COMPLAINT against All Defendants Filing fee paid in the amount of $ 400, receipt number 0863-3357998., filed by G.R.. Notice of Dismissal for lack of Service deadline set for 2/26/2018. Rule 16 Notice of Dismissal set for 2/26/2018.(Kirstein, Nathan) (Entered: 11/27/2017)
Nov. 27, 2017
Nov. 27, 2017
MOTION re 1 Complaint, by C.P., G.R., J.S.Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 12/11/2017. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Brief in Support, # 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Kirstein, Nathan) (Entered: 11/27/2017)
Nov. 27, 2017
Nov. 27, 2017
ORDER granting as modified 2 plaintiffs' Motion for leave to proceed with the use of pseudonyms for the named plaintiffs and next friends. Plaintiffs to serve copy of order on defendants. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 11/27/2017. (kln) (Entered: 11/27/2017)
Nov. 27, 2017
Nov. 27, 2017
CERTIFICATE by C.P., G.R., J.S. (Kirstein, Nathan) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
Appear Pro Hac Vice AND Appear Pro Hac Vice AND Appear Pro Hac Vice
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Jerry Foxhoven; Jerry Foxhoven waiver served on 11/27/2017, answer due 1/26/2018. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Richard Shults; Richard Shults waiver served on 11/27/2017, answer due 1/26/2018. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Mark Day; Mark Day waiver served on 11/27/2017, answer due 1/26/2018. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
NOTICE of Appearance by Gretchen Witte Kraemer on behalf of All Defendants (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3361197 Fee paid in the amount of $75. by C.P., G.R., J.S. (Rosenthal, Joshua) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3361241 Fee paid in the amount of $75. by C.P., G.R., J.S. (Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3361265 Fee paid in the amount of $75. by C.P., G.R., J.S. (Frizell, Catherine) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
TEXT ORDER granting 9 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Joshua Rosenthal; granting 10 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Harry Frischer; granting 11 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Catherine Frizell. Signed by Clerk of Court John Courter on 11/29/2017. (kjw) (Entered: 11/29/2017)
Nov. 29, 2017
Nov. 29, 2017
MOTION to Amend/Correct 3 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults.Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 12/26/2017. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 12/11/2017)
Dec. 11, 2017
Dec. 11, 2017
MOTION for Protective Order by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults.Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 12/29/2017. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 12/15/2017)
Dec. 15, 2017
Dec. 15, 2017
TEXT ORDER re 14 MOTION for Protective Order filed by Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults, Mark Day: Status Conference set for 12/21/2017 at 11:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. Counsel should call 1-866-390-1828 and enter access code 1176783 to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/18/2017. (kln) (Entered: 12/18/2017)
Dec. 18, 2017
Dec. 18, 2017
Order AND ~Util - Set Hearings
Dec. 18, 2017
Dec. 18, 2017
RESPONSE to Motion re 13 MOTION to Amend/Correct 3 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief, filed by C.P., G.R., J.S.. Replies due by 12/27/2017. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Plaintiffs' Proposed Amended Order Granting Leave to Use Pseudonyms)(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 12/20/2017)
Dec. 20, 2017
Dec. 20, 2017
RESPONSE to Motion re 14 MOTION for Protective Order filed by C.P., G.R., J.S.. Replies due by 12/27/2017. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Plaintiffs' Proposed Protective Order)(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 12/20/2017)
Dec. 20, 2017
Dec. 20, 2017
NOTICE of Appearance by Matthew Kenneth Gillespie on behalf of All Defendants (Gillespie, Matthew) (Entered: 12/20/2017)
Dec. 20, 2017
Dec. 20, 2017
NOTICE of Appearance by Anagha Dixit on behalf of All Defendants (Dixit, Anagha) (Entered: 12/20/2017)
Dec. 20, 2017
Dec. 20, 2017
TEXT MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams: Telephonic Status Conference held on 12/21/2017. Attorney Nathan Kirstein, Catherine Frizell, Harry Frischer, and Joshua Rosenthal appeared for plaintiff. Attorneys Gretchen Witte Kraemer, Anagha Dixit and Matthew Gillespie appeared for defendants. Status of case discussed. Separate order to follow. Total Court Time: 21 minutes. (Court Reporter Kelli Mulcahy.) (kln) (Entered: 12/21/2017)
Dec. 21, 2017
Dec. 21, 2017
Order AND ~Util - Set Hearings
Dec. 21, 2017
Dec. 21, 2017
Status Conference
Dec. 21, 2017
Dec. 21, 2017
TEXT ORDER: ORDER SETTING STATUS CONFERENCE. Status Conference is set for 2/7/2018 at 10:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. To join the conference, counsel shall call the court's conference line at 1-866-390-1828 and enter access code 1176783 to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/21/2017.(kln) (Entered: 12/21/2017)
