Case: McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co.

1:05-cv-06583 | U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois

Filed Date: Nov. 18, 2005

Closed Date: 2016

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

Between November 18, 2005 and November 16, 2006, current and former African-American financial advisor employees and trainees filed a lawsuit against their employer, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Illinois under both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 42 U.S.C. § 1981. The plaintiffs, represented by private counsel, asked the court for both monetary damages and injunctive relief, alleging the defendant engaged in race discrimination …

Between November 18, 2005 and November 16, 2006, current and former African-American financial advisor employees and trainees filed a lawsuit against their employer, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., in the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Illinois under both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 42 U.S.C. § 1981. The plaintiffs, represented by private counsel, asked the court for both monetary damages and injunctive relief, alleging the defendant engaged in race discrimination in terms of hiring, retention, promotion, pay, resource allocation and more.

The plaintiffs filed their first amended complaint on July 19, 2006.

On November 8, 2008 the plaintiffs filed a motion for class certification. On August 9, 2010, the District Court (Judge Robert W. Gettleman) issued an amended order denying the plaintiffs' motion for class certification on the ground that commonality was not satisfied because the putative class members were supervised by hundreds of different people and had a wide variety of salary levels and positions. 2010 WL 3087483.

On February 14, 2011, Judge Gettleman denied the plaintiffs' motion for reconsideration for class certification and their request to narrow the class definition. Judge Gettleman held that the plaintiffs' disparate impact claim was not sufficient to satisfy the commonality requirement for class certification and that their class as proposed failed to satisfy either category of class certification because the individual questions of law and claims to relief predominated over those of the class. 2011 WL 658155.

The plaintiffs appealed this decision to the U.S Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. (Judges Richard Posner, Diane Wood, and David Hamilton), which denied the request based on an untimely appeal.

The plaintiffs filed an amended motion for class certification in July 2011, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court decided Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes. Judge Gettlman denied their motion on September 19, 2011, once again on commonality grounds. 2011 WL 4471028.

The employees filed an interlocutory appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. On February 24, 2012, the Seventh Circuit (Judges Posner, Wood, and Hamilton) reversed the District Court decision. The Circuit Court held that the issue of whether Merrill Lynch's policies had a disparate impact on African-American employees was appropriate for class-wide treatment because each of the plaintiffs' claims had the common question of whether Merrill Lynch "violated the antidiscrimination statutes." 672 F.3d 482.

Merrill Lynch's motion for rehearing en banc was denied by the Seventh Circuit on March 27, 2012. Its subsequent appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied on October 1, 2012.

On July 13, 2012, the District Court issued certification of the disparate impact class, according to the Seventh Circuit's order.

On December 6, 2013, the District Court (Judge Gettleman) approved a settlement agreement on all claims proposed by the parties. Pursuant to the agreement, Merrill Lynch would allocate $160 million in a settlement fund, $25 million of which would be designated for extraordinary claims. The District Court also approved service awards of $250,000 for each Class Representative and $75,000 for each member of the Steering Committee. In regards to attorney's fees, the District Court approved the plaintiff's requested attorney's fees of 21.25% (20% of the first 100 million of the settlement fund and 15% of the remainder). The programmatic relief granted by the settlement consisted of several changes to company policies, including changes to the distribution of accounts, as well as the establishment of coaching for African American financial advisors and a diversity fund to assist African Americans in funding business development events. This portion of the settlement lasted for 3 years.

On December 16, 2014, a named plaintiff filed a motion to appeal the District Court's final approval of the class action settlement, but the Seventh Circuit (Diane P. Wood, Richard D. Cudahy, and Diane S. Sykes) denied the appeal based on an untimely request.

The settlement how now run its course and there has been no further litigation. The case is now closed.

Summary Authors

Kunyi Zhang (11/9/2010)

Christianna Kyriacou (11/8/2013)

Mackenzie Walz (3/18/2018)

Related Cases

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Northern District of Illinois (2008)


For PACER's information on parties and their attorneys, see:

Attorney for Plaintiff
Attorney for Defendant

Ahmad, Noorudin Mahmood (Illinois)

Ahnert, Janell Massey (Illinois)

Ainsworth, Charles (Illinois)

Alexander, Nathan Thomas (Illinois)

Alfieri, Vincent (Illinois)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Allison, Russell Q. (Illinois)

Bish, Suzanne Elaine (Illinois)

Brinckerhoff, Matthew D. (Illinois)

Bronte, Patricia Ann (Illinois)

Burns, Terrence Michael (Illinois)

Bussard, Alan R (Illinois)

Campbell, Greg A. (Illinois)

Chapman, Christen (Illinois)

Ciciliano, Dylan T. (Illinois)

Cinocca, Tracy Annette (Illinois)

Derryberry, Barry L (Illinois)

Dubin, Joshua Evan (Illinois)

Duke, Walker Madera (Illinois)

Fahrbach, Kimberly D. (Illinois)

Faulman, Sara Lyn (Illinois)

Fertig, Harvey N. (Illinois)

Friedman, Linda (Illinois)

Gamiere, Dorothy S (Illinois)

Garlinger, Patrick Paul (Illinois)

Germano, Michael F. (Illinois)

Gilbert, Jennifer Schoen (Illinois)

Glink, Shona B. (Illinois)

Gordon, David Taylor (Illinois)

Gorman, David L. (Illinois)

Green, James Kellogg (Illinois)

Greubel, Stephen James (Illinois)

