Case: United States v. Parish of Orleans Criminal Sheriff

2:90-cv-04930 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana

Filed Date: Dec. 17, 1990

Closed Date: Oct. 8, 2003

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

On December 17, 1990, the United States Department of Justice (D.O.J.), on behalf of approximately 100 individuals, filed a lawsuit under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e. et seq. (Title VII) in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana against the Parish of New Orleans Criminal Sheriff. The D.O.J. asked the court for injunctive relief, alleging that the defendant had violated Title VII through "pattern and practice" of discrimination against women in hiring and in conditions of…

On December 17, 1990, the United States Department of Justice (D.O.J.), on behalf of approximately 100 individuals, filed a lawsuit under Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e. et seq. (Title VII) in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana against the Parish of New Orleans Criminal Sheriff. The D.O.J. asked the court for injunctive relief, alleging that the defendant had violated Title VII through "pattern and practice" of discrimination against women in hiring and in conditions of employment.

The complaint alleges that the Parish of Orleans Criminal Sheriff discriminated on the basis of sex in hiring and promotion practices.

The individual employees sought to intervene as plaintiffs. On October 11, 1996, the parties filed a Joint Motion for Conditional Entry of Consent Decree. That decree provided for awards of individual relief to three hundred forty-three persons. Seventy-five claimants not recommended for relief filed objections to the United States' determination that they are not entitled to individual relief. The District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana (Magistrate Judge Alma Chasez) overruled each of the objections and entered the proposed consent decree as the final judgment, United States v. Parish of New Orleans Criminal Sheriff, 1997 WL 35215 (E.D.La. 1997).

On January 28, 1997, the consent decree was entered, with the general provisions that: (1) all persons hired under the terms of the ordered decree must meet all lawful job requirements; (2) The Sheriff's office shall ensure that all deputy sheriff's positions and assignments are open to women as stipulated as remedial relief; (3) persons who are entitled to an offer of an award of remedial relief shall include and woman who timely filed a claim for relief with the United States; and (4) the sheriff's office is to establish a fund of $2,000,000 from which monetary relief will be paid. Monetary relief was paid by the Parish of Orleans Criminal Sheriff's office to individual plaintiffs through January 13, 2004.

On October 8, 2003, the District Court dismissed the case pursuant to the consent decree, because all of the individual relief required by the consent decree had been paid.

Summary Authors

Kaitlin Corkran (12/4/2007)



Beer, Peter Hill (Louisiana)

Benavides, Fortunato Pedro (Texas)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Angus, James S (District of Columbia)

Butler, Steven E. (District of Columbia)

Attorney for Defendant

Broome, Larry E (Louisiana)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

United States v. Criminal Sheriff

Oct. 28, 2003

Oct. 28, 2003




Jan. 27, 1997

Jan. 27, 1997


1997 WL 35215


Appellate Brief [Movant-Appellant]

United States of America v. Criminal Sheriff

Louisiana state appellate court

March 12, 1997

March 12, 1997

Pleading / Motion / Brief

1997 WL 33575532


Appellate Brief [Plaintiff]

United States v. Criminal Sheriff

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

April 11, 1997

April 11, 1997

Pleading / Motion / Brief

No. 96-31134


United States v. Criminal Sheriff

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

June 10, 1997

June 10, 1997


119 F.3d 1


Last updated March 18, 2024, 3:10 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT ( 2 summons(es) issued ) (sb) (Entered: 12/18/1990)

Dec. 17, 1990

Dec. 17, 1990

Automatic Referral (Utility Event) to Magistrate Alma Chasez (sb) (Entered: 12/18/1990)

Dec. 17, 1990

Dec. 17, 1990


RETURN OF SERVICE executed upon defendant Criminal Sheriff, defendant Criminal Sheriff's Office on 12/26/90 (cm) (Entered: 01/02/1991)

Jan. 2, 1991

Jan. 2, 1991


Motion by Charles C. Foti, Jr. on behalf of defendant Criminal Sheriff, defendant Criminal Sheriff's and ORDER granted extending time to 20 days to answer complt by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 1/9/91 (gw) (Entered: 01/14/1991)