Dec. 21, 2017
Dec. 21, 2017
ORDER granting in part 14 Defendants' Motion for Protective Order. Protective Order filed separately. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/27/2017. (kln) (Entered: 12/27/2017)
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
PROTECTIVE ORDER. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/27/2017. (kln) (Entered: 12/27/2017)
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
TEXT ORDER: ORDER granting in part 13 defendants' motion to modify order regarding pseudonyms. The Court will enter an Amended Order which modifies the proposed order submitted by plaintiffs [16-1]. Entered by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/27/2017.(kln) (Entered: 12/27/2017)
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
AMENDED ORDER GRANTING LEAVE TO USE PSEUDONYMS. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 12/27/2017. (kln) (Entered: 12/27/2017)
Dec. 27, 2017
Dec. 27, 2017
DEFENDANTS' ANSWER to Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against All Plaintiffs by Richard Shults, Jerry Foxhoven, Mark Day.(Gillespie, Matthew) (Entered: 01/26/2018)
Jan. 26, 2018
Jan. 26, 2018
MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confidential Appendix filed separately under seal by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults. Responses due by 2/16/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Statement of Material Facts, # 2 Brief in Support)(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 01/26/2018)
Jan. 26, 2018
Jan. 26, 2018
Sealed Document re 27 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confidential Appendix filed separately under seal by Richard Shults, Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 01/26/2018)
Jan. 26, 2018
Jan. 26, 2018
Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Proposed Scheduling Order/Discovery Plan by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X..Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 2/20/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 02/05/2018)
Feb. 5, 2018
Feb. 5, 2018
TEXT MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams: Telephonic Status Conference held on 2/7/2018. Attorneys Nathan Kirstein, Catherine Frizell, Harry Frischer, and Joshua Rosenthal appeared for plaintiff. Attorneys Gretchen Witte Kraemer, Anagha Dixit and Matthew Gillespie appeared for defendants. Status of case discussed. Separate order to follow. Total Court Time: 9 minutes.(pjc) (Entered: 02/07/2018)
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
Order AND ~Util - Set Hearings
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
Extension of Time to File
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
Status Conference
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
TEXT ORDER granting 29 Motion for Extension of Time to File. The parties shall have their Rule 26(f) hearing on or before 2/23/2018. The parties shall file their proposed scheduling order on or before 3/12/2018. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 2/7/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 02/07/2018)
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
TEXT ORDER: Scheduling Conference set for 3/27/2018 at 10:30 AM by Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. To join the conference, counsel shall call the court's conference line at 1-866-390-1828 and enter access code 1176783 to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 2/7/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 02/07/2018)
Feb. 7, 2018
Feb. 7, 2018
First AMENDED COMPLAINT against Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults., filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 02/16/2018)
Feb. 16, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018
Plaintiffs' ANSWER to 26 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 02/16/2018)
Feb. 16, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 27 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confidential Appendix filed separately under seal filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. Replies due by 2/23/2018. (Attachments: # 1 Statement of Material Facts, # 2 Declaration of Joshua M. Rosenthal, # 3 Appendix 1)(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 02/16/2018)
Feb. 16, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018
Sealed Document re 35 Response to Motion, by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 02/16/2018)
Feb. 16, 2018
Feb. 16, 2018
REPLY Confidential Reply Appendix File Separately under seal re 27 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confidential Appendix filed separately under seal filed by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults. (Attachments: # 1 Statement of Material Facts)(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 02/22/2018)
Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
Sealed Document re 37 Reply to Response, by Richard Shults, Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven. (Kraemer, Gretchen) Modified on 2/22/2018 Linked to motion for partial s/j 27 (don). (Entered: 02/22/2018)
Feb. 22, 2018
Feb. 22, 2018
