COMPLAINT against All Defendants by T G, J A, P P. Attorney Pitts, Freya E. added. (Filing fee $ 400, receipt number 0972-7517670) (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Pitts, Freya) (Entered: 02/21/2018)
1 Civil Cover Sheet
View on PACER
Feb. 21, 2018
Feb. 21, 2018
SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Mary Barlow, Kern County, T R Merickel* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. Attorney *Freya E. Pitts* *2001 Center Street* *Floor 4* *Berkeley, CA 94704*. (Sant Agata, S) (Entered: 02/22/2018)
Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Kern County Probation Department, Kern County Superintendent of Schools* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. Attorney *Freya E. Pitts* *2001 Center Street* *Floor 4* *Berkeley, Ca 94704*. (Sant Agata, S) (Entered: 02/22/2018)
Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
CIVIL NEW CASE DOCUMENTS ISSUED; Initial Scheduling Conference set for 5/23/2018 at 08:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Standing Order, # 2 Consent Form, # 3 VDRP) (Sant Agata, S) (Entered: 02/22/2018)
Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
MOTION To Proceed Using Initials by J A, T G, P P. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration In support of Plaintiffs' Unopposed Motion for Relief to Proceed Using Initials)(Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 02/23/2018)
Feb. 23, 2018
Feb. 23, 2018
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Carly Jean Munson on behalf of J A, T G, P P. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/01/2018)
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
CLERK'S NOTICE: Please disregard docket entry 6 Notice of Appearance -wrong attorney. (Martin-Gill, S) (Entered: 03/01/2018)
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Rebecca Jane Cervenak on behalf of J A, T G, P P. Attorney Cervenak, Rebecca Jane added. (Cervenak, Rebecca) (Entered: 03/01/2018)
March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018
ORDER Granting 5 Motion to Proceed Using Initials, signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 3/6/2018. (Gaumnitz, R) (Entered: 03/06/2018)
March 6, 2018
March 6, 2018
STIPULATION and PROPOSED ORDER for Request to Stay Litigation Pending Settlement Negotiations by J A, T G, P P. (Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 03/08/2018)
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
ORDER Granting 10 Stipulation and Joint Request to Stay Case, signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 3/9/2018. (The scheduling conference currently set for May 23, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. before Magistrate Judge Jennifer Thurston is hereby vacated; The parties shall file a joint status report advising the court as to the status of the action and whether the stay should continue no later than July 10, 2018, and then every 120 days thereafter while this stay is in effect.)(Gaumnitz, R) (Entered: 03/09/2018)
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Kern County Superintendent of Schools served on 2/27/2018, answer due 3/20/2018. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/21/2018)
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Kern County served on 2/27/2018, answer due 3/20/2018. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/21/2018)
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Mary C. Barlow served on 2/27/2018, answer due 3/20/2018. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/21/2018)
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Kern County Probation Department served on 2/27/2018, answer due 3/20/2018. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/21/2018)
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: T R Merickel served on 2/27/2018, answer due 3/20/2018. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/21/2018)
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
JOINT STATUS REPORT by J A, T G, P P. (Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 07/10/2018)
July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018
DESIGNATION of COUNSEL FOR SERVICE., attorney Rebecca Jane Cervenak and Freya E. Pitts terminated (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 08/30/2018)
Aug. 30, 2018
Aug. 30, 2018
DESIGNATION of COUNSEL FOR SERVICE. Added attorney Margo A Raison,Mark Lloyd Nations,Kendra Layne Graham for Kern County,Margo A Raison,Mark Lloyd Nations,Kendra Layne Graham for Kern County Probation Department,Margo A Raison,Mark Lloyd Nations,Kendra Layne Graham for T R Merickel (Nations, Mark) (Entered: 10/23/2018)
Oct. 23, 2018
Oct. 23, 2018
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Michelle Brooke Iorio on behalf of J A, T G, P P. Attorney Iorio, Michelle Brooke added. (Iorio, Michelle) (Entered: 11/07/2018)
Nov. 7, 2018
Nov. 7, 2018
JOINT STATUS REPORT by J A, T G, P P. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 11/07/2018)
Nov. 7, 2018
Nov. 7, 2018
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 11/8/2018: The Court has reviewed the joint status report. Unless there is extraordinary cause shown, the Court does not anticipate extending the stay beyond the next 120-day period. Thus, the parties SHALL redouble their efforts to resolve the matter or to determine that resolution is not possible at this time. (Hall, S) (Entered: 11/08/2018)
Nov. 8, 2018
Nov. 8, 2018