Jan. 8, 1991

Jan. 8, 1991


ANSWER by defendants' Criminal Sheriff & the Criminal Sheriff's Office to pltf's orig cmplt. (dno) (Entered: 02/05/1991)

Feb. 4, 1991

Feb. 4, 1991


ORDER Case referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez. Title VII Case, not scheduled for trial w/in 120 days after issue was joined. by Judge Peter Beer Date signed 2/13/91 (dno) (Entered: 02/19/1991)

Feb. 15, 1991

Feb. 15, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (2/21/91): Status Conf set 11:00 3/14/91 bfr Mag Judge Chasez. Counsel are to be in attendance. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) Modified on 02/11/1993 (Entered: 02/26/1991)

Feb. 22, 1991

Feb. 22, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (3/6/91): Status Conf reset to 9:00 3/21/91 by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 03/08/1991)

March 7, 1991

March 7, 1991


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff and ORDER extending time til 5/1/91 to resp. to Pltf's 1st Set of Interrogs. and 1st Req. for Prod. of Documents by Magistrate Alma Chasez 3/12/91 (sb) (Entered: 03/14/1991)

March 11, 1991

March 11, 1991


Motion by plaintiff USA and ORDER granted withdrawing attorney Omar T. Ojeda for USA as T.A. and substituting attorney Eugenia Esch by Judge Peter Beer (Date Signed: 3/25/91) (gw) (Entered: 03/27/1991)

March 11, 1991

March 11, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (3/21/91): ; Status Conf held 9:00 3/21/91 , and ; Further Discovery Conf bfr Mag Chasez 4:00 4/15/91 by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 03/25/1991)

March 22, 1991

March 22, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (3/21/91): Status Conf bfr Mag 10:00 6/17/91 by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 03/25/1991)

March 22, 1991

March 22, 1991


CONSENT TO TRIAL by Magistrate Alma Chasez pursuant to 28 USC 636(c) & all further proceedings. by Judge Peter Beer Date Signed: 3-25-91 (cm) (Entered: 03/28/1991)

March 27, 1991

March 27, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (4/15/91): ; Preliminary Conference was held 4:00 4/15/91 A further status conf will be held on 6-17-91 @ 10am. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 04/18/1991)

April 17, 1991

April 17, 1991


ORDER that 89-4693 and 90-4930 are consolidated only for discovery. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 4-16-91 (cm) (Entered: 04/19/1991)

April 17, 1991

April 17, 1991


Notice of Deposition by plaintiff USA of Chief Michael Gerkin on 5/14/91. (gw) (Entered: 05/02/1991)

May 2, 1991

May 2, 1991


Notice of Deposition by plaintiff USA of Parish of Orleans Criminal Sheriff and the Parish of Orleans Criminal Sheriff's Office on 6/18/91 (jk) (Entered: 05/30/1991)

May 29, 1991

May 29, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (6/17/91): ; Status Conf held 10:00 6/17/91 Pla is ORDERED to file the mtn to compel which was discussed in sufficient time bfr 7-15-91 to notice same for hrg on an exp basis on that date at 1:00pm. The Govt is to notice depos for the week of July 15th on a date & time agreeable to all counsel. After the Govt's depos are complete, counsel are to notify the Court in order that a status conf may be scheduled during the week of July 15th. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 06/18/1991)

June 18, 1991

June 18, 1991


Motion by plaintiff USA and ORDER that discovery & trial in this case will proceed in 2 stages: Stage I will be held 1st for issues of defts' liability & Stage II, if necessary, will be held addressing issues of individ relief. Bifurcating discovery & trial will not preclude either pty from presenting testimony concerning individuals during Stage I or liability phase of trial. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed 6/19/91 (dno) Modified on 06/24/1991 (Entered: 06/21/1991)

June 18, 1991

June 18, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (7/15/91): Status Conf bfr Mag 1:00 8/23/91; Pre-Trial Conference bfr Mag 1:00 11/15/91 ; Non-jury Trial bfr Mag 10:00 12/2/91 by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 07/18/1991)

