COMPLAINT against Malvern C. Burnett, Sachin Dewan, Dewan Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Global Resources, Inc., Gulf Coast Immigration Law Center, LLC, Law Offices of Malvern C. Burnett, A.P.C., Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC (Filing fee $ 400; receipt number 14643005025), filed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh. Jury trial requested. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 10/15/2013)
Oct. 15, 2013
Oct. 15, 2013
Summons Issued as to Malvern C. Burnett, Sachin Dewan, Dewan Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Global Resources, Inc., Gulf Coast Immigration Law Center, LLC, Law Offices of Malvern C. Burnett, A.P.C., Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC. (JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 10/15/2013)
Oct. 15, 2013
Oct. 15, 2013
MOTION for Jose Arvelo to Appear Pro Hac Vice by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex-1 Certificate of Good Standing-District Court, # 2 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing- State)(McDuff, Robert) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 10/24/2013)
Oct. 24, 2013
Oct. 24, 2013
Pro Hac Vice fee paid for Jose Arvelo receipt number 0538-2543429 $ 100 (McDuff, Robert) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Oct. 24, 2013
Oct. 24, 2013
TEXT ORDER ONLY The Court finds that the 3 motion of Jose Arvelo to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Plaintiffs is granted, in association with local counsel, payment of the appropriate fee and registration for electronic filing as required by the Uniform Local Rules of this Court. No further written order shall be issued by this Court Signed by Magistrate Judge John M. Roper on October 28,2013 (Nicaud, Jenny) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Oct. 28, 2013
Oct. 28, 2013
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Signal International, LLC served on 11/5/2013, answer due 11/26/2013. (McDuff, Robert) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/13/2013)
Nov. 13, 2013
Nov. 13, 2013
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Malvern C. Burnett served on 11/4/2013, answer due 11/25/2013. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/14/2013)
Nov. 14, 2013
Nov. 14, 2013
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Law Offices of Malvern C. Burnett, A.P.C. served on 11/4/2013, answer due 11/25/2013. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/14/2013)
Nov. 14, 2013
Nov. 14, 2013
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Gulf Coast Immigration Law Center, LLC served on 11/4/2013, answer due 11/25/2013. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/14/2013)
Nov. 14, 2013
Nov. 14, 2013
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 1 Complaint, by Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC (Ungar, Hal) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/19/2013)
Nov. 19, 2013
Nov. 19, 2013
TEXT ORDER ONLY The Court finds that Defendants, Signal International, L.L.C.and Signal International, Inc.'s Motion for Extension of Time to Answer 8 should be granted. Defendants must answer or otherwise plead or prior to 12/16/2013.No further written order shall be issued by this Court. Signed by Magistrate Judge John M. Roper on November 25,2013 (Nicaud, Jenny) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Nov. 25, 2013
Nov. 25, 2013
Rule 16(a) Initial Order. Telephonic Case Management Conference set for 2/6/2014 02:30 PM before Magistrate Judge John M. Roper. Confidential case memoranda to be submitted to Judge Roper via email to roper_chambers@mssd.uscourts.gov on or before one week prior to the conference. The CONFIDENTIAL case memoranda is NOT to be exchanged and will be viewed only by the Court. Also, by same deadline, counsel are to submit a joint proposed Case Management Order (form is attached as Exhibit A - do not complete pages 4 and 5) to same email address. Refer to attached for deadlines and instructions. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Blank Case Management Order, # 2 Exhibit B - Expedited Calendar, # 3 Exhibit C - Good Faith Certificate Form)(VLK) Modified on 12/2/2013 to correct typo (VLK). [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 11/27/2013)
Nov. 27, 2013
Nov. 27, 2013
MOTION to Change Venue /Transfer, Pursuant to First-Filed Rule, MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim Upon Which Relief Can Be Granted by Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC (Ungar, Hal) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 12/16/2013)
Dec. 16, 2013
Dec. 16, 2013
MEMORANDUM in Support re 10 MOTION to Change Venue /Transfer, Pursuant to First-Filed Rule MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim Upon Which Relief Can Be Granted filed by Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC (Ungar, Hal) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 12/16/2013)
Dec. 16, 2013
Dec. 16, 2013
MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response to Signal's Motion 10 to Transfer and Dismiss by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 12/19/2013)
Dec. 19, 2013
Dec. 19, 2013
TEXT ONLY ORDER granting 12 Motion for Extension of Time to File response to Signal's Motion for Transfer and to Dismiss. Response due by 1/6/14. NO FURTHER WRITTEN ORDER WILL ISSUE FROM THE COURT. Signed by Chief District Judge Louis Guirola, Jr on 12/19/13 (Whitsitt, K) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Dec. 19, 2013
