COMPLAINT FILED (former emp) (Entered: 04/09/2002)
April 4, 2002
April 4, 2002
RETURN OF SERVICE EXECUTED summons/complaint upon dft Bashas' Inc on 4/5/02 (former emp) (Entered: 04/15/2002)
April 12, 2002
April 12, 2002
ANSWER to complaint [1−1] by dft Bashas' Inc (former emp) (Entered: 04/29/2002)
April 25, 2002
April 25, 2002
ORDER SETTING RULE 16 SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Judge Robert C. Broomfield ; prel scheduling conf set for 2:00 9/16/02 (cc: all counsel) (former
May 13, 2002
May 13, 2002
MINUTE ORDER: preliminary scheduling conference 9/16/02 VACATED and RESET for 2:45pm, 9/23/02 (cc: all counsel) [5−2] (former emp) (Entered: 07/23/2002)
July 23, 2002
July 23, 2002
Sept. 16, 2002
Sept. 16, 2002
MINUTE ENTRY: before Judge Robert C. Broomfield. Crt Rptr: V. Reger − ECR: Elizabeth Lawrence for Plas; Raymond Deeny/Thomas Kennedy for Dft: preliminary scheduling conference held and a second scheduling conference reset for 2:00pm, 9/15/03 [7−2] (former emp) (Entered: 09/23/2002)
Sept. 23, 2002
Sept. 23, 2002
SCHEDULING ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield a scheduling conference having been held on 9/23/02 regarding the following deadlines Second Scheduling conf is set for 2:00 p.m. on 9/15/03; Discovery ddl set for 4/30/03; Brief Joint letter to the court concerning status of settlement ddl 4/30/03 (cc: no separate mailing to counsel). (KMG) (Entered: 09/24/2002)
Sept. 23, 2002
Sept. 23, 2002
NOTICE of compliance of initial disclosure statement pursuant to FRCivP 26(a) by plas Jose Parra, and Gonzalo Estrada (KMG) (Entered: 10/17/2002)
Oct. 15, 2002
Oct. 15, 2002
NOTICE of compliance of initial disclosure statement pursuant to FRCivP 26(a) by dft Bashas' Inc (former emp) (Entered: 11/06/2002)
Nov. 5, 2002
Nov. 5, 2002
MOTION for admission pro hac vice as to Theodore Olsen, atty for dft Bashas' Inc [11−1] (former emp) (Entered: 11/21/2002)
Nov. 20, 2002
Nov. 20, 2002
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting motion for admission pro hac vice as to Theodore Olsen, atty for dft Bashas' Inc [11−1] (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 11/26/2002)
Nov. 26, 2002
Nov. 26, 2002
NOTICE of service of discovery (first request for production of documents to dft) by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada . (former emp) (Entered: 02/11/2003)
Feb. 10, 2003
Feb. 10, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery (first set of interrogatories) by pla Jose Parra, dft Bashas' Inc . (former emp) (Entered: 02/11/2003)
Feb. 10, 2003
Feb. 10, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery upon plas by dft Bashas' Inc . (former emp) Modified on 11/15/2004 (Entered: 02/28/2003)
Feb. 27, 2003
Feb. 27, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery (first request for production of documents to dft) by plas. (former emp) (Entered: 03/10/2003)
March 7, 2003
March 7, 2003
NOTICE to dft by plas of service on 3/6/03 of notice of deposition of Tom Swanson (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE by plas of service on 3/6/03 to dft OF TAKING DEPO OF Michael Gantt (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE by plas of service on 3/6/03 to dft OF TAKING DEPO OF Michael Proulx (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE by plas of service on 3/6/03 to dft OF TAKING DEPO OF Basha's Inc (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery (second request for production of documents to dft) by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada . (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE by plas of service on 3/6/03 to dft OF TAKING DEPO OF Basha's Inc, Human Resources (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
NOTICE by plas of service on 3/6/03 to dft OF TAKING DEPO OF Al Ramirez (former emp) (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
UNOPPOSED MOTION for extension of time, until 4/9/03 to object or otherwise respond to plas' first set of interrogatories and first request for production of documents by dft Bashas' Inc [25−1] (former emp) Modified on 03/25/2003 (Entered: 03/11/2003)
March 10, 2003
March 10, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting motion for extension of time, until 4/9/03 to object or otherwise respond to plas' first set of interrogatories and first request for production of documents by dft Bashas' Inc [25−1] (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 03/25/2003)
March 25, 2003
March 25, 2003