July 16, 1991

July 16, 1991


Letter to court from Reginald Robicheaux in re: representation by Loyola Law Clinic and that he has been experiencing difficulty in getting information regarding the case. (cm) (Entered: 08/02/1991)

Aug. 1, 1991

Aug. 1, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY (8/23/91): Status Conf held 1:00 8/23/91 by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 08/27/1991)

Aug. 26, 1991

Aug. 26, 1991


MOTION by plaintiff USA to compel dfts to answer deposition questions, interrog & req for prod. Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard before Mag Chasez at 11:00 10/2/91 (cm) (Entered: 09/17/1991)

Sept. 16, 1991

Sept. 16, 1991


Response/OPPOS by defendant Criminal Sheriff to pla's mtn to compel dfts to answer deposition questions, interrog & req for prod. [23-1] (cm) (Entered: 09/26/1991)

Sept. 25, 1991

Sept. 25, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY( 9/27/91): Re-setting pltf's motion to compel dfts to answer deposition questions, interrog & req for prod. [23-1] is CONT to 9:30 10/2/91 via telephone with the Mag's office initiating the call. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (gw) (Entered: 10/02/1991)

Sept. 30, 1991

Sept. 30, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY( 10/7/91): granting pltf's motion to compel defts to answer deposition questions, interrog & req for prod (mtn granted overall; however see M.E. for details) Docs sought which allegedly support the Sheriff's defense re: the inmate's rights of freedom of religion, etc shall be furnished to the govt on or bfr 10/29/91. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 10/10/1991)

Oct. 9, 1991

Oct. 9, 1991


Notice by plaintiff USA of appearance of John Kp Cornwell (ps) (Entered: 10/21/1991)

Oct. 21, 1991

Oct. 21, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY( 10/29/91): ; Pre-Trial Conference reset 10:00 4/16/92 ; Non-jury Trial reset 10:00 5/4/92 both bfr the Mag. Cut off dates set: 2/28/92 for fact discovery; 3/28/92 for expert discovery; 2/15/92 for the Govt's expert report to deft and 3/7/92 for deft's expert report to the Govt. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 11/01/1991)

Oct. 30, 1991

Oct. 30, 1991


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff and ORDER expediting their mtn for Protective Order to 11/27/91 at 10:00am. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed 11/27/91 (dno) Modified on 01/09/1992 (Entered: 12/03/1991)

Nov. 26, 1991

Nov. 26, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY( 11/27/91): Order granting deft Criminal Sheriff's motion for protective order. [30-1] Depos of Wardens employed by Sheriff Foti shall go forward at jail at a time that counsel agree upon on 12/10/91. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (dno) (Entered: 12/03/1991)

Dec. 2, 1991

Dec. 2, 1991


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff for protective order re ntc of depo served by pltf on 11/21/91. referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez at 10:00 11/27/91 (dno) Modified on 01/09/1992 (Entered: 12/03/1991)

Dec. 3, 1991

Dec. 3, 1991


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff and ORDER expediting hrg on his mtn to compel prod of docs to 12/17/91 at 11:00 A.M. by phone; Mag's office will initiate conf. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed: 12/10/91. (ctp) (Entered: 12/12/1991)

Dec. 5, 1991

Dec. 5, 1991


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff, defendant Criminal Sheriff's to require the Govt to define the class it purports to represent. Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard before at 11:00 1/15/92. (cm) (Entered: 12/09/1991)

Dec. 6, 1991

Dec. 6, 1991


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff, defendant Criminal Sheriff's to dismiss all claims for back pay relief for unnamed class members. Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard before at 11:00 1/15/91. (cm) (Entered: 12/09/1991)

Dec. 6, 1991

Dec. 6, 1991


Motion by Zina Garrison and ORDER that the time of the taking of the depo of Zina Garrison oral examination be changed until after 1/31/92. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (Date Signed; 12/10/91) (REF 91-3643 & 91-3778) (gw) (Entered: 12/13/1991)