DEFENDANTS' ANSWER to 33 Amended Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against All Plaintiffs by Richard Shults, Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven.(Gillespie, Matthew) (Entered: 02/26/2018)
Feb. 26, 2018
Feb. 26, 2018
MOTION for IME filed by Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults and Mark Day. Motion referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 3/14/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Brief in Support, # 2 Exhibit). (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 02/28/2018)
Feb. 28, 2018
Feb. 28, 2018
Feb. 28, 2018
Feb. 28, 2018
TEXT ORDER ACCELERATING TIME FOR RESPONSE TO 40 MOTION for IME filed by Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults and Mark Day: Plaintiffs should respond to the motion by 3/7/2018. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 2/28/2018. (kln) (Entered: 02/28/2018)
Feb. 28, 2018
Feb. 28, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 40 MOTION Court order permitting IME filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. Replies due by 3/14/2018. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Koch, # 2 Affidavit Kirstein)(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 03/07/2018)
March 7, 2018
March 7, 2018
TEXT ORDER EXPEDITING REPLY DEADLINE AND SETTING MOTION HEARING: Defendants have until 3/13/2018 at noon to reply on their motion for IME 40 . Motion Hearing on defendants' motion 40 set for 3/14/2018 at 9:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. To join the call, counsel shall call the court's conference line at 1-866-390-1828 and enter access code 1176783. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/8/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 03/08/2018)
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
Order AND ~Util - Set Hearings
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
REPLY re 40 MOTION Court order permitting IME filed by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults.(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 03/08/2018)
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
Sealed Document re 44 Reply to Response Reply Appendix re Rule 35 Eval by Richard Shults, Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 03/08/2018)
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
TEXT ORDER CONCERNING 3/14/2018 HEARING. Counsel are notified that the call-in number for the hearing set for 9:00 AM on 3/14/2018 has been changed. Counsel should call 1-877-336-1829 and enter access number 1176783 to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/8/2018. (kln) (Entered: 03/08/2018)
March 8, 2018
March 8, 2018
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3441404 Fee paid in the amount of $75. by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Berg, Nicholas) (Entered: 03/09/2018)
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
Appear Pro Hac Vice AND Appear Pro Hac Vice AND Appear Pro Hac Vice
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3441417 Fee paid in the amount of $75. by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 03/09/2018)
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Receipt Number: 0863-3441434 Fee paid in the amount of $75 by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Zagnoli, Charles) Modified on 3/9/2018 to add payment information. (tae) (Entered: 03/09/2018)
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
TEXT ORDER granting 47 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Nicholas M. Berg; granting 48 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Timothy R. Farrell; granting 49 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Charles D. Zagnoli. Signed by Clerk of Court John Courter on 3/9/2018. (kjw) (Entered: 03/09/2018)
March 9, 2018
March 9, 2018
PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER AND DISCOVERY PLAN . (Dixit, Anagha) (Entered: 03/12/2018)
March 12, 2018
March 12, 2018
TEXT MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams: Motion Hearing held on 3/14/2018. Attorneys Nathan Kirstein, Catherine Frizell, and Harry Frischer appeared for plaintiff. Attorneys Anagha Dixit and Matthew Gillespie appeared for defendants. Oral argument on motion to compel IME 40 . Ruling reserved. Total Court Time: 51 minutes. (Court Reporter Kelli Mulcahy.) (kln) (Entered: 03/14/2018)
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Motion Hearing
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Plaintiffs' Renewed ANSWER to 39 Answer to 33 Amended Complaint, Counterclaim by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..(Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 03/15/2018)
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
TEXT ORDER: ORDER CONCERNING CALL-IN NUMBER FOR SCHEDULING CONFERENCE. Counsel are notified that the call-in number for the scheduling conference on 3/27/2018 at 10:30 AM has been changed. Counsel should call 1-877-336-1829 and enter access code 1176783 at the prompt to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/23/2018. (kln) (Entered: 03/23/2018)
March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018
MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 4/9/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Rosenthal, Joshua) (Entered: 03/26/2018)