STIPULATION by all parties to modify the scheduling order (completion of discovery 6/16/03...) (former emp) (Entered: 04/02/2003)
April 1, 2003
April 1, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting stipulation by all parties to modify the scheduling order ; discovery ddl reset for 6/16/03 ; joint settlement letter to the Court is due 6/16/03 (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 04/04/2003)
April 4, 2003
April 4, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by plas. (former emp) (Entered: 04/29/2003)
April 28, 2003
April 28, 2003
NOTICE by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada of change of address, 595 Market Street, Ste 1400, San Francisco, CA 94105; Ph: 415−597−7200 (former emp) (Entered: 05/07/2003)
May 5, 2003
May 5, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada . (FMP) (Entered: 05/14/2003)
May 12, 2003
May 12, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada . (FMP) (Entered: 05/14/2003)
May 12, 2003
May 12, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by dft Bashas' Inc . (former emp) (Entered: 05/27/2003)
May 22, 2003
May 22, 2003
JOINT REPORT on status of settlement discussions (filed by plas) (former emp) (Entered: 06/16/2003)
June 13, 2003
June 13, 2003
STIPULATION and motion by all parties for extension of discovery and class certification deadlines (filed by plas)(former emp) Modified on 06/17/2003 (Entered: 06/16/2003)
June 13, 2003
June 13, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting stipulation and motion by all parties for extension of discovery and class certification deadlines ; discovery ddl reset for 10/31/03 granting the extension of time to file motions relative to class certification to 12/1/03; extending the deadline for disclosure of expert testimony to 9/30/03 for plas experts, 10/31/03 for dfts experts, and 11/28/03 for plas rebuttal experts (cc: all counsel) (former emp) Modified on 07/03/2003 (Entered: 07/02/2003)
July 2, 2003
July 2, 2003
NOTICEs by dft Bashas' Inc OF TAKING DEPO OF Jose Para, and Gonzalo Estrada on the following date(s): 7/29/03; Gloria Arriaga and Maricruz Rivera on 7/30/03; Juana Urbina &Maria Guitierrez on 7/31/03; Carmen Lopez, Jose Perez Estrada and Rosa Flores on 8/26/03; Mario Gonzalez, Manuel Mori, and Aurelia Martinez on 8/27/03; Jesus Rodriguez, Manuel Talavera &Martin Hernandez on 8/28/03; Bill McDonough, James McLaughlin, P.J. Pedraza on 9/2/03; Michelle Skolmowski, Casey May on 9/3/03; Terry May &Emilou Savage 9/4/03 (former emp) (Entered: 07/14/2003)
July 11, 2003
July 11, 2003
NOTICE by pla Jose Parra of service of notice of deposition (Al Mendoza) on 8/5/03 on dft's counsel (former emp) (Entered: 08/08/2003)
Aug. 8, 2003
Aug. 8, 2003
MOTION to quash Subpoena served by Basha's on 8/11/03 by intervenor UFCW Region 8 [39−1] (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
DECLARATION of William T McDonough re motion to quash Subpoena served by Basha's on 8/11/03 by intervenor UFCW Region 8 [39−1] [39−1] by intervenor UFCW Region 8 (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
MOTION to quash subpoena served on it by Bashas's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor Local 99 UFCW [42−1] (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
DECLARATION of James McLaughlin re motion to quash subpoena served on it by Bashas's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor Local 99 UFCW [42−1] [42−1] by intervenor Local 99 UFCW (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
NOTICE by intervenor Local 99 UFCW of motion to quash subpoena (request for hearing) (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
MOTION to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1] (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
DECLARATION of Douglas Dority re motion to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1] by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
NOTICE by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW of motion to quash subpoena (request for hearing) (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
MOTION for extension of scheduling order deadlines (3rd request) by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [48−1] , for leave to take more than 10 depositions by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [48−2] (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
DECLARATION of Jennifer S Wedel in support of motion for extension of scheduling order deadlines (3rd request) by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [48−1], re motion for leave to take more than 10 depositions by pla Jose Parra, pla Estrada [48−2] (former emp) (Entered: 08/22/2003)