Dec. 6, 1991

Dec. 6, 1991


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff to compel pltf USA to produce docs requested by mover in request for prod of docs referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard before Mag at 11:00 12/17/91 by phone; Mag's office will initiate conf. (ctp) (Entered: 12/12/1991)

Dec. 11, 1991

Dec. 11, 1991


Response by plaintiff USA to motion of defts to compel pltf USA to produce docs requested by mover in request for prod of docs [35-1] (cm) (Entered: 12/13/1991)

Dec. 13, 1991

Dec. 13, 1991


Supplemental memorandum by defendant Criminal Sheriff Foti to same's motion to compel pltf USA to produce docs requested in request for prod of docs [35-1]. (cm) Modified on 02/18/1992 (Entered: 12/20/1991)

Dec. 18, 1991

Dec. 18, 1991


MINUTE ENTRY( 12/18/91): Granting deft Foti's motion for exped hrg on the mtn to compel pltf USA to produce docs requested by mover in request for prod of docs [35-1] (see M.E. for details). by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) Modified on 02/18/1992 (Entered: 12/20/1991)

Dec. 19, 1991

Dec. 19, 1991


Response by plaintiff USA to defts' motion to require the Govt to define the class it purports to represent. [32-1] (cm) (Entered: 01/07/1992)

Jan. 7, 1992

Jan. 7, 1992


Response by plaintiff USA to defts' mtn to dismiss all claims for back pay relief for unnamed class membrs for all events which occurred bfr certain dates. (cm) (Entered: 01/07/1992)

Jan. 7, 1992

Jan. 7, 1992


Request for dep Subpoenas by plaintiff USA; 7 issued. (cm) (Entered: 01/08/1992)

Jan. 8, 1992

Jan. 8, 1992


Notice of Deposition by plaintiff USA of Warden Gary J. Bordelon, Warden Edward A. Roberts, Jr., Warden Joseph Howard, Major Michael P. Hatchl, Captain John A. LeCour all on 1/21/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/08/1992)

Jan. 8, 1992

Jan. 8, 1992


ORDER consolidating cases 90-4930 & 91-3643. by ORDER consolidating cases 90-4930 & 91-3643. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed: 1/10/92. Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed: 1/10/92. (ctp) (Entered: 01/14/1992)

Jan. 13, 1992

Jan. 13, 1992


ORDER consolidating cases 90-4930 & 91-3778. by ORDER consolidating cases 90-4930 & 91-3778. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed: 1/10/92. Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed: 1/10/92. (ctp) (Entered: 01/14/1992)

Jan. 13, 1992

Jan. 13, 1992


ORDER consolidating case 2:90-cv-4930 with member case ORDER consolidating case 2:90-cv-4930 with member case 2:91-cv-4006 by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed 2:91-cv- 4006 by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date signed 1/10/92. 1/10/92. (ctp) (Entered: 01/14/1992)

Jan. 13, 1992

Jan. 13, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER for leave to file a supplemental memo in support of mtn to dismiss all claims for back pay relief and supplemental memo in upport of mtn as per rule 23(d). by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Jan. 14, 1992

Jan. 14, 1992


USM's RETURN OF SERVICE of dep subp svd on Warden Joseph Howard on 1/14/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM' RETURN OF SERVICE of dep subp svd on Capatain John G. LeCour on 1/9/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM's RETURN OF SERVICE of dep supb svd on Warden Gary J. Bordelon on 1/9/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM's RETURN OF SERVICE of dep supb svd on Warden Edward A. Roberts, Jr. on 1/14/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM's RETURN OF SERVICE of dep subp svd on Sgt Ellis D. Brent on 1/14/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM's RETURN OF SERVICE of dep subp to Sgt John L. Phillips svd 1/9/92. (cm) (Entered: 01/17/1992)

Jan. 16, 1992

Jan. 16, 1992


USM'S RETURN OF SERVICE of subp to Major Michael P. Hatch; unserved. (ctp) (Entered: 01/24/1992)