Hiller, Kenneth R. (Illinois)

Hilsen, Scott P. (Illinois)

Hingle, Waldon Michael (Illinois)

Hinnant, C. William (Illinois)

Huang, Jeremy Calvin (Illinois)

Javier, Roger Anthony (Illinois)

Johns, Christopher Kelley (Illinois)

Johnson, Mark (Illinois)

Jones, Allan Sidney (Illinois)

Jordak, John Allen (Illinois)

Jr, William Patrick (Illinois)

Kasturi, Ramya (Illinois)

Keelen, Raynique Trenice (Illinois)

Lagorio, Peter A. (Illinois)

Larmann, Laurence Emig (Illinois)

Latham, John Ludlow (Illinois)

Lazaro, Rafael Eduardo (Illinois)

Liss-Riordan, Shannon E. (Illinois)

Long, Robert R. (Illinois)

Mayo, Creighton P (Illinois)

McGillivary, Gregory Keith (Illinois)

Michalik, Paul A. (Illinois)

Noble, John Bishop (Illinois)

Noland, Daniel Matthew (Illinois)

O'Connell, Julia Lynn (Illinois)

O'Neil, Michael R. (Illinois)

Paris, Lynda Carey (Illinois)

Philipps, David J. (Illinois)

Philipps, Mary Elizabeth (Illinois)

Pond, Jeffrey Craig (Illinois)

Pulver, Adam R (Illinois)

Quinn, Maria E (Illinois)

Riggs, Burkeley N. (Illinois)

Robot, George S. (Illinois)

Saylor, Elizabeth S. (Illinois)

Schell, Gregory Scott (Illinois)

Schiefelbein, Chad A (Illinois)

Schisler, John B (Illinois)

Scillitani, Samuel John (Illinois)

Shapiro, Samuel (Illinois)

Shechter, Mathew S. (Illinois)

Silbert, Scott Eric (Illinois)

Stempler, Robert (Illinois)

Stowell, Mary (Illinois)

Turner, Erika P (Illinois)

Williams, Brandon R. (Illinois)

Wing, John R. (Illinois)

Wohl, Frank Harold (Illinois)

Wood, James Bryan (Illinois)

Zelizer, Ethan G. (Illinois)

Attorney for Defendant

Ahmad, Noorudin Mahmood (Illinois)

Ahnert, Janell Massey (Illinois)

Ainsworth, Charles (Illinois)

Alexander, Nathan Thomas (Illinois)

Alfieri, Vincent (Illinois)

Allerhand, Joseph S. (New York)

Anderson, Krista (Illinois)

Anderson, Mark Eldridge (Illinois)

Baker, Katrina Lynne (Illinois)

Bales, Stephen M. (Illinois)

Bannon, Edmond Roger (Illinois)

Barnes, Page R. (Illinois)

Baumgarten, Joseph (Illinois)

Bell, Kenneth D. (Illinois)

Bennett, James F. (Illinois)

Bennett, Edward John (Illinois)

Benson, Craig Robert (Illinois)

Bershteyn, Boris (Illinois)

Bhavsar, Samir A (Illinois)

Bishop, Timothy Simon (Illinois)

Bittner, Michael A. (Illinois)

Blankenstein, Eric G. (Illinois)

Blatt, David S. (Illinois)

Blumenstein, Matthew H. (Illinois)

Boehm, Joel Christian (Illinois)

Boesch, Victoria Louise (Illinois)

Boglioli, Daniel Matthew (Illinois)

Boland, Beth I.Z. (Illinois)

Bonk, Jason B. (New York)

Bowman, Luke William (Illinois)

Brown, Stephen E (Illinois)

Buchwald, Lara Samet (Illinois)

Bunt, Robert Christopher (Illinois)

Cady, Steven M. (Illinois)

Caplan, Kana Ellis (Illinois)

Carroll, James R. (Illinois)

Carroll, John K. (Illinois)

Cohen, Gabriel Aaron (Illinois)

Cohen, Judith Rita (Illinois)

Collins, Wayne Dale (Illinois)

Connelly, Luke A. (Illinois)

Cooper, Roger Allen (Illinois)

Cox, Erin Joan (Illinois)

Davidson, Donald S (Illinois)

Dichter, Mark S. (Illinois)

Dickey, Jonathan C (Illinois)

Dickos, Peter George (Illinois)

DiMattia, Michael Joseph (Illinois)

Dinkoff, Allan (New York)

Dinsmore, Joan Shreffler (Illinois)

Diomedi, Gina M. (Illinois)

Dowd, Brendan Joseph (Illinois)

Dray, Laura Lehman (Florida)

Duggan, Lisa (Illinois)

Dupont, Audrey (Illinois)

Dworsky, Marc T.G. (Illinois)

Earle, Robert Charles (Illinois)

Ellis, Steven A. (Illinois)

Ensor, Richard F. (Illinois)

Evangelista, Dominick F. (Illinois)

Finkel, Noah A (Illinois)

Forster, Katherine M. (Illinois)

Fortinsky, Jerome S. (Illinois)

Frackman, Andrew Jay (Illinois)

Friedman, Jared R. (Illinois)

Friedman, Jonathan Hale (Illinois)

Fry, David Halleck (Illinois)

Fuentes, Jose Rodrigo (Illinois)

Gaboriault, Joanne (Illinois)

Gelder, Amy Lynn (Illinois)

Gibbons, Jennifer L. (Illinois)

Glickman, Barry Jay (Illinois)