Aug. 22, 2003
Aug. 22, 2003
DECLARATION of Douglas Dority in support of motion to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1] (former emp) (Entered: 08/26/2003)
Aug. 25, 2003
Aug. 25, 2003
MOTION to extend time to 9/10/03 to respond to motion to quash subpoenas by dft Bashas' Inc [51−1] (DMT) (Entered: 09/08/2003)
Sept. 5, 2003
Sept. 5, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting motion to extend time to 9/10/03 to respond to motion to quash subpoenas by dft Bashas' Inc [51−1] (cc: all counsel) (DMT) (Entered: 09/10/2003)
Sept. 10, 2003
Sept. 10, 2003
MOTION to extend response dates on motion to quash Union subpoenas and motion for extension of scheduling order deadline by dft Bashas' Inc [53−1] (former emp) (Entered: 09/15/2003)
Sept. 10, 2003
Sept. 10, 2003
RESPONSE by dft Bashas' Inc to motion for extension of scheduling order deadlines (3rd request) by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [48−1] (former emp) (Entered: 09/15/2003)
Sept. 12, 2003
Sept. 12, 2003
JOINDER by dft Bashas' Inc to motion for leave to take more than 10 depositions by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [48−2] [48−2] (former emp) (Entered: 09/15/2003)
Sept. 12, 2003
Sept. 12, 2003
CROSS−MOTION to enforce subpoenas by dft Bashas' Inc [55−1] and RESPONSE to motion to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1] [45−1], motion to quash subpoena served on it by Bashas's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor Local 99 UFCW [42−1] [42−1], motion to quash Subpoena served by Basha's on 8/11/03 by intervenor UFCW Region 8 [39−1] [39−1] by dft Bashas' Inc (former emp) (Entered: 09/15/2003)
Sept. 12, 2003
Sept. 12, 2003
MINUTE ENTRY before Judge Robert C. Broomfield. ECR: Vicki Reger. Appearances: Elizabeth A. Lawrence for the plaintiffs and Stephanie Quincy for the defendant. Second Rule 16 Scheduling Conference held. The Court and counsel discuss current and proposed deadlines. IT IS ORDERED that counsel in good faith agree upon a proposed confidentiality order to be presented to the Court by September 22, 2003. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the defendant may have 10 judicial days after the entry of the confidentiality order to respond to the balance of outstanding written discovery. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that plaintiff shall have 10 judicial days from receipt of the written discovery to notice any additional depositions. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that each side may take a total of 25 depositions. Counsel may agree upon the times and places of the depositions and failing that, shall notice depositions to include the time to be completed. Both sides must notice any further depositions 30 calendar days from the date the defendant provides notice of the availability of the sought after documents. Depositions should be completed by December 26, 2003 (45 days from the original date of October 31, 2003). The Court imposes the following deadlines: Plaintiff's expert reports shall be filed by December 1, 2003 and defendant's expert reports shall be filed by January 2, 2004. Rebuttal expert reports shall be filed by January 16, 2004. Counsel shall file the class certification motion 45 days after the close of discovery. Plaintiff shall file a response to the Defendant's Motion to Quash by Friday, September 19, 2003. [cc: RCB, all counsel] [56−2] (KSB) (Entered: 09/18/2003)
Sept. 15, 2003
Sept. 15, 2003
REPLY by intervenor UFCW, intervenor Local 99 UFCW, intervenor UFCW to opposition to motion to quash Subpoena served by Basha's on 8/11/03 by intervenor UFCW Region 8 [39−1], motion to quash subpoena served on it by Bashas's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor Local 99 UFCW [42−1], motion to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 by intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1] (former emp) (Entered: 09/19/2003)
Sept. 19, 2003
Sept. 19, 2003
NOTICE by pla OF TAKING DEPO OF Ernest Arivizu on the following date(s): 9/8/03 (former emp) (Entered: 09/23/2003)
Sept. 22, 2003
Sept. 22, 2003
NOTICE by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada OF TAKING DEPO OF David Lang on the following date(s): 9/8/03 (former emp) (Entered: 09/23/2003)
Sept. 22, 2003
Sept. 22, 2003
NOTICE by pla OF TAKING DEPO OF Tony Rinello on the following date(s): 9/8/03 (former emp) (Entered: 09/23/2003)
Sept. 22, 2003