Dec. 19, 2013
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Global Resources, Inc. served on 11/14/2013, answer due 12/5/2013. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 12/19/2013)
Dec. 19, 2013
Dec. 19, 2013
NOTICE of Change of Address by Hal D. Ungar (Ungar, Hal) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/02/2014)
Jan. 2, 2014
Jan. 2, 2014
RESPONSE in Opposition re 10 MOTION to Change Venue /Transfer, Pursuant to First-Filed Rule MOTION to Dismiss For Failure to State a Claim Upon Which Relief Can Be Granted filed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A -- Compl. in David Case, # 2 Exhibit B -- Signal Opp'n to Class Cert. in David, # 3 Exhibit C -- Third Am. Compl. in David, # 4 Exhibit D -- Order Denying Transfer in Samuel)(Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/06/2014)
Jan. 6, 2014
Jan. 6, 2014
MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT re 15 Response in Opposition to 10 MOTION to Change Venue MOTION to Dismiss filed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') Modified to add link to motion on 1/7/2014 (JCH). [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/06/2014)
Jan. 6, 2014
Jan. 6, 2014
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to # 16. Incorrect linkage made. The Memorandum should be linked to the Motion to Transfer and Motion to Dismiss. All related filings to motions (using the "Responses and Replies" category, with the exception of "Response to Order") should be linked back to the original motion. Court staff has made the correction. (JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Jan. 7, 2014
Jan. 7, 2014
Joint MOTION to Stay Obligations Under Rule 16(a) Initial Order & to Continue Case Management Conference Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh, Signal International, Signal International, LLC (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') Modified to add filers on 1/27/2014 (JCH). [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/24/2014)
Jan. 24, 2014
Jan. 24, 2014
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to # 17. This docket entry fails to select all filing parties. Clerks office will edit this docket entry to include all appropriate filing parties. Attorney is directed to select all filing parties in future filings. (JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
TEXT ORDER ONLY In light of the pending dispositive motion, the Court finds that the telephonic case management conference will be continued to March 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Plaintiff to initiate the conference call.Confidential memoranda must be submitted on or prior to March 12,2014. Thus, the Joint Motion to Stay 17 should be granted in part and denied in part. No further written order shall be issued by this Court Signed by Magistrate Judge John M. Roper on January 27,2014 (Nicaud, Jenny) Modified on 1/30/2014 to correct date in docket text of 214 to 2014. (PKS). [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Dewan Consultants Pvt. Ltd. served on 12/12/2013, answer due 1/2/2014. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/27/2014)
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
SUMMONS Returned Executed by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh Sachin Dewan served on 12/12/2013, answer due 1/2/2014. (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/27/2014)
Jan. 27, 2014
Jan. 27, 2014
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to #18 and #19: Proof of Service of a summons should be completed and filed with the first page, as issued. All other attachments or documents relating to service should be marked as an exhibit. Attorney is advised to include an exhibit letter or number on the attachments and in the docket text with a meaningful description. The main document should only be the proof of service on the back of the summons completed and the front of the summons. All other documents should be an attachment to the main document. Attorney is directed to refile documents 18 and 19 as stated in this docket annotation. (PKS) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Jan. 30, 2014
Jan. 30, 2014
NOTICE re: Proof of Service Pertaining to Dewan Defendants by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh re 18 Summons Returned Executed, 19 Summons Returned Executed (Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 01/30/2014)
Jan. 30, 2014
Jan. 30, 2014
NOTICE of Supplemental Authority by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Arvelo - PHV, Jose') [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 02/25/2014)
Feb. 25, 2014
Feb. 25, 2014
DOCKET ANNOTATION as to # 21. L.U.Civ.R. 7(b)(2) requires that all supporting exhibits to a document be denominated by an exhibit letter or number and a meaningful description. Attorney is advised to follow this rule in future filings. (JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
Feb. 26, 2014
Feb. 26, 2014
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge John M. Roper: Telephonic Case Management Conference held on 3/19/2014. In light of the pending Motion to Change Venue or in the alternative to Dismiss 10, the Court finds that the telephonic case management conference will be continued to May 12,2014 at 9:30AM. Plaintiff must initiate the conference call. (Nicaud, Jenny) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.]