Jan. 23, 1992

Jan. 23, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY(1/23/92): Upon agreement of counsel to extend discovery discovery deadline is EXTENDED to 2/7/92. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 01/28/1992)

Jan. 27, 1992

Jan. 27, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY(1/27/92): in 2:90-cv-04930, in 2:91-cv- 03643, in 2:91-cv-03778, in 2:91-cv-04006, Court's M.E. of 1- 23-92 is amended to reflect that the discovery deadline is EXTENDED to 3/7/92. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 01/30/1992)

Jan. 29, 1992

Jan. 29, 1992


MOTION by plaintiff Zina Garrison in 2:91-cv-03643, plaintiff Zina Garrison in 2:91-cv-03778 for appointment of counsel Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez in 2:90-cv-04930, 2:91-cv- 03643, 2:91-cv-03778. (cm) (Entered: 02/12/1992)

Feb. 10, 1992

Feb. 10, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER expediting hrg on same's mtn for ext of time to respond to pltf's 3rd request for prod of doc. Further ORDERED that Foti's mtn for ext of time be set for hrg on 2/20/92 @ 10am. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 2/20/92 (cm) Modified on 02/21/1992 (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Feb. 18, 1992

Feb. 18, 1992


ORDER-IT IS ORDERED that Jane Johnson of the Tulane Law Clinic be APPOINTED to represent pltf, Zina Garrison ; by Magistrate Alma Chasez (signed: 2/18/92) (REF: 90-4930, 91- 3778 & 91-3643) (rg) Modified on 02/20/1992 (Entered: 02/20/1992)

Feb. 19, 1992

Feb. 19, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY( 2/5/92): Hrg Foti's motion to dismiss all claims for back pay relief for unnamed class members. [33-1] and ORDERED that the Ct limits pltf's claims for back pay relief to events which occurred on and after 6/23/84 as stip; should deft find that he is unduly prejudiced in responding to claims for back pay occurring between 6/23/84 and 6/23/85, he may re-urge his request for application of a shorter time period; denying Foti's motion to require the Govt to define the class it purports to represent. [32-1] deft may obtain the sought-after information through disc; by Magistrate Alma Chasez (rg) (Entered: 02/20/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 to extend time to respond to pltf's third request for prod of docs. Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard at 10:00 2/20/92. (cm) (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY (2/20/92): Deft's mtn for ext of time to respond to pltf's third request for prod of docs [62-1] to be complied with on or bfr 3-6-92. Deft to makkeke as complete a prod as possible of the docs sought. On or bfr 3-23-92, prod to be completed. Govt's counsel inquired if deft would object to Dr. Austin, pltf's expert, contacting Chief Geerken personally to discuss computer programming for information retrieval and deft's counsel advised that this was acceptable. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


Supplemental memorandum by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 in upport of same's mtn to dismiss all claims for back pay relief for unnamed class members for all events which occurred bfr certain dates. (cm) (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


Supplemental memorandum by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 in support of same's mtn pursuant to Rule 23(d) to require the Govt to define the class it purports to represent. (cm) (Entered: 02/21/1992)

Feb. 20, 1992

Feb. 20, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER expediting hrg on same's mtn for extension of discovery deadline to 2/27/92 @ 2pm. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 2/27/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/02/1992)

Feb. 26, 1992

Feb. 26, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Betty Ann Jordan Walker on 3/5/92. (ctp) (Entered: 02/28/1992)

Feb. 28, 1992

Feb. 28, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY (2/27/92): granting deft Foti's motion to extend discovery deadlines. [68-1] The court understands that defense counsel wishes to take no more than six depositions and propound a set of interrogatories addressing the parameters of the class. To accomplish this discovery is EXTENDED to April 6th. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 03/02/1992)

Feb. 28, 1992

Feb. 28, 1992


Motion by defendants Criminal Sheriff & Criminal Sheriff's Office in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER for appearance by Maureen Blackburn Jennings to enroll as co-counsel. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 03/02/1992)