Sept. 22, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Pam Giroux on the following date(s): 9/8/03 (former emp) (Entered: 09/23/2003)
Sept. 22, 2003
Sept. 22, 2003
JOINT REQUEST (MOTION) for confidential order by all parties [62−1] (former emp) (Entered: 09/25/2003)
Sept. 24, 2003
Sept. 24, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by plas. (former emp) (Entered: 09/29/2003)
Sept. 29, 2003
Sept. 29, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by plas. (former emp) (Entered: 09/29/2003)
Sept. 29, 2003
Sept. 29, 2003
NOTICE of service of amended initial disclosure statement pursuant to FRCivP 26(a) by pla (former emp) (Entered: 09/29/2003)
Sept. 29, 2003
Sept. 29, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield denying motion to quash subpoena served on it by dft Basha's Inc on 8/11/03 intervenor AFL−CIO UFCW [45−1], [42−1] [39−1] (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 10/02/2003)
Oct. 2, 2003
Oct. 2, 2003
AMENDED NOTICE by dft Bashas' Inc OF TAKING DEPO OF Emmy Lou Savage on the following date(s): 10/7/03, Juana Urbina on 10/9/03, Jesus Rodriguez on 10/9/03, Manuel Talavera on 10/10/03 and Maria Gutierrez on 10/13/03 (former emp) (Entered: 10/06/2003)
Oct. 3, 2003
Oct. 3, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting motion for confidential order by all parties [62−1]; the Court is inclined to adpt dft's position on the issued with the definition of the term "confidential information."; the order should contain language which provides a mechanism whereby the parties shall resolve amoung themselves whether a document should be considered confidential; the Court finds that confidential information must be filed under seal;; this court would normally be inclined to require that, to the extent any party seeks to use the confidentiality order in connection with a non−English speaking individual, that party should carry the cost of translating it into English in a written form; plas as a group, will share equally with the dft in the cost of translating the confidentiality order and Exhibit A (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 10/06/2003)
Oct. 6, 2003
Oct. 6, 2003
STIPULATION by all parties for entry of confidential order pursuant to the order of this Court dated 10/1/03 (former emp) (Entered: 10/28/2003)
Oct. 23, 2003
Oct. 23, 2003
STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF CONFIDENTIAL ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield : granting stipulation by all parties for entry of confidential order pursuant to the order of this Court dated 10/1/03; (cc: all counsel) (former emp) (Entered: 11/04/2003)
Nov. 4, 2003
Nov. 4, 2003
NOTICE of service of discovery by dft Bashas' Inc . (former emp) (Entered: 11/05/2003)
Nov. 4, 2003
Nov. 4, 2003
NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION (notice of motion and motion) for leave to file first amended complaint by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada (no lodged document) [73−1] (former emp) (Entered: 12/08/2003)
Dec. 4, 2003
Dec. 4, 2003
DECLARATION of Elizabeth A Lawrence re motion for leave to file first amended complaint by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada [73−1] (former emp) (Entered: 12/08/2003)
Dec. 4, 2003
Dec. 4, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Bashas' Inc on the following date(s): 1/12/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Bashas' Inc on the following date(s): 1/14/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
AMENDED NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Pam Giroux on the following date(s): 1/8/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
AMENDED NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Tony Rinello on the following date(s): 1/7/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
AMENDED NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Ernest Arvizu on the following date(s): 1/8/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Bashas' Inc on the following date(s): 1/9/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Bashas's Inc on the following date(s): 1/13/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF Bashas' Inc on the following date(s): 1/14/03 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
NOTICE by plas OF TAKING DEPO OF David Lang on the following date(s): 1/7/04 (LSP) (Entered: 12/10/2003)
Dec. 8, 2003
Dec. 8, 2003