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Neeraj Kumar on behalf of J A, T G, P P. Attorney Kumar, Neeraj added. (Kumar, Neeraj) (Entered: 11/08/2018)
Nov. 8, 2018
Nov. 8, 2018
JOINT STATUS REPORT by J A, T G, P P. (Iorio, Michelle) (Entered: 03/07/2019)
March 7, 2019
March 7, 2019
ORDER AFTER 24 STATUS REPORT, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 3/8/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 03/08/2019)
March 8, 2019
March 8, 2019
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Andrew C. Thomson on behalf of Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel. Attorney Thomson, Andrew C. added. (Thomson, Andrew) (Entered: 07/02/2019)
July 2, 2019
July 2, 2019
JOINT STATUS REPORT by J A, T G, P P. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 07/03/2019)
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
NOTICE of Withdrawal of Attorney Mark L. Nations by Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel. (Graham, Kendra) (Entered: 07/03/2019)
July 3, 2019
July 3, 2019
MINUTE ORDER: (TEXT ENTRY ONLY) signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 7/8/2019. Pursuant to paragraph 15 of the joint status report filed on July 3, 2019 (Doc. No. 27 ), all parties are directed to file Consent Forms on the court's docket. (See Doc. No. 4-2.) Upon receipt of those Consent Forms, the court will reassign this matter for all purposes to United States Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Thorp, J) (Entered: 07/08/2019)
July 8, 2019
July 8, 2019
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Andrew Christopher Hamilton on behalf of Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel. Attorney Hamilton, Andrew Christopher added. (Hamilton, Andrew) (Entered: 07/11/2019)
July 11, 2019
July 11, 2019
CONSENT to JURISDICTION of US MAGISTRATE JUDGE by J A, T G, P P. (Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 07/12/2019)
July 12, 2019
July 12, 2019
CONSENT to JURISDICTION of US MAGISTRATE JUDGE by Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel. (Raison, Margo) (Entered: 07/18/2019)
July 18, 2019
July 18, 2019
CONSENT ORDER REASSIGNING CASE for all purposes to Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston signed by District Judge Dale A. Drozd on 7/19/2019. (Sant Agata, S) (Entered: 07/19/2019)
July 19, 2019
July 19, 2019
ORDER After Status Report/Notice of Settlement; ORDER LIFTING STAY, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 8/1/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 08/01/2019)
Aug. 1, 2019
Aug. 1, 2019
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Mark R. Bresee on behalf of Mary C. Barlow, Kern County Superintendent of Schools. Attorney Bresee, Mark R. added. (Bresee, Mark) (Entered: 08/08/2019)
Aug. 8, 2019
Aug. 8, 2019
MOTION Joint Request for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement and Class Certification by T G, P P. Motion Hearing set for 10/11/2019 at 09:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Declaration of Thomas Zito in Support of Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 1 to Decl. of Thomas Zito ISO Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 2 to Decl. of Thomas Zito ISO Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 3 to Decl. of Thomas Zito ISO Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 5 Declaration Declaration of Carly J. Munson in Support of Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 1 to Decl. of Carly J. Munson ISO Motion for Prelminary Approval, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 2 to Decl. of Carly J. Munson ISO Motion for Preliminary Approval, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 3 to Decl. of Carly J. Munson ISO Motion for Preliminary Approval)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 08/30/2019)
Aug. 30, 2019
Aug. 30, 2019
PROPOSED ORDER re Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement and Class Certification re 36 MOTION Joint Request for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement and Class Certification. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 08/30/2019)
Aug. 30, 2019
Aug. 30, 2019
STIPULATION re 36 MOTION Joint Request for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement and Class Certification by T G, P P. (Kumar, Neeraj) (Entered: 09/26/2019)
Sept. 26, 2019
Sept. 26, 2019
ORDER DIRECTING PLAINTIFF P.P. to File a Motion for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/1/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 10/01/2019)
Oct. 1, 2019
Oct. 1, 2019
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/3/2019: The Court finds the Motion for Preliminary Approval of Class Settlement (Doc. 36 ) suitable for decision without oral argument or a hearing pursuant to Local Rule 230(g). Accordingly, the hearing set for 10/11/2019 is VACATED. A written decision will issue. The stipulation requesting a change in hearing date (Doc. 38 ) is DENIED AS MOOT. (Hall, S) (Entered: 10/03/2019)
Oct. 3, 2019
Oct. 3, 2019
MOTION Authorization for Rebecca P. to Represent P.P. as His General Guardian Under Fed. R. Civ. P. 17(c)(1) by P P. Motion Hearing set for 11/19/2019 at 09:30 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 10/08/2019)
Oct. 8, 2019
Oct. 8, 2019
NOTICE of Request to Seal Document(s) pursuant to L.R. 141 by P P. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 10/08/2019)
Oct. 8, 2019
Oct. 8, 2019