March 19, 2014
March 19, 2014
ORDER granting 10 Motion to Change Venue. This case is transferred to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Signed by Chief District Judge Louis Guirola, Jr on 3/31/14. (JCH) [Transferred from mssd on 4/2/2014.] (Entered: 03/31/2014)
March 31, 2014
March 31, 2014
Case transferred in from District of Mississippi Southern; Case Number 1:13-cv-00393. Electronic file certified copy of transfer order and docket sheet received (jtd) (Entered: 04/02/2014)
April 2, 2014
April 2, 2014
Notice of Related Case(s) 2:08-cv-1220; 2:13-cv-6218; 2:13-cv-6219; 2:13-cv-6220; 2:13-cv-6221 by Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC. (Ungar, Hal) (Entered: 04/09/2014)
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
EXPARTE/CONSENT MOTION to Enroll as Counsel of Record by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)Attorney A. Gregory Grimsal added to party Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan(pty:pla), Attorney A. Gregory Grimsal added to party Pravin Kumar Singh(pty:pla).(Grimsal, A.) (Entered: 04/09/2014)
April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014
EXPARTE/CONSENT MOTION to Enroll as Counsel of Record Erin Casey Hangartner, Alan Dean Weinberger, Elham R. Rabbani, Brian C. Roux, and Patricia A. Bollman by Signal International, Inc., Signal International, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Ungar, Hal) Modified on 4/11/2014 (lag). (Entered: 04/10/2014)
April 10, 2014
April 10, 2014
ORDER TRANSFERRING CASE. Case transferred to Judge Susie Morgan and Magistrate Judge Daniel E. Knowles, III for all further proceedings. Judge Ivan L.R. Lemelle, Magistrate Judge Sally Shushan no longer assigned to case. Signed by Judge Ivan L.R. Lemelle on 4/17/2014.(ijg)(NEF: J. Morgan, MJ. Knowles, C. Nelson) (Entered: 04/21/2014)
April 21, 2014
April 21, 2014
EXPARTE/CONSENT MOTION to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Jose E.Arvelo (Filing fee $ 100 receipt number 053L-4424404) by Pravin Kumar Singh. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Proposed Order)(Grimsal, A.) (Entered: 04/21/2014)
April 21, 2014
April 21, 2014
ORDER granting 25 Motion to Enroll as Counsel of Record for Attorney Steven W. Copley and Attorney A. Gregory Grimsal for Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan and Pravin Kumar Singh. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan on 4/22/2014. (bwn) (Entered: 04/22/2014)
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
ORDER granting 26 Motion to Enroll as Counsel of Record for Attorney Erin Casey Hangartner, Alan Dean Weinberger, Elham Rabbani, Brian C. Roux, Patricia Anne F. Bollman for Signal International, Inc., and Signal International, LLC. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan on 4/22/2014. (bwn) (Entered: 04/22/2014)
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
ORDER granting 28 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Jose E.Arvelo. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan. (bwn) (Entered: 04/22/2014)
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
EXPARTE/CONSENT MOTION to Withdraw Robert B. McDuff as Attorney by Radhakrishnan Nair Mangalathumalayil Vasukuttan, Pravin Kumar Singh. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Arvelo, Jose) (Entered: 04/22/2014)
April 22, 2014
April 22, 2014
ORDER granting 32 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney. Attorney Robert B. McDuff terminated. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan on 4/23/2014. (bwn) (Entered: 04/24/2014)
April 23, 2014
April 23, 2014
ORDER - IT IS ORDERED that the Singh case and the Achari cases be and hereby are CONSOLIDATED. All subsequent pleadings relating to any of these cases shall bear the caption as set forth within. The document should include a separate notation listing the docket numbers to which the document applies or the notation ALL CASES if it applies to all cases. The parties in the Singh case shall comply with the Scheduling Order entered on March 7, 2014 in the Achari cases applicable to all of the consolidated cases with the exception of the following deadlines applicable only to the Singh case: scheduling details noted herein. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan on 4/23/2014.(bwn) (Entered: 04/24/2014)
April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
ORDER: ORDERED that the Clerk of Court mark the above actions closed for statistical purposes. Signed by Judge Susie Morgan on 5/26/2017.(clc) (Entered: 06/02/2017)
June 2, 2017
June 2, 2017