Case: Whorley v. Northam

3:20-cv-00255 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

Filed Date: April 8, 2020

Closed Date: June 9, 2021

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

This lawsuit was filed on April 8, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, amidst the outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred early in 2020. The plaintiffs were twenty-seven people incarcerated in Virginia state prisons. Represented by the ACLU Foundation of Virginia (ACLU-VA) and private counsel, they sued Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran, the Director of the Virginia Department of Corrections Harold Clarke, …

This lawsuit was filed on April 8, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, amidst the outbreak of COVID-19 that occurred early in 2020. The plaintiffs were twenty-seven people incarcerated in Virginia state prisons. Represented by the ACLU Foundation of Virginia (ACLU-VA) and private counsel, they sued Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran, the Director of the Virginia Department of Corrections Harold Clarke, and the wardens of twelve different correctional facilities in Virginia. The lawsuit argued that the defendants violated the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in four ways. First, the defendants placed the incarcerated individuals in quarters with very limited spacing, making them susceptible to contracting COVID. Second, the defendants did not procure equipment or develop any policies regarding sanitation for the people in its custody. Third, the defendants did not develop any policies to arrest the spread from prison staff to incarcerated people. Finally, the plaintiffs argued that the lack of medical supplies and testing for staff and incarcerated people represented a violation of the Eighth Amendment. The plaintiffs sought declaratory relief, injunctive relief, and attorney's fees and costs. The case was assigned to District Judge Henry E. Hudson.

By May 11, however, it appeared that the parties had worked out a solution. They jointly moved to dismiss the case and enter a settlement agreement with the court. In the settlement agreement, the defendants agreed to amend the early release plan that had been instituted by the Governor in April, 2020; to issue conditional pardons for qualifying persons; to prioritize Covid-19-related grievances; to suspend medical co-pays; to expand the availability and use of PPE and testing; to maintain adequate sanitation and hygiene procedures; and to put in place new housing policies designed to limit the spread of the virus. The agreement was to last until the court decided that it was no longer necessary, determined by the extent of the spread of the coronavirus. The next day, the court entered the agreement and retained jurisdiction to enforce its terms.

The defendants filed weekly status reports that updated the court as to their ongoing efforts to detain the spread of the virus and improve hygiene in the detention centers.

On July 2, an incarcerated individual submitted a declaration which claimed that the prison was not properly washing the face masks they distributed, contrary to the terms of the settlement agreement. However, it does not appear that very much came of this.

Additionally, on September 8, 2020, the parties notified that court that they had agreed on a plan to resume transferring individuals from jails to VDOC custody. The plan provided for quarantine and testing procedures. Additionally, the defendants agreed to cease transferring individuals eligible for early release or those who with local motions pending, including motions for release on Home Electronic Monitoring or for reconsideration of their criminal sentence.

In response to the plaintiffs' notice of non-compliance dated September 22, on December 14, the parties notified the court that they resolved the matters. The plaintiffs agreed to provide the defendants with an updated list of ACLU-VA volunteer attorneys to help coordinate attorney phone calls. Additionally, the defendants agreed to inform high-risk incarcerated people on the procedure for requesting expedited early release screening, create an anonymous complaint hotline for incarcerated individuals, inform the correctional staff on how to report COVID-19 concerns, place the ALCU-VA in contact with the VA Department of Health, and consider prioritizing early release for approved individuals in the event of future COVID outbreaks at a correctional facility.

In response to an individual's motion for release and numerous letters from incarcerated people requesting relief under the settlement, on February 4, 2021, the court announced it did not have the authorization to mediate individual disputes or order the release of incarcerated people from custody.

In April 2021, the defendants requested that their continuing obligations to review 60 substantive cases per week as well as the court’s supervision of the settlement agreement terminate. Judge Novak agreed to terminate ongoing obligations to substantively review cases, citing decreased COVID-19 case counts inside and outside of the prison, as well as a 70% vaccination rate within the prison population. The court declined to terminate ongoing supervision of the settlement agreeing, instead requiring that the parties resolve any outstanding issues before submitting a final status report.

On June 4, 2021, the parties submitted a joint status report requesting termination of federal court jurisdiction, having come to a private settlement agreement. This settlement agreement included, among other things, a requirement that VDOC implement continued vaccination efforts, COVID-19 reporting, medical co-pay suspensions, and COVID-19 grievance procedures. This agreement was to remain in full force for 30 days following the expiration or termination of Virginia’s state of emergency due to COVID-19, or on October 1, 2021, whichever came later.