PROPOSED ORDER re Authorization for Rebecca P. to Represent P.P. as His General Guardian Pursuant to Rule 17(c)(1) re 41 MOTION Authorization for Rebecca P. to Represent P.P. as His General Guardian Under Fed. R. Civ. P. 17(c)(1) by P P. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 10/08/2019)
Oct. 8, 2019
Oct. 8, 2019
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/9/2019: The request to file the motion for appointment of guardian ad litem under seal (Doc. 42 ) is DENIED. The child's name SHALL be redacted according to Local Rule 140(a)(1) in court filings. (Hall, S) (Entered: 10/09/2019)
Oct. 9, 2019
Oct. 9, 2019
MOTION to APPOINT GUARDIAN AD LITEM by P P. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Rebecca P. in Support of Motion to Appoint Rebecca P. as Guardian ad Litem for P.P.)(Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 10/10/2019)
Oct. 10, 2019
Oct. 10, 2019
ORDER GRANTING 45 Motion to Appoint Rebecca P. as Guardian Ad Litem for Minor Plaintiff P.P., signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/11/2019. (Martin-Gill, S) (Entered: 10/15/2019)
Oct. 15, 2019
Oct. 15, 2019
ORDER DIRECTING PLAINTIFF T.G. to File a Motion for Appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem or File Evidence that He Has Been Restored to Competency, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/31/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 11/01/2019)
Nov. 1, 2019
Nov. 1, 2019
ORDER DENYING AS MOOT 41 Plaintiff P.P.'s Motion for Rebecca P. to Represent P.P. as a General Guardian, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 10/31/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 11/01/2019)
Nov. 1, 2019
Nov. 1, 2019
NOTICE of Restored Competency by T G re 47 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of T.G. in Support of Notice of Restored Competency, # 2 Declaration of Carly J. Munson in Support of Notice of Restored Competency)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 11/08/2019)
Nov. 8, 2019
Nov. 8, 2019
ORDER GRANTING 36 Preliminary Approval of the Class Action Settlement, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 12/4/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 12/04/2019)
Dec. 4, 2019
Dec. 4, 2019
NOTICE of Revised and Translated Class Notice by T G, P P re 50 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Carly J. Munson in Support of Notice of Revised and Translated Class Notice and Exhibits A through C)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 12/12/2019)
Dec. 12, 2019
Dec. 12, 2019
ORDER GRANTING APPROVAL 51 of the Class Notice, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 12/16/2019. (Hall, S) (Entered: 12/17/2019)
Dec. 17, 2019
Dec. 17, 2019
MOTION to CONTINUE Final Approval Hearing and Related Deadlines by T G, P P. Motion Hearing set for 6/3/2020 at 09:00 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Carly J. Munson in Support of Joint Request to Continue Final Approval Hearing and Related Deadlines, # 2 Proposed Order Continuing Final Approval Hearing and Related Deadlines)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 03/16/2020)
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020
ORDER 53 Continuing Final Approval Hearing and Related Deadlines, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 3/19/2020. Motion Hearing CONTINUED to 6/8/2020 at 09:00 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Hall, S) (Entered: 03/19/2020)
March 19, 2020
March 19, 2020
DECLARATION of Thomas Zito re 50 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Screen shot of DRA's home page)(Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 04/01/2020)
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE RE DISSEMINATION OF THE NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION LITIGATION IN COMPLIANCE WITH COURT'S ORDER GRANTING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF THE CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT (Doc. 36) by All Defendants. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration Kendra Graham's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 2 Declaration Stacy Inman's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 3 Declaration Carlos Rojas' Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 4 Declaration William Dickinson's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit A to William Dickinson's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit B to William Dickinson's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit C to William Dickinson's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit D to William Dickinson's Declaration re Dissemination of Notice)(Graham, Kendra) (Entered: 04/01/2020)
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
DECLARATION of Carly J. Munson re 50 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief. (Munson, Carly) (Entered: 04/01/2020)
April 1, 2020
April 1, 2020
MOTION approval of minor's compromise for plaintiff P.P. re 50 Order, Set/Reset Deadlines and Hearings, Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief by P P. Motion Hearing set for 6/8/2020 at 09:00 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Rebecca P. in support of approval of minor's compromise, # 2 Proposed Order approving minor's compromise for plaintiff P.P.)(Kumar, Neeraj) (Entered: 05/06/2020)
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