Goetz, John Stephen (Illinois)

Goldmark, John (Illinois)

Goldring, Orit (Illinois)

Goldstein, Philip A. (Illinois)

Gordinier, Todd E (Illinois)

Gorham, Andrew Thompson (Illinois)

Grant, Adam K. (New York)

Gray, Keisha-Ann G. (Illinois)

Greer, Amy J (Illinois)

Gunn, La Mar (Illinois)

Hackett, Mary Joan (Illinois)

Hakki, Adam Selim (Illinois)

Hartman, Rima F. (Illinois)

Hastings, Shanda Nicole (Illinois)

Healy, Terence Michael (Illinois)

Higgins, Robert J. (Illinois)

Hineline, Curt Roy (Illinois)

Holstein-Childress, Victoria (Illinois)

Holtzman, Robert Neil (Illinois)

Hood, Joseph L. (Illinois)

Hosp, Edward Andrew (Illinois)

Hou, Victor L. (Illinois)

Huggins, Kristine Kathryn (Illinois)

Jackson, James B. (Illinois)

John, Richard Christopher (Illinois)

Jones, Tyree P. (Illinois)

Jr, Fraser Lee (Illinois)

Jr, Harry Lee (Illinois)

Jr, Jay H. (Illinois)

Jr.., Brendan V.. (Illinois)

Kaiser, Eliza Allan (Illinois)

Kane, Matthew C. (Illinois)

Kasner, Jay B. (Illinois)

Kean, Seth M. (Illinois)

Kim, Sylvia Jihae (Illinois)

Kim, Edward S. (Illinois)

King, Douglas W. (Illinois)

Kitchens, Dean J (Illinois)

Klapper, Antony B. (Illinois)

Klein, Jeffrey S. (New York)

Klubes, Benjamin B. (Illinois)

Komyati, Nikolas S (Illinois)

Kotler, Meredith Eve (Illinois)

Kotlier, Jonathan L. (Illinois)

Kramer, Kenneth M. (Illinois)

Kristovich, Stephen M (Illinois)

Landy, Jonathan M. (Illinois)

Leblang, Kevin Bruce (Illinois)

Lee, Jeffrey A. (Illinois)

Leffert, Kim Ann (Illinois)

Levin, Michael Brett (Illinois)

Libowsky, David J. (Illinois)

Lien, Alexis (Illinois)

Lightfoot, Lori E. (Illinois)

Lowenthal, Mitchell A. (Illinois)

Lutovich, Julia M. (Illinois)

Mahoney, William E. (Illinois)

Malloy, Christopher P. (Illinois)

Mandel, Barry J. (Illinois)

Mandel, Michael D. (Illinois)

Mandia, William T. (Illinois)

Matasar, Scott C. (Illinois)

McLaughlin, Mark (Illinois)

McNichols, John M. (Illinois)

Melsheimer, Thomas M. (Illinois)

Messite, Andrew Brooks (Illinois)

Miller, Carole G. (Illinois)

Mircheff, Alexander K (Illinois)

Morrison, Peter Bradley (Illinois)

Murrie, Kelly J.H. (Illinois)

Musoff, Scott D. (Illinois)

Musolino, Regina A. (Illinois)

Nohos, Therese King (Illinois)

Nolan, Thomas Jerome (Illinois)

Norman, Lisa Renee (Illinois)

Olsky, David Fox (Illinois)

Opitz, Justin Ryan (Illinois)

Pappas, Nicholas J (New York)

Parker, Katharine H. (Illinois)

Parker, Robert M (Illinois)

Parling, Brittany D. (Illinois)

Parver, Jane W. (Illinois)

Pearlman, Steven (Illinois)

Pelliconi, Bethany A. (Illinois)

Pennington, Lindsay R (Illinois)

Pentapati, Sushila R (Illinois)

Pepperman, Richard C. (Illinois)

Perry, Steven M. (Illinois)

Petrosky, Benjamin David (Illinois)

Phadke, Achyut J. (Illinois)

Piell, Jeffrey Scott (Illinois)

Primoff, Madlyn Gleich (Illinois)

Quinn, Jonathan Stuart (Illinois)

Range, Brian David (Illinois)

Rao, Elizabeth Bartlett (Illinois)

Rapp, Robert N. (Illinois)

Rasmussen, William K (Illinois)

Reichardt, Glenn R (Illinois)

Reichel, Whitney A (Illinois)

Reidy, David S. (Illinois)

Roffman, Ian D. (Illinois)

Romanello, Salvatore A. (New York)

Roth, Eric M. (Illinois)

Rutten, James Christopher (Illinois)

Ryan, Catherine S. (Illinois)

Saharia, Amy Mason (Illinois)

Saltzstein, Susan Leslie (Illinois)

Sanchez, Terry E. (Illinois)

Sandler, Andrew L. (Illinois)

Santis, Nicholas C. (Illinois)

Scarborough, Ryan T. (Illinois)

Schwartz, Charles W (Illinois)

Sechler, Philip A. (Illinois)

Segal, Daniel M. (Illinois)

Shapiro, Stephen M. (Illinois)

Shatzer, Larry L (Illinois)

Shaulson, Sam Scott (Illinois)

Sheinkin, Sara Danielle (Illinois)

Shur, Kimberly Janelle (Illinois)

Smith, Gershom Radin (Illinois)

Smith, Melissa Richards (Illinois)

Smith, Charles F. (Illinois)

