Case: International Union v. Johnson Controls, Inc.

2:84-cv-00472 | U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin

Filed Date: April 6, 1984

Closed Date: Jan. 19, 1994

Clearinghouse coding complete

Case Summary

In April of 1984 plaintiffs filed suit against Johnson Controls Inc., their employer, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin alleging sex and pregnancy discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as modified by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The suit concerned a 1982 policy the defendant had adopted that forbade all women, unless it was medically documented that the employee was infertile, from performing jobs that could possib…

In April of 1984 plaintiffs filed suit against Johnson Controls Inc., their employer, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin alleging sex and pregnancy discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as modified by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. The suit concerned a 1982 policy the defendant had adopted that forbade all women, unless it was medically documented that the employee was infertile, from performing jobs that could possibly expose them to lead and cause birth defects. The plaintiffs alleged that this disparate treatment of female employees resulted in discrimination regarding hiring, pay, work conditions, seniority, layoffs, training, benefits, recruiting, demotions and advancement. It was additionally alleged that the policy discriminated against male employees who sought to be transferred or given a leave of absence when attempting to conceive but were not allowed to do so. Plaintiffs sought injunctive relief and damages.

On February 25, 1985 the district court (Judge Robert W. Warren) certified a class containing all past, present, and future members of the plaintiff unions who had worked, did work, or would work in the battery manufacturing division from 1982. On January 21, 1988 the court (Judge Warren) granted the defendant's motion for summary judgment holding that the plaintiffs had not shown that there was a better alternative to the policy that would protect against the serious dangers exposures to lead can cause to fetuses and thus that the policy was a business necessity.

Plaintiffs appealed to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and on September 26, 1989 the court (Judges Bauer, Cummings, Wood Jr., Cudahy, Posner, Coffey, Flaum, Easterbrook, Ripple, Manion, and Kanne) affirmed the district court seven to four. The Plaintiffs thereafter appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States and were granted a writ of certiorari. Oral arguments were heard on October 10, 1990 and on March 20, 1991 the Supreme Court (Justices Blackmun, Marshall, Stevens, O'Connor, Souter, White, Rehnquist, Kennedy, and Scalia) unanimously reversed. The Supreme Court ruled that the policy in question violated Title VII since it was facially discriminatory and gender was not a bona fide occupational qualification in this case. Decisions regarding the welfare of future generations were the province of parents and so long as the defendant did not act negligently it would not be liable in tort.

The case was remanded to the district court and on January 19, 1994 the parties entered into a consent decree and settlement forbidding the discrimination in question and awarding the plaintiff class monetary damages reported to be in the high six figures.

Summary Authors

Michael Perry (9/24/2010)



Bauer, William Joseph (Illinois)

Blackmun, Harry Andrew (District of Columbia)

Coffey, John Louis (Wisconsin)

Attorney for Plaintiff

Berzon, Marsha Siegel (California)

Clauss, Carin Ann (Wisconsin)

Attorney for Defendant

show all people

Documents in the Clearinghouse




May 24, 1994

May 24, 1994



Decision and Order (Granting defendant's motion for summary judgment)

Jan. 21, 1988

Jan. 21, 1988


680 F.Supp. 309


Opinion (Affirming the district court)

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Sept. 26, 1989

Sept. 26, 1989


886 F.2d 871



Supreme Court of the United States

June 1, 1990

June 1, 1990

Pleading / Motion / Brief



Supreme Court of the United States

July 19, 1990

July 19, 1990

Pleading / Motion / Brief



Supreme Court of the United States

Aug. 22, 1990

Aug. 22, 1990

Pleading / Motion / Brief


Oral Argument

Supreme Court of the United States

Oct. 10, 1990

Oct. 10, 1990


1990 WL 601346


Opinion (U.S. Supreme Court, Reversing the Seventh Circuit and remanding for further proceedings)

Automobile Workers v. Johnson Controls, Inc.

Supreme Court of the United States

March 20, 1991

March 20, 1991


499 U.S. 187



Last updated March 24, 2024, 3:03 a.m.

ECF Number Description Date Link Date / Link

HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Conference Call. Status Hearing set 03/25/92 at 9:45. (wied, ) Modified on 03/24/1992 (Entered: 02/11/1992)

Feb. 10, 1992

Feb. 10, 1992


HEARING MINUTES: ; conf call held 3/25/92 ; conf call set 5/29/92 9:30 (wied, ) (Entered: 03/27/1992)

March 25, 1992

March 25, 1992


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Second Conference Call set 08/12/92 at 9:15am; Conference Call hearing held 5/29/92 . (wied, ) (Entered: 06/04/1992)

May 29, 1992

May 29, 1992


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Conference Call held. Status hearing set 11/02/92 at 9:30am . (wied, ) (Entered: 08/14/1992)

Aug. 12, 1992

Aug. 12, 1992


LETTER(RWW): Results of Conference Call held 08/12/92. (wied, ) (Entered: 08/14/1992)