MOTION for ATTORNEY FEES Unopposed by T G, P P. Motion Hearing set for 6/8/2020 at 09:00 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix, # 2 Declaration Declaration of Richard Pearl, # 3 Declaration Declaration of Dawson Morton, # 4 Proposed Order)(Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 05/07/2020)
May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020
MOTION to APPROVE CONSENT JUDGMENT Joint Motion for Final Approval of Class Settlements by T G, P P. Motion Hearing set for 6/8/2020 at 09:00 AM in Bakersfield, 510 19th Street before Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Granting Final Approval, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit 1 to Final Approval Order, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit 2 to Final Approval Order, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit 3 to Final Approval Order)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 05/07/2020)
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
DECLARATION of Thomas Zito in support of 59 Motion for Attorney Fees, 60 Motion to Approve Consent Judgment,. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Summary of Fees, # 2 Exhibit Billing Records, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit)(Zito, Thomas) (Entered: 05/07/2020)
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
DECLARATION of Carly J. Munson in support of 58 Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, 59 Motion for Attorney Fees, 60 Motion to Approve Consent Judgment,. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - KCSOS Addendum, # 2 Exhibit B to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - Compensatory Education Settlement for P.P., # 3 Exhibit C to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - I.N. v. Kent Fee Order, # 4 Exhibit C to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - DRC Fee Records, # 5 Exhibit E to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - DRC Summary of Fees, # 6 Exhibit F to Declaration of Carly J. Munson - DRC Summary of Costs)(Munson, Carly) (Entered: 05/07/2020)
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 5/7/2020: One of the child-plaintiff's has filed a motion for approval of the minor's compromise (Doc. 58 ). In doing so, the minor reports that his/her birthday will occur before the hearing set for the motion. Thus, the Court ORDERS: no later than 5/21/2020, the child's guardian or attorney SHALL file under seal a declaration attesting to the date of birth of the minor. The declaration SHALL be emailed to: ApprovedSealed@caed.uscourts.gov. (Hall, S) (Entered: 05/07/2020)
May 7, 2020
May 7, 2020
SEALED EVENT. (Flores, E) (Entered: 05/08/2020)
May 8, 2020
May 8, 2020
NOTICE of Request to Seal Document(s) pursuant to L.R. 141 by Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel. (Graham, Kendra) (Entered: 05/27/2020)
May 27, 2020
May 27, 2020
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 5/28/2020: Based upon the information contained in the declaration (Doc. 64 ), the motion for approval of minors compromise (Doc. 58 ) is terminated as unnecessary. (Hall, S) (Entered: 05/28/2020)
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020
ORDER GRANTING 65 Request to Seal Document 56-7 Pursuant to Local Rule 141 and Request to File Redacted Document in Its Place Pursuant to Local Rule 140, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 5/27/2020. (Hall, S) (Entered: 05/28/2020)
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020
AMENDED DOCUMENT by Kern County, Kern County Probation Department, T R Merickel: Amended 56 Notice - Other,,,. (Graham, Kendra) (Entered: 05/29/2020)
May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Stacy Jo L. Inman on behalf of Kern County Superintendent of Schools. Attorney Inman, Stacy Jo L. added. (Inman, Stacy Jo) (Entered: 06/02/2020)
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Stacy Jo L. Inman on behalf of Mary C. Barlow. Attorney Inman, Stacy Jo L. added. (Inman, Stacy Jo) (Entered: 06/02/2020)
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
NOTICE of APPEARANCE by Robert John Borrelle on behalf of J A, T G, P P. Attorney Borrelle, Robert John added. (Borrelle, Robert) (Entered: 06/04/2020)
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
MINUTE ORDER (TEXT ENTRY ONLY), signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 6/5/2020: Pursuant to General Order 618, and Local Rule 230(g), the Court finds the motion for final approval of class action settlement (Doc. 60 ) and the motion for attorney fees (Doc. 59 ) suitable for decision without oral argument and the hearing set for 6/8/2020 is VACATED. Written order to issue. (Hall, S) (Entered: 06/05/2020)
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
ORDER GRANTING 60 Final Approval of the Class Action Settlements and ORDER GRANTING 59 Plaintiffs' Motion for Fees and Costs, signed by Magistrate Judge Jennifer L. Thurston on 6/4/2020. CASE CLOSED. (Rivera, O) (Entered: 06/05/2020)
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
JUDGMENT dated *6/5/2020* pursuant to order 73 . (Rivera, O) (Entered: 06/05/2020)
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
ORDER on 75 Stipulated Request to Amend Final Approval Order and Modify Settlement Agreement, signed by Magistrate Judge Christopher D. Baker on 8/15/2023. (Hall, S)
Aug. 15, 2023
Aug. 15, 2023
ORDER on Stipulated Request to Modify Settlement Agreement signed by Magistrate Judge Christopher D. Baker on 10/11/2024. Dr. John G. Mendiburu is substituted as defendant in place of Dr. Marcy Barlow. (Lawrence, A)
Oct. 11, 2024
Oct. 11, 2024