Soloff, Michael E (Illinois)

Sova, Kristine A. (Illinois)

Spaulding, Douglas K (Illinois)

Spector, Morgan Fairthorne (Illinois)

Spector, Mindy J. (New York)

Stewart, Beth A. (Illinois)

Strianese, Christopher Robert (Illinois)

Sullivan, Kevin R. (Illinois)

Symes, Bill James (Illinois)

Taggart, Craig A. (Illinois)

Taylor, Sara N (Illinois)

Thomas, Tiffany Renee (Illinois)

Thomason, Kyle Eugene (Illinois)

Timmermans, Elizabeth M.Z. (Illinois)

Urbanczyk, Stephen L. (Illinois)

Vaughn, Benjamin Eric (Illinois)

Vento, Marie Therese (Illinois)

Villarreal, Jose Carlos (Illinois)

Walker, Michelle Renee (Illinois)

Walsh, Thomas Bernard (Illinois)

Washer, Herbert Scott (Illinois)

Watterson, Kim M. (Illinois)

Waxman, Eric S (Illinois)

Weber, A Michael (Illinois)

Wille, David G (Illinois)

Wojtylak, Melissa A. (Illinois)

Wright, Charles S (Illinois)

Zahalka, Lori Ann (Illinois)

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse



Docket [PACER]

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc.

Sept. 26, 2016

Sept. 26, 2016



Second Amended Complaint

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc.

Nov. 15, 2006

Nov. 15, 2006


2006 WL 3886029



Amended Memorandum Opinion and Order

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Aug. 9, 2010

Aug. 9, 2010



Amended Memorandum Opinion and Order

Aug. 9, 2010

Aug. 9, 2010


2009 WL 3184179



Memorandum Opinion and Order

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Feb. 14, 2011

Feb. 14, 2011




McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Sept. 19, 2011

Sept. 19, 2011


2011 WL 4471028




U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Feb. 24, 2012

Feb. 24, 2012


672 F.3d 482



Class Certification Order

July 13, 2012

July 13, 2012


2012 WL 5278555



Settlement Agreement and Release

McReynolds v. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Aug. 28, 2013

Aug. 28, 2013

Settlement Agreement


Preliminary Approval Order

Sept. 4, 2013

Sept. 4, 2013




See docket on RECAP:

Last updated Feb. 4, 2025, 7:09 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

COMPLAINT filed by George McReynolds; Jury Demand.(mb, ) (Entered: 11/22/2005)

Nov. 18, 2005

Nov. 18, 2005


CIVIL Cover Sheet (mb, ) (Entered: 11/22/2005)

Nov. 18, 2005

Nov. 18, 2005


ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff George McReynolds by Linda Debra Friedman (mb, ) (Entered: 11/22/2005)

Nov. 18, 2005

Nov. 18, 2005


SUMMONS Returned Executed by George McReynolds as to Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. on 1/20/2006, answer due 2/9/2006. (cdy, ) (Entered: 01/24/2006)

Jan. 20, 2006

Jan. 20, 2006


SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (cdy, ) (Entered: 01/24/2006)

Jan. 20, 2006

Jan. 20, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff George McReynolds by Mary Stowell (Stowell, Mary) (Entered: 01/31/2006)

Jan. 31, 2006

Jan. 31, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff George McReynolds by James Bryan Wood (Wood, James) (Entered: 01/31/2006)

Jan. 31, 2006

Jan. 31, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff George McReynolds by Suzanne E. Bish (Bish, Suzanne) (Entered: 01/31/2006)

Jan. 31, 2006

Jan. 31, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Plaintiff George McReynolds by George S. Robot (Robot, George) (Entered: 01/31/2006)

Jan. 31, 2006

Jan. 31, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Defendant is given an extension of time to 3/13/2006 to file answer to the complaint. Joint status Report is due by 3/13/2006. Status hearing set for 3/15/2006 at 09:00 AM. Mailed notice (gds, ) (Entered: 02/09/2006)

Feb. 9, 2006

Feb. 9, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Nicholas J. Pappas; Order entered granting leave by Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $50 paid, receipt number 10425234 (cdy, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)

Feb. 17, 2006

Feb. 17, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Mindy J. Spector; Order entered granting leave by Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $50 paid, receipt number 12425234 (cdy, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)

Feb. 17, 2006

Feb. 17, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Adam K. Grant; Order entered granting leave by Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $50 paid, receipt number 10425234 (cdy, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)

Feb. 17, 2006

Feb. 17, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Jeffrey S. Klein; Order entered granting leave by Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $50 paid, receipt number 10425234 (cdy, ) (Entered: 02/23/2006)

Feb. 17, 2006

Feb. 17, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Status Report due by 4/10/2006. Status hearing is re-set to 4/12/2006 at 09:00 AM. Mailed notice (gds, ) (Entered: 03/03/2006)

March 3, 2006

March 3, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds, Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order (Leffert, Kim) (Entered: 03/09/2006)

March 9, 2006

March 9, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Kim Ann Leffert for presentment of motion for protective order 17 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 3/14/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Leffert, Kim) (Entered: 03/09/2006)

March 9, 2006

March 9, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Kim Ann Leffert (Leffert, Kim) (Entered: 03/10/2006)

March 10, 2006

March 10, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Lori E. Lightfoot (cdy, ) (Entered: 03/14/2006)

March 10, 2006

March 10, 2006


ANSWER to Complaint by Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.(cdy, ) (Entered: 03/14/2006)