March 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
Withdraw as Attorney
March 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
TEXT ORDER: ORDER granting 55 motion for withdrawal of appearance of Joshua M. Rosenthal. Attorneys Kirstein, Frizell, Zagnoli, Frischer, Hudson, Berg and Farrell continue to represent plaintiffs. Mr. Rosenthal's appearance may be terminated. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/26/2018.(kln) (Entered: 03/26/2018)
March 26, 2018
March 26, 2018
TEXT MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams: Telephonic Scheduling Conference held on 3/27/2018. Attorneys Nathan Kirstein, Timothy Farrell, Catherine Frizell, and Harry Frischer appeared for plaintiff. Attorneys Gretchen Kraemer, Anagha Dixit and Matthew Gillespie appeared for defendants. Status of case discussed. Separate orders to follow. Total Court Time: 19 minutes. (kln) (Entered: 03/27/2018)
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
Scheduling Conference
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
ORDER adopting 51 PROPOSED SCHEDULING ORDER AND DISCOVERY PLAN: Initial Disclosures Deadline 3/8/2018. Motions to Add Parties due by 5/14/2018. Motions to Amend Pleadings due by 5/14/2018. Motion for class certification due by 5/29/2018. Plaintiffs Expert Witness Disclosures due by 5/29/2018. Defendants Expert Witness Disclosures due by 7/30/2018. Plaintiffs Rebuttal Witness Disclosures due by 8/20/2018. Discovery Deadline 9/4/2018. Dispositive Motion Deadline 10/4/2018. Final Pretrial Conference set for 2/20/2019 at 10:30 AM in Des Moines Courthouse before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. Bench Trial set for 3/11/2019 at 09:00 AM in Des Moines - Room 145 - 1st Floor South before Judge Stephanie M. Rose. Estimated 9 days. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/27/2018. (kln) (Entered: 03/27/2018)
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
ORDER REGARDING FINAL PRETRIAL CONFERENCE REQUIREMENTS. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/27/2018. (kln) (Entered: 03/27/2018)
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
ORDER SCHEDULING STATUS CONFERENCES: Status Conference set for 5/29/2018 at 10:00 AM; 7/26/2018 at 10:00 AM; 9/20/2018 at 10:00 AM; 11/27/2018 at 10:00 AM; 1/16/2019 at 10:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/27/2018. (kln) (Entered: 03/27/2018)
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
ORDER denying 40 Motion for IME. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/28/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 03/28/2018)
March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
STATUS REPORT Jointly Submitted by Plaintiffs and Defendants Requesting Hearing Date by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 03/30/2018)
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
Order AND ~Util - Set Hearings
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
TEXT ORDER: ORDER CONCERNING DISCOVERY ISSUES. As agreed by the parties 62, defendants will file a motion for protective order by 4/9/2018. Plaintiff's response is due by 4/19/2018. No reply will be filed. Hearing on the motion is set for 5/2/2018 at 10:00 AM CDT by means of the Court's conference line. Counsel should call 1-877-336-1829 and enter access code 1176783 at the prompt to be joined with the call. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 3/30/2018.(kln) (Entered: 03/30/2018)
March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018
MOTION for Protective Order by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults.Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 4/23/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Brief in Support)(Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 04/09/2018)
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
Sealed Document re 64 MOTION for Protective Order Appendix in support of Motion for Protective Order by Richard Shults, Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 04/09/2018)
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court re 61 Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults. (Gillespie, Matthew) Modified on 4/11/2018: Corrected event. (sjc) (Entered: 04/11/2018)
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
MOTION requesting the Court conduct a site visit by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults.Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 5/3/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Kraemer, Gretchen) (Entered: 04/19/2018)
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 64 MOTION for Protective Order filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. Replies due by 4/26/2018. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, Declaration of Nathan D. Kirstein, # 2 Exhibit B, Declaration of Rachel Antonuccio, # 3 Appendix A)(Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 04/19/2018)
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
MOTION to Expedite Hearing on Defendants' Motion for Protective Order 68 by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 5/3/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 04/19/2018)