Feb. 28, 1992

Feb. 28, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Ed Cecil Day on 3/19/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/13/1992)

March 13, 1992

March 13, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff Foti in 2:90-cv-04930 of Flora B. Boyd on 3/27/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/16/1992)

March 13, 1992

March 13, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Cate Greene on 3/20/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/16/1992)

March 13, 1992

March 13, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Robert Glotz on 3/26/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/16/1992)

March 13, 1992

March 13, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Kevin S. Hickey on 3/24/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/16/1992)

March 13, 1992

March 13, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Tom L. Allison on 3/25/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/17/1992)

March 17, 1992

March 17, 1992


Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv- 04930 of Cate Greene on 3/20/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/17/1992)

March 17, 1992

March 17, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER expediting hrg on same's mtn to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses for hrg on 3/26/92 @ 4:30pm. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 3/26/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/01/1992)

March 19, 1992

March 19, 1992


Memorandum by plaintiff USA in 2:90-cv-04930 in opposition to defts' mtn pursuant to Rule 16(f) to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses. (cm) (Entered: 03/23/1992)

March 23, 1992

March 23, 1992


Second Amended Notice of Deposition by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 of Cate Greene on 4/6/92 (cm) (Entered: 03/24/1992)

March 24, 1992

March 24, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER expediting hrg on same's mtn to exclude testimony of certain of pltf's fact witnesses to 3/26/92 @ 4:30pm. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 3/26/92 (cm) Modified on 02/11/1993 (Entered: 04/01/1992)

March 24, 1992

March 24, 1992


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses. To be heard before Mag Chasez at 4:30 3/26/92 (cm) Modified on 04/10/1992 (Entered: 04/01/1992)

March 31, 1992

March 31, 1992


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 to exclude testimony of certin of pltf's fact witnesses. To be heard before Mag Chasez at 4:30 3/26/92. (cm) (Entered: 04/01/1992)

March 31, 1992

March 31, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY (3/26/92): that deft Foti's motion to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses [81-1] is submitted & that deft Foti's motion to exclude testimony of certin of pltf's fact witnesses [83-1] is also submitted. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 04/01/1992)

March 31, 1992

March 31, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER extending time to respond to pltf's 3rd set of interrogs; it is further ordered that Sheriff Foti is granted until 4/24/92 to respond ; by Magistrate Alma Chasez signed: 4/2/92 (rg) (Entered: 04/03/1992)

March 31, 1992

March 31, 1992


Response by plaintiff USA in 2:90-cv-04930 to defts' motion to exclude testimony of certin of pltf's fact witnesses. [83-1] (cm) (Entered: 04/06/1992)

April 6, 1992

April 6, 1992


Motion by plaintiff USA and ORDER for expediting hearing on same's mtn to determine sufficiency of defts'; objectiosn to pltf's first set of requests for admission is GRANTED & set for hrg on 4/16/92 at 10:00 a.m. by Magistrate Alma Chasez. (REF 90- 4930) (dp) Modified on 04/08/1992 (Entered: 04/08/1992)

April 6, 1992

April 6, 1992


MOTION by plaintiff USA to determine the sufficiency of defts' objections to pltf's first set of requests for admission referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard before Mag/Judge Chasez at 10:00 a.m. on 4/16/92. (REF 90-4930) (dp) Modified on 04/08/1992 (Entered: 04/08/1992)

April 7, 1992

April 7, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER for leave to file a supplemental memo in support of mtn to exclude. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 4/8/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/09/1992)

April 7, 1992

April 7, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER for leave to file a Supplemental Memo in support of mtn to exclude. Ordered that same memo be filed into record. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 4/8/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/10/1992)

April 7, 1992

April 7, 1992


Motion by plaintiff USA in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER that the attached discovery pldgs, etc. be filed & attached to the pltf's prev filed mtn to determine the sufficiency of defts' objections to pltf's first set of requests for admission. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 04/10/1992)