March 10, 2006

March 10, 2006


RULE 7.1 CERTIFICATION by Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (cdy, ) (Entered: 03/15/2006)

March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Stipulation for entry of protective order 17 is granted. Agreed protective order entered. [For further detail see separate order] Mail notice. (cdy, ) (Entered: 03/16/2006)

March 14, 2006

March 14, 2006


AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER. Signed by Judge Robert W. Gettleman on 3/14/2006.(cdy, ) (Entered: 03/16/2006)

March 14, 2006

March 14, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Status Report due by 4/28/2006. Status hearing re-set to 5/9/2006 at 09:00 AM. Telephone notice (gds, ) (Entered: 04/06/2006)

April 6, 2006

April 6, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for extension of time Agreed Motion To Vacate Status Report Date And Initial Status Hearing Date (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 04/26/2006)

April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion for extension of time 26 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 5/2/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 04/26/2006)

April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Motion for extension of time 26 is granted. Status Report due by 5/10/2006. Status hearing re-set to 5/16/2006 at 09:00 AM. Telephone notice (gds, ) (Entered: 05/03/2006)

May 3, 2006

May 3, 2006


STATUS Report by George McReynolds, Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 05/10/2006)

May 10, 2006

May 10, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Status hearing held on 5/16/2006 Discovery ordered closed by 3/15/2007. Status hearing set for 3/15/2007 at 09:00 AM. Mailed notice (gds, ) (Entered: 05/17/2006)

May 16, 2006

May 16, 2006


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER:Case referred to Magistrate Judge Michael T. Mason to conduct hearings and enter appropriate orders on the following pretrial motion/matter: discovery supervision; settlement conference. Signed by Executive Committee on 5/18/06. (cdy, ) (Entered: 05/22/2006)

May 18, 2006

May 18, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Michael T. Mason : This matter having been referred to Magistrate Judge Mason, an initial status hearing is set for 6/21/06 at 9:00 a.m. in courtroom 2214. The parties shall deliver courtesy copy of an initial status report providing the information required by this Court's Order Setting Initial Status Report to chambers, room 2206, by 6/16/06. Mailed notice (smm, ) (Entered: 06/04/2006)

June 4, 2006

June 4, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Michael T. Mason : Judge Mason having to recuse himself, initial status hearing set for 6/21/06 is stricken. Another magistrate judge will be reassigned once the recusal order is approved. (kef, ) (Entered: 06/19/2006)

June 19, 2006

June 19, 2006


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ORDER:Case referred to Magistrate Judge Morton Denlow for discovery supervision and settlement conference, signed on 06/19/06 by Judge Michael T. Mason who recused himself pursuant to IOP 14(B), signed by Executive Committee on 06/20/06. (See order for further detail). Mailed notice.(ar, ) (Entered: 06/22/2006)

June 20, 2006

June 20, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Status hearing set for 7/27/2006 at 10:00 AM. in Courtroom 1350. Parties shall deliver a copy of an initial status report to chambers, Room 1356, two business days before the initial status hearing. If the parties have recently prepared and filed an initial status report, the submission of the previously filed initial status report is sufficient. The parties are directed to review and to comply with Judge Denlow's standing order setting initial status report. Copies are available in chambers or through Judge Denlow's web page at Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 06/21/2006)

June 21, 2006

June 21, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds, Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order Joint Motion for Protective Order (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit 1)(Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 06/21/2006)

2 Exhibit Exhibit 1

View on PACER

June 21, 2006

June 21, 2006


Notice of Motion NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion for protective order 35 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 6/27/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 06/21/2006)

June 21, 2006

June 21, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion for protective order 35 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 6/28/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 06/26/2006)

June 26, 2006

June 26, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds, Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. to clarify (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit (Proposed)Order# 2 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 06/27/2006)

2 Exhibit (Proposed)Order

View on PACER

3 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

June 27, 2006

June 27, 2006


Agreed NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion by plaintiff to clarify 39 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 7/5/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 06/27/2006)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

June 27, 2006

June 27, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Joint Motion for entry of protective order 35 is granted. Enter agreed protective order. Mailed notices (gcy, ) (Entered: 06/30/2006)

June 27, 2006

June 27, 2006


AGREED PROTECTIVE ORDER Signed by Judge Morton Denlow on 6/27/2006:(gcy, ) (Entered: 06/30/2006)

June 27, 2006

June 27, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Agreed motion to clarify 39 is granted. Mailed notice (gds, ) (Entered: 07/06/2006)

July 5, 2006

July 5, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for leave to file First Amended Complaint Instanter (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - First Amended Complaint)(Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 07/13/2006)

2 Exhibit Exhibit A - First Amended Complaint

View on PACER

July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion for leave to file 44 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 7/19/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 07/13/2006)

July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006


(Duplicate Entry of Document# 45) (Friedman, Linda) Modified on 7/14/2006 (gma, ). (Entered: 07/13/2006)

July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006


NOTICE of Correction regarding notice of motion 46 (Duplicate Entry of Document# 45) (gma, ) (Entered: 07/14/2006)

July 14, 2006

July 14, 2006


MEMORANDUM by Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. in Opposition to motion for leave to file 44 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 07/18/2006)

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

July 18, 2006

July 18, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Plaintiff's motion to file first amended complaint is granted. Mailed notices (gcy, ) (Entered: 07/20/2006)

July 19, 2006

July 19, 2006


FIRST AMENDED complaint by George McReynolds against Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. (cdy, ) (Entered: 08/02/2006)