Pursuant to the agreement, federal court jurisdiction was terminated on June 6, 2021.

Summary Authors

Jack Hibbard (7/30/2020)

Lily Sawyer-Kaplan (10/25/2020)

Zofia Peach (2/4/2021)

Jane Fisher (2/21/2022)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:


Hudson, Henry E. (Virginia)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Agraharkar, Vishal Mahendra (Virginia)

Harary, Jason (Virginia)

Harding, Elliot Michael (Virginia)

Heilman, Eden Brooke (Virginia)

Attorney for Defendant

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

Feb. 4, 2021

Feb. 4, 2021




April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020

11 & 11-1


Joint Motion to Dismiss and Retain Jurisdiction

May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

Settlement Agreement


Final Order

May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020


2020 WL 2485923



Status Report

July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020

Pleading / Motion / Brief



April 14, 2021

April 14, 2021



Settlement Agreement

June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021

Settlement Agreement



See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 2, 2025, 8:18 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

Complaint (Filing Fee: $400.00, Receipt Number: 0422-7151697) filed by Brooke Whorley. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet) (Harding, Elliott) (Entered: 04/08/2020)

1 Civil Cover Sheet

View on PACER

April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020


Initial Case Assignment

April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020


Initial Case Assignment to District Judge Henry E. Hudson. (smej, )

April 8, 2020

April 8, 2020


Proposed Summons by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Harding, Elliott) (Entered: 04/09/2020)

April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020


NOTICE of Appearance by Margaret Hoehl O'Shea on behalf of Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 04/13/2020)

April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020


Telephone Conference

April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE Executed as to 1 Complaint Acknowledgement filed by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 04/13/2020)

April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020


Telephone Conference held on 4/13/2020 before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (rpiz)

April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020


MEMORANDUM ORDER - Accordingly, the Court SUSPENDS the deadlines in this case for fourteen (14) days in order for the parties to have an opportunity to come to a resolution. If counsel later feel that they are making substantial progress, the Court will continue the suspension of the deadlines. SEE ORDER FOR DETAILS. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 4/13/2020. (smej, ) (Entered: 04/13/2020)

April 13, 2020

April 13, 2020


NOTICE of Appearance by Eden Brooke Heilman on behalf of Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr (Heilman, Eden) (Entered: 04/15/2020)

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020


NOTICE of Appearance by Nicole Gloria Tortoriello on behalf of Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr (Tortoriello, Nicole) (Entered: 04/15/2020)

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020


NOTICE of Appearance by Jennifer Marie Safstrom on behalf of Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr (Safstrom, Jennifer) (Entered: 04/15/2020)

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020


NOTICE of Appearance by Vishal Mahendra Agraharkar on behalf of Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr (Agraharkar, Vishal) (Entered: 04/15/2020)

April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020


Telephone Conference held on 4/17/2020 before District Judge Henry E. Hudson (rpiz)

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020


Telephone Conference

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020


ORDER (Referring Case for Mediation) - It is hereby ORDERED that this case is REFERRED to United States District Judge David J. Novak for mediation. The suspension of deadlines previously set by the Court is CONTINUED until such time as mediation is completed. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 4/20/2020. (Copy sent to Judge Novak) (smej, ) (Entered: 04/20/2020)

April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020


Case Referred to Mediation

April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020


CASE REFERRED to Mediation to Judge Novak.

April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020


Set Deadlines/Hearings

April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020


Conference Call w/ Plts' Counsel set for 4/22/2020 at 02:00 PM; w/Defs' at 03:00 PM and w/ ALL counsel at 03:30 PM before District Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)

April 20, 2020

April 20, 2020


Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge David J. Novak:Telephone Conferences held on 4/22/2020. (cgar)

April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020


Telephone Conference

April 22, 2020

April 22, 2020


Settlement Conference (TELEPHONIC) set for 4/28/2020 at 10:00 AM before District Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)

April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020


Set Deadlines/Hearings

April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020


Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge David J. Novak:Settlement Conference (TELEPHONIC) held on 4/28/2020. (cgar)

April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020


Settlement Conference

April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020


Telephone Conference

May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020


Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge David J. Novak:Telephone Conference held on 5/1/2020. (cgar)

May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020


Minute Entry for proceedings held before District Judge David J. Novak:Settlement Conference held on 5/8/2020. (cgar)

May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020


Settlement Conference

May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020


Joint MOTION to Dismiss and Retain Jurisdiction by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Proposed Order)(Heilman, Eden) (Entered: 05/11/2020)

