at 9:00 (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 12/07/1998)

Dec. 4, 1998

Dec. 4, 1998


SUPPLEMENTAL brief (second) by defendants Univ MI Law School, Univ MI, Dennis Shields, Jeffrey Lehman, and Lee Bollinger in opposition to motion to certify class by Barbara Grutter [31−1] with exhibit and proof of mailing (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 12/08/1998)

Dec. 4, 1998

Dec. 4, 1998


WITNESS list by plaintiff Barbara Grutter, with proof of service (RH) (Entered: 12/16/1998)

Dec. 16, 1998

Dec. 16, 1998


SUPPLEMENTAL record of appeal notice by intervening defendants [45−1] consisting of: 1 volume(s) of pleadings 0 transcript(s) 0 deposition(s) sent to USCA − appeal case # 98−2009 (pleadings 54−76) (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 12/29/1998)

Dec. 29, 1998

Dec. 29, 1998


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Jeffrey Lehman @ 9:00am on 01/20/99; NSI with proof of service (bk) (Entered: 01/07/1999)

Jan. 7, 1999

Jan. 7, 1999


MEMORANDUM opinion and order by Judge Bernard A. Friedman granting motion to certify class and for bifurcation of liability damage trials by Barbara Grutter [31−1] (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 01/08/1999)

Jan. 7, 1999

Jan. 7, 1999


NOTICE (amended) by plaintiff of taking deposition of Jeffrey Lehman 1/21/99 at 9:00 a.m. with proof of mailing (PP) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 01/14/1999)

Jan. 14, 1999

Jan. 14, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Derek Bok 01/28/99 @ 9:00 with proof of mailing (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 01/26/1999)

Jan. 25, 1999

Jan. 25, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Theodore M. Shaw @10:00am on 02/03/99 with proof of mailing(bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 01/29/1999)

Jan. 28, 1999

Jan. 28, 1999


WITNESS list by plaintiff Barbara Grutter with proof of mailing (bk) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 01/29/1999)

Jan. 28, 1999

Jan. 28, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Lee Bollinger 2/9/99 at 9:00 with proof of mailing (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 02/03/1999)

Feb. 1, 1999

Feb. 1, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Patricia U. Gurin 2/12/99 at 9:00 with proof of mailing (RH) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 02/03/1999)

Feb. 1, 1999

Feb. 1, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff of taking deposition of Olivia Birdsall on 2/11/99 at 2:00 pm with proof of mailing (DT) (Entered: 02/16/1999)

Feb. 11, 1999

Feb. 11, 1999


NOTICE by plaintiff Barbara Grutter of taking deposition of Edward Cooper at 11:00 am on 2/17/99 with proof of mailing (DT) (Entered: 02/18/1999)

Feb. 17, 1999

Feb. 17, 1999

STATUS conference held − Judge Bernard A. Friedman (cd) (Entered: 02/19/1999)

Feb. 17, 1999

Feb. 17, 1999


PRETRIAL scheduling order (amended) by Judge Bernard A. Friedman − setting deadline for discovery for 3/12/99 , setting deadline for filing motions for 5/3/99 , setting final pretrial conference for 3:00 8/23/99 , setting civil jury trial for 9:00 8/30/99 (DT) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 02/19/1999)

Feb. 18, 1999

Feb. 18, 1999


MOTION by defendants Lee Bollinger, Jeffrey Lehman, Dennis Shields, Univ MI and Univ MI Law School to amend case caption to provide that the proper defendants are named with proof of mailing (lt) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/06/1999)

April 2, 1999

April 2, 1999


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman granting motion to amend case caption to provide that the proper defendants are named by Univ MI Law School, Univ MI, Dennis Shields, Jeffrey Lehman, Lee Bollinger [90−1] (lt) Modified on 05/27/1999 (Entered: 04/06/1999)

April 2, 1999

April 2, 1999


MOTION by plaintiff to compel certain application files with brief and affidavit (ls) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999


ORDER by Judge Bernard A. Friedman with ex parte motion, for leave to file a brief in excess of the 20 page limit (ls) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999


MOTION by plaintiff for partial summary judgment on liability with brief (ls) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999


AFFIDAVIT by Kirk O. Kolbo in support of motion for partial summary judgment on liability by Barbara Grutter [94−1] (ls) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999


EXHIBITS filed by plaintiff in support of its motion for partial summary judgment on liability (ls) (Entered: 05/04/1999)

May 3, 1999

May 3, 1999

Case Details

State / Territory: Michigan

Case Type(s):

School Desegregation

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: Dec. 3, 1997

Closing Date: 2004

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

an applicant to the University of Michigan Law School

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


University of Michigan Law School, State

Defendant Type(s):


Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

Constitutional Clause(s):

Equal Protection

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief

Any published opinion

U.S. Supreme Court merits opinion


Prevailing Party: Defendant

Nature of Relief:


Source of Relief:





School/University policies

Discrimination Basis:

Race discrimination

Affected Race(s):