Aug. 12, 1992

Aug. 12, 1992


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Status hearing held; Final Status Conference Call set 01/06/93 at 9:00am . (wied, ) (Entered: 12/02/1992)

Nov. 30, 1992

Nov. 30, 1992


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Status hearing set 04/23/93 at 9:00am . (wied, ) (Entered: 02/16/1993)

Feb. 12, 1993

Feb. 12, 1993


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Status hearing held 4/23/93 . Parties to submit status report by 06/30/93. (wied, )

April 23, 1993

April 23, 1993


STIPULATION of Settlement and order of Provisional Entry of Consent Decree with PROPOSED CONSENT DECREE. (wied, ) (Entered: 10/06/1993)

Oct. 1, 1993

Oct. 1, 1993


ORDER by Senior Judge Robert W. Warren: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Stipulation and Order of 10/01/93 be AMENDED; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that in light of these changes, to allow the parties time to comply with the terms thereof, and without objection, the Stipulation and Order of 10/01/93 be further AMENDED; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Consent Decree of 10/01/93 be VACATED, and the proposed Consent Decree be HELD IN ABEYANCE pending the Fairness Hearing. (cc: all counsel) (wied, ) (Entered: 10/19/1993)

Oct. 18, 1993

Oct. 18, 1993


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE of Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action by defendant Johnson Controls Inc. (wied, ) (Entered: 10/27/1993)

Oct. 26, 1993

Oct. 26, 1993


LETTER from plaintiff objecting to the proposed settlement (ers, ) (Entered: 12/21/1993)

Dec. 20, 1993

Dec. 20, 1993


LETTER from Darlene Barkley, a class member in this case objecting to the settlement. (ers, ) (Entered: 12/28/1993)

Dec. 23, 1993

Dec. 23, 1993


AFFIDAVIT/VERIFICATION of Stanley S. Jaspan in support of proposed Consent Decree. (vlh, ) (Entered: 01/19/1994)

Jan. 14, 1994

Jan. 14, 1994


BRIEF by defendant Johnson Controls Inc in support of proposed Consent Decree. (vlh, ) (Entered: 01/19/1994)

Jan. 14, 1994

Jan. 14, 1994


CERTIFICATE of service by defendant Johnson Controls Inc (vlh, ) (Entered: 01/19/1994)

Jan. 18, 1994

Jan. 18, 1994


HEARING MINUTES(RWW): Court finds consent decree reasonable, fair and adequate both (a) substantively, and (b) as to how it was negotiated, and thereby approves of the consent decree. Judgment shall be entered. (wied, ) (Entered: 01/20/1994)

Jan. 18, 1994

Jan. 18, 1994


CONSENT DECREE filed. (cc: all counsel) (wied, ) (Entered: 01/20/1994)

Jan. 18, 1994

Jan. 18, 1994


BRIEF by plaintiff UAW in support of entry of consent decree. (wied, ) (Entered: 01/20/1994)

Jan. 18, 1994

Jan. 18, 1994


JUDGMENT by Deputy Clerk and APPROVED by U.S. District Judge that IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the complaint is dismissed in accordance with the terms of the Consent Decree entered January 18, 1994. Terminating case . (cc: all counsel) (wied, ) (Entered: 01/20/1994)

Jan. 19, 1994

Jan. 19, 1994


AFFIDAVIT of Ralph O. Jones; Johnson Controls, Inc. has fully complied with its obligations to make the payments of back pay, interest, attorneys' fees and costs described in Sections VII.B. through VIII.E. of the Consent Decree. (wied, )

May 24, 1994

May 24, 1994

Case Details

State / Territory: Wisconsin

Case Type(s):

Equal Employment

Special Collection(s):

Private Employment Class Actions

Key Dates

Filing Date: April 6, 1984

Closing Date: Jan. 19, 1994

Case Ongoing: No


Plaintiff Description:

All past, present, and future production and maintenance employees in bargaining units represented by Intl. Union, United Automobile, Aero and Agri Implement Workers of America, who were affected by the defendant's Fetal Protection Policy.

Plaintiff Type(s):

Private Plaintiff

Public Interest Lawyer: No

Filed Pro Se: No

Class Action Sought: Yes

Class Action Outcome: Granted


Johnson Controls, Inc. (Milwaukee, Milwaukee), Private Entity/Person

Case Details

Causes of Action:

Title VII (including PDA), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e

Available Documents:

Trial Court Docket

Any published opinion

U.S. Supreme Court merits opinion


Prevailing Party: Plaintiff

Nature of Relief:

Injunction / Injunctive-like Settlement


Source of Relief:



Form of Settlement:

Court Approved Settlement or Consent Decree

Content of Injunction:

Discrimination Prohibition

Amount Defendant Pays: High six figures


Discrimination Area:

Conditions of Employment (including assignment, transfer, hours, working conditions, etc.)


Discharge / Constructive Discharge / Layoff

Disparate Impact

Disparate Treatment

Harassment / Hostile Work Environment


Pay / Benefits



Discrimination Basis:

Pregnancy discrimination

Sex discrimination

Affected Sex/Gender(s):