1 Exhibit A

View on PACER

2 Proposed Order

View on PACER

May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020


ORDER. THIS MATTER is before the Court on the Parties' Joint Motion to Dismiss and Retain Jurisdiction (the "Joint Motion"), filed on May 11, 2020 11 . For good cause shown, and in consideration of the Parties' Joint Motion, the Court hereby GRANTS the Parties' Joint Motion and conditionally dismisses the above-titled action with prejudice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(2). In accordance with the Settlement Agreement, which was filed with this Court as Exhibit A to Parties' Joint Motion (ECF No. 11 -1) and is attached hereto, the Court specifically retains jurisdiction for the purpose of enforcing the Settlement Agreement in accordance with its terms, pursuant to Kokkonen v. Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America, 511 U.S. 375 (1994). It is SO ORDERED. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 5/12/20. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (jsau, ) (Entered: 05/12/2020)

1 Exhibit A

View on PACER

May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 05/19/2020)

May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020


Letter from Conrad Burke requesting documents. Copy of the complaint mailed as requested. (Attachments: # 1 Receipt) (smej, ) (Entered: 05/21/2020)

1 Receipt

View on PACER

May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 05/26/2020)

May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 06/02/2020)

June 2, 2020

June 2, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 06/09/2020)

June 9, 2020

June 9, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 06/16/2020)

June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020


MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Proposed Order)(Agraharkar, Vishal) (Entered: 06/23/2020)

1 Exhibit

View on PACER

2 Proposed Order

View on PACER

June 23, 2020

June 23, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 06/23/2020)

June 23, 2020

June 23, 2020


Notice of Correction

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


Notice of Correction re 19 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney : Clerk notified filing attorney of proper filing procedures for a Memorandum in Support. The filing attorney has been instructed to refile the Memorandum in Support using the correct docket event. (smej, )

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Agraharkar, Vishal) (Entered: 06/24/2020)

1 Proposed Order

View on PACER

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


Memorandum in Support re 21 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Agraharkar, Vishal) (Entered: 06/24/2020)

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


Letter from Eric Saub requesting copy of docket sheet. (Copy of docket sheet mailed) (Attachments: # 1 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 06/24/2020)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


Letter from Larry Taylor. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 06/24/2020)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO WITHDRAW APPEARANCE OF COUNSEL - This cause has come before the Court upon Plaintiffs' motion seeking to withdraw Jennifer Safstrom of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Virginia as counsel in this case. Having reviewed the motion and accompanying memorandum in support, this Court hereby ORDERS that the motion be hereby GRANTED. Attorney Jennifer Safstrom shall be and is hereby withdrawn as counsel of record for Plaintiffs, who will continue to be represented by the remaining attorneys of record. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 6/24/2020. (smej, ) (Entered: 06/24/2020)

June 24, 2020

June 24, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 06/30/2020)

June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020


ORDER that this matter comes before the Court on receipt of the attached letter from an inmate at a Virginia Department of Corrections facility (the "Letter"). The Court hereby DIRECTS the Clerk to file the Letter as a separate entry on the docket and distribute a copy to all counsel of record. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 7/2/2020. (sbea,) (Entered: 07/02/2020)

July 2, 2020

July 2, 2020


Declaration of Eric B. Saub re: 27 Order. (Attachment: # 1 Letter). (sbea,) (Entered: 07/02/2020)

1 Letter

View on PACER

July 2, 2020

July 2, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 07/07/2020)

July 7, 2020

July 7, 2020


Set Deadlines/Hearings

July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020


Conference Call re Settlement set for 7/14/2020 at 02:30 PM before District Judge David J. Novak. (cgar)

July 10, 2020

July 10, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 07/14/2020)

July 14, 2020

July 14, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 07/21/2020)

July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020


Letter from Ricky Donnell Nelson requesting a copy of the Complaint. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope, # 2 Letter from the Clerk) (smej, ) (Entered: 07/23/2020)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

2 Letter from the Clerk

View on PACER

July 23, 2020

July 23, 2020


MOTION to Mediate Dispute by Joshua Moseley. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix 1, # 2 Appendix 2, # 3 Appendix 3, # 4 Letter, # 5 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 07/28/2020)

1 Appendix 1

View on PACER

2 Appendix 2

View on PACER

3 Appendix 3

View on PACER

4 Letter

View on PACER

5 Envelope

View on PACER

July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 07/28/2020)