July 19, 2006

July 19, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Magistrate Judge Status hearing held on 7/27/2006. Status hearing set for 9/7/2006 at 10:00 AM. (dmk, ) (Entered: 07/27/2006)

July 27, 2006

July 27, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Laura Lehman Dray; Order entered granting leave by Judge Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $ 50.00 paid, receipt number 10718040. (vkd, ) (Entered: 08/04/2006)

Aug. 1, 2006

Aug. 1, 2006


ANSWER to amended complaint by Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 08/02/2006)

Aug. 2, 2006

Aug. 2, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Status hearing reset for 10/3/2006 at 10:00 AM. on request of the parties. Status hearing set for 9/7/06 is stricken. Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 08/30/2006)

Aug. 30, 2006

Aug. 30, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Status hearing reset for 10/10/2006 at 10:00 AM. on request of the parties. Status hearing set for 10/3/06 is stricken. Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 09/05/2006)

Sept. 5, 2006

Sept. 5, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Magistrate Judge Status hearing held on 10/10/2006. Status hearing set for 12/12/2006 at 10:00 AM. Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 10/10/2006)

Oct. 10, 2006

Oct. 10, 2006


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following dates: 7/19/06; Before the Honorable Robert W. Gettleman (vmj, ) (Main Document 57 replaced on 7/20/2018) (mc, ). (Pursuant to the March 2011 Judicial Conference Policy requiring that remote access restrictions be implemented when placing scanned versions of previously filed paper documents on the record, this document is restricted to allow public access only at the Clerk's Office public access terminals.) Modified on 7/20/2018 (mc, ). (Entered: 10/13/2006)

Oct. 12, 2006

Oct. 12, 2006


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Local Rule 37.2 Certification# 2 Certificate of Service # 3 Exhibit A# 4 Exhibit B# 5 Exhibit C# 6 Exhibit D# 7 Exhibit E)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 10/17/2006)

2 Affidavit Local Rule 37.2 Certification

View on PACER

3 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

4 Exhibit A

View on PACER

5 Exhibit B

View on PACER

6 Exhibit C

View on PACER

7 Exhibit D

View on PACER

8 Exhibit E

View on PACER

Oct. 17, 2006

Oct. 17, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion for protective order 58 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 10/23/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 10/17/2006)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Oct. 17, 2006

Oct. 17, 2006


Amended NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion for protective order 58 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 10/25/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 10/20/2006)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Oct. 20, 2006

Oct. 20, 2006


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Declaration - Local Rule 37.2 Certification# 5 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 10/23/2006)

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C

View on PACER

5 Declaration - Local Rule 37.2 Certification

View on PACER

6 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Oct. 23, 2006

Oct. 23, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion for protective order 61 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 10/25/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 10/23/2006)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Oct. 23, 2006

Oct. 23, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Motion for protective order 58 is withdrawn, Motion for protective order 61 is withdrawn. Motions terminated: MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order 61, MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order 58 Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 10/24/2006)

Oct. 24, 2006

Oct. 24, 2006


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following dates: 05/16/2006; Before the Honorable Robert W. Gettleman (hp, ) (Main Document 64 replaced on 7/20/2018) (mc, ). (Pursuant to the March 2011 Judicial Conference Policy requiring that remote access restrictions be implemented when placing scanned versions of previously filed paper documents on the record, this document is restricted to allow public access only at the Clerk's Office public access terminals.) Modified on 7/20/2018 (mc, ). (Entered: 10/25/2006)

Oct. 24, 2006

Oct. 24, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. by Joseph S. Allerhand; Order entered granting leave by Judge Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 1098734. (td, ) (Entered: 11/02/2006)

Oct. 30, 2006

Oct. 30, 2006


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds to file instanter Motion For Leave To File Second Amended Complaint Instanter (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Second Amended Complaint)(Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 11/06/2006)

2 Exhibit Second Amended Complaint

View on PACER

Nov. 6, 2006

Nov. 6, 2006


Motion To Leave To File Second Amended Complaint Instanter NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion to file instanter 66 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 11/14/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 11/06/2006)

Nov. 6, 2006

Nov. 6, 2006


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I# 10 Exhibit J# 11 Exhibit K# 12 Exhibit L# 13 Exhibit M# 14 Exhibit N# 15 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 11/09/2006)

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C

View on PACER

5 Exhibit D

View on PACER

6 Exhibit E

View on PACER

7 Exhibit F

View on PACER

8 Exhibit G

View on PACER

9 Exhibit H

View on PACER

10 Exhibit I

View on PACER

11 Exhibit J

View on PACER

12 Exhibit K

View on PACER

13 Exhibit L

View on PACER

14 Exhibit M

View on PACER

15 Exhibit N

View on PACER

16 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Nov. 9, 2006

Nov. 9, 2006


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion for protective order, 68 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 11/13/2006 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 11/09/2006)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Nov. 9, 2006

Nov. 9, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Motion hearing held on 11/13/2006 regarding motion for protective order, 68 . Defendant's Motion for protective order 68 is granted as follows: Plaintiff shall provide a list of search terms on or by 11/17/06. Motions terminated: MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for protective order 68 Status hearing reset to 12/7/2006 at 10:15 AM. Status hearing set for 12/12/06 is stricken. Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 11/13/2006)

Nov. 13, 2006

Nov. 13, 2006


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated by Salvatore A. Romanello; Order entered granting leave by Judge Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $50 paid, receipt number 10336446. (td, ) (Entered: 11/16/2006)