April 8, 1992

April 8, 1992


Supplemental memorandum by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 in support of his motion to exclude testimony of certain of pltf's fact witnesses. [83-1] (cm) (Entered: 04/09/1992)

April 9, 1992

April 9, 1992


Supplemental memorandum by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 to same's motion to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses. [81-1] (cm) (Entered: 04/10/1992)

April 9, 1992

April 9, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER expediting hrg on same's mtn to compel more responses to deft's 3rd seet of interrogs & for sanctions is GRANTED & that hrg is set bfr this Mag Judge on 4/16/92 @ 10am. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (cm) (Entered: 04/14/1992)

April 14, 1992

April 14, 1992


MOTION by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 to compel the Govt to provide more complete responses to Interrogs 13-16, 19(a, c, d) & 20-22. , and for sanctions Referred to Magistrate Alma Chasez to be heard at 10:00 4/16/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/14/1992)

April 14, 1992

April 14, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 for exp hrg on mtn of same to dismiss - "oral response is DENIED, mtn will be decided on written submissions." by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 9/4/92 (cm) Modified on 09/09/1992 (Entered: 09/08/1992)

April 15, 1992

April 15, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY( 4/16/92): granting deft Sheriff's motion to compel the Govt to provide more complete responses to Interrogs 13-16, c, d) & 20-22. [95-1] ; deft Sheriff's motion for sanctions [95-2] (see M.E. for details), granting USA's motion to determine the sufficiency of defts' objections to pltf's first set of requests for admission [88-1] & denying Sheriff's motion to exclude testimony of certain of pltf's fact witnesses [83-1] and denying Sheriff's motion to exclude testimony of pltf's expert witnesses. [81-1] For details re: mtns , please refer to M.E. A settlement conf is set for 4/21/92 @ 2pm. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (Ref All Cases) (cm) Modified on 04/21/1992 (Entered: 04/21/1992)

April 21, 1992

April 21, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY( 4/21/92): A settlement conf was held 4/21/92 & a further conference is set for 1:00 4/29/92 bfr Mag. by Magistrate Alma Chasez (REF 90-4930) (dno) Modified on 04/22/1992 (Entered: 04/22/1992)

April 22, 1992

April 22, 1992


Motion by defendant Criminal Sheriff in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER extending time by 30 days after receipt of a complete & final expert report from Dr. James Austin to respond to pltf's third set of interrogatories. by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 4/27/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/29/1992)

April 24, 1992

April 24, 1992


Joint motion by plaintiff USA, defendant Criminal Sheriff, defendant Criminal Sheriff's in 2:90-cv-04930 and ORDER for protective order (see order for details.) by Magistrate Alma Chasez Date Signed: 4/27/92 (cm) (Entered: 04/29/1992)

April 24, 1992

April 24, 1992


MINUTE ENTRY( 4/28/92): Settlement conference rescheduled for 10:00 5/4/92 ; by Magistrate Alma Chasez (REF: 90-4930)(rg) Modified on 04/29/1992 (Entered: 04/29/1992)

April 29, 1992

April 29, 1992


Memorandum by plaintiff USA in 2:90-cv-04930 in opposition to Sheriff Foti's mtn to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12 (b)(6) (cm) (Entered: 04/29/1992)

April 29, 1992

April 29, 1992

Case Details

State / Territory: Louisiana

Case Type(s):

Equal Employment

Key Dates

Filing Date: Dec. 17, 1990

Closing Date: Oct. 8, 2003

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

United States on behalf of female applicants

Plaintiff Type(s):

U.S. Dept of Justice plaintiff

Attorney Organizations:

U.S. Dept. of Justice Civil Rights Division

Public Interest Lawyer: Yes

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Criminal Sheriff (New Orleans, Orleans), County

Defendant Type(s):


Case Details

Causes of Action:

Title VII (including PDA), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Mixed

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement


Source of Relief:



Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Order Duration: 1990 - 2004



Pattern or Practice

Discrimination Area:


Discrimination Basis:

Sex discrimination

Affected Sex/Gender(s):