MINUTE ENTRY before Judge Robert C. Broomfield. ECR: Vicki Reger. Telephonic Appearances: Elizabeth Lawrence for the plaitiff and Stephanie Quincy for the defendant. Discovery dispute hearing held. The Court notes that the issue regarding searching four email in−boxes has been resolved. The Court requests counsel brief the issue regarding plaintiff's request for profit and loss statements. The briefing schedule shall be followed pursuant to the local rules. The Court DIRECTS counsel to discuss the issue of the personnel database further. Ms. Lawrence indicates she will provide Ms. Quincy with UFCW's records by the end of next week. [cc: RCB] [84−1] re: minute entry [84−1] (KSB) (Entered: 12/11/2003)
Dec. 10, 2003
Dec. 10, 2003
MOTION to compel production of documents by plas [85−1] , for order for fees and costs incurred ($6,077.50) by plas [85−2] (former emp) (Entered: 12/18/2003)
Dec. 16, 2003
Dec. 16, 2003
MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada of motion to compel discovery of documents form dft by plas [85−1] [85−1] (former emp) (Entered: 12/18/2003)
Dec. 16, 2003
Dec. 16, 2003
SEPARATE STATEMENT of discovery requests, responses, and insufficiencies in support of motion to compel production of documents from dfts by plas [85−1] (former emp) (Entered: 12/18/2003)
Dec. 16, 2003
Dec. 16, 2003
DECLARATION of Elizabeth A Lawrence re motion to compel production of documents from dfts by plas [85−1] by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada (former
Dec. 16, 2003
Dec. 16, 2003
DECLARATION of Elizabeth a Lawrence in support of motion for extension of scheduling order by plas [89−1] (former emp) (Entered: 12/30/2003)
Dec. 22, 2003
Dec. 22, 2003
MOTION to extend response dates on motion to compel discovery of documents from dft by dft Bashas' Inc [91−1] (former emp) Modified on 01/14/2004 (Entered: 12/31/2003)
Dec. 24, 2003
Dec. 24, 2003
Transcript Designation and Ordering Form re pre−trial proceeding held 9/15/03 (former emp) (Entered: 01/02/2004)
Dec. 29, 2003
Dec. 29, 2003
STIPULATION by all parties for extension of briefing schedule, until 12/30/03, for dft to file its response to pla's motion for leave to amend complaint (former emp) (Entered: 01/02/2004)
Dec. 29, 2003
Dec. 29, 2003
MOTION to extend time to 1/5/04 for dft to respond to motion for leave to amend complaint and motion to compel disc by dft Bashas' Inc [94−1] (DMT) Modified on 01/14/2004 (Entered: 01/06/2004)
Dec. 31, 2003
Dec. 31, 2003
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting stipulation by all parties for extension of briefing schedule as follows: to 12/31/03 for dft to file its response to pla's motion for leave to amend complaint and pla's reply to dft's response due 1/14/04. (cc: all counsel) (DMT) (Entered: 01/06/2004)
Jan. 6, 2004
Jan. 6, 2004
TRANSCRIPT of scheduling conference by Court Reporter: Vicki Reger for the following date(s): 9/15/03 (LSP) (Entered: 01/08/2004)
Jan. 6, 2004
Jan. 6, 2004
ORDER by Judge Robert C. Broomfield granting motion to extend time to 1/5/04 for dft to respond to motion for leave to amend complaint and motion to compel disc by dft Bashas' Inc [94−1] (cc: all counsel) (DMT) (Entered: 01/07/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
RESPONSE by dft Bashas' Inc to motion for extension of scheduling order by plas [89−1] (former emp) (Entered: 01/12/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
RESPONSE by dft Bashas' Inc to motion (notice of motion and motion) for leave to file first amended complaint by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada (no lodged document) [73−1] (former emp) (Entered: 01/12/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
ERRATA by dft Bashas' Inc to dfts motions for leave to amend complaint and motion to compel discovery indicating the response date was extended to 1/5/04 (former emp) (Entered: 01/12/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
CROSS−MOTION for protective order (as to addresses and social security numbers of its employees) by dft Bashas' Inc [101−1] and RESPONSE to motion to compel production of documents by plas [85−1] by dft Bashas' Inc (former emp) (Entered: 01/12/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
NOTICE by dft Bashas' Inc of non−filing expert report pending plas' filing or decision regarding plas' failure to file (former emp) (Entered: 01/12/2004)
Jan. 7, 2004
Jan. 7, 2004
REPLY by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada to response to motion (notice of motion and motion) for leave to file first amended complaint by pla Jose Parra, pla Gonzalo Estrada (no lodged document) [73−1] (former emp) Modified on 01/14/2004 (Entered: 01/14/2004)
Jan. 13, 2004
Jan. 13, 2004