Nov. 13, 2006

Nov. 13, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman : Plaintiff's motion 66 for leave to file second amended complaint instanter is granted. Defendants' answer thereto is due by 12/1/2006. Telephoned notice (td, ) (Entered: 11/16/2006)

Nov. 15, 2006

Nov. 15, 2006


SECOND Amended complaint by Cathy Bender-Jackson, Leroy Brown, Leslie Browne, Glenn Capel, Christina Coleman, Larue Gibson, Maroc Howard, Mark Johnson, J. Yves Laborde, Jennifer Madrid, Marshell Miller, Carnell Moore, Frankie Ross, Stephen Smartt, Henry Wilson, Marva York, George McReynolds against Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated. (td, ) (Entered: 11/16/2006)

Nov. 15, 2006

Nov. 15, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Status hearing reset to 12/12/2006 at 10:00 AM. on request of the parties. Status hearing set for 12/7/06 is stricken. (dmk, ) (Entered: 12/04/2006)

Dec. 4, 2006

Dec. 4, 2006


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Magistrate Judge Status hearing held on 12/12/2006. Status hearing set for 2/13/2007 at 10:15 AM. Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 12/12/2006)

Dec. 12, 2006

Dec. 12, 2006


Defendant's ANSWER to amended complaint (Second) by Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 12/15/2006)

Dec. 15, 2006

Dec. 15, 2006


ATTORNEY Appearance for Defendant Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated by Therese Colleen King (King, Therese) (Entered: 01/04/2007)

Jan. 4, 2007

Jan. 4, 2007


MOTION by Plaintiffs Cathy Bender-Jackson, Leroy Brown, Leslie Browne, Glenn Capel, Christina Coleman, Larue Gibson, Maroc Howard, Mark Johnson, J. Yves Laborde, Jennifer Madrid, Marshell Miller, Carnell Moore, Frankie Ross, Stephen Smartt, Henry Wilson, Marva York, George McReynolds, Defendant Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. for extension of time (Agreed) For Class Certification Discovery. (Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 01/08/2007)

Jan. 8, 2007

Jan. 8, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of extension of time, 78 before Honorable Robert W. Gettleman on 1/11/2007 at 09:15 AM. (Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 01/08/2007)

Jan. 8, 2007

Jan. 8, 2007


MINUTE entry before Judge Robert W. Gettleman :Motion for extension of time 78 is granted. Discovery ordered closed by 6/13/2007. Status hearing is re-set to 6/13/2007 at 09:00 AM.Telephone notice (gds, ) (Entered: 01/18/2007)

Jan. 18, 2007

Jan. 18, 2007


ATTORNEY Appearance of Jeffrey Piell o/b/o Defendant Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. (Piell, Jeffrey) (Entered: 01/18/2007)

Jan. 18, 2007

Jan. 18, 2007


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for protective order and Extension of Time to Respond to Discovery (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit Exhibit B)(Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 01/22/2007)

2 Exhibit Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit Exhibit B

View on PACER

Jan. 22, 2007

Jan. 22, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Linda Debra Friedman for presentment of motion for protective order 82 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 1/24/2007 at 09:15 AM. (Friedman, Linda) (Entered: 01/22/2007)

Jan. 22, 2007

Jan. 22, 2007


RESPONSE by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. to MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for protective order and Extension of Time to Respond to Discovery 82 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I# 10 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 01/23/2007)

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C

View on PACER

5 Exhibit D

View on PACER

6 Exhibit E

View on PACER

7 Exhibit F

View on PACER

8 Exhibit G

View on PACER

9 Exhibit H

View on PACER

10 Exhibit I

View on PACER

11 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

Jan. 23, 2007

Jan. 23, 2007


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow :Motion hearing held on 1/24/2007 regarding motion for protective order 82 . Plaintiffs' motion for protective order and extension of time to respond to discovery 82 is granted. Plaintiff is to respond to Defendant's third set of interrogatories and Defendant's second set of request for production on or by 2/12/07. Plaintiff to provide defense counsel with a statement with respect to the second set of interrogatories on or by 2/12/07. Status hearing is reset to 3/13/07 at 10:15 a.m. Status hearing set for 2/13/07 is stricken ; Motions terminated: MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for protective order and Extension of Time to Respond to Discovery 82 Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 01/24/2007)

Jan. 24, 2007

Jan. 24, 2007


TRANSCRIPT of proceedings for the following dates: 12/12/2006; Before the Honorable Morton Denlow. (td, ) (Main Document 86 replaced on 7/20/2018) (mc, ). (Pursuant to the March 2011 Judicial Conference Policy requiring that remote access restrictions be implemented when placing scanned versions of previously filed paper documents on the record, this document is restricted to allow public access only at the Clerk's Office public access terminals.) Modified on 7/20/2018 (mc, ). (Entered: 02/12/2007)

Feb. 8, 2007

Feb. 8, 2007


APPLICATION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. by Jared R. Friedman; Order entered granting leave by Judge Robert W. Gettleman. Filing fee $ 50 paid, receipt number 107 21631. (td, ) (Entered: 03/12/2007)

March 7, 2007

March 7, 2007


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow :Status hearing reset for 4/17/2007 at 10:15 AM. on request of the parties. Status hearing set for 3/13/07 is stricken.Mailed notice (dmk, ) (Entered: 03/12/2007)