July 28, 2020

July 28, 2020


ORDER that this matter comes before the Court on the Request to Mediate Dispute (ECF No. 33 ) filed by Joshua Moseley, an inmate at a Virginia Department of Corrections facility. Because the final settlement agreement in this matter does not authorize the Court to mediate individual inmate disputes, the Court hereby DENIES the Request (ECF No. 33 ). The Court herebyDIRECTS the Clerk to forward a copy of Mr. Moseley's Request (ECF No. 33 ) to Plaintiffs' counsel to determine whether the issues raised in the Request constitute a violation of the final settlement agreement that may be mediated through the procedures outlined in the agreement. It is so ORDERED. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 07/29/2020. Copy mailed to Joshua Moseley. Copies forwarded to Plaintiffs' counsel electronically. (walk, ) (Entered: 07/29/2020)

July 29, 2020

July 29, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 08/05/2020)

Aug. 5, 2020

Aug. 5, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 08/12/2020)

Aug. 12, 2020

Aug. 12, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 08/18/2020)

Aug. 18, 2020

Aug. 18, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 08/25/2020)

Aug. 25, 2020

Aug. 25, 2020


Letter RECEIVED from Ronald Miles. (tjoh, ) (Entered: 08/28/2020)

Aug. 28, 2020

Aug. 28, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/01/2020)

Sept. 1, 2020

Sept. 1, 2020


Letter Reflecting Further Agreements Between the Parties. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/08/2020)

Sept. 8, 2020

Sept. 8, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/08/2020)

Sept. 8, 2020

Sept. 8, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/15/2020)

Sept. 15, 2020

Sept. 15, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/22/2020)

Sept. 22, 2020

Sept. 22, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 09/29/2020)

Sept. 29, 2020

Sept. 29, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 10/07/2020)

Oct. 7, 2020

Oct. 7, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 10/14/2020)

Oct. 14, 2020

Oct. 14, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 10/20/2020)

Oct. 20, 2020

Oct. 20, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 10/28/2020)

Oct. 28, 2020

Oct. 28, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 11/03/2020)

Nov. 3, 2020

Nov. 3, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 11/10/2020)

Nov. 10, 2020

Nov. 10, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 11/18/2020)

Nov. 18, 2020

Nov. 18, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 11/24/2020)

Nov. 24, 2020

Nov. 24, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 12/04/2020)

Dec. 4, 2020

Dec. 4, 2020


NOTICE "of Substantial Non-Compliance" by Casel Frank Lucas. (Attachments: # 1 Unmarked Attachments 1, # 2 Unmarked Attachments 2, # 3 Unmarked Attachments 3, # 4 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 12/08/2020)

1 Unmarked Attachments 1

View on RECAP

2 Unmarked Attachments 2

View on RECAP

3 Unmarked Attachments 3

View on RECAP

4 Envelope

View on RECAP

Dec. 7, 2020

Dec. 7, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 12/09/2020)

Dec. 9, 2020

Dec. 9, 2020


NOTICE by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr (Heilman, Eden) (Entered: 12/14/2020)

Dec. 14, 2020

Dec. 14, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 12/17/2020)

Dec. 17, 2020

Dec. 17, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 12/24/2020)

Dec. 24, 2020

Dec. 24, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 12/28/2020)

Dec. 28, 2020

Dec. 28, 2020


Letter from Charles Zellers. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 12/28/2020)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

Dec. 28, 2020

Dec. 28, 2020


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 01/06/2021)

Jan. 6, 2021

Jan. 6, 2021


Letter from Charles Zellers. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 01/07/2021)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

Jan. 7, 2021

Jan. 7, 2021


ORDER (Referring Letter to Counsel) - This letter comes before the Court on a letter received by the Court from inmate Charles Zeller (ECF No. 64), requesting his and other inmates' release from prison. The Court hereby refers the letter to Plaintiffs' counsel, Eden Brooke Heilman, to review and take any action that counsel may deem appropriate. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 1/8/2020. (Copy mailed to Charles Zeller) (smej, ) (Entered: 01/08/2021)

Jan. 8, 2021

Jan. 8, 2021


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 01/13/2021)

Jan. 13, 2021

Jan. 13, 2021


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 01/20/2021)

Jan. 20, 2021

Jan. 20, 2021


Letter from Eric Saub requesting copies. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope, # 2 Letter from the Clerk) (smej, ) (Attachment 2 replaced on 1/21/2021) (smej, ). (Entered: 01/21/2021)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