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Sealed Document re 68 Response to Motion, by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. (Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 04/20/2018)
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018
TEXT ORDER denying 69 plaintiff's Motion to Expedite hearing on defendants' motion for protective order. The earliest the Court can hold a hearing is on the date currently scheduled, 5/2/2018. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 4/23/2018. (kln) (Entered: 04/23/2018)
April 23, 2018
April 23, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 66 APPEAL OF MAGISTRATE JUDGE DECISION to District Court filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. Replies due by 5/2/2018.(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 04/25/2018)
April 25, 2018
April 25, 2018
TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings re 52 Motion Hearing, held on March 14, 2018 before Judge Helen C. Adams. Court Reporter: Kelli Mulcahy, Telephone Number: (515)284-6219. Page No(s).: 1 - 31. Transcript may be viewed at court public terminal or purchased through Court Reporter before deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through court reporter, Clerk's Office, or PACER.. Redaction Request due 5/24/2018. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 6/4/2018. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 8/2/2018. (Mulcahy, Kelli) (Entered: 04/30/2018)
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018
MOTION for Protective Order Regarding Defendants' Notice of Depositions for the Named Plaintiffs by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X..Motions referred to Helen C. Adams. Responses due by 5/15/2018. If service was made under FRCP 5(b)(2)(C) (mail), (D) (leaving with the clerk of court), or (F) (by delivering by other means consented to in writing), an additional three days is added after the period would otherwise expire under FRCP 6(a). The additional three days does not apply to service done electronically. (Attachments: # 1 Brief in Support)(Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 05/01/2018)
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Set/Reset Hearings
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
TEXT ORDER ACCELERATING RESPONSE TO AND SETTING HEARING ON 74 MOTION for Protective Order Regarding Defendants' Notice of Depositions for the Named Plaintiffs filed by K.N.X., J.S.X., G.R.X., C.P.X. Defendants should respond to the motion by 5/4/2018. Motion Hearing set for 5/8/2018 at 11:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. Counsel should call 1-877-336-1829 and enter access code 1176783 at the prompt to be joined with the call. The Court notes reference to an affidavit in the motion but it is not attached. Plaintiffs should promptly file an errata to the motion. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 5/1/2018. (kln) (Entered: 05/01/2018)
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Errata Affidavit, not attached to prior filling re 74 Motion for Protective Order,, filed by K.N.X., J.S.X., G.R.X., C.P.X.. (Frischer, Harry) (Entered: 05/01/2018)
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Set/Reset Hearings: Motion Hearing set for 5/2/2018 10:00 AM in Phone Hearing before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. (kln)
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
TEXT MINUTE ENTRY for proceedings held before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams: Telephonic Motion Hearing held on 5/2/2018. Attorneys Nathan Kirstein, Timothy Farrell, Catherine Frizell, Harry Frischer, Amanda Seitz, and Charles Zagnoli appeared for plaintiff. Attorneys Gretchen Kraemer, Anagha Dixit and Matthew Gillespie appeared for defendants. Argument on defendants motion for protective order 64 . Separate order to follow. Total Court Time: 1 hour, 18 minutes. (Court Reporter Kelli Mulcahy.) (pjc) (Entered: 05/02/2018)
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
TEXT ORDER RESETTING MOTION HEARING: Motion hearing previously set for 5/8/2018 is reset for 5/10/2018 at 9:00 AM in Des Moines - Room 460 - 4th Floor North before Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 5/2/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 05/02/2018)
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 67 MOTION requesting the Court conduct a site visit filed by C.P.X., G.R.X., J.S.X., K.N.X.. Replies due by 5/10/2018.(Farrell, Timothy) (Entered: 05/03/2018)
May 3, 2018
May 3, 2018
ORDER denying 64 Motion for Protective Order. See order for particulars. Signed by Chief Magistrate Judge Helen C. Adams on 5/4/2018. (pjc) (Entered: 05/04/2018)
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018
RESPONSE to Motion re 74 MOTION for Protective Order Regarding Defendants' Notice of Depositions for the Named Plaintiffs filed by Mark Day, Jerry Foxhoven, Richard Shults. Replies due by 5/11/2018. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex. A - Plaintiffs' Responses and Objections to Defendants' Interrogatories)(Gillespie, Matthew) (Entered: 05/04/2018)
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018