March 12, 2007

March 12, 2007


MOTION by Defendants Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. to compel depositions answers (Exhibits). (Document not scanned CD on file) (Attachment 1 replaced on 7/20/2018) (mc, ). (Pursuant to the March 2011 Judicial Conference Policy requiring that remote access restrictions be implemented when placing scanned versions of previously filed paper documents on the record, this document is restricted to allow public access only at the Clerk's Office public access terminals.) Modified on 7/20/2018 (mc, ). (Entered: 04/03/2007)

March 30, 2007

March 30, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion to compel depositions answers 89 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/4/2007 at 09:15 AM. (td, ) (Entered: 04/03/2007)

March 30, 2007

March 30, 2007


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Motion hearing held regarding Defendant's motion to compel deposition answers 89 . Defendant's motion to compel deposition answers 89 is granted in part and denied in part as stated in open Court. Supplemental answers by Mark Johnson will be provided in conjunction with his review of the deposition and the completion of any errata sheets. Plaintiff's oral motion to remove the Defendant's motion to compel deposition answers 89 from being a restricted document is granted. The Clerk of the Court is directed to remove Defendant's motion to compel deposition answers 89 as a restricted document and make it a public document. Status hearing held. Status hearing set for 6/12/07 at 10:00 a.m. Status hearing set for 4/17/07 is stricken. (td, ) (Entered: 04/05/2007)

April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. to compel Plaintiffs to Verify Responses to Defendant's Third Set of Interrogatories (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G)(King, Therese) (Entered: 04/12/2007)

2 Exhibit A

View on PACER

3 Exhibit B

View on PACER

4 Exhibit C

View on PACER

5 Exhibit D

View on PACER

6 Exhibit E

View on PACER

7 Exhibit F

View on PACER

8 Exhibit G

View on PACER

April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Therese Colleen King for presentment of motion to compel, 92 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/16/2007 at 09:15 AM. (King, Therese) (Entered: 04/12/2007)

April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. for protective order (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A-B# 2 Exhibit C-H# 3 Exhibit I)(King, Therese) (Entered: 04/12/2007)

2 Exhibit A-B

View on PACER

3 Exhibit C-H

View on PACER

4 Exhibit I

View on PACER

April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Therese Colleen King for presentment of motion for protective order 94 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/16/2007 at 09:15 AM. (King, Therese) (Entered: 04/12/2007)

April 12, 2007

April 12, 2007


MINUTE entry before Judge Morton Denlow : Motion hearing held. Defendant's motion to compel Plaintiffs to verify responses to Defendant's third set of interrogatories 92 is granted. Verification is be provided for each class representative within 7 days prior to each of their depositions. Plaintiff is to advise Defendant within 7 days as to when the verification of the 6 whose depositions have taken place will be provided. Defendant's motion for protective order 94 is entered and continued to 6/12/07 at 10:15 a.m. Mailed notice (td, ) (Entered: 04/20/2007)

April 16, 2007

April 16, 2007


MOTION by Defendant Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. to compel Plaintiffs' Depositions. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 11 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 04/23/2007)

2 Exhibit 1

View on PACER

3 Exhibit 2

View on PACER

4 Exhibit 3

View on PACER

5 Exhibit 4

View on PACER

6 Exhibit 5

View on PACER

7 Exhibit 6

View on PACER

8 Exhibit 7

View on PACER

9 Exhibit 8

View on PACER

10 Exhibit 9

View on PACER

11 Exhibit 10

View on PACER

12 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion to compel, 97 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/25/2007 at 09:15 AM. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service)(Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 04/23/2007)

2 Certificate of Service

View on PACER

April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007


MOTION by Plaintiff George McReynolds for protective order To Compel Defendant to Identify Documents, and For a Date Certain for Defendant to Complete Production (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10)(Bish, Suzanne) (Entered: 04/23/2007)

2 Exhibit 1

View on PACER

3 Exhibit 2

View on PACER

4 Exhibit 3

View on PACER

5 Exhibit 4

View on PACER

6 Exhibit 5

View on PACER

7 Exhibit 6

View on PACER

8 Exhibit 7

View on PACER

9 Exhibit 8

View on PACER

10 Exhibit 9

View on PACER

11 Exhibit 10

View on PACER

April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007


NOTICE of Motion by Suzanne E. Bish for presentment of motion for protective order, 99 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/25/2007 at 09:15 AM. (Bish, Suzanne) (Entered: 04/23/2007)

April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007


Amended NOTICE of Motion by Lori E. Lightfoot for presentment of motion to compel, 97 before Honorable Morton Denlow on 4/26/2007 at 10:30 AM. (Lightfoot, Lori) (Entered: 04/24/2007)

April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007


Case Details

State / Territory: Illinois

Case Type(s):

Equal Employment

Special Collection(s):

Multi-LexSum (in sample)

Key Dates

Filing Date: Nov. 18, 2005

Closing Date: 2016

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

Class of current and former African-American financial advisor employees and trainees of Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., Private Entity/Person

Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, & Smith, Inc., Private Entity/Person

Case Details

Causes of Action:

42 U.S.C. § 1981

Title VII (including PDA), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Complaint (any)

Injunctive (or Injunctive-like) Relief

Any published opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement

Attorneys fees


Source of Relief:


Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Amount Defendant Pays: 160 million


Discrimination Area:


Harassment / Hostile Work Environment

Pay / Benefits


Discrimination Basis:

Race discrimination

Affected Race(s):


Affected Sex/Gender(s):