2 Letter from the Clerk

View on PACER

Jan. 21, 2021

Jan. 21, 2021


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 01/27/2021)

Jan. 27, 2021

Jan. 27, 2021


Letter from Jeffery J. Gardner. (Attachments: # 1 Unmarked Exhibits, # 2 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 01/28/2021)

1 Unmarked Exhibits

View on PACER

2 Envelope

View on PACER

Jan. 28, 2021

Jan. 28, 2021


MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Tortoriello, Nicole) (Entered: 01/28/2021)

1 Proposed Order

View on PACER

Jan. 28, 2021

Jan. 28, 2021


Memorandum in Support re 71 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Lartaija Banks, Candace Blakenship, Warren Brooks, Timothy Brummett, Jesse Davenport, Frank Fairchild, Felipe Franco, Benjamen Fyfe, Bruce Harris, Jr, Dwight Horton, Olivia Ivashin, Gale Jones, Johnathan McMillian, Warren Medley-Green, Matthew Mosher, Donnie Offenbacker, Antonio Perryel, Ennis Stewart, Courtney Stroble, Michael Sullivan, Larog Trowell, Brenda Van Emmenis, Anthony Vicks, Da'Von Walker, Brooke Whorley, Alonzo Williams, Milton Williams, Sr. (Tortoriello, Nicole) (Entered: 01/28/2021)

Jan. 28, 2021

Jan. 28, 2021


ORDER granting 71 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Nicole Gloria Tortoriello terminated. Signed by District Judge Henry E. Hudson on 2/1/2021. (asho, ) (Entered: 02/01/2021)

Feb. 1, 2021

Feb. 1, 2021


MOTION for Release by Jeremy Defour. (Attachments: # 1 Envelope) (smej, ) (Entered: 02/02/2021)

1 Envelope

View on PACER

Feb. 2, 2021

Feb. 2, 2021


STATUS REPORT by Eric Aldridge, Joseph Bateman, Harold Clarke, Tikki Hicks, Thomas Meyer, Brian J. Moran, Ralph S. Northam, Tori Raiford, Dana Ratliffe-Walker, Tracy Ray, Phillip White, Rick White, Tammy Williams, Donald Wilmouth, Rodney Younce. (O'Shea, Margaret) (Entered: 02/03/2021)

Feb. 3, 2021

Feb. 3, 2021


ORDER (Denying Motion for Release, Directing Forwarding of Letters) - The Court has received numerous other letters from inmates requesting relief under the final settlement agreement in this matter. However, the final settlement agreement does not authorize the Court to mediate individual inmate disputes or to order the release of individual inmates from custody. Accordingly, the Court hereby DENIES the Motion (ECF No. 74). Additionally, the Court hereby DIRECTS the Clerk to forward a copy of Mr. Defour's Motion, along with the other requests received from state inmates, to Plaintiffs counsel, Eden Brooke Heilman, to review and take any action that counsel may deem appropriate. Moreover, moving forward, the Clerk is hereby DIRECTED to forward any such letters from inmates requesting relief in this matter to Ms. Heilman without first docketing the letter. Signed by District Judge David J. Novak on 2/3/2021. (Copies distributed as directed) (smej, ) (Entered: 02/04/2021)

Feb. 4, 2021

Feb. 4, 2021


Case Details

State / Territory: Virginia

Case Type(s):

Prison Conditions

Special Collection(s):

COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: April 8, 2020

Closing Date: June 9, 2021

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

People incarcerated in Virginia state correctional facilities

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:

ACLU Affiliates (any)

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: No

Class Action Outcome: Not sought


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, State

Virginia Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security Brian Moran, State

Director of Virginia Department of Corrections Harold Clarke, State

State of Virginia, State

Defendant Type(s):



Facility Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1983

Constitutional Clause(s):

Due Process

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Private Settlement Agreement

Content of Injunction:

Preliminary relief request withdrawn/mooted



Bathing and hygiene

Conditions of confinement

Sanitation / living conditions


CDC Guidance ordered implemented

Contact tracing ordered

COVID testing ordered/modified

Mitigation Granted

Mitigation Requested

Population-Medically vulnerable

Population reduction/cap

PPE-ordered provided to prisoners for free

PPE-ordered worn by staff

Release Granted

Release granted-group

Release granted-individual

Release-process created/modified

Release Requested

Sanitizer/Handsoap ordered made available/used

Transfer-ordered or process created/modified

Jails, Prisons, Detention Centers, and Other Institutions:

Crowding (General)

Medical/Mental Health Care:

Medical care, general